Watch Me Burn ( Savage MC Boo...

By Redhead23x

170K 9.4K 187

An hourglass was once used to show the passage of time, a tiny vile consisting of two glass bulbs connected v... More

Chapter One- you only get one shot
chapter two-Too late for the other side
chapter three- pedal to the medal
Chapter four- you're not alone
chapter Five- I'ma never look back
chapter six- no love found
Chapter seven-I'm here to rescue you
Chapter Eight- Bit by bit, torn apart,
Chapter nine- so let the river run
chapter ten- I'm gon give you the world
Chapter eleven- stop holding your breath
chapter twelve- seduction, seduce
chapter thirteen- same song and dance
chapter fourteen- Til my bones collapse
Chapter fifteen- I just don't know
Chapter Sixteen- I won't back down
Chapter seventeen- bring me back to life
Chapter eighteen- it's me, my honesty's brutal
Chapter nineteen- I walk on water
Chapter twenty- Just stay true to you
Chapter twenty-one - This is where the fun stops
Chapter twenty-two- Hush little baby, don't you cry
Chapter twenty three- I guess we are who we are
Chapter twenty four- Guess who's back, back again
Chapter twenty five- don't fall on my face
Chapter twenty-six- Imma pick up a rock
Chapter twenty-seven- I made it without you
Chapter twenty-eight- thinkin' it's time to go and get'em
Next book

Chapter Twenty-seven- please stand up

4.9K 289 6
By Redhead23x

A hand around my waist gently rolled me to my back, waking me from my dream. Rolling further over I snuggled into Foxs chest, pressing my nose against the base of his neck.
"Babe, wake up." he whispered in my ear, amusement clear in his words. I groaned lightly, snuggling further until I was pressed bodily to him, feeling the warmth of his chest cocoon me.
"Little bird, it's time to get up. We're  going for a ride." his words caysed me to blink, my brain sluggish with sleep.
"Where?" I mumbled into his neck.
"You'll find out when you get up and get on my bike." amusement still coloured his voice, perhaps due to the fact that I didn't leap at the chance to be on the back of his bike like I usually would. The consumption of alcohol at the club party had caught up on me, judging from the throbbing radiating across my forehead.
"Painkillers." I muttered, feeling his body shake against mine in merth.
"Right babe. You get dressed, I'll get you some painkillers and water. We'll ride out then." he waited until I nodded against his neck before he detangled himself from me. Groaning I rolled back onto my back before throwing the covers off, letting the cool air bathe my skin. Fiachra arrived back to the room as I wrapped myself in one of his hoodies.  Taking my hand he lead me through the compound, people still alseep littered across all available surfaces. Smiles had Aurora snuggled tightly into his side on one of the couches, looking content even in sleep.
The chill outside brushed across face, making the presence of christmas known. myself and Aurora along with the other women pestered the men until they agreed to decorate the compound, agreed the beginning of December was early but then the bite of froze is in the air, we couldn't ignore the feel of Christmas in the atmosphere.
Leaving the compound we veered left onto the road. Feeling the air in the hair, my arms wrapped tight around Fiachras waist, I lost myself in the feeling of being on his bike. I didn't pay attention until he pulled into a straight out of victorians times house. We pulled in behind the other harley in the driveway.
"Where are we?" I asked looking around at the surrounding forest.
"My parents house." he said breezily as if he had just announced we had arrived at the supermarket. I blanched, curling my fingers tighter into his cut, keeping us in place.
"Are you joking me? What?" I squeaked widening my eyes at him as he glanced over his shoulder at me to grin. "I'm not going in there."
"Why babe? It's about time you met them it's been a month since everything settled down. you aren't leaving me anytime soon are you?" he joked sliding off the bike in front of me. He offered his hand to me pulling me off the bike and towards the front door. I resisted.
"I'm a slob right now, I haven't even got a smig of make up on!" I snapped panicking.He laughed in response.
"You don't need make up, it's my parents house not a club babe. They'll be excited I finally introduce you guys." I had started to move forqard with him but at his words I tugged him back sharply.
"Are you telling me we are arriving unannounced? Are you crazy? Hell no, we're going home and you're ringing ahead and making sure they want to meet-"
"Will you calm? they want to meet you. Now's a perfect time." he interrupted me giving a yank on my hand to drag me forward. At that moment before I got the chance to protest the front door flew open. A woman filled the door with a bright smile on his face before she came bouncing down towards us.
"Fiach! you're home?" he bright gaze moved to me, her eyes lighting further than I thought possible before returning to Fiachra. "Is this her?" she asked excitedly.  Without missing a beat Fiachra replied, "Jesus Mom. No this is Amber.", watching his mothers steps falter as her face lit in embarrassment. Snapping out of my frozen state, I smacked Fiachras chest, glaring at him as he laughed.
"Don't mind him, I'm Daria. You can call me Ria if you like." I faced her blushing shyly, offering her my hand.
"You little shit" she shot Fiachras way before turning a radiant smile my way. "Hello Ria. I'm Millie, you're more than welcome. Come in, cup of tea?" she offered as we approached the front door.
"Honey, Fiach is home with Daria." she said my name with emphasis.
"I know, woman, seen as you almost screamed the house down when you saw him coming up the drive with her on the back of his bike. How goes, Son?" a deep voice called from the kitchen.
"Can't you come out and say hi?" she snapped back and i felt the urge to giggle.
"Sweetheart, you'll be walking through the kitchen to get to the dining area I can say hi then." he finished his sentence by the time we made it to the kitchen and I saw the voice belong to a tall man that age had treated well, much like Fiachras Mom. He turned to look at us and I blinked at the similarities between Fiachra and his father.
"Hey Son, please to meet you Daria." he addressed me, sending a small smile my way before sending his son a pointed look.
"Ria." I whispered out.
"Names Cut, darling. Get yourselfa beer or glass of wine, make yorself at home." he offered and I smiled in return relaxing.
"She will not, Fiach will. Ria, you and me will go relax until dinners ready." she smiled sweetly at me before leading me off through a side door into a beautiful diningroom. Looking back quickly I saw Fiachra and his father embraced each other.
"Fiachras told us a bit about you. How are your family?" she asked genuinely and my heqrt warmed to the woman.
"Good, thank you. I've agreed with Fiachra I'll do Christmas day with my family then do Christmas dinner with the club." I smiled at her. He face broke with delight.
"Balance, good woman. We'll be there as well. I do love Christmas with thw club", she laughed, "It can get rowdy when the Christmas crackers come out." she laughed as the men entered the room.
"What are you discussing?" Cut asked setring out food with Fiachra befire the both took a seat, Cut at the head of the table while Fiachra placed himself directly across from me.
"Christmas as the club." Millie spoke and I watched Cut send a loving grin his wife's way.
"Trying to scare her off?" he asked.
"I'm well used to Christmas in a club but you can try your best to one up my family." I laughed and watched as Cut threw a smile my way, confirming my guess that he knew exactly who I was related to.
"I'm taking that as a challenge, Ria." Cut joked and my entire body relaxed feeling the love and laughter flowing across the table between them.

"It's not funny." Fiachra saud for the tenth time but I just continued to laugh as we appraoched a lake in the middle of the woods, well hidden from the road.
"It's cute babe look every lad goes through that stage. Lucky for you, testosterone kicked in and you could grow a proper beard. The few years of fluff on you disappeared into the past then." I joked.
"Mom and her fucking photo albums." he grumbled catching me around the waist and pulling me against his front as we looked out on the water. The sun had long since set and the moon shine bright on the still water of the lake.
"I like the goatie stage the best." I giggled feeling his arms tighten around me as I teased.
"This is one of the first places my Dad brought my Mom when they first met." he chanced the subject and I focused on the view in front of me taking in its significance.
"It's beautiful here, tranquil." I said softly back.
"Mom spoke religiously about here, always wanting to come back when we were in Ireland and I knew, if I ever followed Dad and brought someone here, it would be someone that mattered the way Mom did to Dad." my body froze at his words and what he was implying.
"This exact time next year Im going to bring you back here and, If you'll have me, you'll have two rings sitting on that left hand, starting with this one." He spoke softly as he took my hand and slipped a beautiful diamond ring onto my ring finger. My breath left me as my eyes locked on it.
"It's soon I know but youre mine and I don't ever want to lose this. You want something big, we'll have something big, you want something small we'll do that too. You want to go to Vegas, little bird, we'll leave right now. I want everyone to know I'm yours and you're mine every way we can. What do you say? spend this life by my side?" he asked gently, both our gazes on the river.
"But what about Enzo?" I blurted out.
"Not asking him to marry me, babe, so I'm not thinking about him but I asked his approval and I got it. He thought the ring was you." Enzo was right, it was me and my heart melted that Fiachra had gone to my brother.
"Babe?" he asked giving me a gentle squeeze.
"I love your parents. I love your club. I want to be tied to them as much as I want to be tied to you and that's tightly, baby. Tied like a knot that can'tbe broken." I whispered out feeling so full I was close to bursting.
"You got it, little bird. I'll give you that, and more." he kissed the side of my neck before I turned in his arms, pressing my lips against him fiercely, like I could fuse us together regardless of it being physically impossible.
We'd make do with the promise of forever to each other.

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