The Move~Chapter 6

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"You know we aren't all like her."

I turned to see the cause of the voice...

Madi's POV:

"sorry I didn't mean for it to sound like that, matt." I apologized

"well it makes sense, she talks to all the new girls like that, but she seemed to be extra mean to you" he frowned

"well good to know I have a hater on my team" I said

"haha well she doesn't necessarily "hate" you she's just jealous." He told me

"of what?!?! She's perfect, she's center flyer, everyone loves her, and she's won worlds 3x!?!?!" I asked

"ya but you were on smoed, and that's her dream team." He explained

"oh" I sighed

"she'll get used to you though. Let's go get something at Starbucks" he smiled

"ok" I nodded standing up


We walked into star bucks and ordered. We went and sat down at a two person table.

"so matt how long have you and Carly been dating" I asked taking a sip of my drink

"about a month, but I'm not sure if I can take it anymore, she doesn't even let me make eye contact with another girl" he sighed

"so what's she going to do about our little talk right now?" I asked curious

"who cares I'm breaking up with her later anyway. Especially after how and she treated you" he frowned

"what do I have to do with it?" I asked

"uhm......sorry I have to go I'm late for uhm a tumbling private" He said quickly getting up and leaving

"uh...ok bye?" I said standing up

Well that was weird, he made it so awkward....whatever I better go explain to the coaches why I wasn't at practice.....

I walked into the gym and went over to my coaches.

"hey coach, sorry I ran out of the gym like that.....I wasn't feeling well" I said

"it's ok that's what Carly said" he smiled

"uhm ok so when's the next practice?" I asked

"tomorrow at the same Time, you are free to stay at the gym and tumble for awhile" he smiled

"ok thank you" I smiled

Well that was weird, I should've told him the truth about why I left

"Oh look the ugly little girl is back for more" Carly laughed

"Carly can you please stop talking to me like that." I snapped getting annoyed

"whatever I was just leaving anyway, come on guys" Carly evilly smiled

"uhm sorry Carly but me, peyton, and Ashley want to stay and get to know Madi" Jamie smiled walking by and standing next to me

"ugh!!! Fine then don't ever talk to me again, let's go matt" She snapped grabbing Matts arm

"actually Carly we need to talk" Matt nervously said

"yes babe?" She asked sweetly

"well I'm just gonna come out and say it, we're through" he let out

"it's probably cause of that little bitch, it's ok plenty of other guys want me anyway" she snarled

"come on guys let's go tumble" Matt smiled

"why did you guys not go with Carly, I thought you were besties" I was confused

"we are definetly not besties, I don't even know why I hung out with her she's mean to everyone." She said

"your way nicer than Carly" Payton smiled

"guys lets stop talking about Carly, let's just tumble" Ashley smiled

"after were done here do you wanna come over to my house?" I asked

"we would love to, we have clothes in my car because we were going to stay at Carly's so we're prepared." Jamie agreed

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