Nightwalker (Young Justice FF...

By BronzegothLuv

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Meet Crystal Wayne. Well, more like Crystal Nightshade. Enter the body of a hero in training, raging vampire... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19 Part 1: The Beginning Of The End
Chapter 20! Part 2- The End Of The Beginning

Chapter 18

251 11 1
By BronzegothLuv

GAH! ALMOST 20 CHAPTERS! JESUS YOU GUYS! Again, I'm switching to when our beloved Crystal gets out of jail, because I REALLY don't want to write about it. AT ALL. So, I might do an Extras book, where I do these so called 'outtakes' of the story. Yeah. Peace.


"Oh my God! You're okay! I thought you wouldn't be able to get out! They made it seem like years. Years! Come on! We have to go to the Hall. You're getting inducted, remember?" Dick pulled me into a very tight hug, and then dragged me to the zeta beams. I changed both of us into civvies, and we beamed to the Hall.


"The Justice League was formed for two reasons: first, as an aknowledgement that no single individual, no matter how powerful, can solve all the world's problems alone. And second, to uphold the values of truth, liberty, and justice. That one's even in the name." Superman smiled while the audience laughed, and snapped photos of him. I was back in the hall, watching the news with the team. I didn't want to stay out there. It was cold.

"These six heroes have sworn to uphold those values." Superman continued on, while the reporter started to talk.

"You are watching live coverage of the Justice League's induction of it's six newest members. Looks like the entire leauge showed up to welcome the new blood! From Batman to Captain Marvel." I flew up into the air, occasionally flapping my wings to keep me from falling. We got a new team member, too. Her hero name was Rocket. She was awesome.

"I'm glad they didn't kick Billy out. And I'm glad for the fact that there's a 10-year old on the League." Leave it to Wally to screw everything up.

Rocket spoke up."There is?" Dick elbowed Wally, and shot him a glare. "Way to keep a secret, genious." They started to argue.

"Hey, she's on the team, now, right?" He started to eat his apple. Again. I sighed, and dropped back onto the gound, with a small thump.

We turned back to the tv, where they were handing out membership cards. I already got mine, and to show it off, I changed back into my uniform and flipped the card over in my right hand, the other on my hip.

"Superman is now handing out official Leauge membership cards. Starting with Doctor Fate," Zatanna looked down at the ground, and both me and Dick put a hand on her shoulder out of support. The news anchor kept talking, so we listened. "the Atom, Plastic Man, and Icon." He shook hand with Superman, before Rocket spoke up again.

"You know, I was the one who convinced Icon to become a superhero in the first place. I should be outside celebrating with him, not hidden away in here!" She put a hand on her hip, and glared at the screen. I cracked a smile, and continued to watch the screen while the others talked. We returned our attention back to the screen, and watched Green Arrow walk up to Red Arrow and hand him the card.

"And finally, Green Arrow welocmes his former protoge, Speedy, now known as Red Arrow, to this roster of heroes.. The same goes for Batman's other protoge, Nightwalker, who couldn't be here with us today." I scoffed at the screen, hiding my smile. Dick, Wally, and Kaldur congradulated Roy, before sending me an apologetic smile after.

"You joined, too? Why aren't you out there?" Rocket interrogated me, and I sent her a shrug before answering her. "I was only going to join if they let me stay a part of this team, and not join theirs. They're stiffs. Not the kind of people I want to be around." She laughed, and we all looked back to the screen, where the woman was still talking.

"So there you have it! The world's officially a safer place." As the League started to disperse, Dick got an alert from his mini computer. Time to suit up. I immediately changed everyone into their hero uniforms, and we made our way to the Bioship.


We were flying to a crash in the Smokey Mountains, looking for Cheshire's crashed plane. She flew under the radar. Literally.

Robin pulled up his computer and started to talk to us about it, before Meg'ann found the crash. It was horrible. The plane was destroyed, and so far, there were no bodies.

We landed, and I started to search the area for clues. My ears found heartbeats, but as I counted them, they were just the team's. Nothing unusual. Meg'ann linked us up, but my thoughts were somewhere else.

Superboy flipped a broken peice of the wing over, and complained. "Where are the bodies?" I picked up a few more heartbeats. We were ambushed. Crap.

Chesire stood atop of a few rocks, presenting herself. "Here's one, and it is stunning." "I'd bet on that..." My mind said it through the link, and the team cracked a smile. Then, Riddler showed up. Perfect.

As we got into our fight, the stupid forcefelid things appeared and made a stupid forcefeild. Just what I need to start my day. Zatanna made a snowstorm, and Superboy went to kill the stupid forcefeild thingys.

Robin and I went for Nigma and the Glimmer girl. As we fought them, I glanced as Superboy. He was flying. Not a suprise. As I kicked the girl, she threw me off the cliff. Just my luck. I couldn't do anything about it, since I was disoriented. I fell to the ground, and there was this giant rockslide above me, covering me in the rocks. It hurt.

As I felt myself healing, I tried to push some rocks off of me. It proved impossible. I called out to everybody, and spotted something shiny next to me. It was a briefcase. And it looked important. As best as I could manage, I stretched my arm out and grabbed the handle, pulling it towards me. This was definitely important. I felt the air change, which probably meant we won. Thanks to rocks being round, I could hear the team.

"Wait, where is Nightwalker? She was with you a minute ago." Kaldur was so caring. I figured there wasn't anyone left standing. I yelled the best I could, and rested my head on the ground, my neck too tired from holding it up.

"Night, are you under the rocks? Are you hurt?" It was Rocket. Her and Kaldur should go out. I moved my other hand, and tried to move a small boulder.

"Yeah, I'm here. And no, I didn't get myself hurt so stop worrying, Robin!" I yelled the last part, and heard rocks moving. Thank you, Superboy. As I felt the rock above me leave, I jumped up and ran all the way to the Bioship, the case not leaving my hand. I fell to he floor, and tried to hug it the best I could. I failed.

"Hey, you have the breifcase! We couldn't find it. Are you hugging the floor?" Zatanna kneeled next to me, and gently took the suitcase. I let her take it, not complaining. I was cold.

"I wish I had my blanket. It's cold out here." I grumbled while getting up, and moving to my spot in the Bioship. It was near the window. As usual.

I plopped down, and hugged my knees to my chest. I made a nice fluffy blanket in my mind, and brought it into real life, as an outfit. Everyone glared at me in envy, and I rolled my eyes before giving them blankets, too.

So, we all went home, preparing to be yelled at.

~~ *SKIPPING ALL THE WAY TO THE ISLAND. SORRY, GUYS. Too tired to do anything else*

We waited in the trees for our signal. We were connected in Meg'ann's link, and were silently making a game plan. I was watching no one in particular. I was vanishing into my own thoughts.

As our teammates hit the ground, faking suprise, I was busy manipulating the shadows, keeping us hidden from sight. It was taking alot out of me. So much, that Robin had to hold my waist to keep me from falling off the tree. My foot slipped, and the leaves made a rustling noise. I cursed under my breath, and focused on the shadows. From what the team saw, my arms were covered in black, but from what I saw, the black mass was shooting from my hand, and into the trees.

Our cue came up. I ripped the shadows away, and they spiraled up my arms. I jumped onto Bane, while he was powering up, and spun him in a circle. He tried ripping me off, but I literally had a death grip on him. He eventually threw me off, and punched me in the face. I punched him right back, and Robin came up behing him, ripped out the tube, and shocked him. Bane fell to the ground, and I got up and ran to Wally. I helped him up, and he went over to Artemis. I went back over to the rest of the team, feeling my face heal. We went back tot he cave, and got ready for bed.



ALMOST THE LAST CHAPTER OF THIS BOOK, GUYS! I might split the last in two, though. Just to peeve you off.



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