Utaite OneShots [On Hold]

By xKatzecchi

52.8K 1.8K 2.7K

Welcome to my collection of Utaite OneShots~ I just don't know where to put my huge amount of love for these... More

Requests here!
Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田
🎈 Mafumafu//まふまふ 🎂
🎈 Soraru//そらる 🎂
🎈 Shima//志麻 🎂
🎈Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🎂
🎈 nqrse //なるせ 🎂
🎈 UraSaka//うらさか 🎂
🍋 SoraNaru//そらなる 🍋
🎈 Sou//そう 🎂
EveSou//いぶそう [Part 2]
🍂🎃 [1st] Shima//志麻 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🎈 [2nd] Senra//センラ 🎂🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [3rd] nqrse//なるせ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🎈 [4th] AraNaru//あらなる 🎂🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [5th] Uratanuki//うらたぬき 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [6th] Geychan//げいちゃん 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [7th] Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [8th] AmaKuro//あまくろ 🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [9th] luz//ルス 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [10th] AmaTomo//あまとも🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [11th] ShimaSen//しまセン 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [12th] UraSaka//うらさか 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [13th] Mafumafu//まふまふ & nqrse//なるせ 🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [14th] EveSou//いぶそう 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [15th] Soraru//そらる 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [16th] Amatsuki//天月 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [17th] SoraSaka//そらさか 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🎈 [18th] Mafumafu//まふまふ 🎂🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [19th] un:c//あんく 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [20th] Neru//neru_sleep 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [21st] AraNaru//あらなる 🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [22nd] Rib//りぶ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [23rd] Eve//いぶ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [24th] Meychan//めいちゃん 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [25th] S!N//しん 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [26th] SoraMafu//そらまふ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [27th] Araki//あらき 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [28th] SoraKuro//そらくろ 🍂🎃
🍂🎃🍋 [29th] Kranku//くらんく🍋🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [30th] HikiFes//ひきフェス 🍂🎃
🍂🎃 [31st] XYZ 🍂🎃
🎈 Soraru//そらる 🎂
Headcannons ~Natsu Matsuri//夏祭り~
Pocky Day Imagines! 🍡🍩
🍋 ShooNaru//しゅなる 🍋
🍋 UraSaka//うらさか 🍋
🎈 Shima//志麻 🎂
🎈 Aho no Sakata//あほの坂田 🎂
🍋 KettaS!N//けったS!N 🍋
🎈 nqrse//なるせ 🎂
🎈 Meychan//めいちゃん 🎂
💕 Valentine's Day Imagines 💕
💕 Natsushiro Takaaki//夏代孝明 💕
🍥🎉 nqrse's harem (?) //なるせのハレム 🍥🎉
Reading Night #1 - Natsushiro Takaaki//夏代孝明
Reading Night #2 - Sou//そう
Reading Night #3 NanaSato//ななさと
Reading Night #4 - 🍋 AraNaru//あらなる 🍋
Reading Night #5 - Mafumafu//まふまふ
Reading Night #6 - 🍋 NatsuEve//なついぶ 🍋
🎈 Shoose//しゅーず 🎂
🎈 Colon//ころん 🎂
🎈 Nanamori//ななもり。🎂
Just an annoucement


558 19 43
By xKatzecchi

I was invited to (Y/N)'s birthday party, which I'm currently at.
But what exactly am I supposed to do here...?
Everyone's been drinking, I really couldn't say that I've seen anyone without a glass of booze or a bottle of beer in their hand.

Suddenly, a man walked up to me. It was dark, except for the flashing neon lights, so I couldn't really recognize him that well. His voice, even though he was seemingly yelling, was almost completely drowned out by the music.

"Hey, you!"


I turned around, only to get a bottle of beer shoved in my face.


"It's boring without the right things here."

He grinned at me while saying that.

"Uh, yeah... Thanks I guess. Who are you, by the way?"

"Whaaat, you don't recognize me!?"

"Now that you mention it, your voice does seem rather familiar."

"Huh, only my voice seems familiar?", he sighed, "Well, I'll forgive you because it's so dark here. I'm Rib, see?"

He pointed to his face dramatically, then held a few strands of black hair between two fingers.


"Just 'oh'!? Man, you really are something...", he smiled slightly.

"Well, now that we both have something to drink - What's up?"

"Nothing, really. I'm not the type of person who goes to parties. I enjoy talking to the people here and have a good time, but-", I was cut off by Rib sitting down next to me as a dancing couple bumped into him, "- These occasions can get... pretty wild. I have to be careful not to get too drunk.", I looked at the bottle in my hand.

"I see. So... What are you doing here then?"

"Well... She invited me, so I couldn't say no."

"Ah, I know what you mean!"

I listened to him while taking another sip from my beer.
Soon enough, my bottle was empty.

"Empty already, huh? Wait here, I'll get us something to drink."

"Another bottle?", I wanted to ask, but he was already gone.

I sighed.

This is definitely not what I expected today.

Meeting Rib again, then drinking something, when I didn't plan on doing to.

But there he was again, coming towards me with two bottles of beer, the same one we had before, and a bottle holding clear liquid.

Oh no.

"Rib, I don't really-"

"Come on! You have to at least drink something if you're gonna sit here!"


"No buts allowed! Here."

He gave me one of the beer containing bottles and placed the other one on the table in front of us.

I sighed yet again, then drank some beer.

It won't hurt, right?

I just noticed he had also brought two shot glasses. While i wasn't interested in consuming any of the bottle's contents, I had to say that the glasses looked pretty.

Was I already letting my thoughts drift off that far after one bottle of beer?

I shook my head slightly.

Get it together, you can handle that small amount of alcohol.

I drank from my bottle every once in a while, talking to Rib about different things.

"So, how have you been lately? I know, I'm not active on social media at the moment, but I can assure you I haven't been slacking off!"

"Yeah, right.", I grinned slyly.

"Hey, uhm, this might be kinda off topic, but... Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Wow, that IS kinda off topic."

"Yeah, sorry... So?"

"No, I don't."

"You sure?"

"Rib, are you drunk already? How couldn't I be sure about that?"

"Ahaha... Sorry... I just... Kinda... You know? Uhm... Well, anyways..."

Rib couldn't be drunk already, right? But...

...I thought I could see a red flush on his cheeks...

Is he that easy to get drunk?

I wanted to change the topic, but he cut me off.

"Anyways, yes! Uhm, want to try this?", he pointed towards the bottle sitting on the table,

"Amatsuki recommended this to me. It's supposed to be pretty good."

"Well... Actually-"

"Remember what I told you a few minutes ago?"

"... Yes...", I sighed.


Rib poured some of the clear liquid into those beautiful glasses he brought with him and drank his all at once.

"Wah, it's really good! You have to try it, Soraru-san!!"

"Ah... all of it at once?"

I eyed the alcohol percentage on the bottle, and was certainly not pleasantly surprised.

He nodded enthusiastically, placing his bEAUTIFUL glass down.

"Of course! You won't regret it!"

If he said so...

I poured the glasses' contents down my throat and got it over with. My whole face immediately scrunched up.

It was good...

...but very, very strong.

"So, how is it??"

"Actually, it's... Quite good."

"See!? Have to thank Amatsuki later for that! You want more?"

"Yeah... Why not, I guess."

"That's the spirit!"

With that, he poured me another me another glass, shrugging off the fact that he didn't drink any himself now.

I downed the shot, lightly slamming the glass onto the table.

It's good.

"You seem to like it!", I could hear Rib laughing.

"Uh, yes... Gimme won moah."

"Uh, are you sure, Soraru-san? You're slurring already..."

"You swarted id! So jusssst gimme mah alcohol..."

"Well, if you're sure... I won't drag you home later!"

I didn't even listen, just slid my glass over to where he sat, waiting for him to pour the drink in. When he did, I quickly drank it.

This continued for a few more times.

I couldn't help it.


"Yes? What is it, Soraru-san?"

"Wh-Why don't you drink s-some more? Me being the only one this drunk isn't fair..."

"Soraru-san... You... Look pretty sexy right now, you know that?"

"Stop blabbering you idiot..."

"I really mean it though."

Although I didn't really notice the things happening around me anymore, I did notice that he moved dangerously close to me.

"I can't help it, you're the incredibly drunk one.", he smiled at me.

I wasn't drunk enough to ignore the way he smiled, though.

He put his arm around my shoulder and then put down his bottle.

I tried to resist, but the alcohol flowing through my body told me otherwise.

"Rib... What... Are you doing...?"

"Hey. Let's go somewhere else, okay?"

"But why?"

"To... Have some 'fun'."


Was he for real?!

It's not like I was in my right mind, I didn't have the strength to complain.


"It's your choice - Hotel or my place."


I still didn't really comprehend any word that came from him.
Why was he trying to take me elsewhere?

What's he thinking?
Must be the alcohol.

"Why would we go to an hotel?"

"My place, then.", he grinned playfully.


"So? Why are we-"

Just before I could finish my question, a pair of lips crushed onto mine.


My words came out slurred. I hope he could understand me somehow.

Not only because of the alcohol, but also since I had a hard time talking when his lips laid right on mine.

As soon as I said that, he parted the kiss, looking at me while his hands gripped my shoulders somewhat tightly.

"I- sorry, uhm...", his grip loosened, and his eyes were looking down, "It's- I was just, well... Should I stop?"

"I... Don't know..."

What's wrong with me?
Although I tried to resist him, I simply couldn't.

It somehow felt...


"You're so damn sexy right now, fuck... If you wanna leave, leave now. I can't hold back any longer."

The way his voice sounded like was really dangerous, scary...

...but I want to hear it more and more.

The things he said didn't really help.

"I won't leave..."

"Don't complain later."

He smashed his lips on mine again and let his hands groam my body.


"So you like it, huh?"


He was asking such weird things, and expects me to respond.

How could I say something when I didn't even have the chance to breathe properly?

"I can't-"

I had to force myself away from him, just to take in air.

"Sshh, it's okay... I'll make you feel even better."

Before I could respond, I felt his one hand moving down to my crutch and slightly rubbing on it.

"R-Rib, wh-what are you-"

"Don't say a word.", he growled, making me shut up instantly.

He brought his lips up next to my ear, and started whispering sweet nothings that I wish I would never forget into it. He occasionally licked and bit my ear, as well as my neck.

I would lie if I said it didn't feel good.

The fact that he was putting pressure onto my still clothed crotch only made the whole thing better, making me groan slightly.

I was still sure not to make too many sounds.

"Nhg... S-Stop..."

"Why should I stop? I know that you like it."

"No- Ngh..."

I felt a slight pain in my lower regions.

'You can't be serious... Am I actually enjoying this...?'

"But...", he whispered in my ear again, "If I should stop, scream my name."

"R-Rib, please... W-We shouldn't do th-this..."

I tried to control my voice as much as possible, but the pleasure he gave me was unbearable.

"You seem to like it. We'll both feel good. So why shouldn't we?", he looked into my eyes.

He removed his hand from my crotch and took me by my wrist instead, leading me into one of the rooms at the floor's end.

As we entered the room, the first thing I noticed was a big bed in the middle of the room.

As I pondered about why he had such a big bed, he threw me onto it, hovering over me.

"We'll need this much room, trust me."

His voice was deep, sending shivers down my spine.

He was really going at it.


I could see him looking me over, actually quite embarrassing me.
I tried covering myself, even though my skin hasn't been exposed yet.

"You'll only futher embarass yourself.", he smiled mischievously, "So don't hide yourself."

Hearing him say that only embarassed me further,
but the alcohol in my veins told me to let it go.

"Are you okay, Soraru-san? I'll stop if you don't want to-"

"Don't. Just do it."

"A-Are you sure?"

"Don't ask me. Just do it."

"Alright then..."

He once again leaned into my neck and spread soft kisses along it.

It didn't take long until he started to bite down on my skin. I didn't have time to wonder why since a sudden, strong feeling of pleasure shot through my body when I let out a groan.

I could feel him smiling against my neck.

"I want to hear more of it."

Then, he bit down on that very same spot again, sucking the skin there until it hurt.

I was sure there was a purple mark on there now.

The pain vanished soon enough and only a pleasurable feeling was left.

"Ngh... Hurry up..."

"Now, don't be greedy here. You'll get what you want soon enough..."

He started lifting up my shirt and roaming my body with his skilled hands.

I couldn't help but to let out a few more groans and soft moans.

As I felt his hands going further down, I inhaled sharply.

"Don't hold back, Soraru-san, let it all out..."

As much as I wanted to do as he said, I refused.

"I... Can't. It's embarassing... A-ah!"

I tried my best, but I soon found out where his hand was going.
Soon enough, my belt was being unbuckled and my pants were left unbuttened and unzipped.

What a tease.

"Don't think I'm going to remove these many layers now... I want to hear more of your pretty voice, as impatiant as you are."

"A-Ah... R-Ri- Ah!"

I didn't care anymore.
I was aroused, I couldn't deny that fact.

"That's right... Just let it all out..."

He teased me through my pants, rubbing my aroused crotch further and further.

"Uh- I- I want to-"

"Cum? Not yet, try to hold on a little longer, okay?"


"Then... then do something...!"

My hips started to buck against Rib's hand, trying to gain at least a little more friction.

Of course, that failed as he pushed my hips down, removing his hand in the process.

"No, no, no, Soraru-san... If you continue doing this, we will be here for a lot longer..."

He was smiling, but his chest was raising and sinking irregularly, making his heavy breathing visible.

"Oh, Rib... But you seem rather uneasy yourself, or am I wrong...?"

I didn't know what had gotten into me, but without an ounce of hesitation I moved my own hands down his chest to his crotch and drew little circles on it.

Rib inhaled sharply, but tried to remain calm.

I couldn't wait any longer, so I tried to take initiative.


He dropped the honorifics just like that and gripped my wrist with one hand.

His grip was weak, though.

He was slightly trembling, and he seemed like he was holding back.

"D-Don't... Ngh..."
"You can't wait any longer too, right? So just do it already..."

I didn't have to repeat myself, because once I stopped rubbing him, he was already throwing away his pants and removing mine.

The only left fabric seperating us was our underwear and our shirts.

"Are you ready?"

He didn't seem to care about removing our shirts, but I certainly did.

I gripped the thin fabric of his took it off.
Right after that, I pulled him in for a rough kiss.

The only thing heard in this room were our excessive and lewd moans and groans.

"Now I'm ready."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Even in this situation, he managed to smirk.

It might have been because of my drunk state, but it looked incredibly sexy.

(Bracing myself for the next part, lord forgive me for I have sinned)

I only managed to let out slurred words that were incomprehensible. My hands made their way towards Rib, my fingers hooking on the elastic band of his loose underwear.

And he seemed to get what I want. He took my hands in his, and looked into my eyes for a few moments, looking uncertain.
But then, he released my hands, and pulled down his underwear by its hem, freeing what was so desperately begging for room to move freely.

His erection sprung out immediately.

°°° To be continued...? °°°


Hey guys!
I did this one shot in cooperation with weelilly, as a kinda roleplay, so I really hope you enjoyed this one!
We put extra effort into this, because we really think this ship should sail.
(help us)
I'll definitely write more soon, so pls don't think I forgot your requests!
Have a nice day!

Meow! 😺

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