I Still Like His Shitty Hair...

By kirishimaunbreakable

297K 15.5K 26.8K

Another angsty, gay fanfic about our favourite bois all grown up with lust, longing, love and a lot of smut... More

They're Just Shitty Feelings
Can This End Well?
Midnight Visitors
Yeah, You Said That
Ready To Go Again?
It's Not Just Coffee
Was That What I Thought It Was?
Are We Doing This?
It's Just a Bed
Like What You See?
That Was Impulsive
And So He Gave In
I Need You to Touch Me NSFW
As If I Could Forget NSFW
Is This Really Appropriate?
Tell Me What You Want NSFW
Stop Doing Cute Shit NSFW
I'll Make it Worth It NSFW
Is That... Glowing? NSFW
A Mother Always Knows
My Turn NSFW
This Was... More
Just This Once NSFW
I Wanted to Give You the World
The Sun Will Set for You
I Never Stopped
I Remember Liking the View
This Is It NSFW
Epilogue: It's Just a Wedding

It's Good to See You

9.1K 527 586
By kirishimaunbreakable

"Are you ready to see him again?" Kaminari's voice floated over his shoulder as Kirishima pulled his suit jacket on.

"Come on, man, today's about you, not me," Kirishima replied with a grin he hoped didn't look as fake as it felt.

Apparently it wasn't very convincing as his friend raised an eyebrow and gave him a knowing smile. "Your nerves are worse than mine and you're not the one getting married."

Kirishima released a breath. "To be honest? No, I'm not. I think it's been fine coz I haven't seen him in person since everything. I don't know how I'm 'sposed to act around him now."

His friend put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "He won't show it but Blasty'll be just as nervous as you. I'm sure of it. Just treat him like you would any of us."

Kirishima nodded in reply but couldn't help thinking that Bakugou wasn't just any of them. He checked the time to distract himself and realised the rest of the wedding party would be joining them soon. "The others will be here in a minute. You ready for this?"

Kaminari flashed him a big smile tinged with just a hint of nerves and he couldn't help wrapping him in a hug and giving him a manly thump on the back. "I'm so happy for you, man!"

He didn't have to fake the smile on his face this time as he pulled away.

Jiro and Kaminari had opted for a more modern wedding, saying that the tradition style didn't really suit them and that they wanted to have their friends be a part of the ceremony. The room was draped in flowers and lit through stained glass windows by the afternoon sun giving the whole place a very romantic feel. Jiro had protested about so many flowers at first but had quickly given up when Kaminari had looked disappointed. He was definitely the more outwardly romantic of the pair.

Kirishima stood alongside Kaminari and Sero as they waited for the ladies to arrive. His eyes quickly scanned the rows of guests for a familiar blond but found nothing and he tried to fight the disappointment from showing on his face. His attention was snapped back to the doors at the other end of the room as a hush fell over the crowd and soft music began to play, Bakugou temporarily forgotten.

Jiro had chosen a western style white gown with a high neck in a heavy crepe fabric and she honestly looked stunning, her hair was pulled up into a bun and she held a bouquet of pink flowers.

Bakugou swallowed as he took in the sight of Kirishima. His suit fit him perfectly, his shoulders were a little broader now and he'd grown about another inch. He guessed they'd probably still be about the same height. His hair had become his trademark and was still styled in the same way it always had been and his smile, that damned smile was as bright as ever.

Suddenly, he was nudged in the side. He tore his gaze away from the red head to look at the culprit. "Do you think you could eye fuck him any harder? I think you might be drooling." Mina giggled in a low voice.

"Tch. Whatever, Pinky. I don't know what you're talking about." He failed to cover up the fact that he'd been blatantly staring.

"Mmmhmm you just keep telling yourself that." She winked, she actually fucking winked at him. "He looks good doesn't he? Fills out a suit so well. You two catching up while you're here?"

Bakugou shrugged at her as a reply.

Mina smiled at him knowingly "It still hurts doesn't it? For what it's worth, I hope you two can work it out."

"Are you gonna talk through the whole ceremony?" Was all he said back and thankfully Mina took the hint and didn't try to broach the subject again.

The reception was just as romantic as the ceremony had been, illuminated by several candles on each table and scented by the floral centrepieces. A band played soft music off to one side and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

This was the first time so many of them had been in the one place since they had graduated three years ago. It gave Kirishima an opportunity to catch up with so many of his old friends and it made him smile to see so many of them dancing and laughing together.

Subconsciously, his eyes scanned the room for a certain blonde and found him with his hands in his pockets and a bored look on his face leaning against the wall.

Kiri was suddenly nervous, he hadn't seen him in so long. How did he approach him and what did he say when he did? Ugh, this was so much easier when he was just messaging him. He took a deep breath to steady himself and headed toward him.

Bakugou noticed Kirishima approaching him the second his eyes found him against the wall but kept his gaze fixed on the opposite wall, pretending not to notice him until the very last second. When he was too close to pretend he hadn't seen him, he looked up and his voice caught in his throat. Kirishima's toothy grin was as bright as could be and the full force of it was focused on him.

Without thinking twice, Kirishima wrapped his friend in a hug and his nerves instantly settled as Bakugou's familiar, comforting scent washed over him. "Hey, man! It's so good to see you!"

Bakugou barely had time to react before he was released again. His voice, God, he hadn't heard that voice in so long but it was different now too. Deeper. It ran along his nerves and settled in the pit of his stomach. "Hey, Shitty Hair. It's good to see you too."

Bakugou's voice had changed ever so slightly in the time since they'd last talked. It was still the voice he loved but it was deeper than it had been and huskier. He liked it that little bit more. That couldn't be good.

It turned out most of Kirishima's worry had been for nothing as they fell into a somewhat stilted rhythm of conversation. Kirishima asked all about Bakugou's job and family and what it was like being Ground Zero, one of the best up and comers. Bakugou kept up his end of the conversation by giving his trademark short replies and asking quiet questions of his own which Kirishima was thankful for.

When their conversation had lulled a little, Kiri heard a song start to play that he loved. It reminded him a little of Bakugou. He looked toward his friend and was thankful that he still had him in his life, a little high on the feeling, an idea popped into his head. Probably not the best one he'd had but he was willing to give it a shot anyway.

"Come dance!"

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