The Move~Chapter 11

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Madi's POV

I couldn't believe it! Cheetahs had one more practice till worlds! Today was our last practice and it was Disney themed for Disney!

"Hey Jamie can you hand me my red tutu the one with the white polka dots? And my black Nike sports bra" I yelled from the bathroom

"Yeah hold on" she yelled back

As you can see I'm doing Minnie as my character. I had this red tutu with white polka dots that I found from this dance studio. I heard a knock on the door.

"Here you go madi!" Jamie opened the door and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I smiled

I quickly put everything on then I left my short hair down and put Minnie Mouse ears on. I slid my cheer shoes on then grabbed my black eye liner and drew whiskers on my face. I walked out of the bathroom and was greeted by Jamie dressed in a light blue sports bra and a white tutu with a small crown in her hair. Payton was by my mirror fixing her hair. She was dressed in all pink I'm guessing sleeping beauty!

"You guys look so cute while I'm just plain Minnie Mouse!!" I exclaimed

"Seriously Madi your cute with your little whiskers and mouse ears!" Payton shot back

"Yeah I agree with Payton!" Jamie agreed

"Whateverrrrrr but anyways do you guys know who your staying with?" I asked

"Yep we know!" Jamie and Payton said at the same time

"Who?" I asked curiously

"Well it's Payton and I then it's Ashley and..... YOU" Jaime hugged me

"No way!" I screamed.

"This is going to be the best worlds trip ever!" Payton said in a girly tone.

"I'm kind of scared though, it will be my first time seeing all my Smo's since I left." I said with a worried face.

"Don't worry it will be fine." Jamie said giving me a hug.

*at the gym*

"Cheetahs on the floor" coach said.

We warmed up every section twice and then we did three fullouts in front of just our coaches and they we turned off all the lights except for the ones shinning on the main floor. All of the teams in the gym got to perform for one another. After our performances the coaches talked to us about where we would have to meet and they we prayed and left. Jamie, peyton, and Ashley were all spending the night since we were on the same plane.

"I'm so excited!!!" Jamie said Turning on the music in Peyton's car.

"Let's listen to our worlds music!" Ashley said.

"initiating cheetahs 2.0, and blue To the world in hd, cheer athletics coming at you in high speed.....cheetahs!!!" We all sang laughing to eachother.

We kept playing our music over and over getting to know the words better every time. When we got to my house we parked and ran inside to find my mom putting dinner on the table.

"Hi mom!!" I hugged her

"Hey Madi, hey girls how was practice?" My mom asked the four of us

"It was amazing! We got to see all teams routines!" Ashley gushed

"I agree we got to see panthers and wildcats routines today and they were amazing!" Jaimie swooned

"Sounds like practice went great then! So I have dinner ready for you girls, you can just eat whatever I already ate so go ahead I'm sure you girls must be hungry after a long practice!" My mom smiled

We all went and sat down and ate the tacos my mom made.

"Miss Corsello your tacos are amazing!" Payton smiled

"Thanks Payton" she smiled warmly

After we finished our dinner we went upstairs and got into our pajamas and watched worlds videos from the past few years, when smoed came on from last year I started crying.

"What's wrong madi?" Payton asked

"I just miss my team so much! I love the team I'm on now but I miss my old team mates. I miss my coaches when they would yell at me telling me to fix things, but I also miss my coaches when they were always there for me no matter what, I miss how Robert used to mess around with Eddie during practice, I miss Jenee and how we always twined and how we were the smoed twins, I miss Michael Eddie and how he would always make me laugh, I miss everyone so much and how they made me smile when I was down they weren't just a team they were my family and I just miss them" I bawled

"Madi it's going to be ok! We will always be there for you and when we get to Florida tomorrow we will track down your team if we have too" Jaimie smiled and hugged me

"Yeah we will help you find them!!" Payton and Ashley agreed

"Thanks you guys are truly the best, you could of just left me alone with no friends but instead you guys welcomed me into the gym with open arms and I appreciate that so much!" I hugged all them at once.

"Oh and make sure to bring a dress to Florida!"Payton smiled

"Why do I need to bring a dress?" I asked

"You'll see" all three of them said at once with smiles spread across there faces.

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💋 thanks to Kenzie for helping me finish this chapter 💋

The MoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora