The Move~Chapter 12

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Madi's POV

I woke up from a long good nights rest. I noticed Payton and Ashley were already up so I decided to go and get them so we could wake up Jaimie if you know what I mean. I walked into the kitchen and saw Payton and Ashley sitting at the table on their phones.

"Guys lets go and wake up Jaimie! Ashley grab 2 pans and Payton grab whip cream or a cup of water!" I said excitedly, I went and found some feathers. All three of us went up the stairs and into my room. Ashley got ready to bang the pans and Payton got ready to spray the whip cream and I got ready to throw the feathers onto her.

"1" I whispered

"2" Payton said a tad louder

"3!!!" We all yelled

Ashley banged the pots and pans and Jaimie flew up in her spot, Payton sprayed the whip cream all over her face and I threw the feathers into her face which they stayed connected to.

"Seriouslyyyyy you guys are mean, you better watch your backs In Florida!" She complained but then had an evil smirk on her face.

"Oh no the J beast has come up from the dead!" Peyton screamed and ran from the room laughing and running around like a mad person out in the hall

"Get back her Payton your dead!" Jamie yelled and chased her around in the hall

"Haha you guys are great" I cried out in laughter

"I know I agree" Ashley laughed

Jamie and Payton came back a few minutes later and there faces are both best red but they were both laughing like crazy. They both sat down on my bed next to Ashley and I.

"I'm so excited we leave for Florida in 4 hours!" Ashley smiled

"I know I can't believe it's that time of year again! The season has gone by so fast" Jamie smiled but then frowned

"Are you guys trying out next season?" Payton asked

"I am" I smiled

"Me too!" Jamie chipped in

"And me three!" Ashley chirped

"I am too! I hope we all make the same team! What if we made panthers or wildcats" Payton pondered

"That would be cool but that would suck because then we wouldn't be cheetahs" Jamie frowned

"Let's just worry about that later" I said giving them all a hug.

"GIRLS BREAKFAST IS READY"My mom yelled from downstairs, we all got up and rushed downstairs to be met with the smell of eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

"Mmmm mom you are the best" I said and hugged her

"Agreed!" Jamie smiled and payton and Ashley also agreed.

We all dug in and by the time we were finished our stomachs were full of delicious food.

"Lets go shopping!" Payton said

"If you girls go then you all have to be back by lets see um 2 this afternoon so we can leave for the airport!" My mom smiled

"Ok lets go!" Jamie smiled.

We walked out and got into her car and she drove to the mall.

"Come on lets go to Hollister or something and find some tops for Disney!" Payton smiled and skipped all the way to Hollister.

When we reached Hollister we went around looking through everything when I saw a few tops I grabbd them in my sizes and went and tried them on.

"Hey Madi while your in there try this dress on!" Ashley told me from the other side of the curtain. I grabbed the dress and looked at it. It was amazing! It was blue with ruffles and it had rhinestones all over on the top part. I looked at the price and it was only $80! I grabbed everything and went go pay.

"Your total is $380 Miss"The clerk said

I searched through my wallet and grabbed a couple hundreds. The clerk smiled and gave me back my change.

"Ready Madi?" Payton asked

"Yep!" I smiled

We checked the time and it was time to head back. On the way back we grabbed startbucks. Jamie parked and we went inside the house to find my mom getting all the bags.

"Oh let us help mom!" I said quickly and started to grab bags same with Jamie, payton, and Ashley.

"No no go gather anything that you need and put it in a carry on!" My mom smiled and shooed us away.

~At The Airport~

"Ok girls come on before the plane leaves us!" My mom laughed dragging us away from Matt and all the cheetah girls and boys. The flight attendants went through the procedures if anything bad occurred we would know what to do. Finally we took off.

Her I come Florida and im ready to take over the World and get those rings

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