Chapter 19

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Madi's POV

"Wake up! Wake up! Wakeeee uppppp!" Jamie said trying to sing.

"You suck at singing" I laughed throwing a pillow at her.

"I know, but it woke you up." She said laughing and throwing the pillow back.

I quickly got up and changed into my uniform, put my makeup on and did my hair. I grabbed my nfinity backpack, put my nfinity shoes inside and put on my black converse hightops. I put on my cheetahs worlds tank and we left for breakfast.

I had a nice and healthy meal. I had oat meal with strawberrys with orange juice and a muffin with a small slice of ham.

"You guys ready to go?" Jamie asked

"Yeah" Payton Ashley and I replied

We were meeting the team at the arena so I wouldn't see Matt till then. We went and found the bus that took us there and got on.

"I'm so excited!" I said jumping up and down

"Madi calm down" Payton laughed

"What I'm just excited" I smiled laughing

I took my phone out and texted Matt

Can't wait to see you! So excited for today I know we will do great!

Matt: can't wait to see you either! We'll do amazing, love you <3

Once the bus arrived the girls and I and got off and went to find our team. We got our passes out when we had to enter the arena.

"Hey the teams over there!" I told the girls pointing to where the team was.

We walked over and I went over to Matt.

"Hey Matt" I smiled giving him a hug

"Hey Madi" He smiled hugging me back

"Ok everyone's here now let's head down to warmups!" Coach yelled over the noise

Matt and I walked down to warmups with the team hand in hand.

"Ok while we wait to go on the mat lets stretch. Grab your flyer and stretch them please and if you don't fly or don't have a flyer warm up your back and stretch your jumps." The coach yelled over the music from teams who were warming up.

I walked over to Matt and smiled.

"Ready to stretch?" He asked

"Yep" I nodded

I did my heel stretch and Matt went behind me and pull my leg closer. I did the same on my other leg. Then I hugged matts waist and he pulled my leg up and pulled it to where it was as close as it could get to my back. I did it on the other leg but I didn't go as far as my needle leg did. I did my left heelstretch and pulled through to a bow n arrow. Matt grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled it through more and push my leg over behind my head. I did the same on my other leg.

"Ok let's move onto the mat" coach yelled

We went to our second stunt and warmed up everything. Warm ups went fast, we had a few falls but our coach always tells us "if you hit everything perfect in warmups your wasting the good routine for the stage." So I guess that's a sign.

We all prayed and did our break.

We walked to the stairs that lead onto the mat. I was nervous but excited. I grabbed onto Matt's hand as the announcer said:

"Next on the mat from the large senior coed 5 division, is the Cheer Athletics Cheethas!"

As we walked on we could here all the cheer athletics teams/fans chanting the cheer athletics chant.

"Cheer athletics, *claw claw*, cheer athletics, *claw claw*."

We all did our call and put our heads down.

"Cheetahs with the remix, let's go, yeah were moving fast, so fly so sassy" the music started.

I dip twice and I went into my kick double. We went to our coed stunts and we had one bobble. In standing tumbling everyone stick and stranded with out any touches. Jumps hit perfectly. Second stunt had a slight bobble in the back group, but other then that everyone hit. Running tumbling no one touched and everyone landed. My basket hit perfectly in the back. We went into pyramid and it hit amazingly. Now it's time to work for the dance.

"Everybody! Everybody say yeah yeah!" Our music went into the dance.

Werk, werk, fierce.

"Cheetahs" we shouted

The crowd went ballistic!

We all got off the stage quickly so we wouldn't get any deductions. They had stupid rules this year. After I got off the stairs I gave Matt a hug. Then Peyton, Jamie and Ashley . And then I ran to my coach and gave him a hug.

"You guys were amazing!!! We are speechless, I know there were a few mistakes but we will love you guys no matter what place you get." Our coaches said smiling. "Be back here by 6 for semi finals awards"

We gathered our stuff and everyone spilt up going different ways.

"Hey Madi were all going to go eat want to come with?" Jamie asked

"Yeah!" I smiled

We went and had lunch at this grill place. It was good they had really good chicken fingers.... The rest of the time we decided walk around watching all the teams which also consisted of taking pictures with fans and signing things. I also bought some bows and sport bras here and there.

"Come on we have to head back to where we met this mourning" Payton yelled over the music. We all rushed to meet with our team.

"Can all of our Large Senior Coed Level 5 teams join us on the mat" the announcer spoke through the speakers.

The announcer went through a small speech handing out participant medals to everyone as he called the teams that competed today. Then he started announcing who would move on.

"Moving on into tomorrow is.... The California Allstars Cali Coed"

I cheered for them. Just because I don't go there anymore doesn't mean I'm aloud to cheer...

"Next moving onto tomorrow is...... Cheer Extreme CoEd Elite"

"Moving on to tomorrow is....... Top Gun Large Coed"

"Now our final and last team which is actually in first for today is....."

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