Beware Of The Enemy [Disconti...

By GeminiMays

118K 3.9K 1.1K

Hi. My name is Elsa Menzel. I currently go to DisneyWorks High. I'm mostly known there at a nice, quiet, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not An Update.!!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Another A/N
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Please Read
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
New Story.!
Chapter 47
The End?

Chapter 37

1.7K 64 33
By GeminiMays

Jack's P.O.V

It's been 5 hours already & Elsa still isn't back. Everybody came in 2 hours ago, some even went into the city to look for her. Where could she be.? Flynn & Hiccup are searching for her from the live satellite, Merida & Punzie went out with the other agents to look for her. Anna is walking back & forth worried about her sister, Kristoff trying to calm her down. I'm so stupid for living her alone with that man. I should've followed her.

"Where could she be..?" Anna mumbled but loud enough for me to hear. After about 5 minutes, Punzie, Merida, Violet, & Daisy ran inside. "We found something." said Punzie. We all ran to her & she held out Elsa's communicator. "Where did you find that.?" asked Anna.

"It was at the sea dock. Nala & Kiara are currently trying to find her scent & see if they can find her." said Merida. So far that I know, Nala & Kiara can transform into lionesses & they help to find any missing person or anything. It's weird since you know, only dogs & wolves can do that.

"You don't think Pitch has her, do you.?" said Kristoff. Anna just shook her head, trying to not to think about what Elsa would be going through if Pitch really did get her. I suddenly had an idea.

"Does Elsa have anything we can track her on.? Like a phone or necklace or anything.?" I asked. The girls started to think. "Oh.! We all have to wear The Royal necklaces & those have tracking devices.!" said Violet.

"Can I borrow yours then.?" She nodded & gave me her necklace. I ran to where Flynn & Hiccup are, the girls following me behind. "Guys, I need you to track down Elsa using this necklace." I said giving Flynn the necklace. He looked at it & then looked at Hiccup. Flynn gave the necklace to Hiccup & he put into the hard drive.

Suddenly a live satellite of the city came up & little boxes popped up. Some where moving & some weren't. "Look for an icy blue. That should be Elsa." said Daisy. Hiccup nodded & looked around for an icy blue box, so did Flynn. "I can't find anything." they both said.

"Try searching out if the city, out of the state, out of the country if you have to. I just want you to find Elsa." I said a bit worried & angry. Where on earth could she be..?

Elsa's P.O.V

I woke up in a dark room. There was nothing, not even a window. The only light I could see was from under the door. I got up & walked over to the door, but something pulled me back. I looked & saw that my hands are in ice proof chains.

Where am I.?

Soon someone opened the door. I looked to see who it is, it was Hans. "So I see that you're finally awake." he said. I gave him a confused look, "Why am I here.? What do you want from me.?" I said a bit scared & worried.

"Don't be too scared Snow Queen. I just want to talk." Snow Queen.? He knows about that.? On the streets, people would call me the Snow Queen since I dress up with snowy kind of outfits. I known as the leader of the girls, but I didn't think that Pitch would know about this.

"Talk about what.?" I asked.

"Jack." Suddenly I see those twins pushing Jack inside the room. "Jack.!" I yelled & tried to run towards him, but the chains pulled me back.

"Ahh, so you do love him." said Hans. I have him a look. "Let him go Hans. You can do whatever you want to me but just let him go." He chuckled & smirked. "Alright little queen." He looked over at Jack. Wait a second, that isn't Jack. It's the evil version of him. Damn it, I fell for their trick again. Now they know how I feel about Jack & they'll go after him. What have I done.?

"Pitch, come on in. She agreed to the transformation." said one of the twins. Transformation.? What transformation.? Soon Pitch walked in with the evil versions of the others, & Nima. Pitch looked at me & smirked. "She will do nicely in our little plan. Good work Hans." Pitch said & Hans smirked.

"Don't worry Elsa. This won't hurt a bit." said Pitch & before I knew it, black sand started surrounding me. I'm started to cover every last part of my body. I started to feel hatred & evil. My thoughts went back to in Freshmen years in High School. When the guys would bully me, when Punzie & Merida would leave me all alone at school, & when Anna would leave me just to hang out with other people. My own sister turns her back on me just to hang out with others.

The black sand is now gone & I look down & see that I'm wearing a black dress. "Tell me, how do you feel about Jack Frost.?" said Nima. I chuckled, "I feel nothing more than hatred." I said. Pitch looked & smirked. "Perfect. Now I want you to go & find Jack Frost, get him to be alone with you, & when you do..kill him." He said with such delight. He handed me a small dagger. I grabbed it & smirked, "With pleasure."

Cliffhanger.! Well now Elsa is on TeamPitch. She is told to kill Jack, do you guys think she'll do it.? Or do you think she's just faking everything.? Leave comments on what you think will happen.

Thank you so much for 5k reads. I've been wanting to thank you for a while but I honestly forget. Just 5 days ago I had 1k reads & now I got 5k. You guys are just simply amazing. I don't know what I would do without you.

So far, I'm not sure if I'm going to make a sequel & if I do, I'd like one of you guys to help me. So let's do a little competition. The day I decided to make a sequel, I'll give 2 weeks for you guys to tell me why you should help me out with the story. I don't care if it's a short answer, as long as you answer the question.

Thank you to everyone who is supporting me & my mom, who like I said had surgery today. She is doing better, it's only when she stands up is that she gets the pain.

Once again thank you all so much for 5k reads, I would be here without you guys supporting me. Thank you for the support for my mom, who is just simply amazing. I don't know what I would do without here.

Shout out to my Boo Boo Sister who last night was just posting comments on every chapter xD if she annoyed you I'm sorry, but she did it to see what people would say. Love you boo boo.! Can't wait to see you again in like...Junior year.!

Well yeah, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment & vote. Take care & I'm out :D

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