Fenris Together

By everyhearthasahero18

8.9K 3.3K 53

Two siblings Andy and Lauren are mutants when things turn bad pretty quick, Andy and the hellfireclub try all... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Two

140 74 0
By everyhearthasahero18

Author's Note:

Hello friends,

I finally got rid of my writers block. I also been busy with college now these days. I finally made new friends and started to hang out with them during the school day. It's been along two weeks. I haven't been myself lately. I have been thinking of something else that no one wants a family to go through.

For this chapter I have a little surprise in store for Lauren and Andy. Well mostly for Lauren. I won't give away the name of this person yet, but this character is part of the show and is in some way of helping the Mutant Underground. Which means it could be anyone at this point.



Unknown Person's POV

Meeting up with the two Strucker kids. I wanted to speak to the girl named Lauren. My people who are mutants as well have told me stories about Lauren Strucker. The Hellfireclub might have the boy on their side, but I can teach Lauren how to be stronger than any mutants that are alive.

It's time that the Von Strucker's learn the truth of what happened to their ancestor's Andreas and Andrea Von Strucker. I know what happened to their Great Grandfather and his sister when they supposedly died in Germany all those years ago.

"Lauren? Do you know this guy?" Andy asks getting in a protective stance in front of Lauren getting ready to fight if needed.

"Don't worry Andrew. I only want to talk to your sister that's all."

"Andy, just go back to HQ, I'll be fine I promise." Lauren comments trying to calm her brother down walking in front of him.

Looking at Andy he became hesitant of leaving Lauren alone with me. I just need to be alone with Lauren and that's it. What these kids don't know is that there is nothing to be afraid of when they're around me. "Andrew, I promise to make my conversation with Lauren short I promise."

"You have only 10 minutes, then me and Lauren are leaving and you will leave us alone." Andrew growled walking away from Lauren and I,watching Andrew walk across the street to sit down at a table at a cafe.

"Thank you Lauren for agreeing to speak to me, even though I was prying you away from your brother."

"It's okay thank you, whoever you are. I didn't even want to be with the group my brother asked me to join." Lauren explains.

"I'm part of this group this is looking for mutants that are torn between love ones. I have information about your ancestors Andreas and Andrea Von Strucker."

"How do you know about them, and who are you?" Lauren asks quietly.

"My name is Erg. Some mutants I lead are in a group we call ourselves as Morlocks. Don't worry I'm only here to give you this file and for you to think about helping my group. You  wouldn't have to get the mark you would be doing what you usually do helping the underground."


Lauren's POV

Joining Andy over at the cafe he was at waiting for me. I really couldn't hide the file Erg gave me, I just hoped that he doesn't ask me about the file, even though it's about Andreas and Andrea Von Strucker.

"Lauren who was the guy?" Andy asks me, walking over to me, I could see that he was paying attention to the file in my hand. "What did the guy give you?"

"A file on our great grandfather and his sister."

I couldn't take the risk of Andy not trusting me, its either telling him the truth or facing Reeva and I would rather just tell Andy the truth.

Well, most of the truth.

Andy opens the file, and pictures fall out of the folder.

"Lauren please tell me the truth. Do you know that guy who gave you this file." Andy asks me grabbing my shoulder.

"Andy I'm telling you that I don't know that person. I honestly telling you that I would of left with you instead of talking with him."

"Lauren. Did the guy give you his name?"

"No I didn't get his name from him, but I know for sure that he is a mutant."

"Don't lie to me Lauren, I know when your lying to me and this isn't the time to do when we preparing to build the mutant homeland"

Andy walks past me not saying a word, and marched off to HQ.

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