Lost and Found-1

By Vampirediaries1996

355K 9.2K 2.3K

Becoming the fastest man alive has opened so many doors for me but the one it couldn't was something I needed... More

First Comes Thunder
Superhero In Training
Sharing Secrets
Good Things Come to an End
Something New
Standing Up to Bullies
Not Having It All
Electricity Is In The Air
Team Up
Beginning of Truths
Another Team Up
The Reverse Flash
Merry Christmas
Giving Romance A Shot
Crazy for You
Burning Up
Figuring Things Out
Casino Royale
Tricking Your Way Into Love
Killer Bees
Who is Dr. Wells?
From the Beginning
Set Up
Gorilla Power
Bringing Joe Back
Snart Team Up
Win or Lose
Is This the End?
Wormholes and Departure
Getting Anna Back
Remembering Why I Love You
Starting Over Is Hard
Back to Central City
Family of Snarts
New F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M
Wells and Patty
Blind Dates
Trying to Fool Zoom
What the Grodd?
Facing New Enemies
Reincarnation and Fate
Holiday Spirit and Ex's
Turtle Time
Loosing Speed
Earth 2 or No?
Evil Doubles
King of the Ocean
Clubbing and Thief
What the Jay?
Celebratory End
So Much for Tomorrow
New Timeline
Lots of Firsts
Making it Work
What's Wrong Now?
Understanding and Mirror Images
H.R. Wells
Crashing Down
Alien Fight
Secret Flings
Double The Lies
Harsh Reality
Team Switch UP
How it All Started
This is Where it Ends
Holiday Blues
Merry and Bright
Nightmares Coming Alive
Changing The Future
Come Inside the Mind
Vibe vs Gypsy
Touch of Death
Gorilla Power
Friend's Day
Gorilla in the City
Engagement News
Savitar is Coming
Winning Your Heart
Visit from the Future
Tough Choices
Fate of the Future
Figuring it Out
Two Steps Ahead
Fighting to Remember
Getting Help from a Thief
Is This the End?
This is Only the Beginning

The A.T.O.M.

3.7K 102 16
By Vampirediaries1996

Will Barry trust Anna?

"Anna, Cisco we need you up here." Caitlin says and we run back to the lab. "Killer bees are at it again."

"Get a hold of Barry." Dr. Wells orders. Barry gets the scene and it doesn't look good.

"I'm too late." He informs us.

"Where are the bees?" I ask him.

"I don't know. There's no sign of them." Barry doesn't respond for a long time making us worry. "Found them." He speeds through the building trying to outrun the bees. "How do I get out of here?" Cisco has the layout pulled up and quickly finds the closest exit.

"Take the northeast crossway. It's the quickest way out of the building."

"Guys, they're everywhere. I'm surrounded." He pleads with us and then he heart rate decreases.

"He's going into cardiac arrest."

"Cisco, I thought you said that was the quickest way out." I'm always been worried when Barry goes out into the field but now I'm worried more than ever. I can't lose him now or ever.

"It is. Or I think it is. I..." Cisco's phone goes off showing Joe's name on the screen. He puts it on speaker.

"Cisco! Barry doesn't' have a pulse." Joe cries out to us.

"Step away from him." Cisco orders.

"What? Why?" Cisco runs to the computer.

"We need to jump-start his heart. We placed a defibrillator in the suit." I inform Joe.

"Charge it to 360 joules." Caitlin instructs.

"Charging in three, two, one." Nothing happens and panic is setting in.

"Hit him again. 400 joules."

"Charging in three, two, one." Finally, we hear Barry gasp and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"That is it for the defibrillator. It is completely fried."

"You're lucky to be alive, Mr. Allen."

"I'm was so worried for you." I bring Barry into a hug which he barely returns.

"I was very specific that you not die." Felicity scolds him.

"Yeah, that's a pretty big thing for her."

"Not now Ray." I state.

"Cisco, what happened out there? I followed your directions exactly."

"I'm sorry, I led you the wrong way."

"It wasn't his fault Barry. The schematics that we had weren't up to date." I try to make him feel better but he seems fueled up about something.

"Wait, they weren't up to date? What do you mean? That's never happened before." Barry is not acting like himself and it worries me.

"What, you think Cisco was trying to get you killed?" Felicity jokes but Barry seems to take it literally.

"No, why would he do that? That doesn't make any sense."

"She was joking Bare." I place my hand on top of his and doesn't return the gesture.

"Barry, it's our job to protect you, and today we failed. But that'll just serve as a warning for all of us to be more vigilant in the future."

"And on a lighter note, the apitoxin is out of your body." I try to comfort him but it doesn't seem to be helping.

"Your levels are back to normal."

"Terrific." Barry speeds off and comes back in dressed in a suit. "Okay, Ray Felicity we're gonna be late for dinner."

"Are you sure that's wise, Barry?" Dr. Wells states with caution.

"You just died."

"Maybe you should order in tonight." Cisco offers.

"Yeah, we could totally cancel."

"I'm fine. Alive. Hungry. All right? Let's go." He heads to the door.

"Uh, Barry are you forgetting something?" Felicity stops him.

"No uh..." He looks at me and his eyes widen. "Crap."

"Oh, was I invited to this dinner?" I asked wondering why they were all looking at me.

"I thought you told her?" Felicity scolds him.

"Yeah, it slipped my mind. Uh, Anna are you free for dinner like now?" Felicity gives me puppy eyes.

"Yeah, let me just go to my place real quick to change. I can meet you at the restaurant." I offer.

"Great let's go." Barry still won't hold my hand or show me any affection like he was doing days ago. Something is bothering him and it's really showing.

Barry didn't even want to pick me up for this group dinner. I literally drove myself not hearing a peep from him. I arrive at the restaurant impressed this is the place everyone wants to eat. I've been wanting to try it for months but never have the time or someone to go with.

"Anna, you made it!" Felicity brings me into a hug then Iris comes over to do the same.

"I love your dress, Anna. You look stunning." Iris compliments.

"Thank you, I didn't have time to do much I uh... never mind. You both look gorgeous."

"Thank you. Guys this Ray Palmer." Felicity introduces.

"Hi, nice to meet you." He greets Eddie and Iris.

"Hey, Anna." Eddie hugs me and Barry has yet to acknowledge me. Seriously I lied when I said I had no time. I made time to make myself drop-dead gorgeous to evoke some affection from Barry and nothing.

"Mr. Palmer your table is ready." The maître d' interrupts.

"Great, shall we?" Ray holds out his arm for Felicity and it just leaves Barry and me following behind Iris and Eddie. He won't even look at me. I thought we skipped the awkward part of the relationship but I guess I was wrong.

"Here's your table." We enter the dining area and no one else is in sight.

"I thought it'd be nice if it was quiet. So, I bought the entire restaurant." Everyone was in too much shock to say anything. "Too much?"

"Just a tad sweetie." Barry does pull out my chair for and that's basically the stent of our interaction.

"So, how did you two meet?" Eddie asks the happy couple known as Ray and Felicity.

"Work." Felicity answers.

"Actually, I bought the company where Felicity was employed and so she was forced to join Palmer Tech." I can't help but laugh at Ray's awkwardness.

"It's not a creepy as it sounds." Felicity defends.

"So, you two work closely together?" Iris asks. Felicity nods. "Interesting. I guess you guys share all of your thoughts and feelings and..."

"Yeah...I share everything with Felicity. Much like Anna and Barry share things with each other." Everyone looks to us now and we've barely said two words to one another.

"Yeah, so much sharing going on between us." I state looking back down at my plate.

"It's nice that you guys have that level of communication." Iris looks at Eddie and I can tell something is happening between them. I know Eddie is not feeling okay with keeping the Flash secret from Iris. He feels like he is betraying her.

"Oh, well, no not every...everything. I mean, sometimes it's good to just shut up." Felicity is trying to make this dinner, okay, but it's far from that.

"I get that. Some things are better left unspoken." I eye Iris as she glares at her boyfriend.

"Really? I don't find that to be true? Anna, what do you think about this?" Now all eyes are on me.

"I think that if you can't be open with each other about your feelings that something is wrong." Barry tenses as I say thins probably knowing that I've noticed his weird behavior.

"Oh, thank God. It's the food." Barry exclaims ignoring my comment. "The food is here."

"Our first course on the tasting menu is a quail egg frittata."

"Barry, I got to admit, I envy you spending so much time at S.T.A.R. Labs. Harrison Wells is, like a personal hero of mine. I mean it's amazing just to actually be in the same room with him." Barry isn't responding and as I look at him he has this pained look on his face.

"I'll be right back. Just excuse me."

"I'm going to check on him." I excuse myself and search for where Barry went. "Barry, what's going on?" He looks shocked to see me. "And don't say nothing because you've been acting strange ever since Ray and Felicity arrived."

"I'm sorry Anna, it's uh..."

"Please just talk to me. I want to be here for you as support for anything you need. I can't help but feel like I did something wrong." Barry looks at me and I feel like he's going to break.

"I want to tell you but I can't."

"And why not? We tell each other about the darkest parts of ourselves. What is so dark that you can't tell me?"

"Because I don't know if I can trust you!"

"What? Why can't you trust me?" I think about it and all I can piece together is what happened earlier. "Is...is this about Cisco not having the current building planes? Do you not trust that we can keep you safe?" He rakes his fingers through his hair.

"Anna, this is bigger than just you and me. I don't..."

"Please Barry, I can't keep acting like we hate each other when I know we love each other. What is bothering you?" He takes a deep breath.

"How well do you know Dr. Wells?"

"Uh...he was my boss for two years and I give him a birthday and Christmas gift of a bottle of scotch or something science related. Other than what you see at work and what it public knowledge. Not much. Why?"

"How loyal do you feel towards him?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"I need to know Anna. Please." He pleads with me.

"I consider him a colleague that I trust and respect. He's not a friend in the way Caitlin and Cisco are."

"Anna, what I'm about to tell you can't get back to any of them."

"Meaning Caitlin and Cisco along with Wells?" He nods his head.

"Joe and I recently found out that Wells isn't who he says he is. He...He is the man that killed my mother."

"And how do you know this?"

"I don't know. I don't know anything anymore!" Barry is freaking out now.

"When you asked me all of these questions were you testing to see if you could trust me?"

"Yes. And I'm not sure if I can trust anyone."

"And what makes you think you can trust me from those questions."

"I don't know." I lower my head. My heart hurts hearing that he doesn't know if he can trust me.

"So, you think Caitlin, Cisco and possibly me are working with Wells to do...what exactly?" 

"Anna, all of these questions, I don't have answers to them. I wish I knew, but..."

"Barry, please with everything we've been through. Everything I've shared with you. I've never trusted someone more than I've trusted you. I need you to do the same."

"I don't know if I can."

"Is it because you're afraid I could let you down?"

"I don't want what I fear to be true Anna, but..."

"I shouldn't have to prove to you that I'm on your side. That all I want to do is protect and love you. If you can't see that then..."

"Hey, guys are everything okay?" Felicity interrupts.

"It's just fine. I'm going back to the lab. I've lost my appetite." I move past Barry not looking at him and just focusing on getting to my car. I need to work on this bee this to clear my head and keep me from wanting to punch the living daylights out of the man I love.

Barry's POV

"You wanna tell me what that was about?" Felicity demands.

"It's a bad time."

"I know about bad time. Oliver might be joining the League of Assassins, Laurel's the Black Canary, and Thea's training with Malcolm. So, I know about bad times."

"Okay. Joe and I found out that Wells isn't who he says he is. He's the man who killed my mother."

"Oh, my god. But he's been helping you."
"Get faster, stronger. I know."


"I don't know." I'm losing it. "I don't know anything anymore. Especially who I can and can't trust." Felicity scrunches her face at me.

"Wait, is that why Anna left in such a hurry? Did you tell her that you can't trust her?" I don't say anything be she already knows my answer. "So, what you think Cisco, Caitlin and Anna are somehow possibly helping him? That's impossible."

"Is it?" I question her.

"Yes! They were trying to save you today, Barry. Anna was a mess when your heart stopped. She was pacing like a mad woman. And they did save you."

"Wells, also saved me many times. I thought that Wells was a great man, and I was so wrong about him. What if I'm wrong about everything else too?"

"Are you wrong about loving Anna?"

"Hey, guys." Ray interrupts us and we head back out to see Iris and Eddie fighting. I wish Anna was there so I could try to explain my issues but she was gone and all I can hope for she didn't tell anyone what I'm freaking out over.

Anna's POV

I thought going back to the lab would clear my head but instead I walk in on everyone freaking out that the bee terrorizing everyone. Cisco is freaking out shooting his laser gun at anything spec that moves hoping it's the bee. Caitlin thinks using a fire extinguisher will help.

"Containment Breach. Foreign object detected." Cisco fires again basically destroying the front of the lab desk.

"Did I get it."

"No." I answer. I ready my gun but the thing is too fast to see.

"Nah, I think I got it."

"Where is he?" Caitlin sticks close to me. Barry speeds in and captures the bee and places it back in the container. I won't even look at him.

"Thank you." Dr. Wells says.

"Let's see what makes this bee so poisonous." Barry hands over the bee to Cisco. Cisco places it under the microscope but it's not an ordinary bee.

"That's one odd-looking bee." Caitlin comments.

"That's because it isn't a bee at all."

"It's a robot." I finish for Cisco.

I can't wait to get into the Dr. Wells is the Reverse Flash revelation

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