Finding Romeo

By friesianloverl2k

43.7K 3.3K 1.3K

Talia is trying to move on from her past life as a hacker and a thief by getting a job in Facebooks security... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 -Romeo POV-
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 5

1.6K 123 83
By friesianloverl2k

(Talia's POV)

Ah. My. God.

There, standing in front of me, was a guy I thought I'd never see again, yet here he was, standing right in front of me with a shocking smile.

No, make that a shocked smile.

And he's standing right beside my best friend as her new boyfriend.

"Tal, I'd like you to meet Koteo."

Koteo huh? An original name for a hot piece of man. Stop it! He's with your best friend now, making him off limits.

"Yeah, we've met," Koteo said.

"Ah, really?" Kim turned to me in shock, her expression asking.

"Yeah, we met on the bus yesterday," I explained while Koteo stared down at me with those eyes of his. "It's nice to finally know your name," I added so Kim would stop staring at me as if I had broken some unspoken best friend rule. Though the way he had been flirting with me on the bus had made me think that he was single. Had I misread his flirting?

Kim glanced between the two of us, her eyes narrowed as she watched, then she shrugged. I knew she'd want more info later though. "I met Koteo a couple times at my father's party, but last night we just clicked. Right honey?"

"Right," Koteo said, his eyes finally dragging themselves from my face and to Kim's, his smile softening. Kim ran her hand across his chest and he smirked.

I stood awkwardly for a few moments before breaking the gooey silence spreading between Koteo and Kim. "So you're a processor at NYU?"

Koteo looked back at me, straightening slightly and running a hand through his hair. "Yes, I'm an English professor there."

"Awesome," I say, nodding my head. Could this be any more awkward? Third wheel much?

"Oh I love this song, dance with me Koteo!" Kim exclaimed, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the dance floor, the music beating loudly. He glanced back at me, sending me an apologetic smile before they disappeared in the crowd.

Usually at parties I'm Kim's wingwoman, but now she had her guy, leaving me to do what? Nothing. Except to stand in the middle of a packed club alone.

I leaned against the wall and checked my phone, blowing out a long breath. No messages from Romeo, no surprise there.


I smiled and turned towards the voice then froze, the smile melting off my face. "Brad."

"It is you! It's good to see you again. I'm sorry about before. I'm not sure what was going through my head before. Of course you're not going to marry me after two dates," Brad says, smacking himself on the forehead with the palm of his hand, then leaned further towards me, resting his arm against the wall behind me. "Listen, we'll do it your way and take it slow. So how does Saturday night sound?"

I stood there in shock for a minute staring at him, wondering where the hell he'd even came from. To anyone else it sounded like he was sorry for what he'd done and was asking for another shot. I knew better.

As he had spoke his real meanings had ran through my mind.

He was sorry I didn't say yes.

He didn't know how his plan went wrong.

He's trying to pretend to sympathize with me.

He's being an ass.

And being pushy.

I don't like people who try to undermine me and push me into doing things I don't want to do.

"I don't know what you're even thinking by speaking to me. You're a psychotic, control freak with major anger issues and I want nothing to do with you. I'm not interested in having you beat the shit out of all the guys I know." Except maybe Mr. Ew.. "And I'm not interested in the 'perfect' life you think you have planned for us. So piss off."

Brad smirked but his eyes burned with anger. "That's why I love you Talia, you're feisty."

"You don't love me Brad, that's just your sick, twisted mind fooling you into thinking you are."

"Ok, that's enough," Brad growled, his jaw ticking as he went to grab my arm. I moved to intervene it, but found another already had. Koteo, who seemed to appear out of nowhere, or maybe it just seemed that way because my anger tunnel vision had kicked in.

"That's right, that is quite enough. I believe she said she wasn't interested."

Brad snorted, ripping his hand out of Koteo's grasp. "Who's this Talia? Your new boy toy? I'm sorry, but I don't think that'll work for me. It's just gonna be you and me, not some jerk who thinks he can just steal my girl," Brad said, throwing a punch at Koteo, who jerked his head back in time for his punch just to craze his chin. Koteo quickly punched him in the gut multiple times, before they stumbled and flew into the crowd of dancers. What the hell? Could this evening get much worse? The hotty on the bus I was crushing on turned out to be my best friend's new boyfriend, and now the same hotty was fighting my ex.

Everyone in the club already watching and drunkenly making bets on who would win.

Get a group of people drunk and they immediately latch onto anything they could possibly bet on. Typical.

Security quickly swooped in and grabbed Brad and Koteo, dragging them out of the club. The crowd booing at them breaking up the fight.

Kim had found her way to my side during the fight and we both glanced at each other, her expression was unreadable, so there was no knowing what was going on through her mind. We both rushed to follow them out and I hoped Koteo was a good fighter. Did English professors even know how to fight? Add that to the fact that Brad used to box and had the temper of an Irishman and you had the makings for a major beat down. Just not on the guy I wanted to get the beating.

Outside, I saw that the security guard had drug Brad away, but not without a fight from him, who was cursing and fighting against him in attempts at getting to Koteo.

"Settle down boy!" The burly security guard said before pinning Brad to the ground. Brad was a redhead and had a temper to match.

"Fine, I'm fine," Brad growled, stilling slightly before security let him up. Brad lurched forward towards Koteo again but ended up with a punch in the face.

"Walk away," The security guard warned, pointing in the opposite directed as Koteo.

"This isn't over," Brad stated, straightening up as he tried to stop his nose from bleeding.

"It's over for tonight," The security guard said in warning.

"Watch your back," Brad said, pointing at Koteo before looking at me and blowing me a kiss that left chills crawling up my spine as he walked away.

Why was creeps always attracted to me?

The security guard turned towards me as he headed back inside and I sighed heavily. "Ex," I stated.

The security guard nodded, his eyes softening in understanding.

Finally with the threat of Brad gone, at least for the time being, I turned to see how Koteo was. Kim stood beside him, fawning over him and his busted lip.

Koteo must have been a better fighter than I had predicted though, either that or he was really good at dodging punches.

It was a nice surprise. Who wouldn't like someone smart and good in fights right?

Good for Kim.

Because she's his girlfriend.


"I'm so sorry Koteo. Brad is a psycho and I wish you hadn't had to step in like that," I said, hoping a busted lip was the only injury he had.

"It's ok, really. Look at this lip, now my students will think I'm a badass and may actually pay attention to me in class," He said, laughing before wincing in pain.

"We need to clean your lip up and check for other injuries. You scared me to death getting into a fight like that!" Kim said, pulling him towards the limo. Her head turned to me with a wink.

Well, at least she's not mad at me for my ex beating up her boyfriend. But I also knew what that wink meant, it was time for me to get lost like the third wheel I was.

"I'm gonna grab a cab home guys. I'm tired," I said, looking up and down the street.

"Great! I'll take care of Koteo and call you in the morning then," Kim said, wiggling her eyebrows at me suggestively.

"Goodnight Talia, it was nice to see you again," Koteo said, straightening his glasses that had became crooked in the fight.

"Same to you Koteo, have a good night."

"Ah he will," Kim said with a smirk, shoving him into the limo before climbing in.

I watched the limo pull away and wondered how this night had went awry.

* * * *

I shouldn't have been able to say that I slept well that night, but I did.

With my gun under my pillow.

I shoved another piece of muffin in my mouth as I watched TV, still sitting comfy in my pajamas. I am so bored and I really needed a job.

A knock sounded at the door and I hopped up and headed to the door. It's probably Kim, here to tell me all about her night with Koteo.

I paused with my hand on the doorknob though, my gut stabbing me with a bad feeling that had me looking through the peep hole on the door.

The face staring back at me caused me to cringe. Thank you gut, your a lifesaver.

It was Brad.

"Open up Talia, I know you're in there."

I stood back from the door, contemplating my options. I knew Brad well enough that the best way to be around him was with something between us. Like a gun.

I opened the door, the coolness of the steel of the gun in my hand sizzling against my hot skin as I shot him right between the eyes like you're supposed to shoot a snake. Slamming the door shut behind me, I left him to rot in the hallway.

If only that's what happened.

Instead, I swung the door open and sent him what I hoped was a heartless glare. "Fuck off Brad. We were over before we could even get started. I don't want see your face again or I'm calling the cops."

"I just wanted to remind you of our date tomorrow in case you forgot. Plus, I wanted to let you know that I forgive you for being with that other guy. I love you enough to move past something like that. I tried calling you but it seems your number's not working, you might want to have that checked out."

"First of all, there's no reason you should be forgiving me for knowing some guy. My number isn't working because I changed it so you would stop calling and texting me hundreds of times a day. And I'm not going on a date with you!"

"I'll be back to pick you up for our date tomorrow," Brad said, completely ignoring everything I had just said as he walked off.

"Then my gun will be there to greet you!" I yelled at him before slamming my door.

I was so sick of dealing with Brad.

Flopping down on the couch, I screamed out my frustration into a pillow.

Right as there was another knock on the door.

That's it.

I went to my room and picked up my .22, striding back to the door and flinging it open.

"I warned you. I'm not going out with you, if you want to eat with my then you can eat the bullets from my gun you-" I froze where I stood, mouth hanging open, words dying on my lips.

There in front of me stood a guy who wasn't Brad.

And he was in a penguin suit.

And looking completely freaked out.


I dropped the gun to my side and ran a hand through my bed hair, which probably made me look more insane, and smiled.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

"Thank God! I was worried you were my ex that I hadn't recognized, they're crazy and you looked.. Uh," The guy stumbled over his words. I raised my eyebrows at him, not really willing the help the guy out any. "Anyway, I have a singing telegram for you!"

Well that explains why there's a guy in a penguin suit at my door. But who would send a singing telegram?

I frowned and leaned against the door frame as the guy cleared his throat.

"You are a breath of fresh air,

You make me weak in the knees,

You are the sun in my sunset,

Don't keep me waiting, please.

My rose....

(Change to hip-hop music..)

I'm awaitin,

I'm chained up,

Can't stop thinking about us.

You're my rose,

I'm your king

Let's get together and do this thing.

One day soon, you'll see me,

For who I am and not who they think I should be.

Accept this song as a token,

Without you my heart is broken.

Get to know me like you should,

I'll prove to you that together,

We. Are. Good"

The guy ended with a little dance, which I had to admit was pretty cute considering he was dressed as a penguin, and handed me a single red rose as he bowed.

My jaw hung slack and I stared at the guy in shock.

"Um, you're supposed to take the rose now," the guy said, looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Thanks," I whispered as I took the rose.

The guy smiled, tipped his head and walked away down the hall.

I wonder if you're supposed to tip a singing telegram guy? He did do a good job, but he didn't stick around like pizza delivery people do for a tip, so I guess not?

I couldn't help but bring the rose to my nose and smell it. A real rose too? Classy.

Though I'm pretty sure I should be freaking out right now though. How did Romeo know where I lived? Wasn't it kind of creepy for him to send me a singing telegram? But the song didn't make me feel creeped out.. And why the penguin suit? I mean, I do love penguins, who doesn't? Fuzzy and completely adorable in their own build in tux's.

My mind flipped from penguins as a thought popped into my head, causing my head to snap back down the hall towards the guy in the penguin suit, who stood waiting on the elevator.

What if the singing telegram guy was Romeo? What better way to stalk me then to deliver the singing telegram himself? All he had to do was rent the penguin costume.

I raced down the hall after him, easily catching up with him beings he was just standing there. "Romeo?" I asked, watching his face closely.

The guy looked confused slightly, then looked at his chart. "Ah yeah, that's the name of the guy who ordered the singing telegram."

I shook my head, narrowing my eyes at the guy. "No, you're Romeo right? You know where I lived and decided to deliver the message yourself. So you're the face behind all the secrecy."

The guy started shaking his head. "I'm Even, been working as a singing telegram guy for years now. I don't know who this Romeo guy is, but he must love you alot. He didn't want any of the regular song choices, only wanted us to sing the one he wrote." He stepped into the elevator and smiled. "If a guy goes through this much trouble then he's got to be worth a shot."

The elevator doors closed and I stood there in the hallway, stunned.

Then I realized I was standing out in the hallway with a rose in one hand and a gun in the other and decided to head back to my room. When I got there I grabbed my computer and did some searching, finding that Even really did work there and was apparently pretty popular at what he did. Showing up in a ton of Youtube videos over the years.

I leaned back on the couch and sighed.

So the likelihood of Even being Romeo was really low. But that meant that he was still out there. Romeo knew where I lived, but then again so did all the other creeps I was dealing with right now. Thank god I hadn't seen any sign of Mr. Ew lately, but I still had to deal with Brad.

Romeo hadn't made any move to hurt me and if he was going to then he would have already, right? It might have been the song messing with my intelligence and common sense, but I couldn't help but wonder if maybe I should see where giving Romeo a chance would lead.

I sent a message to Romeo and got up to go take a shower, subconsciously humming his song as I went.

No harm enjoying his song right?  

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