Weird Charm - Jenlisa

By blue_waverrrr

184K 4.5K 250

One is the daughter of a great business family. Smart, talented and not mention a beautiful woman. The other... More

2 - Request
3 - New Job ?
4 - Discussion
5 - Meeting you
6 - Showdown
7 - Chilling
8 - First Day
9 - First day's Bicker
10 - Words
11 - Intruder
12 - Regret
13 - Oppa
14 - Unexpected
15 - Step one
16 - Choices
17 - Incident
Extra 1.0
19 - Dinner
20 - Dinner (Part 2)
21 - Hands-on throat
22 - Pizza Delivery
Update !!!
Chapter 23 - Business
chapter 24 - Unwanted rest
Chapter 25 - Old friend
Chapter 26 - History
Extra 2 - Healing wounds
Chapter 27 - Jichu The Great Counsellor
Chapter 28 - Is it enough?
Chapter 29 - A date with you
Extra 3 - Aftermath
Chapter 30 - My Promise to You
Chapter 31 - A Part of You
Chapter 32 - Moonlight Dance

18 - Enemy ?

4.9K 128 6
By blue_waverrrr

"Lisa are you sure that the crooks are just looking for money? Nothing more, nothing less. " Mr. Kim asked with a serious tone.

"I'm positive sir. I listen to every detail before I left the rest to the officers. " I reply with the same amount of seriousness to ensure him that I do not take this lightly. He nodded once he's satisfy with my answer.

"And Mr. Kim, I apologize... I wasn't able to protect Miss Kim like you hired me to. I'm... really sorry. " I'm felt somewhat ashamed to look at his eyes and look down upond my shoes and bow instead. Still a coward...

For a moment, Mr. Kim didn't said anything. And I'm fear that he's mad about this. About my failure.

"Lisa. " He spokes. But I didn't lift my head. I quietly prepare myself for the out burst. I heard a sigh and couldn't fight the urge to search for his expression. "It's true that you did fail to protect Jennie. " Hearing this I bit my lip and look down again. "But you also did prevented her from being taken. So I don't see this as a lost. "

"Huh? "

He chunckle as he saw my confused face. "Finally you looked up. You did nothing wrong, and I do not blame you. Please don't take this as a burden but as a lesson instead Lisa. "

"L-lesson? " I asked once I straighten up my figue.

"Yes lesson. Next time try not to stumble on such a dangerous situation. Thus, things may not turn out as silly as it is. " Mr. Kim said, emphasising the word silly .

"I-I will " I felt so freaking embarrass when I recall back to the scene. Aish, how did I even tripped back then?

After the talk I have with Mr. Kim, me and Jennie went back to the the office. It's feels good that she's finally let me take the wheels. Well she doesn't really had a choice, considering the state of her arm. Even though she's injured, she still wants to work. Especially that the women she's looking for is going to be here today. Ms. Tee, I think, she just got back from a business trip yesterday. And Jennie doesn't want to let this opportunity to slip away.

We were walking through the office, and with every step I could hear gossips mumbling in the air. Some of the stuffs are at least smart enough to actually do something to help their CEO instead of siting on their place talking nonsense. Why did the company hired them anyway?

I finally could block out all of noisy voices when we entered Jennie's room. Not long, Tzuyu came in and she immediately spotted the Jennie's injured arm.

"Oh my gosh, what happen Jennie? " Her secretary asked in a casual manner.

"What always happens. We got into an incident. Some idiots thought that kidnapping would be an easy way bring them a fortune. Guess who turns out to be the lucky victims." She said referring to both of us as the lucky victims.

Hearing Jennie's sarcastic reply, Tzuyu couldn't help to chuckle a bit. "Well now that you got Lisa here, I don't think it will cause that much trouble. You'll help her out right Lisa?"

"Of course. " I said without any hesitation. I turn to see Jennie's reaction. She looked shock but soon shift her veiw to the other side, avoiding my eyes. Eh? What did I do?

"Tzuyu has Tee arrived? " Jennie asked. It seem like she's really want to get this over with as soon as possible.

"She should be here at 10. That is, if she arrive on time. Do you want me to inform you once she's here? " The secretary said while placing some document on the side table.

"Yes that would be nice of you. "

After that we got back to our usual activity. Every once in a while Jennie would asks for my help, but only if she thinks it's necessary. Being by her side almost everyday, I learnt that she's a very independent women and due to her stubborn nature, she refuse to get help unless it's compulsory.

"Miss Kim, Ms. Tee is here. " Tzuyu came in a little pass 11 in the morning with a girl behind her. The girl has raven hair, fair skin with light makeup on her face. As Tzuyu moved aside a bit I can see that she's dressed in a black leather jacket, black jodhpur pant and black heeled boots. I guess she loves the colour black.

"Looking for me Jane? " Tee said as she walks towards the CEO. I was able to notice that our height are relatively the same when she passed me.

Tzuyu left shortly after, leaving us alone in the room. The two acquaintances got straight into the talk. And with me sitting in the corner of the room, I can say that, they don't like each other... but at the same time I feel like they're friends. Does that even make sense?

"Can you please approve my proposal on the next conference? " The CEO sighed. Tee put her hand under her chin, humming as she acts like she's thinking and delivers her answer.

"Nope. "

Jennie didn't speak and simply glare at Tee with an unpleased look. The atmosphere suddenly feels suffocating to me. I can literally see the twitching under Jennie's left eye, then I turn my view to Tee and got shock by what I see. How is she still able to smug with that furious aura coming from the CEO?

"For once could you just agree with me?! " Jennie slightly raises her voice.

"And why would I do that? " Tee said with hint of irritation.

"Cause if you don't the company will keep on feeding the rats until it runs out of grains! And when that happens it will not end well for both of us. " Jennie strongly stated.

"Oh please, do you think I don't know that? Your idea is not bad, but have you ever think of manipulating the rats so that we could take down the whole nest? " The COO counters with a solution of her own, but got deny by the former.

"That would take too much time and effort, Teena. " Hm? I thought her name's just Tee.

As the name was reveal, the owner's face scrunch up. Seeing this is quite unusual to me so I look back at Jennie. The initially blank face of hers suddenly hangs a smirk, showing that she's enjoying the latter's expression.

"It's just Tee. Just Tee. " The raven hair clear out that she did not like how Jennie refers her earlier. "Yah! You know I don't like that. What happen with your arm anyway, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim? " She then teases Jennie with... um, her full name I guess. What is it with the two? Do they don't like their names?

"Whatever. " Jennie said under her breath while rolling her cat like eyes. "Don't worry about it. Just do what I asked you to do. " Teena or I guess Tee was about to say something but she caught a glimpse of me in the corner. Well I didn't know I was that easy to be unseen for such a long time. I don't what I did but she was smirking at me before returning back to the Jennie.

"Okay chief, I'll do it. " To CEO Kim's surprise, the rebellious COO actually agree to do the thing she's told for once. "But I'll only do it if you let me have a date with your gorgeous partner here. " The rebel said.


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