Brightest Night || 1 || HTTYD...

Galing kay Daylight99

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BEING REWRITTEN!!! When a human loathing dragoness named Sunflower journeys a little too far from home a lim... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 7

457 22 1
Galing kay Daylight99

Hiccup had a headache.

And a minor panic attack.

How was he supposed to leave the village in the morning with a giant red catlike winged reptile following after him? He was already in over his head with harboring two dragons in the woods. If his father, or anyone, were to find out about them they were dead. He was dead. No, he'd be publically humiliated, then banished from the village and branded as a traitor to all Viking kind, then hunted down and killed by anyone who found him.

'You could always leave,' That little voice in the back of his head whispered. 'Fake your death and leave.'

No... He couldn't do that.

He wouldn't survive out there that long without proper planning and the necessities he needed. He wasn't even sure either dragon would stick around once they could fly again.

With a loud sigh, Hiccup tightened the last bolt and grinned, eyes lightening up as he stared at his finished piece of art. "There, I'm done... now hopefully this works."

Sunflower blinked and looked over from her curled up the spot in the corner, a small pile of fish in front of her, cooing softly to herself as she glanced. Eyes zeroing in on the thing in his arms which had her head tilting to the side like a curious cat. Letting out a coo, she drew Hiccup's attention towards her where he followed her gaze towards his arms.

"What's that?" He could practically hear her question as she let out a curious croon. Turning, Hiccup held up the fake tail fin. "This... this will hopefully help Toothless fly. Gobber, my... teacher, said something that gave me an idea. A dragon damaged or without wings or a tail was pretty much a goner and since he's missing part of his tail fin... Why am I talking to you, you probably don't understand."

"Hey!" Sunflower gawked at him almost insulted, tail flicking irritatedly. "I am not an idiot! I might not be an expert in meat stick things, but I'm still smart! Do YOU have any idea how insulting—!!"

"—Shhh!!" Hiccup ran over and covered her mouth as her growls and mini roars grew louder. It was clear she was insulted by what he said if her expression wasn't one of the things to go by. "You have to be quiet! Gods, if anyone on this island finds out about you, you're dead. I'm dead. So please, do us both a favor and stay quiet."

Sunflower just went stiff, her big eyes widening and blinking innocently as she tilted her head. Hiccup let out a huff as he went over to his desk and set the prosthetic tail fin on his desk. He smiled as he glanced over it; it wasn't as neat as the real thing, but hopefully, it'll work. Glancing back at Sunflower who was now inhaling the fish he gave her, Hiccup couldn't help but compare her tail fins with Toothless', as well as there appearances.

Whereas he had more of a sharp tilted line before it spiked out at the end, hers were flowy and extended out lounger in elegance, almost like ribbons.

He had tried to picture the male dragon with a tail fin like that, but the result just ended with him wanting to laugh. Now that he got a good look at the female though, he began to take notice of the little details that rendered her different from the male Night Fury. The color, for one, it reminded him more of a fire than the night. Her scales were smooth and almost diamond-shaped whereas the male's rounder and more noticeable, hers also gleamed like someone took a bunch of diamonds and shaved them into a fine glittering powered before dusting said powder all over her body.

Her ear antennas were a little longer and almost pointed, she was also slimmer and smaller than the male as he was more burly and muscular, though much slimmer than most other dragons Hiccup has seen. Their wings were the same and the shape of their bodies, faces and everything else were almost identical, but those few differences he noticed made Hiccup wonder if Sunflower was actually a Night Fury.

He didn't know much about Night Furies, but he was pretty sure they weren't supposed to look like a fire itself came to life in the form of a be-stared dragon.

"... Just what are you?" Hiccup muttered quietly as he set down his book. He hadn't realized he'd subconsciously picked it up and began drawing her as he glanced up at her a few times. Sunflower's ear twitched indicating she heard him, but he paid no mind. "Are you really a Night Fury? Sure, you look almost like Toothless... but notm at the same time?"

Getting up he wandered over to his bed where that book on dragons Gobber gave the recruits rested. Flipping to the page on Night Furies, he began to flip through the pages after that one to see what he could find. ".... blank. Blank. Blank. Another blank. Defiantly-" He looked up at the dragon who was now looking around his room childishly. "-not you. Blank. Almost the rest of these are blank! So if you aren't a Night Fury, does that mean you're something else? Something of close relation maybe?"

Sunflower's head snapped around to him as she made a cooing noise. "Finally! The human gets it! Here's a fish, I heard from the birds you fleshies like gifts."

Hiccup just stared at the half-eaten fish is disgust but a little grateful it wasn't covered in slim like the one Toothless gave him. "No... I uh, I'm full..." He pushed it back towards her. Sunflower just stared at him for a moment before snorting as if to say "suit yourself" before gobbling it up in a flash. Who was she to get offended? It was just a fish, and she was hungry anyways so the less he ate the more she could stuff herself.

Hiccup let out a sigh as he put the book down and sat on his bed. "I really wish I could understand dragons. It'd make this a whole lot easier..."

Looking at her, he started to think. If not a Night Fury, then what was she? A Fire Wing? Fury Copier? That sounds weird... A Fire Fury perhaps? Maybe, she looked a mix of both - so Fire Fury would be a good name, but it just didn't sound right. Letting out a sigh, the boy lied back on his bed and just stared up at the roof.

He couldn't help but still feel a little stiff with the idea of having a dragon, one that resembled so closely to the breed his home feared the most, staying in his room while he slept. After all, just only a couple of days ago she was trying to snap him in two and just moody the rest after he learned her names.

He was beginning to think it was a female thing.

Asta did the same thing at times too; one moment she'll be all friendly and the next she was ready to snap you in two. A lot of the other females around Berk were similar too.

With another sigh, Hiccup closed his eyes and tried to relax. Turning on his side while using one arm as a pillow he tried to ignore the presence of the dragoness who was now strangely quiet. He was tempted to see why, but he decided against it. He didn't want to risk turning her surprising cheerful mood into a sour one, he almost nearly did earlier.

Sunflower just watched as the human turned on his side, back facing towards her with tense shoulders. The Sun Fury wasn't stupid, she knew that he was a bit wary around her, probably thinking that she was going to attack him in his sleep. And though a part of her deep down told her to just kill him and leave, she couldn't. The thought of doing that actually made her feel a little sick.

Truth be told, she has grown a little... a little attached to the human.

His curiosity reminding of her little sister's when she was younger, and the thought of harming him would've been like her wanting to kill the Light Fury. She couldn't help but chuckle though, Aura would probably have a small hissy fit if she knew Sunflower was fond of a human - especially after what Deathslayer had taught them when they were younger; never, EVER, trust a human or go near one, they were greedy killers who only enjoyed bloodshed and power.

'I'd probably be considered a traitor,' Sunflower laughed bitterly as she looked over at the boy once more. 'I'd have my wings slashed if not my throat if they show me any mercy,' That's why when she goes back home, she wasn't going to tell anyone about the human even if she does end up feeling guilty for keeping it a secret. If she wasn't branded as a traitor, she'd become a prisoner. Deathslayer's number one rule for her was once that was NOT allowed to be broken.

Never, ever, allow yourself to be discovered by the humans or other dragons outside of the island.

Sun Furies were rare amongst the Fury species long before they were all being killed off, and now that Sunflower herself was the only one left of her kind, everyone wanted to keep her hidden and ground into all the rules. Believe it or not, she believed that that was the only reason she was part of the Guardian Force was that it kept her tied down to the rules and in her squadron, meaning she couldn't leave them unless given the order to by her commander and always stuck to the very borders of their island. She didn't really question anything though, despite her being curious about the outside world.

Though as time grew on, Sunflower had begun to develop different abilities and had accidentally transported herself far outside the boundaries one day during her private training. It had scared her to no end when that happened as she had remembered what Deathslayer had said about there being danger lurking in every corner and shadow; humans and other dragons a like just waiting to kill you or take you prisoner where they would then proceed with the torture until you broke or succumb to your wounds.

Upon the instant discovery that there weren't many dragons or humans around the parts she teleported, Sunflower began to become a bit bolder in her actions and start to question her leader's rules, even if she never said them out loud... It was upon this that she decided to tell and use her abilities around only a selected few, Orion and Lightglider being two of them.

In fact, when the two Light Furies discovered their abilities to teleport through Plasma Blasts, Sunflower took them to the spot outside of the island barrier she had accidentally zapped too. It became their little hang out whenever they had free time, or rather, Lightslider's and Sunflower's, Orion just followed cause he thought he needed to "protect" the last female of his kind. But in the end, they'd always returned home, she'd always return home...


Sunflower couldn't help but suddenly feel homesick.

Though she didn't like being trapped, the dragoness missed her home dearly and just wanted to return to it where she could continue living on in peace with her sister and friends. She's never been away from the island this long, and that scared her. Anything could happen to her or her home within the last few days of her being gone, but what could she do? Even after her wing healed she would have to re-train herself in flying as she was sure her muscles would be weakened; she was lucky she could fly the amount of time she did without crashing... actually, hopefully, that meant the muscles weren't as bad as she thought...

A snore had her jolting from her thoughts and blinking rapidly from having just stared off into space none blinking and her eyes had dried out within that period of time.

Another snore had her looking over at the human hatchling who was now in a deep sleep. She just gave a deadpanned expression, raising a ridge before looking over at the weird stick thing and blowing out, the room going dark as she went over to a corner and curled up. Her tailing curling around her and wings covering her head.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day, she could feel it.


"Sunflower! Put me down!"

Sunflower grinned evilly as she hopped from one branch to another high in the treetops with a basket-like bag of fish and hanging from that a panicked Hiccup dangling in the front as he clung onto the straps for dear life. Eyes narrowing in on a large gap between the upcoming branches, Sunflower spread her wings and launched herself off of her perch, sailing towards the sky as she spotted an opening. Hiccup let out a chocked scream as they burst through the treetops at great speeds.

Sunflower didn't bother flapping her wings, just allowing them to stay spread as she glided on the soft currents of wind that brushed along the leafy tops.

"G-gahh!" Hiccup pulled his feet up with tightly closed eyes. Was she going to drop him? He hoped not. After a moment of nothing but a gentle breeze hitting his face, the boy opened his eyes. He flinched as a rather tall tree passes by him, eyes locking onto it before he slowly looked ahead. "Whoa..."

The light from the sun cast a golden glow over everything, the trees turning various shades as well as the clouds. A misty rainbow danced through the clouds as the rays of light hit the little rain-ice crystals of vapor that hung through the air, creating a magical feeling. His eyes widened in awe as he looked around, gasping as they passed through a small misty looking cloud. Reaching one arm out, he laughed in disbelief as his hand passed through another cloud.

"Amazing..." He breathed.

"This? This is nothing." Sunflower let out a small snort. She wanted to fly higher but she wasn't so sure how he would handle being up that high. His lungs weren't built like hers were and he could easily die from being up in such thin air. Eyes zeroing in on the cove, Sunflower paused for a moment, grunting at the slight sting in her wing at the sudden halt and beat.

"Why'd you stoppppppaaaahhhhhh!!" Sunflower shot down towards the trees, making swift turns and complicated maneuvers as she broke through the leaf tops, using her wings to shield the boy as they did so, hopping off of branches and trunks before she hit the ground in a sprint as soon as she got her bearings which was rather quick. "Oh, dear Gods!"

Just as they reached the cove, Sunflower set him down with a gentle plop, before moving to stand in front of him with a goofy grin. Hiccup sat there gasping for a moment, eyes wide, and hair a mess fro the sudden blast back down to earth. At the sound of a soft coo, Hiccup glanced up and swallowed a thick ball of saliva.

"A-are you trying to kill me?" He gasped.

"No~" She grinned happily. "Just trying to get you used to flying tis all~"

Hiccup just gave her a deadpanned expression at her happy smug look and rather pleased chatters that elected from her mouth. He could only imagine what she was saying. With a huff, the boy pushed himself up and adjusted his pack of fish as well as the tail fin he somehow managed to hold to during the crazy dragon's sudden flight.

He didn't have much of a choice.

He was going to leave her in his room all day and take her back to the cove that night, but he supposed that his quiet exit of the house earlier that morning was as quiet as he had hoped, for after he put the pack on his back he was suddenly grabbed and taken on a wild joy flight. How the Fire Fury managed to avoid all the Vikings left on Berk was beyond him; same with no one hearing his echoing screams.

"Never do that again. Please!" Hiccup trudged past her.

"You're no fun," Sunflower moaned as she trailed after him. Tucking her wings in she followed him through the hole and took off towards the black blob that was sitting in his typical corner. "Brainless!! I'm back!"

The Night Fury turned around just in time to see a blur of red speeding towards him before he was bowled over. Letting out a strangled yelp, the two dragons went tumbling towards the ground where they landed with a loud THUD! The male groaning from both the impact and the weighed that sat on him. Cracking his eyes open, he was met with the bright green ones of his female companion. Blinking, he felt a little taken back at the large grin set on her face. Then a thought hit him and his eyes narrowed into slits.

"Where were you?" He pushed her off with a huff. "I woke up this morning and you weren't in the cave, or anywhere in the cove. I thought you left."

"Huh?" Blinking, Sunflower sat straight with her tail curled over her front talons. "O-oh, um... yeah, about that, I left last night-" Toothless turned towards her with a loud snort. "-and I went to the human village to visit Hiccup because I was hungry, he has a very strange cave by the way, and decided to just stay the night."

"... What?!" Toothless shot forward. "Are you crazy? Why on earth would you go into the humans' territory like that? You could've gotten hurt, or killed!" He circled around her as if looking for injuries. "How did you even fly with your wing? I thought it was injured."

"It is Dumbnut," Sunflower turned her head. "It's just not as bad as I thought it was. Just another day or so it should be healed and all I have to worry about is restrengthening the muscles and then I should be good to go."

Toothless froze at that. He almost forgot about her having to go home.

"Isn't wonderful? Couple more days and you won't have to really deal with me anymore, yeah?" Sunflower smiled brightly, though it did falter a little. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she had gotten a little fond of the idiot. Crazy of her, right? There was just something about him that made her want to be friends under her death threats and snarky attitude. "You'll have peace and no more attempted killings."

"... Yeah," Toothless looked away. "It sounds wonderful."

He didn't want her to leave. Sure, he believed that she should tone it done in the violent nature, but he never wanted her to leave. He had grown to enjoy her company, he didn't want to be alone again and not just because there were no other dragons around at the moment, but because he actually enjoyed being around another Fury. Something he thought had died out years ago only leaving him! He didn't want to be alone with his thoughts of being the last of his kind, but he couldn't exactly ask or demand her to stay, they would be selfish of him. Besides, he knew she wasn't fond of him and would more than likely kill him. As is, she probably only saw him as a weight on her shoulders, a drawback. She was wild and unless the other dragon was a mate or hatchling she wouldn't stick around for long in the situation turns dire. Survival of the fittest and with his useless tail fin...

Swallowing he watched as Sunflower hopped around her rock before bouncing back over to him, wings flapping a little in a typical dragon exercise in re-training the muscles in whatever wing was injured. After being alone for years on end and never once spotting another despite his deep wishes of coming across once. To be honest, it still hadn't settled in yet that he was around another Fury. A Fury that wasn't a Night Fury! How was it possible for there to be other Furies of different kinds?

"Hey, Toothless. I brought breakfast," Hiccup's sing-song voice interrupted said dragon's thoughts and Sunflower's bouncing. Both dragons looked over as a huffing and puffing Hiccup came over, hunched over from the heavy load on his back. Why didn't he let Sunflower fly him down again? Toothless began smelling the air as Hiccup set the bag down. "I hope-I hope you're hungry."

With a grunt, Hiccup pushed the bag over with his foot and sent the fish from inside all over.

Toothless, for the most part, was entranced with the amount there. His mouth-watering and stomach growling from lack of food and the scent that hit his nostrils. Shrinking down slightly, Toothless let out a croon before slowly making his way around the basket, eyes darting between the fish and human as Hiccup wandered around the other side and towards Sunflower who was eyeing the fish with her own interest.

"Okay, that's disgusting," Hiccup felt his eye twitch at the squishing sound. "Uh, okay, we've got some salmon... some nice Icelandic cod... and a whole smoked eel."

Toothless, at the mention and smell of the eel, let out a snort and started growling. Sunflower following suit as the vial thing became clear to view. Curious, Hiccup bent down and fished the long yellow and black dead creature out of the pile of fish. As he held it up the two dragons reeled back almost as if someone took a spike ball and smacked them in the face; Toothless bared his teeth, his pupils turning to slits. Sunflower let out a roar like shriek and flapped her wings as she backed up into the wall.

"No, no, no! It's okay," Hiccup soothed and quickly throws it away before holding his hand out towards Toothless who lets out a snort. Pulling his hand back, the boy wiped it on his vest. "Yeah, I don't like eel much either."

Sunflower let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding as Toothless went over to his fish and began to eat. Unlike those waterlogged seaweed brains water lovers back at home who'll eat just about anything, a majority of the land dragons hated eel. The smell, the taste, just everything was potent about it and it made them sick; only a brainless dragon would dare eat it. The only ones able to eat that vile thing were the Sea Wraths, as they had the system able to withstand the effects the eels had.

Sunflower had eaten an eel once when she was younger, it didn't end too well on her end though her... her mother found it to be funny. She missed her mom, she really did. She didn't know who her father was, just that he was killed trying to protect her mom whilst she was carrying the clutch of eggs.

Sadly, Sunflower was the only one to survive out of her family, becoming the last known Sun Fury in existence. Why others were so edgy around her back at home. That's how her home came to be, really. Gathering all elder dragons and hatchlings, they were all taken to the island the dragons all used their abilities to heal the life that was dying. The dragons of ice, water, and storms focused on putting an unbreachable shield around them - it worked too as nothing was able to pass through them. The barriers became almost invisible when the Enchanters came and placed another shield up.

'They were unbreachable until now,' Sunflower thought bitterly.

A movement drew her attention down and it was then Sunflower realized she was still standing on her hind legs and she went down to all fours before turning her attention to Hiccup who was at Toothless' tail mumbling to himself, sparing glances upwards every so often towards the male Night Fury as he slowly pushed the tail fin towards the base.

Sunflower hid her snicker as the boy kept having to move with Toothless tail as he moved about in his quest of eating all the fish. Luckily the female had already eaten quite a bit the night before and earlier that morning otherwise she would've probably gotten into a fight with the male over the food.

"Huh!" Hiccup nearly panicked as he grabbed the Night Fury's tail when the dragon jerked and rumbled. "It's okay." The grunted and placed his hands and body on the tail that continued to move. Sunflower cooed in amusement which gained her a disgruntled look from the boy as he struggled to keep Toothless' tail pinned while also trying to attach the prosthetic tail fin.

"Ah!" He cried out quietly as he lost grip for a split second and fell over the side. Pressing his lips, he quickly jumped on again, though backwards this time, and quickly began to fasten the fake tail fin into place. Sunflower watched as Toothless, who now had the basket on his face, froze and perked up stiff. The basket fell as he felt a familiar wait he had been missing and moved a bit as if testing it with a curious groan like purr.

Once it actually registered to him what it really was, his eyes widen and mouth opened in shock, his wings dropping as well which sent warning bells off in Sunflower's head. Glancing back at the human, she noticed he was securing the last strap and stretching the fin out once finished before they flickered back tup towards Toothless where her eyes widen as she noticed his wings slowly rising again and... spreading.

Was he going to-? Uh oh...

"Toothless, don't-!!"

It was too late as the Night Fury lunged into the air with great flaps of his large wings - a wingspan that happened to be a little larger than Sunflower's own - with the human hatchling clinging to two it with screams of "No, no, no" and alike. Sunflower let out her own roar that mixed with Hiccup's screams and Toothless' own roar as she noticed the duo falling suddenly, their path heading straight for the ground. Eyes wide with worry the female dragon reacted without thinking and spread her wings open as wide as they would go and lunged into the air.

She raced towards the duo, mentally sighing in relief when the boy reacts quickly and forced the tailfin open and the two managed to swerve upwards at the last second. Shooting into the endless blue, Hiccup let out a cheer upon discovering the fake tail fin worked. "It's working!" He smiled widely. "Sunflower, it's working!"

"Yes, yes! I can see that but Dear Moon, please focus on driving your dragon!" Sunflower roared back just as Hiccup turned the fin and the two made a sharp turn that sent them past the female and back towards the cove. It was just as they were flying over the water that Toothless gained full awarness of the 'stowaway' on ht e back of his tail when Hiccup started musing excitedly. Sunflower couldn't help the small pout that formed. "... Where was all this amusement when I was flying him?"

"Ugh..." The groan from the male Fury drew her ever-wandering attention. "Get off, human!"

Making a sharp turn, he flung Hiccup off and flying towards the water with a scream where he hit it and skid across the surface before dropping in like a stone. Sunflower shot Toothless a glare as the male tried flying up, only to find that he couldn't and dropped like a rock. Feeling satisfied with the result, Sunflower landed, albeit a little clumsily as her wing suddenly gave out from all the use in a single day.

"Ahh," She moaned at the sting of discomfort. "Why must all the rotten things being thrown my way?"

The large splash of water from Toothless landing drenched as a large wave collided with her form. A frown danced across her delicate yet sharp features as she let out an irritated sigh, ignoring Hiccup's cheers. Letting out a puff, she slinked away towards a sunny spot to dry off and mope.


Asta wasn't sure what to make of things as of late.

First, Hiccup has been acting rather strange. Second, along with sudden strange behavior, she has taken notice of his quick escapes into the woods where he would disappear for hours on end until darkness befalls the island. He has uttered hardly more than a few words to her and to be quite honest, it was ticking her off. How can someone just up and ignore their best friend like they are nothing but useless pieces of scrap metal? She envied Astrid at this moment. At least she got more words than "Hi" and "Bye" or "Got to go".

And then today in what she liked to call "Dragon Killing Class", Hiccup had done something that was absolutely crazy yet amazing. The test had been about taking out a Hideous Zippleback and just as things started to get a little out of control, Hiccup had managed to somehow control the dragon! It was amazing. But also... nerve racking. How had he been able to command it back into its cage? He wouldn't give anyone one a full logical answer before he took off claiming to have "something" to do.

'That SOMETHING being hidden out in the woods.' The redhead thought bitterly to herself. 'Something that seems to have taken my friend's attention for weeks!'

After almost two weeks of ignorance in favor of whatever he was hiding in the woods, Asta Bergljot had finally had enough and was on her way to his home to discover just exactly why he was acting the way he was. And why he had the sudden control over a dragon when the day before he hadn't. Marching up to the Haddock Household she quickly reached out and pound her fist against the hard wooden door.




It wasn't even a mere two minutes before the door opened to reveal Hiccup's older half-sister, Tia.

The girl was a little taller than she with long brown hair in a single braid, and bright blue eyes. Celestia was the daughter of Hiccup's mother; the produce of a relationship that failed as soon as the father discovered the mother was pregnant. Luckily, Stoick was willing to help raise Tia when he met the kids' mother and married her not long after the ditching.

The older girl blinked in surprise as she met the green eyes of her little brother's best friend; "Oh! Hello, Asta. What are you doing here?"

Asta smiled at the greeting before answering rather dryly. "I'm looking for Hiccup, is he here by any chance?"

"Hiccup?" Tia blinked. "Afraid not. He headed out to forge 'bout an hour ago to do something. You're welcome to go up to his room and wait for him if you'd like."

Asta thought about it for a moment before nodding. Walking into the home as the older girl moved out of the way and closed the door behind them before walking over to her own mini room behind a blood-red blanket. Asta made her way up the stairs while thinking of the lecture she was going to give the boy, only to stop short once she reached his room.

Papers were scattered everywhere as well as pieces of metal, tools, and fabric.

"What in Thor's name..." She muttered the further she walked in. Looking around her eyes stopped on a corner as a flash of something shiny reflected the beams of light. Eyes narrowing she slowly made her way over before crouching down, to get a better look. The thing tha caught her attention was a, what looked to be, thin stone of sorts. It was almost diamond shaped and a deep with a slight orange hue. Small shades of reds and oranges and what looked like a small amount of gold cast a sparkling effect everywhere the light hit, the strange thing almost looked like it was glowing.

Eyes narrowing slightly with a small part of her lips, she slowly reached out and picked the stone up. Flinching back slightly as the smooth surface met the tips of her fingers. Slowly, she picked up between her fingers and was surprised at how late it actually was. Weren't rocks supposed to be lighter?

Standing up, she flipped it around a few times and held it up in the light; the glittering almost creating a flickering fire effect as she turned it every which way. It was... pretty, she supposed. Rather strange really. She had no idea rocks looked like this. Turning away from the light, she ran her fingers down the sides.

'It's strange. I would almost say that instead of a rock, it was a dragon's...' She paused as she looked up chocked on a small amount of air. "...scale." She breathed after a moment.

Drawings of what appeared to be tail fins? And strange dragons littered his desk and the wall behind it. Measurements and little notes lied here and there as well. Various questions filled her mind as she walked forward, scanning over everything there. Her breath caught as she saw a drawing of a sleek, bat-winged dragon with a name printed on top. A drawing of a dragon with similar traits - but more girly, in her opinion - lied beside it.

Leaning closer she squinted her eyes before gasping and reeling back like it had burnt her. "... Night Fury?!" She breathed. Eyes darting to the other picture she exhaled and inhaled. "Fire Fury?!"

What in Odin's bloody long beard was going on?! Why was there things about a freaking Night Fury in this room? Better yet, how did Hiccup have any of this? No one has seen a Night Fury, much less live to tell the tale if they have! So how... then it hit her he claimed to have struck down two Night Furies the night of the raid and they landed in the woods. The next day he began to disappear into the woods and all the questions about the two dragons began to pop out of nowhere. Then what happened earlier that day...

"Oh, my gods..." She breathed out sharply in disbelief as it all clicked. "He actually shot them down..." She looked down at the stone in her hand and felt her eyes widen even more. Wasn't that new Fury red...? That wasn't a stone, it was a scale. A red Night Fury's scale! "He shot them down!" She repeated again while looking at the drawings and scale a few times. "... And he didn't kill them."

He didn't kill them!

He didn't kill them.

Then it hit her like a pile of logs. He didn't kill them. Dear sweet pigs of Berk! Was he insane?! He left two of the most fears dragons alive and more than likely untied out in the woods, near their village? Was he really that stupid? Oh, gods! This was bad! Really bad! What if-what if they come and kill everyone. What if... If Stoick or any of the others find out, Hiccup, as well as the dragons, were as good as dead.

"... I gotta find him," She whispered to herself, backing away towards the stares as she looked down at the scale. Clutching it tightly, she turned around and stormed down the stairs. Determination filled being as she rushed towards the door, flinging it open and racing towards the first place she knew Hiccup would be at the moment.

Just what exactly had her friend gotten himself into?

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