The Move~Chapter 2

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I know I said 20 likes, 20 reads but I just really wanted you to read this....I hope you all like it <3

Madi's POV

I feel really bad about just storming out of the gym without saying goodbye, but I had to I was a mess. Well I'm really tired so I should sleep until we get to the airport..........

"wake up mads, we are at the airport" My mom whispered shaking me

"Oh ya I forgot were moving" I rolled my eyes

"yes and we are going to be late for our flight if you don't hurry up" My mom scowled at me

"your mother is right madi, let's get going" My dad smiled

as I get out of the car I think about how much Cali has impacted my life, I mean the state itself and the gym.

"hurry up madi the plane is about to leave!" My mom said

"ok mom! I'm running" I laughed as I ran towards the gate

We got on the plane and I was seated by he window. I look out the window and my eyes start to water, i hope this is just a dream, maybe I'll wake up in the morning and everything will go back to normal.....

My eyes open up and I guess I was asleep!!! OMG I knew it was a dream.

"madi get up the plane has landed" My dad shook me

"oh of course it wasn't a dream" I sighed

"what are you talking about?" He asked confused

"nothing, never mind" I said

we get out if the plane and all of a sudden it is extremely hot!!! We get into our temporary car and start driving towards the suburban area.... A little while later we are in the nicest gated community. We pull up to one of the biggest homes I've ever seen!

"mom is this our house?" I asked excitedly

"yes it is!" She laughed

"go inside and pick your room" My dad smiled

I walk into the house, and I go up one of the two staircases, then I go down the hall, and find a room at the end of the hall. I walk into a gigantic room, this must be the master!!!

"do you want this room?" My dad asked walking in

"wait isn't this the master?" I asked

"no the master is on the first floor." He smiled

"then yes I do want this room!" I smiled excitedly

My dad left the room for me to look around. I walk to the closet....and wow This is like another room! And the bathroom is huge!

"get dressed in some cheer clothes, we are going to cheer athletics for tryouts!!!" My mom said peeking her head in through the door

"ok mom I'll be down soon" I smiled

it's really time for me to tryout, which team will I be on?? There's panthers, wildcats, junglecats, cheetahs!!! Or what if they don't think I'm good enough? What if they put me on a team lower than a level 5!!! Well I guess I just have to find out.... I find the box labeled "cheer clothes" and I get out my custom sports bra from allstarcheerbling that says "madi" on it with a crown above my name, and I put on my black gk shorts with rhinestones on the side to match my sports bra. Out of the box labeled "bows" I take out a black bow with a pink crown to also match my sports bra, and then I put my cheer shoes on, finish my hair, and walk downstairs.

"ok mads are you ready to go?" My mom asked

"I guess" I nodded

we finally get to the gym! I walk through the doors that say "cheer athletics" as I walk into the gym, i see I coach walking up

"hi, you must be madi!" He smiled

"yes I am, how did you know?" I asked

"well you were on smoed, and your sports bra does say madi on it" he laughed

"oh ya" I laughed

"anyway please show me your best tumbling skill" he smiled

"ok" I nodded

I step onto the floor, I go to the corner, close my eyes and imagine I'm back home at the Cali Ventura gym. I open my eyes and I throw a round off backhandspring whip whip double full.

"wow that was really good, you can sit out in the lobby, and we will come and get you when we are ready" He smiled leaving the gym

I walk off the floor and I see the cutest boy standing there smiling at me. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and the best smile ever!

"your a really good tumbler" he smiled

"thanks" I blushed

"your name must be madi?" He laughed looking at my sports bra

"haha yes, wow this sports bra really helps me. What's your name?" I asked

"my name is..."

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