James and Lily Potter: Second...

By MidnightFire14

12.6K 207 27

The second year of a new beginning, what else do they uncover about their future. Do they fall in love? More

Chapter 1: Second year
Chapter 2: second year
Chapter 3: second year
Chapter 4: second year
Chapter 5: second year
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Second year
Chapter 9: second year
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Second Year
Chapter 13: Second year
Chapter 14: second year
Chapter 15: Second year
Chapter 16: second year
Chapter 17: second year
Chapter 18: second year
Chapter 19: summer of second year
Chapter 20: summer of second year
Chapter 21: summer of second year

Chapter 10: second year

546 10 0
By MidnightFire14

"Snapie!" Lily and Arabella were practically skipping across the Slytherin common room, watching Snape and his gang eye's widen.

"Evans," He said coolly, "What the heck are you doing in our common room?"

"Yeah no mudbloods allowed," snapped Lestrange coldly.

Lily shrugged. "Oh...i'm having trouble in Potions and Professor Hurst told me to come here and let you fellows help me and Arabella. So... will you?"

"Oh, if it's Professor Hurst's wishes," said Snape, sighing.

Lily grinned. This was going to be easier than she thought, since Snape wasn't questioning her. He absolutely adored Hurst and would listen to anything he says to do.

"Great! Oh...shoot, I forgot all my Potions things! You wouldn't mind explaining to me about Shrinking Solutions, would you?" She had only brought parchment, a bottle of ink, and a quill, and pretended to listen while Snape droned on about the boring Shrinking Solution, the ingredients, what it would do to you, and the side effects.

Meanwhile, Arabella was desperately trying to entertain the rest of Snape's gang.

"Aren't you Black's girlfriend?" asked Avery, narrowing his eyes at the brown-curled girl.

"Er—I suppose you can say that," mumbled Arabella.

"Humph! Leave her be, Avery, she's a pure-blood, at least," said Wilkes, examining Arabella closely.

"Have you taken a liking to the Mudblood's best friend, Wilkes?" snapped Rosier, who was silent most of the time.

"Of course not," stammered Wilkes. Then he sneered. "Becoming friends with a Mudblood makes even the pure-blooded lower." They all laughed, including Snape, who was still lecturing Lily on the potion.

"I suppose you people think you're so superior because you're all pureblooded? I'm disgusted." Arabella made a face and glared at Snape's gang of Slytherins.

Over on the other side of the Slytherin common room, Remus, Jennifer, Violet, and Peter were trying to herd all the Slytherins back to their dormitories.

"I don't know how you were invited, Lupin, but I assure you, I'm not missing anything for Potions," snapped a third-year Slytherin. "I don't see why you're even here with your little friends. I thought only Evans was being tutored over there."

The four of them looked at each other. Then Jennifer said, "Well...we can't do much harm coming here, can we?"

"Who knows what you Gryffindor scumbags can do," the Slytherin sneered.

"Gryffindors are NOT scumbags!" cried Violet.

The same Slytherin snorted. "You're the Walker girl aren't you? A pureblood, eh? I suppose your mother died of shame when you were put into that dirty House, Gryffindor. Your mother was a Slytherin, wasn't she? I thought so...my mother said that she and Mrs. Walker were best friends when they were at school. So, why did your mother marry that scumbag Gryffindor?"

Violet was shaking with anger. Everyone, even Snape, had stopped to see what the commotion was. The Gryffindors in the room were stunned. Violet was always the quiet and sweet one, but they knew what happened when her family was insulted.

"How—how dare you call my father a scumbag! You dirty Slytherin! No, my mother was proud when I was put into Gryffindor like my father! Mum told me she was ashamed of herself when she was put into Slytherin. She said she shamed the whole family! And she started crying and hugging me when she found out that I wasn't put into her old House. Mum herself said it was a dirty, no-good, low House! So there!" Violet stopped to catch her breath.

Everyone stared at Violet. Even James and Sirius, who were so excited about their prank, had completely forgotten why they were there. Lily had gotten up, gathered her things, and turned to leave the Slytherin common room. The others followed shortly.

"Vi...I'm really sorry," muttered Lily, as they got out of the dungeons. "I shouldn't have talked you into this."

Violet smiled. "Hey, it wasn't your fault. I wanted to come. Besides, it's nice to get that off your chest. I've been meaning to shout it into the Slytherins' faces ever since the first day of Hogwarts. I'm real glad that I did, too."

"It's all true, isn't it?" asked Arabella quietly. "Your—your mum was in Slytherin?"

Violet sighed. "Yeah. Mum was put into Slytherin because she was real ambitious. Her whole family went back to a long line of Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, so she shamed our family. But then Mum fell in love with Dad, who was in Gryffindor. Said she never met a man so fine before. They got married, and her family didn't bother her about being in Slytherin again." Then she raised her eyebrows at James and Sirius and said, "You guys didn't pull that prank, did you?"

James shook his head. "We totally forgot about it."

"It's all right. There are still plenty of times you can do it." Her eyes had a strange mischievous glint in them.

Lily grinned. "You know what, Vi? I think that we can all make a great prankster out of you." Then they all laughed and headed back to Gryffindor Tower.

A/n was a short chapter today sorry! 

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