The Arrangement | ✔️

By Phunmito

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Kayla Andrews was living a simple life even as the daughter of one of the richest men in the society, she sti... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Author's Note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Bonus Chapter 1

Chapter 10

172K 5.6K 845
By Phunmito

I was awoken by the bright rays of sunshine on my face and I groaned loudly when I realized I didn’t put down the curtains before I slept. 

Now that I was awake, I knew there was no way I could go back to sleep so I decided to freshen up and put on some comfortable clothes.

I threw on a yellow sundress which I got from my brother for my birthday last year with my white gladiator sandals.

Now that I thought about it, I hadn’t heard from my brother in almost a year.

We always spoke because he was my favourite in the family excluding my dad. Yes! I was a daddy’s girl and being the last born made it like that.

My dad and I were so close but now, I don’t know what happened because he’s suddenly marrying me off. I’d been trying to talk to him about it but I barely saw him at all in the last few months. 

Ella decided to stay with her fiancé and my dad always came back late from work. My mom was my mom so she was always traveling to get goods for her store.

She was a big time jeweller and she owned one of the biggest jewelry stores.

Drayton Andrews who was my brother was a playboy. He didn’t necessarily sleep with girls but he was with a different girl everyday and he did it to piss my dad off. 

He was supposed to take over the company but he left home two years ago because he wanted to ‘find himself' but about a year ago, he broke off all forms of communication with any of us.

To say I missed him was an understatement because he always knew how to cheer me up especially in times like this and I couldn’t help but wonder if he would come for the wedding that is if he even knew about it.

I decided to pack my hair in a high pony tail and applied mascara and eyeliner with my pink lip gloss.

I picked up and phone and purse and moved downstairs. I didn’t know what I was going to do today but I was gonna go with the flow.

What I met downstairs definitely wasn’t what I had in mind for a Saturday.

I saw my mum, Jason’s mum and another lady with a blonde hair and red lips whom I didn’t know.

Jason’s mum was the first to see me and her face lighted up immediately she did.

“Kayla darling! It’s so nice to see you.” She gushed as she wrapped me in a tight embrace.

“Hello Mrs Anderson.” I answered her with a small smile.

“Oh please you can call me Olivia, or Liv for short. Better still Mom since we’re gonna be one big family but that’s if your mum doesn’t mind.” She said looking at my mum for confirmation.

“Oh it’s fine.” My mum said smiling at me.

“Good morning mom, how are you?” I asked embracing her tightly as I hadn’t seen her in a while.

My mum had brown hair unlike me.  I got my dad’s hair color while Ella got my mum’s and Drayton just got both. His hair was brownish black.

“I’m very well honey.”

“So what’s going on?” I asked them both also looking at the unknown lady in our living room.

“This is Tammy Sanders and she’s the wedding planner we hired for your wedding.” Liv said.

“Hello Miss Andrews.” Tammy greeted with a broad smile.

“Hello Tammy, it’s just Kayla please.” I answered with a small smile.

“Okay Kayla, so before you came down we were just talking about choosing the venue for your wedding but your mum said we needed the consent of you and your husband.”

“How big is this wedding going to be exactly?” I asked with a confused look.

“Oh honey,its gonna be the biggest wedding of the year.” Liv said with a small laugh.

I was pretty sure if I was drinking something, I would’ve choked on it.

“What do you mean biggest wedding of the year?” I asked with wide eyes.

“Yes honey, you’re not only marrying my son but you’re also marrying the companies together. It has to be the talk of the town.” She said with a smile and I just stared at her.

“Um–I think I’ll be talking for myself and Jason when I say that we don’t need a big wedding for our marriage.”

“Oh nonsense honey.” My mum interrupted, “the wedding has to be big considering the status of your dad and Jason’s dad.”

I sighed tiredly knowing I wasn’t gonna win this. Then an idea popped into my head. Maybe Jason could help me convince them.

“You know what? Why don’t you guys talk about this and I go see Jason to know what he thinks about this?”

The mention of me going to see Jason made them smile like kids who just got presents for Christmas and I didn’t even wanna know what they were thinking.

"Um–do you know where he is?" I asked his mum.

"He's at the office honey."she answered with a knowing smile and I just rolled my eyes with a small smile.

I muttered a quick goodbye to Tammy and went out the door. I hadn’t exactly been to their company before so I decided to call a taxi so I wouldn’t get lost.

The taxi arrived about five minutes after and the ride to his office was less than thirty minutes. That was when I realized that his office wasn’t far from mine and I was just finding out. I am such a responsible wife. 

Note the sarcasm.

I got down in front of the office and paid the taxi driver and just stared at the building in awe.

It was a huge building of about eighty floors and was made of black glass which made me wonder what would happen if someone threw a stone. The whole building would probably collapse.

I entered into the building but not without greeting the guards who just stared at me blankly. No surprise there since their boss was like that.

Immediately I got in, I was greeted by the stares of different people. Some stared so much I almost considered slapping them because of how rude it looked while some just stared discreetly but I still saw them.

I walked up to the receptionist who just ignored my presence.

“Hello.” I greeted her and she answered me without even looking up. I saw her name plate which read Hannah Evans.

She had light brown hair which was packed in a low bun and black eyes with high cheek bones. She was wearing a white shirt which was showing a lot of cleavage that began to make me wonder if it was appropriate in the work environment.

“I’m here to see Jason Anderson.” I said getting pissed that she was ignoring me.

“Who are you and do you have an appointment with him?” She asked without raising her head and I wondered what was so fascinating about the computer that she didn’t bother looking at me.

“I’m his wife and no I don’t have an appointment with him but I don’t think I need one to see him.” I said with a satisfied smirk when her head snapped up to look at me at the mention of the name 'wife'.

I know I wasn’t his wife yet but I was getting pissed off when she was ignoring me.

“Now that I have your attention, can you direct me to his office?”

“Take the elevator to the 81st floor and ask the person you meet to direct you.” She said grudgingly.

“I sure hope she’s not like you.” I said and walked away but not without catching a glimpse of her face that was red with anger but I could care less.

I entered the elevator and clicked on the 81st floor.

I guess I was right after all, it had 81 floors. After a few minutes, the door opened and I saw a lady with ginger red her behind a desk. 

As I approached her, she looked up at me and smiled politely.

“Hello, I’m Jade. How may I help you?” I let out a relieved sigh happy that she wasn’t like Hannah downstairs.

“Hi! I’m here to see Jason.” I said with a small smile.

“Do you have an appointment with him?” She asked with a confused look and I could tell she was wondering who I was since I called him by his name.

“Not exactly. Just tell him Kayla Andrews.” I said and a look of realization showed on her face.

“Oh! You must be Miss Kayla Andrews.” She said with a bigger smile and I was beginning to think she only knew how to smile.

“Just Kayla please.”

“I don’t think Mr Anderson would like that.”

“Then we’ll just do that when he’s not around.” I said with a wink.

“Okay then. I’ll let him know you’re around.” She said and picked up the phone.

She ushered me in when she dropped the phone and whispered a quick goodbye as I entered the office.

The office had a kind of vibe to it, the kind Jason carried around himself. It had a floor to ceiling window which gave a perfect view of the whole town below. 

It was beautiful.

My eyes soon carried me to the black mahogany table that had a black chair and seated in it was no other person than the devil himself.

He was wearing a while shirt with a navy blue tie but what took me off guard was the way his muscles bulged underneath the sleeves of his shirt that was rolled up to his mid arm.

There was just something about guys with rolled sleeves. His eyes were focused on something he was working on and I wondered if he knew I was right in front of him.

The way his eyebrows creased when he was looking at something on his screen made me wonder what he was so focused on. 

His hair looked like he had run his hands countless times through it and I had the urge to run my hands through it.  He looked sinfully gorgeous and he wasn’t even trying. It made me hate him for being attractive and an idiot at the same time.

I soon snapped out if my reverie and cleared my throat loudly to get his attention. He paused as soon as I made the sound but resumed what he was doing without sparing me a glance.

Great. He was ignoring me again.

“Jason.” I called to him but I was met with silence.

After three times of calling him with no reply, I stormed towards him and closed the laptop shut and that seems to get his attention because he glared at me which scared me at first but I quickly covered it up.

“Now that I have your attention,” I drawled slowly and laughed internally at the fact that he was the second person I was using it for today.

No wonder she was his receptionist, they had similar characters.

"I need to talk to you.” I said with a straight face.

“I’m busy. You should have called before coming.” He said in a monotone voice.

“Like you would’ve picked up.” I said rolling my eyes.

“I’m busy Hazel.”

“Who works on a Saturday?” I asked tiredly

“People who have things to do.” He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Do you ever take a break?”


“You know that’s not good right?  You’re human after all.”

“I don’t need breaks.”

“Are you by any chance a robot?” I asked with a raised eyebrow and he just looked at me like I had lost my mind.


“Then you need a break.” I concluded folding my hands and sat down  in the chair in front of him.

“Is that why you’re here? To grill me on why I need a break?” He asked in a bored tone.

“No. I came here to tell you to tell your mum and my mum that we don’t need a big wedding.”

“And why do I need to do that.”

“Because they’re planning a big wedding.”

“How is that so bad?”

“It’s very bad. What happens when we get a divorce?” I asked out of the blue and suddenly wondered why I said that. I never thought about it but now that I said it, I guess I was considering it.

I couldn’t be stuck in a loveless marriage for the rest of my life.

“And what makes you think that’s gonna happen?”

“We’re not gonna be married forever are we?” I said with wide eyes

“Isn’t that what marriage is all about?” He propped talking like he was referring to a five year old.

“I can’t be stuck in a loveless marriage forever.” I concluded.

He just stared at me for a while with his intense blue eyes then opened his laptop and got back to work

“Look Hazel, I don’t have time for this.”

“Stop acting like someone who’s got a stick shoved up his ass and help me out here! Whether you like this out not we’re really in this together so you have to help me.” I said angrily already tired of how he treated me like I was his maid or something.

He was quiet for a while until he finally spoke up.

“Okay. Fine.” He sighed “I’ll talk to my mum but not now. I’m busy.”

“When will you talk to her?”

“I’ll go see her today after work.” He said and I knew that was all I was getting from him.

“Thank you.” I said honestly and stood up to leave.

“Where are you going?” he asked me with a confused stare.

“Home.” I said in a duh tone.

“And how did you get here?”

“I took a cab.” I answered and turned to leave when he interrupted me again.

“Hold on. Take a seat.” He said in a commanding tone.

“Why should I?”

“Just seat down Hazel. Please.” He said in a tired tone and I finally complied.

He pressed a button and we waited in a comfortable silence but I couldn’t help but notice how he rubbed his fore head continuously like he was in pain.

“Are you okay?” I asked in a concerned tone but he just brushed me off.

“I’m fine.” He said flatly.

Not long after, the door opened and in came a bulky looking man in black suit and tie and the had that earpiece stuff behind his ear. 

When I looked closely at him, I realised he was the one who came with Jason to my place that night.

“Hazel, this is Nathan. He’s your new body guard. You’ll meet your new driver downstairs. His name is Leonard.” He said like it was the most normal thing on earth.

“I’m sorry but why?” I asked in confusion.

“Why what?”

“Do I need a body guard and a driver. I mean there’s nothing wrong with me taking the bus or calling a taxi and I don’t need a body guard. It’s not like my life is in any sort of danger is it?”

“No. But we’re getting married and you’re going to be exposed to the press and the public. You’ll need a kind of security around you.”

“Why? Do you have some kind of enemies I should know about?”

“I’m a business man Hazel, I have friends and enemies everywhere. It’ll be abnormal if I don’t.”

“ So does that mean my life is in some sort of danger?” I asked wide-eyed.

“No Hazel!” he said raising his voice a little, “just be with them at all times.”

“I don’t want a body guard or a driver Jason. I’m okay with how I am.”

“You don’t have a choice here Hazel.” He said in a concluding voice.

“I actually do.” I said stubbornly.

“Just drop it okay!? They’re yours and there’s nothing you can say that’ll stop this.” He shouted angrily and his eyes suddenly became darker which scared me a little and when he saw how scared I was he relaxed.

“Look Hazel, I’m—”

“Forget it! I get that you don’t care about me but you have no right to raise your voice at me. Just because you’re rich and all doesn’t mean you’ll command me to do something and I’ll do it. I’m going to be your wife not your slave so please stop treating me like one.” I said in a low tone and walked out before he could get another word out. I didn't want him to see how hurt I was.

When I walked out of his office,I didn’t see Jade so I just walked to the elevator. I was about to close it when I realized that Nathan was still with me and he had a stoic face.

“If you’re gonna be with me everytime, you should at least relax around me. I won’t exactly feel safe around a person that has a face like yours.” I said in a bored tone which made his expression relax a little.

“I guess that’s all I’m gonna get from you.” I muttered under my breath.

We finally made it out of the elevator and as we walked towards the exit, I couldn’t help but notice the glare that Hannah threw my way.

“Bye Hannah. I guess we’ll be seeing more of each other.” I said in a sickly sweet voice and she looked taken aback with the smile on my face.

Nathan opened the door to a black SUV and when I got in, I met face to face with a man that looked to be around his sixties. He had a white hair with bright green eyes.

“Hello, you must be Leonard.” I said with a genuine smile

“Hello Miss Andrews. It’s nice to meet you.” He said smiling which showed his perfect white teeth and for an old man, he still had a pretty good teeth.

“Same here.”

“Where to ma’am?”

“Take me home please.” I said politely.

“No problem ma’am.” He said and faced forward to drive.

As we drove home,it suddenly dawned on me that my life wasn’t going to be the way it was again. I was suddenly a lady with a personal driver and a body guard when just yesterday I was taking the bus to work.

I was going to be pushed back into the public after so many years of hiding from it. To top it all up, I was marrying Jason Anderson, the most ruthless billionaire in the country, not to mention he was a self centered jerk.

I really needed to talk to my dad about this arrangement. There had to be something I could do and I didn’t care about the fact that a broken engagement would get me unwanted attention, at least I wouldn’t be in a loveless marriage.

Hey people!! I've fulfilled my promise.

Three updates in four days!!

Happy dance!! 💃 💃🕺💃

I've decided to update as much as I can now so we don't lose the flow.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to click on the little star at the bottom of your screen and leave your comments(as positive as possible please)but constructive criticism is allowed.💋💋💋💋💋

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