My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

By RogersSkywalkerR5er

104K 2.4K 585

Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... More

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
The Search
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
One Day Left
Royal Wedding
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Answers on Jaccu
Last Chance
Meeting Again
Return to Corscant
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Jedi Academy
Taken Back
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding

Back At It

1.3K 23 0
By RogersSkywalkerR5er

Luke's POV.

The Falcon finally landed on Geonosis. It was a wild looking planet. The five of them, including Artoo, met Governor Lansen as soon as they landed.

Lansen had come on his own private under cover ship. He was a human. Originally the planet was mainly inhabited by geonosians, but once the empire took over they turned Geonosis into a factory, and gambling planet. People would come to gamble on fights in the arenas. Now thousands of people lived there while the Geonosians were now intermixed with the others.

"Sir." Solo greeted, shaking Governor Lansen's hand.

Lansen smiled kindly. "General Solo. Captain Chewbacca. General Calrissian. Master Skywalker." He greeted them all. "Well, shall we get started?"

Han gave an affirmative nod and turned to his long time friend. "Chewie, you walk behind us, buddy."

Han and Lando walked on either side of the Governor, while Luke walked in front. Artoo rolled along with him. Opening his senses he began to focus. As they walked towards the capital building Luke could sense the people's suspicion.

They walked up the steps and the Jedi was confronted by a threatening feeling. Imperials.

Luke stopped.
"There's still some Imperials left inside."

Han gave a nod and drew his blaster He looked to Lando. "If we run into trouble Lando, you and Chewie lead Governor Lansen to safety. Luke and I will take care of the Imperials."

As soon as they entered the building they were confronted by six Imperial officers.
"Freeze rebel scum!"

Luke raised his hands, not wanting to cause confrontation. He needed to try and talk to them first.

"Actually it would seem that you are now the rebels in this situation." He retorted in a smooth, calm voice.

They said nothing.
Luke took a breath and spoke in a masterful voice. "This doesn't have to get ugly. Let us pass and give yourselves up."

They glanced at each other and kept their blasters raised. One on the far right seemed to be conflicted, but followed his companions. "Not a chance." One of them growled.

"The wars over. Your Empire is gone. Fighting us would be foolish and would end in disaster. Don't do it. Be wise. Surrender to the Republic and end this now. Hasn't there been enough bloodshed?" He pressed.

They stood firm.

"Please. Don't do this. There's been enough killing." He pleaded firmly.

The officer in the middle glared at them. "Not quite!"

He shot a blast at them. Luke blocked it with his lightsaber, which he had unhooked and activated.

"Go!" He shouted.

Lando, Chewie and Artoo escorted Lansen up the back stairway. Lando fired his blaster at the Imperials to get away.

The Imperial officers blasts flew through the air. Luke blocked and dodged them all. Soon Han took out an officer, while Luke took out two by deflecting their blasts back at them.

Luke tucked and rolled dodging their retaliation. Springing to his feet he ran behind a pillar, while Han fired randomly and ran behind the pillar across from him. The two men pressed their backs against the sandstone objects and made eye contact.

Luke subtly mouthed to Han. "You go around. I'll distract them." 

His comrade nodded. Luke stepped out from behind the pillar and was immediately fired at. He blocked the blasts with his Jedi reflexes, while Han snuck around behind them, unnoticed.

Once he was behind them, Luke looked at Han and gave a strong nod. The Solo looked at the three officers whose backs were facing him at the moment.

"Hey, Fellas!" He yelled.

Surprised and caught off guard, the officers turned quickly around. Without hesitation Han blasted them away. He got two and was ready to take out the last officer.

Luke could feel panic and distress coming from the last Imperial. He didn't feel as much of a threat coming from him. Immediately the Jedi warned Han in the quickest way possible.

'Han don't!' The jedi spoke in his mind. His friend's both, shocked and confused eyes met his own. Luke looked at Han and nodded, letting him know he knew what he was doing.

Han hesitantly stepped back a bit and halted his firing. Both of the men held their weapons at the ready. The officer looked stunned. He gazed down at the floor to observe his fellow comrades in arms, who were dead.

He then looked back up from Han to Luke. There was no where to go. He knew if he tried to take on both of them he would most likely die. Luke could feel the distress coming from the younger officer, who was now facing him. He seemed to be in late teens or early twenties.

The Jedi Master took a cautious step forward, deactivating his lightsaber, but keeping it in his hand just incase. "Are we done here?" He asked seriously. Looking at his rank he saw that the kid was a lieutenant. He could feel the boys conflict. He had two choices. Surrender into the hands of the sworn enemy, turning his back on everything he had fought for or continue fighting and die courageously as his fellow Imperials did. Luke shook his head.

Knowing what the kid was thinking, he spoke. "If you do this. . . you will die. You know that. . .and it won't change anything that is going to happen. Surrendering now would not be cowardice. It would be wise."

The young man was listening, but still seemed hesitant. His blaster was pointed at Luke.

The Jedi held up his left hand, trying to get through to the boy. "You've fought bravely. You never gave up, but it's time to end this. For you to end this. Fighting just to die would be foolish and gain nothing. It would only add one more un-needed death to the list."

The boy held eye contact with Luke.
"Please, Lieutenant."

Finally, dropping his blaster to the floor the officer put his hands up in surrender. Han walked up to him and held the officers hands behind his back.

"By the authority of the New Republic I declare you captured."

Hooking his lightsaber back on his belt and walking to over them, Luke nodded respectfully at the youth. "Good man."
He looked at Han. "You want me to take him?"

"No. I'll do it. You make sure the governor made it up stairs okay."

Nodding, he ran up the sandstone stairs. After going up three flights, Luke found Lando, Chewie, Lansen and Artoo.

"Lando! Chewie!" He shouted jogging down the corridor to meet them.

"Luke!" Lando greeted, while Luke patted his back.

Luke's loyal droid beeped loudly. He smiled briefly at the droid then looked back at Lando.

"Hey, it's over. That was the last of them."

Lando smiled and put away his blaster. "Great! Now let's get Lansen to his new office."

The four of them finally found the office. Standing outside the door Lando motioned for Luke to check the room. Staring at the automated door, Luke searched the room for any signs of danger. There were none.

"It's clear."

With that, the group entered through the automatic door. As soon as they entered Luke locked the door.

"Where's Han?" Lando asked.

"On his way. He had to take a prisoner to the falcon."

After a while there was a knock at the door. Lando pressed himself against the wall next to the door with his blaster drawn. He looked at Luke waiting for him to clear whoever it was.

A second later he nodded. "It's Han."

Letting Han in, they locked the door.

"You get him back okay?" Luke asked his brother-in-law.

"Yeah." He answered.

"Hey, about what you did down there-"

Luke interrupted him. "I know. It was a risk, but it was one I was willing to take. He's just a kid, Han. Seeing how young he was reminded me of myself when I had thought of joining the Empire. He's naive and probably doesn't even know what the war was even about." He defended.

"That's not what I'm talking about, Luke."

"What are you talking about?" He asked in confusion.

"That talking in my mind thing." Han answered in a hushed tone. "Don't-don't do that again, alright? Leave me out of all that Jedi stuff. It's weird. I don't get it and it's just plane creepy."

Luke broke out into a grin. Han seemed very unnerved and uncomfortable at the idea.

Chuckling he nodded. "Okay, Han. You got it."

"Thanks." Han answered acting as though he were shaking off the strange experience.
"What's he doing?" He asked Lando, while pointing to Lansen.

The governor was turned away from them looking at something and talking.

"He's on a call with the senate." Lando answered.

After Governor Lansen ended his call he turned to the five, including R2D2. "I just talked to MonMothma. The militia is on its way and will be here in a few hours. Till then I am to write up a speech to address the public with. I also want to thank you all for your bravery. It's because of you that we are safe."

The men smiled humbly and gave a nod, while Chewie gave a low growl. Now all they had to do was wait for the rest of the military.

A few hours later the militia arrived. They set up bases around the planet to keep the  Imperial protesters or mobs at bay.

That evening Governor Lansen stood on the steps of the capital building in front of a large crowd. A monitor translated his words to anyone who didn't speak Basic. Luke, Lando Han, Chewie, And Artoo stood around the governor in case anyone decided to rush him.

"My friends. We are all here today for one reason. To declare and re-instate this unique and beautiful planet as part of the New Republic!" The crowd cheered, while some stood silently. We've waited twelve long years for this day and it has finally come. That the Empire would be vanquished and the Republic would reign. Before I go on I would like to take a moment to remember all those who we have lost and who risked their lives for us that we may be able to see this day. They fought for our freedom and for democracy."

Luke looked down thinking of all the men and woman he had seen die for this cause. Thinking of all the men and woman who were willing to die for the cause. Even his best friend, Biggs.

"Today, I would like to inform you all that the Imperial Charter will no longer be our constitution. We have our own revised constitution. The New Republic Constitution. It will be pinned up around your cities and towns across the planet. I encourage you to read it and learn it. It states what the New Republic stands for, our laws, our statuettes, our government, and our hopes and dreams for the future. If you have any questions please, feel free to ask any New Republic officer. I hope that we can all live in peace and work to unite as one Republic again. Thank you."

That night riots broke out across the planet. While most of the planet was pleased, former Imperials were not happy with the change in government.

Luke, Han And Lando protected the governor, taking shifts at night. In case someone wanted to try and assassinate him. Luckily nothing of the sort happened.

Two days later Colonel Delto and his troops arrived. After his officers came to relieve them of their duties, Luke, Han, Lando and Chewie headed back to the ship.

Once they got to the Falcon Luke remembered their prisoner. "Han, I'll take the boy to the nearest base."

Han agreed and let him go. Luke went to the young man who was sitting in the main room. He was handcuffed to the seat.

"Alright, let's get you outta here."

The kid looked at him oddly as Luke unhooked him and handcuffed his hands.

"Where are we going?" The boy asked.

"I'm taking you to the base. They'll take care of you."

Luke lead the young officer to the nearest base. It was only a little bit away.

As soon as they got there a Captain met them. "Good day."

"Lieutenant General Skywalker reporting in. I'm here with a captive." The officer saluted Luke and smiled.

"Master Skywalker, it's an honor, sir."

Luke nodded, quietly. He was now realizing that his name was becoming well known across the Republic. It felt very strange.

The captain continued. "I'll take you to the General right away."

The captain lead Luke to the General's tent. After the captain had announced him to the general, he was aloud in. The captain watched the prisoner.

As soon as Luke entered the general stood with a smile. "Master Skywalker, it's a pleasure."

Luke saluted him and shook his hand. "General." He greeted.
"I have a prisoner outside. He's quite young and very immature. He's about the age I was when I joined the rebellion. Maybe younger." Luke explained, seriously.
"I realize that he is guilty of treason, against the Old Republic, but at one time I was almost guilty of the same crime."

The general sat on the edge of his desk and crossed his arms. "Excuse me, but I don't follow."

"When I was just a kid. Nineteen to be exact. . .I almost joined the Empire. Not because I agreed with them, but because I wanted so badly to be a pilot. In my mind there was no other option. It was join the Empire or nothing. It was only when my old buddy came home and told me that he had joined the rebellion, that I re-thought my decision."

"So you think that this boy. . .only joined the Empire to. . .what? Make his dreams come true." The general smiled humorously.

"No, but I do think he joined, not knowing true nature of the Empire or the civil war." Luke corrected. "Look, when your his age sometimes you don't see past certain things. Sometimes the power and glamour blind you from the truth. The Empire was good at brain washing and fooling boys his age. They created terrible lies about the rebellion. Now, if we treat these kids the same way we would treat a grown man, then to them we become exactly what the Empire said we were. Killers, . . .traitors."

The general sighed taking Luke's words in. "So are we just supposed to let kids like him go. Without any punishment?"

Luke shook his head. "No. That would wrong, but I believe the punishment should be different. He shouldn't go to prison like the others. He should have to serve somehow. That would be a better punishment."

The older general thought for a moment. "Like community work? Repairing building and other things?"

Luke nodded. "Exactly. General, if you had seen him during the fight you would understand. There were five others. Older men. They all died. He was the last one left. He didn't want to die, but he also didn't want to be disgraced. I can still feel conflict within him. He doesn't know which side was right or which side wrong. He just knows the lies he's been taught."

Finally the general nodded. "Alright. We'll take care of him. . .the way you suggest. Actually this may also be the start of a new policy. I'll take it to the senator."

Luke smiled and shook his hand.
"Thank you, sir."

After that, he left the officer in their custody.
Once he got back to the ship, the friends took off for their next destination.

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