The Move

By awk0_cheerdivas

50.8K 801 101

The 3x world champ Madi Corsello's world is about to change remarkably when her mom gets a job transfer, to n... More

The Move~Chapter 1
The Move~Chapter 2
The Move~Chapter 3
The Move~Chapter 4
The Move~Chapter 5
The Move~Chapter 6
The Move~Chapter 7
The Move~Chapter 8
The Move~Chapter 9
The Move~Chapter 10
Contest Results
The Move~Chapter 11
The Move~Chapter 12
The Move-Chapter 13
The Move~Chapter 14
The Move~Chapter 15
The Move~ Chapter 16
The Move~ Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

1.1K 25 0
By awk0_cheerdivas

"Taking home 3rd place is..... The California Allstars Cali Coed" They announced

Right now we were at awards. Cali coed had just been announced third place. My hands were shaking, I was so nervous. If we get second sure I will be proud but I know it will be my fault because I had to have landed weird and hurt my ankle.

"Taking home 2nd is.... Cheer Athletic Cheetahs" Wait what? We hit a horrible routing how is this possible? (If you've read the recent chapter go back and read the ending it's for certain reasons)

"Madi wake up" Someone shook me

I shot up and realized it was all a dream. "But how? We what?!" I asked confused

"Come on we need to get ready" Jamie laughed

"But we were just at worlds and we got 2nd! How I don't know because we hit a horrible routine" I said shocked

"What are you talking about?" Jamie asked confused "Today is Day 2 we go on later"

"Oh so it was just a dream" I said realization hitting me finally

"Yeah now come on let's get ready" She smiled

I went and got my make up bag, teasing brush, bobby pins, hairspray, ponytails, and team bow. I put my uniform on before so I wouldn't mess anything up. I set everything down on the bathroom counter. I parted my hair I would use for the poof. I teased it by sections spraying each section with hairspray everytime. I shaped it how I wanted it and pinned it down with bobby pins. I took the pony tail and tied it so the hair that was still strait and wasn't teased was in a pony so it was half up and half down. I tied in the bow and teased the back hair that was in the pony. I washed my face before starting my make up. I up on a but if foundation then started putting on a light layer of a sparkling white. Over that I did a blue that was the color of the blue on our uniforms. I did that over the eye lid. Then I did a light shade of black. I took the liquid eye liner and slowly did that. I finished it off with mascara and light pink blush on my cheeks.

"Madi come on we have to leave" Payton said poking her head into the bathroom

"Ok" I nodded getting my shoes on.

We walked out of the room shutting e door behind us.

"I'm so excited I know we can do it" Payton said excitedly

"Yeah we just need to work as a team" I smiled

We talked a little bit on the way over to the cafeteria. When we reached the cafeteria I went and bought scrambled eggs with toast and an apple. I got a water and went and sat down waiting for Payton, Jamie, and Ashley. Moments later they walked over with there food sitting down by me. As we ate we talked about our worlds predictions.

"Ready to go?" Jamie asked

"Yep" I nodded getting up.

I threw away my trash and followed them to the bus that would take us to the arena. We got on and sat in the front. I went on Instagram while waiting. I followed, liked, and replied to fans.

"Madi were here" Ashley told me snapping me away from my phone.

We got off and went to find our team. Just like in the dream I saw smoed. Instead of some of them glaring at me they were all smiling and waving, well besides Jenee and her new friend.

"Hey guys" I smiled giving them hugs.

"Madi" Coach Eddie smiled giving me a hug

I talked to them for a few minutes but then had to go find my team. I went back to warmups where we were yesterday. I saw my team in the corner stretching and getting ready. I ran over there and immediately started stretching.

"Cheetahs on the floor" Our coach yelled

We made our way onto the floor and got ready in the opening. I honestly was scared my dream would come true. We went through marking the routine a few times. Next we went and warmed up all stunts. Everyone was hitting pretty good. Next was tumbling. I was nervous but I can't let that get in the way. I got ready to do my pass. I ran into the punch from stepping out into a round off two, to whip whip full. I landed clean and tight. I let out a breath i was holding in. We finished warming up and it was time to head down to the stage. We got drinks of water and walked down the stairs that lead to the back of the stage.

"Go out there and kill it! Remember to work as a team. I know you can do it everyone out there knows you can, now you need to believe in your self and go up there. Cheer each other on, if your not tumbling at the moment or not stunting cheer for someone who is. Don't give up on anything you will only regret it later if you do" Our coach spoke

We prayed and did our chant before getting behind Cali coed. Just like in my dream they gave me small waves and smiles. This time no one was glaring at me they just kept smiling. I smiled back and waved at them.

"Up next we have The California Allstars Cali Coed" The announcer boomed

I mouthed good luck to them and they did the same before running on to the stage.

"Ready to kill it?" Matt asked coming up to me

"Yeah I'm just nervouse" I laughed hesitantly

"Don't be your going to do great" He smiled giving me a small hug

I watched Cali coed go through there routine. They were amazing honestly. I watched as everyone hit there kick fulls out of the heel stretch. It was amazing timing from where I was watching. I watched as they went into running tumbling. Everyone stick and stand there pass. They went into there pyramid and did everything so clean.

"Let's kill it" Matt smiled down at me as Coed came off the stage

"Next up and your final team in this divison, Cheer Athletics Cheetahs"

Matt and I ran onto the stage waving towards the crowd who erupted in cheers. I got set for my basket and waited for the music to start.

"Cheetahs with the remix, let's go, yeah were moving fast, so fly so sassy" the music started.

I felt the energy from the crowd pump me up. I smiled as I hit the kick in the kick double. I went through the routine with ease. No one fell, no one bobbled, no one touched, everything went amazing.

"Cheetahs" The music ended

The crowd stood up just like yesterday and cheered. I ran and hugged Matt as we walked off the stage.

"That was amazing!" Our coaches yelled as they ran back

They went around giving us all hugs.

"After we watch the video we need to go in front of the stage for awards!" Our coach smiled

We watched our video, everyone was amazed how we hit such an amazing team.

"Let's go let's go!" Coach Dan smiled

We walked to the front of the stage where all the teams in our division were. I saw Cali Coed, ACE Warriors, TGLC, and basically all of those teams(sorry can't think of the teams that are in that division right now)

The announcer called us onto the stage. My hands were shaking, this was it. Today we go home as World champions or we go home with another place, this is it.

I watched as they announced the lower placements before they went into the top five.

"Taking home 5th place...... from Birmingham, Alabama ACE Warriors" His voice boomed

I clapped as we watched them go off stage with there medals and trophy. My team moved into a circle as we held each other's hands.

"Taking home 4th place.... From Miami, Florida Top Gun Large Coed"

"Now going into your top three, taking home 3rd is....."

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