guns n' roses preferences & i...

By saulsbby

167K 3.1K 327

because who doesn't love a little bit of guns n' roses or a lot of them *requests open* More

how you two meet
the way he looks at you
saying 'i love you'
just sex
"when we're married"
how you are during a fight
headline in a magazine that you two are offical
he's in denial after your break up
his favorite thing about you
he sees you after the breakup
your favorite position
his favorite position
what he says in an interview after your breakup
"i hate you"
"i love you"
broken promises
you know he's mad when
he knows when you're mad
I wont give up
he cheats on you
his wedding vows to you
he stares at you (his pov)
heated arguments
love bites
you show up at his house late at night
what he says to you while drunk
t a g g e d
you tell him you're pregnant
public display of affection
you're irresistable
"do you really want to be alone?"
you over hear him talking about you
what he does to make you smile
trust issues
he tries to win you back after a breakup
you have an affair with him
you have an affair with him pt. 2
you have an affair with him pt. 3
things arent working out pt. 1
things arent working out pt. 2
things arent working out pt. 3
he asks you to stay after a one night stand
"please just hold me"
what you two usually argue about
breaking up with him

he can't stay away

3K 44 4
By saulsbby

axl: He's been in here before. Make that every day this week. He said he had been waiting for a Saint Laurent shop to open closer to his home and you were it. It had started off, the week that is, with you suggesting more items for him to add to his wardrobe. The conversation quickly went away from clothing and straight to you. He had been pretty forward, unexpectedly forward. You knew who he was, of course, who didn't? And the fact that he had continued to come back day after day despite his obviously busy schedule made his advances even more unexpected. "Haven't you got everything in here yet?" You joke as the door shuts behind him, the same large man that had accompanied him all week standing out on the sidewalk. "Not everything," he smirks, shooting you the half smile you had been introduced to a few days ago. Your cheeks flush a slight pink, knowing exactly what he was talking about.  "When do you think the new shipment will be in?" He asks, leaning up against the counter you were standing behind. "The same time I told you yesterday," you counter playfully, you enjoyed him being here. "Which is?" His smile was infectious. "Tuesday." He nods as if this was new information to him. "Tuesday, huh?" He's looking off, as if trying to see his schedule in his head. You can't help but stare. You had had four days to get over the nerves you had felt the very first time he had walked in the store. Now it just seemed like routine. "What's your motive here?" You ask, still staring at him as he continues to look into the distance playfully. He turns to meet your gaze, the playfulness gone. "What do you mean?" You have to continue this conversation. You've been wanting to ask him this for days. "Like why do you keep coming back? Surely you have plenty of other things to do than come walk around a shop full of clothes you already own." Point made. His blank stare begins to worry you. Were you allowed to talk to him like that? Wait, what? Of course you were, he was just a person after all. A small smile begins to form on his face. He was impressed. Impressed with you and how you weren't afraid to address the situation. The fact that it did scare you to address him and that it took you this long to get it out, he didn't have to know that part. "There's just something about this place," he begins, turning from the counter to look around the shop. "It just has something, something that makes me want to come back." He turns back around on that last word, startling you when his eyes meet yours. Oh. He smirks one last time before stepping back. You didn't want him to go. He never stayed long enough. What were you even talking about? Axl Rose, that's what you were talking about. But the fact that he was even a topic of conversation in your head was unbelievable, much less the fact that he was standing directly in front of you. "So, Tuesday?" You exit your thoughts and return to him. "Yeah, new shipment Tuesday," you confirm. "Not what I was asking," he replies. Confusion falls over you before shortly wrapping your head around what he was actually asking. "Tuesday," you repeat with a smile. "Good." He nods and turns to exit, leaving you with one more smile before meeting back up with the man still standing outside. Three days until the new shipment, three days until Tuesday.

duff: Night four. You had clubbed this much before. But this time, you were on a mission. Duff McKagan was in town, and he was your conquest. After giving you all the attention you needed on night one, you had been back ever since in hopes the two of you shared the same idea. He hadn't shown up last night, but it wasn't like he told you he would be there. Your encounters had been based off of assumption thus far. He would be here tonight though, you could tell. The atmosphere was always different when his friends were planning for his arrival. More photographers, more drinks, more beautiful girls being let in. He was definitely coming tonight. The crowd got thicker as you turned from your place in front of the bar; he was here. You turn back around, knowing he would eventually be making his way to the bartenders soon. "WEYYY!" You hear soon enough, hands flying as Duff joins the guys that were across from you. "Missed you last night, man," one says as he continues to mix the drink he had been working on. "Out of town, man, sorry," Duff calls back, his eyes scanning the people in front of him, a wide smile on his face; he was ready for a wild night. His eyes stop on yours and he shoots you a curious smile. You return his smile with intrigue in your eyes, hoping to send him hints quickly. His eyes move from yours to continue down the bar, only to come back to you. "You've been here before, haven't you?" He asks, leaning across the bar to make his voice more clear. "Every night this week," you reply, bringing your drink to your lips as if you did this kind of thing all of the time. "A party girl," he counters, a different smile on his face this time. One full of questions and intrigue. You liked that smile the best, you had seen it a few times these last few days. He hadn't seemed to mind that you were obviously showing up for him. But how could he be anything but happy when a half-naked girl shows up just to see him. There were no complaints. It was true you had planned out your outfits specifically to grab his attention, of course you had. As the nights went on your dresses got lower, shorter, and tighter, naturally. He had noticed. He hadn't been very good a hiding the fact that his eyes always traveled down your body at one or multiple times during the night. The truth was all you wanted to do was sleep with him, just to say you had. You had never set out on a multi-night mission like this before seeing as one night stands were easy to come by around here. But this was a challenge. Duff was a challenge. A four day challenge that by the look he was still giving you was slowly becoming worth it. With drink in tow he walks back from behind the bar, your eyes following him until he disappears. He wouldn't go far. Moments later an arm wraps around your waist, the familiar touch brings a smile. Would tonight be the night you go beyond the dance floor?

izzy: New season. You couldn't wait. You watched as the arena begins to fill up, your seat the same it has been from the very beginning. Being a season ticket holder for the Derby football team was an up and down experience. However, you loved your team and supported them through it all. "Who do you think will be there?" Your brother questions, acknowledging the three empty seats to your left. "Hmm," you ponder playfully, the two of you always played this guessing game. "I'm thinking three middle aged, over enthused, construction workers." Solid answer. He nods, accepting the fact that you had probably called that one correctly. The answer comes just a few minutes later. "I think you were wrong," he teases, a wide grin on his face. "Yeah, no shit," you counter, still in shock at how this situation had unfolded. The three very non-construction working guys had sat down beside you ready and prepared for the match. The very brunette and very loud one taking his seat beside you. "Let's get the season started, baby!" He had shouted to the other lads, raising his pint as if to toast the pitch. "Season tickets, let's do this!" Was he already drunk? Nothing had even happened yet. "Hear that?" Your brother had leaned over. "He's going to be here all season. Sitting right there." You roll your eyes at him, pushing him away from your ear. "Why don't you just say something to him? I mean you might as well. It isn't like he's not going to notice you sitting there every match." You glare at him. There was no way you were saying anything to him. "Aye, mate!" Your brother shouts from around you. Your eyes widen. No. Dear God, no. The brunette turns around to look at him. "Hey, my sister loves you. Or at least I guess she does. She's just too shy to say anything. We've got tickets for the season too, so I just thought she might as well introduce herself to you now and get it over with." The brunette bursts out in the loudest laugh you had ever heard. "You must like embarrassing her," he replies, a bright smile on his face. "It's my favorite hobby," your brother returns, nudging the arms you had crossed in protest of what he was doing to you. A hand is extended in front of you and you turn to follow it to the brunette. "I'm Izzy," he says with a smile, pulling his sunglasses up to rest on his head. Those eyes. Way better in person. "(Y/N)," you breathe, still trying to get over your embarrassment. "Guess we will be seeing a lot of each other this season, (Y/N)." You nod. "Don't think I won't try and sell your seat when you can't make it." You counter. Where did that come from? You cannot be playful with Izzy five minutes after meeting him, there's surely some sort of rule against that. He laughs. You just made him laugh. Dear God, that laugh. "Well hopefully I will be around for most of the games and you won't make too much money off of me." Not exactly where you were going with your statement but whatever. He can take it however he wants to take it. You smile and nod. You would have to think of a better conversation for next time. Oh God, next time.

slash: You had expected him to be here, even though you had told him that your dad would pick you up. He was having none of that. He hadn't even left the surgeon's office after signing you in. He had a meeting today, an important one from what the other boys had insisted. Which was of course why you had begged him to leave the waiting room when they called your name. "You better not be here when I get out," you had threatened. "Like you will be able to do anything if I am," he mocked. It was true. You were only getting your wisdom teeth taken out, but you still had to have someone take you home and get your medication from the pharmacy. You were too happy coming out of surgery to be mad at him when he came into the holding room with you. Your mouth was still very numb, but that would change in a few hours. Pain was on its way. The nurse wheels you out to his car as they both help you into the passenger's seat. "Thank you," he tells her, the smile on his face bringing a pink blush to hers.  He heads to the pharmacy while you punch your jaw. Yes, punch your jaw. You had claimed you couldn't feel a thing. He only snickered from the driver's seat as he pulled into the pharmacy lot. "I'll be right back," he tells you. "Liar! It takes forever to get meds from here!" You shout after him as he shuts the door. You wait in the car for at least fifteen minutes, still continuing to occupy yourself with your numb jaw. When he finally emerges he has the small bag of pain killers and a large plastic bag of Gatorade. Praise God, you were dying of thirst. "Give me that!" You say, reaching for the bag. He pulls out a red Gatorade and opens it for you before climbing into the car. "Careful!" He says, trying to hide his laughter as you pour half of the sports drink down your face. You couldn't feel a thing so it was pretty impossible to know when to stop pouring. Once the anesthesia had fully worn off you were miserable. The pain killers the doctor had prescribed made you sick so they weren't an option, and Tylenol was not cutting it. "You should go to bed," you tell him, the glow of the television being the only light in the room. "I'm not going anywhere," he tells you. It was late. You had spent all afternoon in and out of the bathroom, the first round of pain medication making it impossible to keep down anything he fixed for you. You wouldn't be sleeping tonight. He had switched out the gauze in the back of your mouth every hour as instructed as well as gotten Duff to bring over what seemed like a lifetime supply of Gatorade. You shut your eyes, but not in the peaceful way. You moan into your hands, the pain was becoming unbearable. He gets up from the other couch to come sit beside you. His arm reaches around your shoulder and he brings you into his chest. "It hurts so bad," you cry, tears falling from your eyes as you let the pain get to you. "I know," was all he could say. You cry a little more into his chest, so frustrated that you couldn't do anything about the pain unless you wanted to spend the rest of your weekend in the bathroom. You really wanted Saul to get some sleep. He had to leave in a few hours to head out to a festival performance, but right now you were glad he didn't want to listen.

steven: You weren't even sure you had left this much at his house. This was the sixth time this month he was in your new apartment dropping things off that you had supposedly forgotten at his house. You didn't say anything about it though. The break-up had been hard on him; you as well, but him especially. He had agreed with you when you said that things weren't going anywhere. He was ignoring the tension though, he had to be. The two of you had barely seen one another in the months leading up to the split, and you couldn't even blame it on his schedule. When he was home you were out of the house before he was even out of the bed. You never really understood why. You loved him, you still love him. He had been your life for so long, and now that he was gone there was something missing. But things had to end. There was no sense in continuing in something that wasn't going to be fixed. You watch as he crosses the living room with the box he had brought. You would have to go through it soon, you were sure most of whatever was in it wasn't yours. "Is here okay?" He asks softly, turning to look at you. You nod and he sits the box down on the breakfast bar. "The place looks good," he compliments, looking around. You knew exactly what he was doing. He did it every other time he had showed up at your door with a box of your things. He was stalling; not wanting to leave, leave you. Walking out your front door was the hardest thing he had to do in this exchange, and he wanted to postpone it as long as possible. "Thanks," you oblige, not wanting to upset him anymore than he already was. You weren't sure why he continued to do this to himself. If you had actually left things at his place he could easily get Izzy or Axl to bring them over to you. But that would never happen. He would never give up these moments, no matter how much they hurt once you shut the door behind him. He smiles, crossing the room to you. He stops in front of you, closer than usual. His confidence around you was clearly coming back. Your breathing quickens slightly as he remains inches from you. His eyes were locked on you. You missed his eyes. How could you not? Your breath catches as he closes the gap between you completely, his forehead resting on yours. This was definitely new. Of all the times he had been back after things ended, it had never turned out like this. "Stev-" You begin but are quickly cut off, his lips taking in this rest of his name from your lips. This moment. You missed this moment with him. Him. It was only ever him. Your life had been full of moments like this with him, but now they were done. Well not really because he was here, and your arms were wrapping around his neck. Oh God, no. This isn't how this is supposed to be. You're supposed to be over. This wasn't over. This was Steven taking back what was rightfully his, you. You pull back, the distance between you still too close. "Please don't say anything," he pleads, his eyes glossing over as he steps back, causing a whimper to leave your mouth. What was that? You hated your heart for letting that one slip. He lifts your hand, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before letting himself out, shutting the door behind him himself.

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