I'm Pregnant! with my teacher...

By fatal22

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*I AM TERRIBLE AT WRITING THESE... BUT HERE WE GO* -Besides being verbally and physically abuse by her family... More

I'm Pregnant! with my teacher/vampire baby
Chapter-Miss not so innocent anymore....
Chapter- Oh God i'm pregnant....
Chapter- Secrets out
Chapter-Secrets reveal part 1
Chapter-Secrets reveal part2
Chapter-Secrets reveal part 3
Chapter-He is a vampire...What !!!!!
Chapter-He is an vampire but i still love him
Chapter-Up's and down's
Chapter-New troubles
Chapter-More troubles great!
Chapter-Unsuspected visitors
Chapter-New boy in town
Chapter-So not my day..
Chapter-Oh..i can see the future.
Chapter: Visions and Secrets
Chapter-the past returns part 1
Chapter-the past returns part 2
Chapter -Right on time!
Chapter-New plan
Chapter: Home we go.
Untitled Part 26
Chapter Not in Kansas 27
Chapter More questions Part 28
Chapter Love and revenge Part 29
Prisoners Part 31
New hope Part 32
Breaking free Part 33
Unbound Part 34
Changes Part 36
Selith Part 37
Part 38- Home is where the heart is.

Chapter-A long day

22.6K 464 37
By fatal22

I know i know don't hurt me it's not my fault................. I don't have a computer so i have to share my computer with my sister and brother and mother which is a hard thing to do but i will try my hardness to update more often i promise but hopefully this long chapter will make up for the 2 months i haven't updated(*ouch* but once again i am sorry:-)


WHAT!.. I growled  out as I followed my mom in the living room I stared at her in shock as she sat down on the coach.  The order actually thought I had something to with the killings.. Sure I had my share of spilling blood but not innocent blood. Well here goes another thing to add to my list of worries.

Ebony being pregnant which shouldn’t even been possible but it is... and the unknown calls that disturbed me, I feel like something is about to happen soon but I don’t know what.I came out of my thoughts as I heard my mother call my name.


“Yes”I said looking at her as she looked up at me with worry in her beautiful hazel eyes.

“I think it’s time for you to come home.”she said

I frown; If I didn’t have ebony I would go back home I would but I couldn’t leave ebony even if I wanted, she has changed me in a way no one else could. trust me my parents tried but I loved the freedom I had the rush of killing but I also had another rush now the rush of being loved and giving love back .so I rather stay and fight then run. So I shook my head.

“I’m not going back I have a life here a family of my own to take care of, so I’m sorry mother but If i have to I will fight for my family.” –I said fiercely..

She stood frowning-“Blake you have no choice..” she said walking toward me with a pleading look that I have seen so many times in my mother eyes  I have screwed up, taking blood from others not caring what I did or who I hurt all that matter was myself but I have changed and all because of an raven temptress with stormy gray eyes.

“Mom I really appreciate you for caring but I have to stay and protect my family, but while you are here,you can help me solve my problems.”

She smiled which made me frown…”Blake do you hear yourself right now..”

What was she talking about? She must saw my confused look cause her smile faded somewhat but remain there.

“Blake I am so proud of you, you don’t even know how much you have changed the old Blake wouldn’t care." you're worrying about someone other than yourself.” –she said smiling putting a hand on my cheek. I didn’t know what to say this was the first time I ever hear that. I’ve been called  a none caring bastard, a disappointment, a mistake an idiot and that is only from my family. And don’t get me started on what the kingdom and others said about me.

“Well I see coming here was for the best.”she said smiling a I told you so look.)I nodded my head and turned around and  Walked down the short hallway leading  to the bedroom that me and ebony shared.

I open the door to look at ebony while she slept peacefully on her side with her hands under her face her lips partly open I smiled at her silent breathing. She looked like an angel, my mother was right, every sense I met her at the club and dance with her I knew she was the one and I couldn’t live without her. Even though she is a little stubborn and bossy but I think it’s just the hormone's  hopefully.

I turned and walked out but stopped as my mom stared at ebony with wonder  in her eyes I wonder what she  is thinking about.

“She is a beautiful girl..”she said

“Yes she is.” I replied walking past  her walking back to the living room to sit down, she is very beautiful and if I want to have a life with her I have to solve this whole mess but how?

“What’s on your mind son?”she asked sitting down beside me.

“Mom I need your help.i said looking at her.

She nodded her head I let out a breath  I didn’t know I was holding and proceeded to tell her everything that has happen, after I told her everything from my worries of ebony being pregnant with an vampire baby and on top of that ,the unknown phone calls. When I was finish I felt somewhat better.

“Well when it is time for her to give birth I will do the delivering or if you want when it is safe you can bring her to the castle and let our doctor do it.”

“Okay..”-I said nodding my heading telling her to continue.

“And..for the unknown phone calls..get a new phone..

“Wow thanks for stating the obvious..”I said shaking my head but I couldn’t help but smile.

“And just watch your back cause whoever that is they don’t mean either you or ebony any good, but I will help you out as much as I can..i promise”-she said

I nodded..”Okay but what about the Order?i asked hoping she had a plan.

“Well we can go and look for them and talk but first we will need reinforcements  just an case.”-she said laying her hand on my arm in a soothing matter which meant a lot.but how will others feel about ebony and our baby's?

“Okay until reinforcements come than what? “ “I can’t leave my pregnant mate alone.’’

“Okay we won’t make a move until help comes but until then keep a close eye out, Blake trust me nothing will happen to your mate or your unborn baby.”-She said with confidence smiling..

“Mom…”I said smiling

“What?’’ she asked confused

“Baby’s were having twins ..” her smile grew

“You’ve been very busy I see.”she said laughing.

I smiled-“Well I would like to keep being busy forever…”I said my smile fading somewhat and so did my mother’s.

“Blake the  order won’t know what hit them, when we get finish with them.”-she said making me smile god I hope she was right.


 (Monday 6:45 am)

 Don't stop!!!!    I told myself...Keep running.... with blood dripping down my neck and arms....i dared myself to looked back trying to see if they where still chasing  me...But i didn't stop not until i finally saw the huge bage stucco home before me-"Almost there...almost there.

 I ran up the steps  Standing in the rain in  front of the huge  white door, with rain pouring all around me  soaking my denim jeans and white shirt that turned transparent, outlining my breast and burden belly I  knocked on the door over and over until it open..but this time it wasn't' Blake that stood before me.

It was a black robe figure that stood before me all i could see was it eyes that glowed yellow, i took an step back and cautiously walked down the steps..with every step i took the figure came closer to me.

"Your time of reckoning has come..his deep hypnotizing voice said i closed my eyes hoping i would wake up like i always did but i didn't't not this time.

"What do you want from me?" i said still backing back.

"You are carrying a mistake and i am here to correct it." the voice said as he pulled an dagger out of his sleeve,he was going to hurt my baby's..i called Blake name over and over but he didn't' show..

"Blake... Blake help me! " i screamed as he brought the dagger up i turned about to run but i was grabbed from behind and thrown  to the grown ,i grabbed my stomach as i fell on my back.i started to cry as i felt blood from the open bite wombs i received and my head throbbed with an heartbeat..i looked up as tears filled down my cheeks,to mix with the rain.

I looked up into glowing yellow eyes..i closed my eyes as i tried to rise but i couldn't' move i felt so helpless i felt like i let my baby's down and Blake where ever he was, was he hurt?

"Where is Blake?” i asked 

"Where you will be soon.”he said 

"No he is not dead.” i cried feeling as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest.

"He is, he left you just like everyone in your life has your parents,your step family now blake' you a bad seed and no one wants you,and i will do what should been done a long time ago."he brought the knife down to my stomach..then

I sat up real quick as my heart raced, beating as if it was going to beat out of m y chest i felt the sweat falling down my back I touched  my stomach, then ran a hand through my hair as a few string was plastered to my forehead I let out a sigh and threw the cover off of me than walked to the bathroom.

Being pregnant is hard having crazy dreams that I shouldn’t be having but something else was telling me that they weren’t dreams which I am hoping they are.I couldn’t fathom how much it would hurt to lose Blake or my baby’s who I love with all my heart, knowing that they are Blake's only made me love them more. Vampire man or not) oh yeah big strong vampire man.

I walked to the little door where the toilet was to pee which I had to do very badly…I pulled down my white cotton panties and let it rip and I felt like singing. When I finished I washed my hand…and dried them on the white towel hanging on the silver hook on the wall next to the sink.(That was like the best pee ever)

I pulled my shirt up and stared at the medium size bump that formed I wonder what my friends will say when they see my stomach but I don’t care what they think or say about me I am happy to become a mother and maybe a wife one day to Blake. I wonder what it would be lik…

My thoughts was cut off short as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach then a burning in  my throat  which felt as if someone stuck a hot iron down my throat which was a feeling I was coming a costume to.i walked out of  the bathroom and into the bedroom then out the door and into the hallway that lead to the living room kitchen.

I stopped as I heard a women voice say The Order.. and my mind went back to all the dreams that I had which that seem to confirm my fears they wasn’t dreams, but how did I know about the order Blake told me about them once but how could I dream about them when I haven’t seen one.

“Ebony?” I blinked my eyes as I came out of my thoughts as Blake called my name. I looked up at him as he stroked my face then tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

“Baby what’s wrong?”he asked frowning.

Should I tell him the truth or not after I stared into those beautiful worried eyes I had my answer. I cleared my throat-“The baby’s are hungry and not just for food and so is there mommy.”-i said trying to keep the trembling out of my voice.

His frown deepen as he looked at me to see if I was telling the truth and my stomach picked the right time to growl..good stomach.

He laughed  and shook his head-“Okay momma let’s do something for our kittens.”he said  pressing a kiss on my lips which made my decision on not telling him seem like the right thing to do.

But there are so many questions I have about the dreams and the Order, why do they want to hurt me and  Blake and our baby’s.

“Ebony?” I blinked and smiled at Blake trying to cover up my spacing out again he frown but didn’t say anything, as he took my hand and lead me into the kitchen where a woman with silver blond hair and hazel brown eyes she was very beautiful.

“Blake..” I whispered I didn’t have to ask cause he knew exactly what I was about to say.

“That is my mother.”  He said I I pulled on his hand as we stopped a few feet away from where she sat on the bar stool in the kitchen.I pulled my hand from his.

“What are you doing?’’ Blake looked at me confused.

“Blake I look a mess..”I told him crossing my arm which was true I still wore the clothes I had on yesterday.

“Ebony you look beautiful.”he said

“Really Blake?”I asked

“What if she doesn’t like me?”I asked feeling a little nervous meeting Blake mother for the first or second time I think, last night is kind of fuzzy.

“She does you have changed me completely and for that she loves you just like I do,well maybe not like that but in a motherly way.”-He said which I had to laugh at that last part I did feel a little better at his words. Well here goes nothing.she smiled up at me as I walked the rest of the way, to where she sat on the next bar stool.

I smiled nervously up at her as she spoke-“Hello Ebony.”she said standing up  then hugged me which shocked me.

“Hi!” I said hugging her back well she was friendly but the burning in my throat became a dull ache to a forest fire that burn my whole body which never happen before. A feral hiss came out of my throat that sounded like an wild  animal. bloke mom looked at me as well as Blake in shock. I sat back and held my stomach.

“Are you okay?” Blake mother said her face still a mask of shock, All I could do was nod my head. I looked up to see where Blake was and he was in the kitchen grabbing a clear glass in his hand putting it down on the counter to walk to the refrigerator to grab a bag blood and pour it into the glass.

The smell hit my nose which was weird I never could have smell it before it smell sweet like a fruit garden I closed my eyes as the ache became unbearable I felt like jumping over the counter and drink it straight from the bag and Blake blood as well.

“You don’t look so good..are you sure your okay?” I heard Blake mother ask and that brought me out of  my disturb thoughts damn what is her name?-I told Blake I needed to change ,I looked horrible.

“I’m sorry I forgot that you were here I would have fix my appearance  but..” I stopped talking when I felt her hand on mine that rested on my stomach still her hand felt warm which should feel cold right she is a vampire.

“Wait no I wasn’t talking about your appearance you are quite beautiful, you just look paler all of a sudden but beautiful.” She said smiling.

“Oh thank you, you are beautiful also.” I said feeling somewhat better she seem nice.

“Thank you darling”-she said and moved out of the way as Blake brought the glass full of blood over to me

“Here you go babe” he said as he held out the glass  which I took in a hurry which caused  me to spill  little drops on Blake arm he moved to wipe it off but I grab his arm  without thinking and bent my head and licked the little drops off his arm, then without looking at him I put the glass to my lips and drunk the blood which sooth the fire in my throat and the cramps in my stomach ceased.

That hit the spot that tasted amazing god I needed that I mean the baby’s needed that..but deep down I had a feeling I had it right the first time, I had enough to worry about  being pregnant with a vampire baby not really knowing what to expect at birthing I saw( twilight breaking dawn and she died giving birth and the Order and now I have to worry about my immortality too.

When I finish I looked up at Blake who stared at me frowning with worry in his eyes but why?

“What wrong Blake?”I asked hating that look in his eyes.

“Nothing for you to worry about, you better get ready you’ll be late for school.” He said and in that moment  I put the gIass on the counter forgetting  everything, i forgot that today was Monday I thought it was Sunday damn, I jumped off the stool and held my stomach and ran to the room to get ready.

(30 minutes later)

Blake i got in the car and drove away heading off to school..as I ate quick the  breakfast Blake fix me, bacon and cheese toast which was very good, I looked down at myself I wore a long sleeve white/blue stripping  shirt that clung to me  outline my belly very good and dark blue skinny jeans and blue girl Loafers which were very comfortable. As I looked out the window and I saw we was coming closer to the school I turned to Blake.

“Blake you should stop right here and let me out so I can walk the rest of the way.”

He frown then said-“I  am not going to let you walk.” He said in a final voice but I wasn’t backing down.

“Well we can’t be seen together so you might as well let me out now!” I said crossing my arms.

“No! ebony I will not, I will thinking of something.” He said turning into the school’s parking lot.

“But..” I said trying convince him before it was to late but I was cut off.

“No! Ebony now that is the end of it!..he said in a way you will tell a child who want’s can before dinner.

So I said (sarcastically)-“Yes daddy…” 

He smiled then said-Mmm… "I like that.” He said in a teasing voice but his eyes said different which totally turned me on.i smiled and wiggle my eyesbrows which made him laugh. He parked the car where the faculty parked. I looked out the window as I saw the kids getting off the bus and standing around I started to feel a little nervous I wasn't, feeling as confidant I was before.

“Ebony?” Blake called  without I turning my head I replied

“Yeah.” I heard the trimmers  in my voice and I know Blake heard it as well.

“Ebony you can do  this don’t worry about what others think, it’s only what you think about yourself and if it makes you feel better just think about me naked that should help a lot.”- he said wiggling his eyesbrows. Which made me smile.

“Now there’s my love.” He said smiling while stroking my cheek I turned to look at him trying to gear myself up, Blake was right it doesn’t matter what people think about it only matters what I think about myself.

“You ready love?”he asked

“Um not really so let’s just get this over with.” I said leaning down to grab my backpack but stopped as I felt Blake hand on my arm.

“If anyone ask you are staying with me until your parents get back from they're business trip.”

“Okay what about me being pregnant?” I asked trying to see what he would come up with next.

“Well tell them your boyfriend got you pregnant which isn’t a lie.” He said smiling. I nodded my head which was half the truth cause I got pregnant way before I became his girlfriend.

“Okay let’s get this over with.” I said looking at him.

"Wait! he said pulling the visors  down, then he lean over which means he was going to kiss me and I was more than willing so I lean in and met him as he slowly brought his lips to mine I could feel his warm breath on my lips his lips barely touching mine. He was moving to slow and I wanted to get the show on the road so I put my hand around his neck and slammed my lips against his which earn me a growl and a instant turn on.

The kiss brought me warmth and comfort  that calm me instantly he made me forget my problems but all to soon he pulled away.

I smiled up at him-“What was that for?” I asked him as he smiled back at me.

“Do I have to have a reason to kiss my girlfriend and mother of my children who I love with all my heart?” he said tracing my jawline. I couldn’t help but smile I shook my head.

“No I love you Blake.”- I said meaning it wondering how did I get so lucky.he smiled

“Will  you should probably get going before you’re late for class, you don’t won’t detention.” He said my nerves returning.

“Are you sure I can’t go back home?” I said sending a pleading look.

“Um..no! do you want to stay in high school forever?” he said with an arched eyebrow. –No that was something I defiantly didn’t want to do.

“Definitely not so let’s just get this over with.” he nodded and we got out I pulled my backpack closer up on my shoulder, we walked through the silent shocked stares of the kids standing outside the school.  I took a deep breath to steady my beating heart Blake open the door and I walked I hesitated for a minute then I looked into Blake eyes that spoke clearly encouraging me telling me I could do it so I walked in the door.  When I walked in the noisy crowed hallway it went dead silent and all eyes were on me.This is going to be a long day!


so tell me how was it but as always.......



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