Fenris Together

By everyhearthasahero18

8.8K 3.3K 53

Two siblings Andy and Lauren are mutants when things turn bad pretty quick, Andy and the hellfireclub try all... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Seven

91 77 0
By everyhearthasahero18

Author's Note:


Okay, I have some bad news for you all. Remember yesterday when I told you someone close to me wasn't doing so well. I got news that person died Monday night. Don't worry about me I'll be okay, its heartbreaking, but I'll survive.



One Year Later

Reeva's POV

The mutant homeland is still in the works. Even though it has been a rough year for the Hellfire club. I haven't given up on the dream of mutants living in peace.

Andrew got his head straight back to where he needs to be for our dream to work. Thankfully for me Esme recruited Lorna and Marcos after saving their life when the purifiers attacked their home and their child Dawn. We finally have Polaris and Eclipse back on our side. The next mission is to bring Lauren back here to become Fenris with her brother Andrew. While Lauren is leading her group with this boy named Wes.

Grace Turner is pregnant with her first child. She has 3 months to go until the baby arrives.

Rebecca also known as Twist is still dating Andrew and those two are always together, when their not training. I'm happy to see that Andrew has Rebecca here to keep him company.

Today I asked Lauren and Andrew to meet me in the training room,  though Andrew knows the real reason why Lauren is meeting in the training room. Luckily for me the hologram system in the training room will be on and once those two start talking, then they will see holograms will attack them and this will prove to Lauren that her place is here with her younger brother and no one else.

Seeing the door open to HQ, Lauren walked inside having Esme, Phoebe, and Sophie greet her warmly. Watching over the cams. I felt proud that Lauren accepted my invitation to come here.


Lauren's POV

I know I'm going to regret coming back to the Hellfire club. Reeva apparently wants to speak to me somewhere, this shouldn't go well, if I know how she works on recruiting someone again and again. Rumors gone around saying that she got Lorna and Marcos to come back and help out.

Being lead into a dark room, there was no light except from a huge window that looks like a room they watch people train.

"I was hoping you come here." I hear Andy voice, looking straight ahead of me, Andy comes into my view of sight.

"What is this place Andy?"

"This is where we train. Lauren I need you to understand I need you to please listen to me." Andy pleaded taking a step towards me.

"No don't, I don't need to hear this Andy."

"Lauren we can do things that you can't imagine. The Hellfire is doing something great, someone Andreas and Andrea Von Strucker were apart of, and we can be just like them." Andy explains.

"Andy were nothing like Fenris and never will be. They were murders."

"They are family. Even if we never met them we have the same powers just like them." Andy yells back.

"Hologram system on line." A robot female voice says.

"Andy what was that?"

"Oh that. That was our computer system letting us know that the holograms bullies, purifiers and Mutant-underground will be coming towards us to attack and that we have no choice, but to take them down." Andy smirks looking at me.

"Andy. I'm not doing this with you. Now let it go."

"I can't do that sis. This is where we belong. Our parents betrayed us by joining the enemy. Don't you see that humans will always hate mutants. The hellfire is helping and saving mutants." Andy comments taking a step towards me.

"So I see that you too finally are talking." Reeva voice mutters walking up to Andy from behind. "Lauren. Your brother needs you, you to stick like glue and right now he needs his other half which is you."

"See Lauren. You'll have family here no matter what. Lorna and Marcos are setting up your room the way you always like it. Please Lauren do this for me. I just want my big sister here and have someone who truly understands me." Andy pleaded grabbing my hand softly.

Looking around the room, Grace, Rebecca, the Frost Sisters, Fade, and Sage were now in the room with us, two new people joined at my side. It was Naya and Skyler.

"Skyler? Naya?"

"Sorry, Lauren. They asked us to join them. We believe it's time that everyone does as well, but Skyler and I are the only ones who wanted to come here." Naya explained. "Also Skyler and I are dating so we wanted to be together and work on the same side."

"Your all crazy thinking any of this is going to change my mind."

Looking over to the frost sisters were, their eyes we're glowing blue, it was hard to look away from their eyes.

'You will stay here with us, becoming Fenris with your brother Andy. And will forget about the group your supposedly leading. Remember your family is here at the Hellfire and Inner Circle.' Esme say into my mind.

'Live up to your family reputation here at the Inner Circle.' Phoebe says after Esme.

'And...' Sophie says.

'Andy says he will protect you from people who are going to attack you only and we're here as your friends and family to protect you and fight for you freedom, other mutants freedom, and everyone in here freedom.' the frost sisters finished saying to me.

"Alright everyone let's leave Andy and Lauren to talk alone." Reeva commands guiding everyone out of the room leaving Andy and I alone.

"Do you have a change of heart sis?" Andy asks me.

Smiling at Andy, letting him grab my hand. "I'm going to stay. I think after all this craziness of coming and going I'm staying here with you. So that we can be like Fenris."

"Lauren, that's awesome." Andy pulls me into a hug.

"Hologram system online." a robotic female voice announces.

"You ready to do this Lauren, this is our time to work together in here. Just remember its you and me in here fighting people who want us gone." Andy explains grabbing me hand tightly looking me in the eyes.

A group of hologram purifiers come towards us from behind Andy and I. Smiling at Andy we tighten each other grip on our hands focusing all of our powers on the holograms and nothing else.


Reeva's POV

The plan worked fully. The frost sisters got into Lauren mind. I don't know how they did it, but whatever they said in her mind made her vulnerable and willing to be with her brother.

"Thank you Reeva for having the Frost Sisters do that. Lauren is back to being herself, and now our abilities are stronger than ever." I hear Andy say, turning around to see Andy standing at the door way of the meeting room.

"Your welcome Andrew. I have high hopes for you and Lauren now that she is back here for training and to help our cause."

"Your welcome Andy. we're happy to see that you are able to get through your sister now while combing your powers. We can sense that she was holding back on what she felt of being powerful." the girls replied entering the room.

"So what's our next mission Reeva?" Lorna asks walking in with Marcos and Dawn.

"It's time to start this revolution once again with Fenris on our side once and for all."

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