I died but I'm not dead (on h...

By StormyWinter

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Summer was meant to die a year ago. Now 17 she is trying to live a normal teenagers life and make it out of h... More

I died but I'm not dead!
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (Not completed)
Update (not a chapter)
Part 4 (Part 2)
Part 5 (Part 1)
I died but I'm not dead (Part 6)
Kidnapped by a player (I died but I'm not dead part 7)
I died but... Part 8
I died but... Part 9!
I died but... Part 10!
Competition :)
I died but ...part 11 :)
I died but...Part 12 :)
I died but...part 13 :)
Teaser :)
Part 14 :)
Part 15 :)
Important announcement!

Part 5 (Part 2)

905 12 1
By StormyWinter

Ok, tell me what you think. Coby isn't as nice as you thought ayyy?? Read and tell me what you think..

I suggest you listen to 'Talk you down' by the script. It kept me going through this part of the story. When I was like NOOOO..... I kept on going. I don't know whether it goes with this part of the story but its a good song.

Enjoy x


Summers P.O.V

I paused hearing another heart beat behind me. This heart beat wasn't human though. It was too slow and the person behind me sounded as though they were about to die. I carried on walking up the corridor and slipped through the door to my class. This was my safe haven away from whatever it was in the corridor. I looked for a seat and noticed one at the back. Scurrying towards it I plonked my bag on the floor and got ready for another boring hour of history. The teacher started chatting on about random stuff; I was lost in trance thinking about a project I had to do until he came in. He as in HOT! Hotter than Chase. Hotter than Chase Crawford, Zac Efron and Taylor Lautner. Don't you think that's saying something? He had browny black hair that hung just above his eyes. It then cut into a side fringe. And the eyes. The eyes. A chocolatey brown colour that I felt like I was melting in. He was wearing a black v neck top which I could see his muscles through. I could tell he worked out. I looked at his grey, ripped pants and his black boots. OH MY DAYS! He must have realised as I was staring at him as he sauntered over to me.

"Hey, I know I'm hot but there's no need to stare" I blushed as he smiled while he slipped into a seat next to me.

"Sorry" I sarcastically spoke. I watched as he pulled things out of his bag.

"Oh, I'm Coby. By the way" He held out his hand and I shook it. He had a strong hold on my hand and didn't let go of it for a minute.

"Summer" I smiled back at him.

"I know" He winked back at me. Talk about being a player!

"How?" This guy must have just joined school. How did he know?

"Err... Head cheerleader for 3 years, popular girl who controlled everybody for 4 years, ex boyfriend Chase, ex best friend Claire, Dead parents, over protective older brother Joe, Anorexic for 2 years, quite bright but doesn't show it, hides herself under baggy clothes, head of school activities for 3 years... Did I miss anything out?" I stared at him. My mouth felt like it would fall straight to the floor. My heart was in my mouth and my stomach felt like it was going to fall out my butt. What was he?

"Yes the fact that you're an arse" I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the room. Tears already leaking from my eyes. I hated him. Who the hell was he?!


Cobys P.O.V

Great Coby make the girl cry. That's a way to get to a girls heart. I mentally kicked myself for how stupid I had been. I must admit I'm not sensitive. Her parents were dead. So what? I had seen my family die right before my eyes. Every single one of them. I didn't care. I hadn't loved my family though. My parents had been cranky, old, idiots. I might as well give up on this now. I racked my head for a contact I could speak to. Nate!

"Nate?" I thought.

"...Yes man?" It was good to hear his voice.

"I'm going to give up on this" I sighed.

"What? WHY?" He shouted through my mind. Ow that was going to hurt in the morning.

"I just made her cry"

"Ohhhh... bad move" Nate laughed. I was going to kill him.

"What do I do?" I queried.

"You apologise and try to get to her heart"

"How?" I was shocked.

"You'll find a way. You're a ladies man. Player!" I laughed and then realised people were staring at me. I glared back at them and focused on Nate.

"Thanks. Good advice" I smiled.

"Anyway got to go. Adios Amigo" He cheerily spoke. I mentally rolled my eyes and continued listening into the lesson. This girl liked me; I could tell when I read her mind. Summer hadn't realised, until she stormed out of the room, that she had been sat next to the enemy.


Hope you like. Please comment, vote , fan . If your gonna ask "How can she hear someones heartbeat?" She has powers that we have yet to find out about. If you haven't realised what Coby is then you will have to wait. If you figure out then you may be realising how this story is going to turn out :) I will try to post soon. Sorry if it takes a while. Adios!

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