Fuckboy // G.D

By erasedxmemories

117K 1.4K 662

One of the biggest fuckboys of the school. Flirts with almost every girl. Fucks every girl that'll let him. ... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 22

1K 17 2
By erasedxmemories

Sexual Content, kinda.

Madalynn's P.O.V

I wake up to Grayson breathing beside my ear.

I glance my eyes to look at him.

Sound asleep.

I rub my eyes with one of my hands, because Grayson is laying on my other arm.

He's on his side, arm wrapped around me, head lying on my shoulder, and my arm wrapped around his neck.

Just how we fell asleep last night.

I glance over at the window. Barely any sunlight.

I easily move a bit to grab my phone and look at the time.

9:57 a.m

I ignore it, and run my hand back and forth through Grayson's hair.

He breathes in a deep breath, moves a little, then lets it out through his nose.

I giggle.

I glance down at him. He looks so peaceful, but yet manages to look so good just from sleeping.

His stubble growing in, hair a mess but in his face, his lips slightly parted, how he has me cuddled up to him.

I break from looking at him when I hear a "psst" noise.

I look over to the door, and Ethan is standing there shirtless with messy hair, and black joggers on.

He points to Grayson, then ask if he's still sleeping by putting his hands together and putting them by his head.

I nod my head yes, and he walks away.

I ease my way out of Grayson's grip, but when I'm out, he re-wraps his arm around my waist and grabs the shirt I'm wearing, that happens to be his.

"Don't leave." He tilts his head off the bed, looking at me. "You're comfortable." He giggles, digging his head back in the bed.

"I gotta pee!" I turn my head around looking at him.

"Fine. But come back in bed." He lets go of me.

I scoot off the bed, accidentally revealing my panties.

"Cute panties babe." Grayson says as I walk in the bathroom.

They were lace red.

I use the bathroom, then I look at myself in the mirror.

Hickeys from lastnight on my neck, some making their way down to my collarbone.

Flashbacks from last night flood my head, giving me chills.

Make up sex is great.

I walk back out, and Grayson was lying there, waiting for me to get back in bed with him.

"I'm waiting." He has his arms stretched out for me to get in, lying on his back.

I walk over to him, getting in his grip and putting my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around me.

"Last night was one to remember." He traces his thumb over my hickeys.

More flashbacks fill my head.

It really was a good night.

Probably the best sex we've had.

I stay silent, and I look at his hickeys.

They were bad, but not as bad as mine.

I roll over and sit on top of Grayson. He immediately puts his hands under the shirt and on my hips.

"What are you doing baby?" He looks me straight in my eyes.

I lean my head down, going straight to his ear.

I nibble on it, and he grabs my hips, then rubs his hands up and down my thighs.

"Madalynn." He whispers into my ear. "Baby what are you doing?" He grabs onto my thighs now.

I learnt something new about Grayson.

Him feeling vulnerable is his biggest turn on. That's why he's a dominant.

I move my lips away from his ear, and make my way going from his jaw, to his neck, down his stomach, and back up to his lips.

When I reach his lips, I leave a peck and pull away, sitting back up and looking at him.

Under me, I can feel his erection, which makes my eyes go wide. I look the other way, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

He puts his hands back on my hips, and pushes me back and forth.

I put my lips together and close my eyes.

"You feel that? That's what you cause." I feel one of his hands leave my hip, and go around my throat.

I throw my head back, hold his wrist that's around my throat, and he pulls me to him.

I open my eyes, being face to face with him. I look down at his lips, and then I look in his eyes.

"And I love it." He removes his hand from around my throat, and starts rubbing me through my panties.

I lean my head back, take in a deep breath, enjoying the pleasure.

I feel him pull my panties to the side and start rubbing again.

I bring my head up and look at him. He looks at me with a giant smirk plastered on his face.

He rubs faster, causing me to let out a low moan. I bring my head forward, putting it on his collarbone.

I feel him stop, then I feel him make his way down, finger at my entrance.

He starts teasing by rubbing up and down, giving me chills.

I tilt my head back, letting another moan escape my lips.

He puts his finger in, slowly moving it around.

"Gray." The word drags out of my mouth, making Grayson look at me.

"What is it baby?" He makes his finger go deeper, moving it around faster now.

I tilt my head down, grip my hands onto his shoulders, digging my nails into them.

He keeps going, making me feel weaker by the second.

"I want you." I slowly speak.

He stops, making me bring my head up.

"What are you doing?" I look at him, crossing my arms.

He comes close to me, going to my ear.

"Now you know how I feel." He rolls us over, him being on top now.

He gives me a kiss on the lips, then another, then turning it into a make out.

He pulls away, getting off the bed and going to the bathroom.

I quickly follow.

He is not about to leave me like this.

Ethan darts his head up, looking at me from the living room area.

I jiggle the doorknob.

"Gray, you're not about to - not now baby. You can wait until tonight." He interrupts.

I hear Ethan giggle, and I look at him, giving him the death glare.

"Awh. Someone's mad because they can't get fucked right now?" Ethan picks at me.

I walk towards him and sit down beside him.

"Not funny." I sit with my arms crossed.

Grayson comes out the bathroom, walking toward me.

I watch him as he walks toward me, still looking as he stands beside me.

"Is someone mad?" He looks at me and gives me the puppy dog eyes and lip.

"Fuck off." I look away from him, still pouting.

Ethan laughs, causing Grayson to chuckle.

I get up and go to walk away, but Grayson grabs my wrist and pulls me toward him.

"Lose the attitude, babygirl." He lets go of me, and I walk away, still having the attitude and glancing outside as I walk.

I stop in my tracks, and turn back around.

I fast walk to the balcony door, loving what I'm seeing.

Snow. Lots of it. Falling fast.

"You guys, it's snowing!" I turn my head to look at them, and they come over to me.

"It's about time you realize." Ethan looks at the view. "It's been snowing for about an hour or so now."

"It's so beautiful." I say and Grayson wraps his arm around my waist.

"Isn't it?" He looks, watching the snow fall.

"I wanna play in it." I turn my head to Grayson, and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't care." He looks at Ethan. "You wanna come with us?"

"Well duh." Ethan runs to the room.

We go to the room, and I change, putting two long sleeves on, my senior pullover, two pairs of sweats on to keep me warm, and my Nike shoes.

All Grayson puts on is his Nike long sleeve, Vans hoodie, Adidas joggers, and his Vans shoes.

"That's all you're gonna wear? It's cold as hell outside." I point at him.

"I'm used to it baby. I grew up in cold weather." He admits.

"And I can tell you don't like the cold." He points at me, letting a giggle come out.

"I hate the cold, but I love snow." I shrug.

Ethan comes in the room, wearing nothing but a hoodie, sweats, and his Vans shoes.

They're crazy.

"You guys ready?" Ethan points the other direction to the door.

"Yeah. Let's go." I say and look at Grayson.

We walk out the room, going down the hall to the elevator.

They start jumping up and down while we're in the elevator.

"No. Quit it." I get scared. I don't like elevators to begin with. And I sure as hell don't want this bitch falling.

They laugh, and we come to the main floor.

"Came to play in the snow?" The lady at the front desk asks.

"You know it." Grayson says as he opens the door for me.

I walk out, and instantly get chills. It was cold as hell.

I stand there, arms crossed as I watch Grayson and Ethan throw snowballs at each other.

Grayson has a snowball in his hand and looks at me, then looks at Ethan.

Ethan bends down to gather a snowball.

"Do not throw that at me." I sass. "Give me a minute to adjust to this." I point up, referring to the snow.

And of course, they throw them anyways.

I stand there, now wiping snow off my face.

I gather a snowball and throw it at Grayson. "Asshole." I say as I hit him.

Grayson starts to come over to me, but I start walking away.

"No. Leave me alone!" I look back and he's running to me.

He catches up, grabs me and pulls me to the ground, now laying in the snow.

He gives me a kiss on the forehead, then smushes snow in my face.

I instantly get up, wiping it off my face, and start gathering snowballs.

Now, a war got started. We just throw snowballs back and forth at each other, and push each other to the ground.

Afterwards, we end up just laying in the snow, being cold but out of breath.

"This was fun." Grayson sits up, then stands up.

"How about we go change, get an Uber, and go do something?" I look up at him, he looks down at me.

He reaches his hand out, and I grab it, standing up.

He puts his arm around me, pulling me close. I wrap my arms around him, trying to get warm.

Ethan stands up, and looks around.

"I'm down. But where we gonna go?" He looks at Grayson.

"Anywhere. It don't matter." He shrugs. "You want to baby?" He looks down at me.

"I don't care." I shrug. "But I'm hungry." I giggle.

"We'll get food. Don't worry." He strengthens his grip around me, let's go and giggles.

"Let's go change." Grayson goes toward the door, holding it open for Ethan and I.

"Thank you love." I walk in and wait for Grayson to come in.

"You guys have fun? Sure looks like you did." The lady at the front desk smiles.

"Yes we did." We all say at once, looking and laughing at each other.

Grayson pushes the up button for the elevator.

We get in the apartment, and I go to change as Grayson calls an Uber.

I put my white Vans sweater on, my Nike windbreaker, leggings, and my Vans.

Grayson comes in, puts his phone down, and changes.

He just puts on a regular shirt with a jacket, pants, and his other pair of Vans.

I walk over to the nightstand and grab my phone and wallet.

I look at my phone. I had two messages and two Snapchats.

"Let me go see if E is ready." I glance my head at Grayson as he grabs his phone and walks out the room.

I had a message from mom and Lynzie.

I click on the message from mom.

Mom: how's everything going?
Me: it's going great. Sorry I haven't texted you. When we got here, I fell asleep.

I check my message from Lynzie.

Lynz: hey girl.
Me: hey boo boo.

She replies instantly, but Grayson comes in the room.

"Let's go. Uber is here." I put my phone in my back pocket, and walk out the room.

Ethan was wearing something like Grayson. Just a shirt, jacket, pants, and his Vans.

We get in the Uber, and the Uber driver looks at Ethan.

"Where ya guys headed?" The man ask, and I look at Grayson.

"Go to Saluggi's East in Lower Manhattan, Sweets by Chloe, then Gucci in Lower Manhattan." Grayson tells the driver.

I look at Grayson like he's crazy.

"Gucci?" I whisper to him. He giggles.

"Yes baby. Gucci. I wanna get you something." He grins.

"No way. It's too - hush. I'm getting you something whether you like it or not." He puts his finger over my lips.

I shake my head.

We're staying in Brooklyn Heights, so it shouldn't take long to get there.

"Alright. That'll take 20 minutes." The Uber tells us, then drives off.

I called it.

Grayson grabs my hand, then locks his in mine.

I look at him and he smiles. "Thank you." I whisper to him.

"No problem babygirl. I love you." He kisses my hand.

"I love you." I tighten my grip on his hand, then look out the window, looking at my surroundings.

I grab my phone, and text Lynzie and my mom as we go.


"Alright. We're here." The Uber driver comes to a stop.

I thank the Uber driver and get out of the car.

Grayson walks over to me and grabs my hand.

"You're about to eat the best pizza of your life." He says and opens the door for me.

He didn't lie.

That pizza had to be the best pizza I've ever eaten.

"Bro. I'm so full." Ethan holds his stomach as we walk out.

He makes Grayson and I giggle.

We get back in the Uber, and he takes us to the next stop. Sweets by Chloe.

"What do you want baby?" Grayson looks down at me.

I order my favorite, an açaí bowl. Chocolate with oats, strawberries, raspberries, and mangos.

They get the same, but theirs had bananas and blueberries in it.

Afterward, we go to Gucci. This should be fun.

We walk in, Grayson holding my hand.

Ethan goes to the belts and looks for one.

I start to look around at things I like, and just like I thought, the prices are WAY to high.

I don't want Grayson getting me anything either, because I don't like when people buy me expensive things.

"Pick something." He nudges my side.

"Grayson." I look at him. "No. I don't want you to get - I said pick something." He interrupts, looking me dead in the eye, giving me a glare.

I just stand there.

"Fine." I browse over the belts with Ethan.

"I knew you wanted something." Grayson says and helps me pick out a belt.

"Who said I didn't want anything? I just don't want you paying for it." I grab a belt, look at it and put it around my waist.

"And why's that?" Grayson grabs another belt, holding it in his hand.

"I just don't like when people buy me expensive stuff." I shrug, putting the belt back and grabbing the one from Grayson's hand.

"Well get used to it. You're mine and I'm gonna spoil you. And I like that belt. It suits you."

His words make me smile. After all, he is my boyfriend and has the right to spoil me. I could have a piece of shit for a boyfriend. I should be grateful.

"So you like this belt?" I glance down at it. I like it too.

"Yes. It looks good. Tell her it suits her E." Grayson turns me around to face Ethan.

"It actually does. It looks good." Ethan agrees.

"Then I guess you can get it for me." I give it to Grayson. "But only if you get something too." I look at Grayson.

"I was planning on it babe." He chuckles as he looks for him a belt.

He found one similar to mine within minutes, and now we're just waiting on Ethan's picky ass.

"Dude hurry." Grayson tells him.

"I don't know which one I want!" He has three in his hand.

"I like that one better." I point to one, similar to mine and Grayson.

"So what are we doing? Matching or something?" He jokes. I look at him.

"I just like that one better. Those other ones are ugly." I tell him.

"I was kidding. I'll get it." He puts the other two back.

Grayson pays for mine and his, and Ethan pays for his.

"Ready to go back to the apartment?" Grayson looks at me. I nod my head yes.

"Yes. I'm tired." I admit.

"Well lets go." We walk out of Gucci and get in the Uber. It's still snowing and there is a lot of snow building up.

"Where to now? Am I taking you all back to the apartment?" The Uber driver asks.

"Yes sir." Ethan tells him and he goes.


6:42 pm

"Psst. Psst." I awake to someone messing with my nose.

I move around and open my eyes. It was Grayson.

"I've been awake for almost 30 minutes waiting for you to wake up." He giggles. "You can sleep forever." He messes with me by tickling me.

"Gray. Quit it." I roll around laughing.

I get off the bed and stand there.

"Why you mad?" He laughs.

"You woke me up." I go to my bag.

"Oh, but thanks for waking me up. I need a shower." I grab some clothes, and go to the bathroom, Grayson right behind me.

I go to close the door, but he stops me and opens the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" He closes the door. "You're not taking one without me." He takes his shirt off.

"Who said I wasn't?" I give him an attitude.

"Watch it baby." He comes over to me, picking me up and putting me on the counter by the sink.

He woke me up just to have sex.

He kisses my lips, then adds tongue.

We make-out for a few moments, then I bite his bottom lip and pull away.

He looks at me, then pulls my shirt over my head, taking it off.

He kisses my jaw, going down to my neck, making his way down to my breast.

He unclasp my bra, taking it off my shoulders and putting it in the floor.

He starts leaving a hickey on my breast. I lean my head on his shoulder and pull his hair.

"Pull yourself up real quick." I do as he says, and he takes my sweatpants off, along with my panties.

He takes his shorts off, leaving him in his underwear.

He comes back to my lips to kiss me, then I feel his finger.

He starts rubbing, and I let out a low moan.

"Grayson." I dig my nails into his shoulders.

"Huh baby?" He looks up at me.

"Don't stop." I look him in his eyes, and his finger goes down.

He comes to my ear, biting it, then kissing my cheek.

"Oh baby. I'm just getting started." His words gives me chills.

Hey guys. How are y'all?
Sorry to leave y'all with a cliffhanger, sorta. I'm pretty sure y'all knew what went down.
But, here's this chapter.
New chapter will be up next Friday, hopefully.

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