Parents (Prinxiety Fan-fictio...

By Copperlily

72.9K 3.2K 3.2K

This has been playing out in my head for a while, so I thought 'why not make it an actual story?' And so I di... More

Bus Stop
Friends Again
Bus Ride
Ideas and Unspoken Thoughts
Movie Night
Shut Up and Cuddle Me
Thank You
Negligence Is A Crime
Social Services
Social Services Pt. 2
Author's Note
Blackout Stories
Moving Van +Bonus!
The New Kid
Decisions + Explainations

Prince Charming

2.6K 124 63
By Copperlily


When the bus finally pulled up at our stop, Virgil was still asleep. Reluctantly, I shook him slightly, "Wake up, Virgil! We're at our stop." he blinked open his eyes and looked around. He looked up at me and realized how he was snuggled into me. He sat up quickly and blushed a bright red.

"S-Sorry." he mumbled.

I smiled and shook my head, "No, it's fine." I gathered my confidence, then added, "You're cute when you sleep." He blushed a deeper red, but smiled slightly.

We grabbed our bags and walked off the bus. Logan and Patton lived a few blocks away from me and Virgil, so we said goodbye to them and then started to walk down the sidewalk together. Virgil looked like something was bothering him. He kept fidgeting, playing with his hoodie strings, and glancing around nervously.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

He glanced at me, then sighed, "I dunno. It's just . . . my parents got mad at me for wearing make-up this morning and I ran out of the house . . . I know they're gonna, like, ground me or something."

I forgot how much Virgil's parents suck. "If your parents ground you for wearing make-up, call me and I will come over and punch them in the face."

Virgil laughed, "I wish you could. That would be awesome."

Suddenly, I remembered something, "Oh! Hey, can I see your phone for a second?" He looked confused, but took his phone out, unlocked it, and handed it to me. I went into his contacts, changed a couple things, then handed his phone back to him.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"I got a new phone last summer, and you don't have my new number, so I added myself to your contacts." I explained, then added, "So, seriously, if your parents ground you, call me. Promise?"

Virgil laughed, "Will do, prince charming!" I looked at him, somewhat surprised by the nickname. He looked back at me, fear rising in his eyes as he realized what he said. "Well, I-I mean, cause you - you're, like, you know . . uh, b-brave and - " he stumbled over his words and a blush rose to his cheeks.

"Hey, it's ok! I like the nickname." I laughed, smiling reassuringly at him. At that moment, we reached Virgil's house.

"Well then, bye prince charming. See you tomorrow." he said, his face still a bright shade of pink as he waved to me and walked up the steps to his front door.

"Bye, Virgil!" I called to him just before he disappeared inside. I stood there for a moment, staring after him, thinking. Then I turned away and ran across the street to my house, smiling to myself.


I closed the door behind me and leaned against it, sliding down the frame until I was sitting on the floor. I buried my face in my hands and groaned to myself. Why did I have to call him that? To his face?? How could I mess up that badly? I called him prince charming. Prince Charming. I basically called him my prince.

I heard footsteps and looked up. My dad was standing in front of me with his arms crossed. "Stand up." he ordered. I didn't move. "Stand up!" he said again, more aggressive this time. I stood up, reluctantly. "Good." he snorted, "Now go wash off that stupid make-up. I can't take you seriously like that."

I glared at him. "No." I told him flatly, then started to walk past him to go to my room.

He grabbed my arm and stopped me. Not looking at me, he said gruffly, "I don't want to see you with that boy again, young man."

"You're going to have to be more specific." I growled back at him, yanking my arm away from him.

He turned and glared down at me. "Roman." he said, grimacing as he said the name, as if he had tasted something foul.

I grit my teeth. "So what if I'm around him? What are you going to do? Ground me?" He couldn't tell me who I could hang out with - that was my choice to make. And the thought of having Roman given back to me, just to be taken away again . . . it would be more than I could take.

"Yes." My father replied. "And you're grounded right now, too. Give me your phone."

"No!" I yelled, "You can't punish me for being friends with someone!"

My father glared down at me, "Yes I can, I'm your father. If I see you with him again, I'm pulling you out of school for that day and we're having a talk. Now. Virgil, give me your phone."

I snapped. "You are NOT my father! Fathers actually care about their children, and you sure as hell don't!" I could feel tears in my eyes threatening to spill. I turned and ran upstairs to my room before he could reply. I slammed the door shut behind me and locked it. I flopped down onto my bed, trying to calm myself. Then I remembered the promise I had made earlier.

I texted Roman.

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