Your Crucible | Peaky Blinders

Von mphee_bs

207K 4.7K 380

Y O U R C R U C I B L E "May you be in heaven a full half hour before the devil knows you're dead... Mehr

The Thornes
Part I
Chapter One ~ 1919
Chapter Two ~ The Specials
Chapter Three ~ Singing
Chapter Four ~ Plans
Chapter Five ~ Who
Chapter Six ~ Billy Kimber
Chapter Seven ~ The Races
Chapter Eight ~ Right And Wrong
Chapter Nine ~ Love
Chapter Ten ~ The Wedding
Chapter Eleven ~ Betrayal
Chapter Twelve ~ Hurt
Chapter Thirteen ~ Punches
Chapter Fourteen ~ To Be A Blinder
Chapter Fifteen ~ Intuition
Chapter Sixteen ~ Kimber's Men
Part II
Chapter Seventeen ~ 1921
Chapter Eighteen ~ London
Chapter Nineteen ~ The Reopening
Chapter Twenty ~ Michael Gray
Chapter Twenty-One ~ Complicated
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Absence of Common Sense
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ May
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Collateral Damage
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ The Arrests
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Confessions
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Completely
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ The Derby Races
Chapter Thirty ~ Surprise
Part III
Chapter Thirty-One ~ 1924
Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Snow
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ The Changretta's
Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Taken
Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Cursed
Chapter Thirty-Six ~ The Trophy Wives
Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ Separation
Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ The Escape
Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ Reunited
Chapter Forty ~ Reconciliation
Chapter Forty-One ~ Isolation
Chapter Forty-Two ~ Confessions
Chapter Forty-Three ~ Picnic in the Park

Chapter Twenty-Three ~ To Act Accordingly

3K 91 15
Von mphee_bs

Chapter Twenty-Three
To Act Accordingly

"I really wanted that horse"

          Her red lipstick glided across her lips as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Putting down her lipstick on her dressing table, she looked at her appearance and smiled. She looked beautiful. It was an objective fact. She was wearing a light blue dress with a matching thin scarf that was wrapped elegantly around her neck. Just then, there was the sound of a car horn from outside. Smiling ruefully, she shook her head and went to grab her coat. She chose her nicer coat, as it was a more formal event, which had a line of fur on the hems, enough to keep her warm from the bitter chill. Shrugging it on, she left her apartment.

          "There you are!" Shouted Arthur, his head poking out from the back of the motor.

          "Come on," said Tommy who was standing next to it.

          Lottie walked over to him and smiled. "How do I look?" She asked, giving him a spin. "Respectable enough for the auction?"

          "'Respectable' isn't enough to describe how you look," he replied smoothly.

          "Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr Shelby," she teased before she climbed into the back of the motor. Inside were Arthur, Charlie, and Curly, whilst John was at the steering wheel at the front, Tommy next to him. Lottie greeted them as she sat down. "Practically a chariot," she said.

          "A bloody queen in her own carriage," Arthur joked.

          Lottie nodded. "I like the sound of that."

          "Don't give her any ideas," teased Charlie.

          She narrowed her eyes jokingly at him. "Just you watch," she said, "I'll be a queen of my own empire someday. You'll see."

          "I don't doubt that," he smiled, putting a cigarette to his lips.

          "We need to pick up Michael from Polly's then we'll be on our way," said Arthur. "She still isn't happy about Tommy's plan, though."

          "I'm not surprised," she nodded.

          The motor set off before stopping outside Polly's large house, John hitting the horn loudly. They sat in silence awaiting Polly's response. And sure enough, it came. "This is a respectable fucking neighbourhood!" Polly shouted as she opened the front door to her house. Unable to help themselves, they burst into laughter. They enjoyed winding up Polly while at a safe distance.

          After Polly had scolded John for blaring the horn, she patted Michael's shoulders, a maternal look in her eyes. Lottie watched the two of them and she felt a pang of sadness. Clearing her throat, she buried that emotion and lit another cigarette.

          As Polly and Michael walked round to the back of the motor so Michael could climb in, Polly looked to Lottie and said, "Could I have a quick word." It was not a question.

          "We'll look after him, Pol," said Arthur, although she did not find his words comforting in the slightest.

          Climbing out of the back, she stood beside her mother figure a couple of metres away from the motor. Polly's grey eyes were serious as they bore into Lottie's blue ones. "You look out for him, alright?" she said firmly. "Nothing's to happen to him. No business talk, keep him away from all that. Don't talk to him about any of it."

          "Well, fuck, there goes my plan on telling him about all the cuttings and murderings," said Lottie, her voice dripping in sarcasm.

          Polly suddenly gripped her arm tightly and her smile vanished quickly from her red lips. "I'm serious, Lottie," she said, almost growling. "You keep him out of it. No business talk. Don't talk to him unless absolutely necessary. Keep him at a distance from the others - and yourself. If I find out he was involved in anything-"

          "He won't," she promised, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. This was ridiculous, even for Polly. Were they supposed to spend the entire journey in complete silence? Is that what she wanted? Lottie dismissed Polly's words as her being over-protective of her son, her only child.

          Once again, she felt a pang of hurt in her chest. Polly never behaved like this to Lottie before. Perhaps Polly never saw Lottie as her own child - maybe their mother-daughter bond was all in Lottie's head. Once again, she dismissed these thoughts and put on a smile, hiding her insecurities. "I'll look after him, Pol. Don't worry."

          Polly stared into her eyes for a moment before nodding and letting go of her arm. "Alright. Off you go then."

          "Right," nodded Lottie. "See you later."

          Turning her back on her, she climbed back into the back of the motor. Arthur and Curly were still on one side, but there was just enough room for Lottie in-between Charlie and Michael as they were both thin. With Polly's words fresh in her mind, she said no words in greeting but only smiled.

          The motor jostled as it drove through the roads. Lottie became increasingly aware of the lack of room around them as they kept bumping into one another with each pothole and each corner. Thinking over Polly's words, Lottie stared directly in front of her, just above Curly's head. She couldn't help it - it was her nature, but since Polly had told her not to talk to Michael unless she had to, Lottie kept thinking up things to say to him. Thought after thought entered her head and she'd go to speak, but would then remember she wasn't allowed to and instead would put her cigarette to her red lips, leaving a stain. She felt like a child after being told off, huffing quietly to herself.

          The motor suddenly spluttered to a stop on a country lane and John pulled it to the side of the road. Lottie peered outside to see the sky grey and overcast. She was grateful for a warm coat wrapped around her shoulders.

          Tommy appeared round the back, cigarette in his mouth. "She's heating up, Curly," he said, pulling down the back of the motor so Curly could climb out. "Take a look."

          "Yeah," he nodded happily.

          "Let me out for a piss," murmured Charlie, also climbing out.

          Lottie chuckled and rolled her eyes. She looked to Arthur as she felt Michael rummaging in his bag. "You got a cigarette?"

          "Yeah," he replied, pulling out a packet.

          She took one and put it to her red lips before lighting it. The cloth in Michael's hands caught her attention and she looked at it with a raised eyebrow. He opened it up on his lap, revealing a selection of sandwiches.

          "She made loads," he said. He looked up at her. "Do you want one?"

          "What the bloody hell is that?" mumbled Arthur.

          "Sandwiches," said Michael. "Ham, I think. We've got shrimp paste, too."

          Lottie had to cover her mouth to hide her amused smirk as Arthur looked to John who already had a grin plastered on his mouth.

          "There's tea," Michael continued. "We'll have to take turns 'cause there's only one cup."

          John grabbed the bottle as the three of them shared a look. Lottie felt a wave of relief in that moment when her eyes met John's. There was no tension and she loved it. It was like it had been year ago, all of them happy - just happy.

          Michael looked between them, confused. "What?"

          "Sandwiches?" said Arthur, not believing it.

          "Yeah," he nodded.

          "Polly made bloody sandwiches?" Arthur looked between Lottie, John, and Tommy who had walked over again, a small discreet smile appearing. She couldn't help it, she let a snicker escape her lips.

          Charlie took the tea from John. "What's this? Teddy bear's fucking picnic?"

          Tommy cleared his throat. "Alright," he said. "We will drink the tea, and we will eat the sandwiches. Then we will drive on. Alright? No crumbs, Charlie," he added, walking back round to the front, John following him.

           Lottie turned to Michael. "Let's have one, then," she said with a smile.

          "Ham or shrimp paste?" He asked.

          "Ham, please," she replied.

          He handed her one, their fingers brushing lightly against each other as she took it. She lifted it to her mouth and then shook her head ruefully. "I'm almost scared it's poisoned," she joked. "Can Polly even cook?"

          Arthur chuckled. "You can't cook a sandwich."

          "Wouldn't risk it when it comes to Pol," said Charlie, sticking to the tea.

          She laughed. "Hold this," she said to Arthur, handing over her half-smoked cigarette, before taking a cautious bite. The bread was slightly stale, but the ham didn't taste out of date or anything. Her eyes flickered to Michael who had been watching her slightly amused. Rolling her eyes, she softly elbowed him, making him quietly chuckle. Curly and Charlie then climbed back into the back once more.

          When the motor set off again, Lottie couldn't hide the small smile playing on the corner of her lips. When she felt Michael's knee lightly touching hers, she didn't move, enjoying the warmth spread from him and into her. A slight tingling feeling travelled up her back. It was strange; she tried to think back to when she'd last felt something like that - or whether she ever had. She didn't know, but she liked it.

          The rest of the journey went quickly and soon they were parked outside a large ornate building. Tommy and John walked round the back, each of them hopping out. Tommy held out his hand to help Lottie, which she was thankful for. She fixed her coat and reapplied her lipstick as Tommy made sure the others were all out and ready.

          As they walked in, Tommy said, "Alright lads, this is a respectable event." He knew Lottie wouldn't be an issue, he was more worried about Arthur and John acting too rowdy for the event. "And you will all behave accordingly. No weapons, no drinking," he listed as he led them up the stairs. Lottie stood beside Michael, but he seemed comfortable and as far away from nervous as it was possible. He seemed to have the ability to fit in wherever he was, not dissimilar to Tommy.

"John, we will stay together," Tommy continued. "When our horse comes up, I'll do the bidding. I've already registered my interest with the auctioneer, he knows to expect my bids."

Curly rushed to Tommy so he was just behind him. "Do I get to run a hand over her?" He asked excitably.

"We'll have a vets report, Curly," he replied easily. "Keep an eye open when she walks."

"I - I got a feeling, Tommy," he stammered. "Something isn't right."

Lottie put a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, Curly," she said assured. "We're just in an unfamiliar place. We all are."

"I get feelings sometimes," he said in earnest.

"It's alright, Curly, it's alright," she soothed.

They all came to a stop at the bannister and looked down at the horses below, the auction had already begun. The corner of Lottie's lips perked into a small smile as she watched. She loved seeing all the horses. She rested her gloved hands on the fence and stared, bewitched by the elegance of the horses' movements.

"Sold!" the auctioneer announced. "Morals of Marcus, Sedgemere stud, by Tetrach out of Lady Josephine. We'll start the bidding at eight-hundred guineas."

"Alright, Tommy, this is her," murmured Charlie from behind.

Tommy leaned forward but bent his head towards Lottie. "Make sure she's good," he said quietly.

She nodded, her keen blue eyes watching every one of the horse's movements. She was a grey spotted horse, tall and lean. "She's beautiful, Tommy," she said.

"Do I hear eight-hundred guineas? Eight-fifty?"

Tommy nodded at the auctioneer.

"Do I hear nine?" He then announced. "Do I hear nine? Nine, am I bid? Nine-fifty? One-thousand, do I have one thousand and fifty?"

Tommy nodded once more. Each time the price went up, Lottie's hands tense on the bannister, leaning more forward each time. She was sure she would fall over it if it continued for much longer.

"One thousand one hundred," continued the auctioneer.

A man across the room from them lifted his folded newspaper up. Their heads all snapped towards him. He didn't personally seem too interested in the horse, but the dark-haired lady beside him kept flicking her eyes between it and Tommy.

"One thousand two hundred. Do I hear two-fifty?"

Tommy nodded.

"Two-fifty? One thousand three hundred," he then said as the man lifted his paper again.

Tommy nodded once more.

"One thousand four hundred."

Michael lent further forwards beside her, his smart eyes looking between her, Tommy and the horse. "How high will he bid?" He asked quietly.

"Until he gets the horse," she replied just as quietly, her eyes trained on the horse.

"Do I hear five?" The auctioneer questioned looking around.

Newspaper-man lifted it.

"One thousand five hundred. One thousand six hundred. Do I hear seven?"

          Lottie lifted her gaze away from the horse and instead to Tommy. She saw the determination on his face, he was going to spend all the money he had if he needed - he was going to get that horse. He ignored Charlie's warnings to stop. On it rose up to two thousand and fifty and there it stopped. On the opposite side, the man with the newspaper had turned away.

           "Do I hear two thousand and fifty? Last time?" The auctioneer called. When no one bid, he slammed his hammer onto the table. "Sold to Mister?"

          "Thomas Shelby," said Tommy.

          Lottie smirked, more to herself than to anyone else. "You really wanted that horse," she murmured to Tommy as he turned away from the banister.

          "I really wanted that horse," he repeated with a hint of a smile.

          He turned away, the rest of the group slowly following. Once in the corridors, Lottie took out a cigarette and lit it, watching as Arthur sighed in boredom. "Not much longer to wait," she told him.

          "When Polly finds out how expensive the horse cost," he trailed off with an amused smile on his face telling Lottie that he couldn't wait till Polly found out.

          She rolled her eyes at him before they landed on Michael, who was standing beside his cousin. Lifting her gaze to the ceiling, she wondered what he was thinking. She was normally skilled at telling what was on people's minds, but with him... she couldn't much behind his intelligent grey eyes, in a similar way to Tommy.

          Just then, Tommy emerged from the office and Lottie quickly put out her cigarette and tightened her warm coat around her shoulders, ready to leave.

          "You beat us to it," said a voice. The five of them looked over their shoulders to see the woman who had been standing on the other side, betting against them. Lottie titled her head to the side, looking at her. She was pretty, but in a slightly unkempt way; her short brunette hair slightly frizzy, freeing itself from the tight restraints of its curls.

          Tommy walked towards her, his hands in his pockets. "Did I?" He questioned.

          "I was trying to nab a filly for my stud," she replied.

          Lottie turned away from the two of them and instead faced Arthur, John and Michael, who were all staring bemused at the pair. "Oi," she muttered, hitting Arthur's shoulder lightly to stop him staring.

          "Fine," he chuckled. He turned in Tommy's direction. "Tommy! Come on, hurry up. We got to go!"

          "Tommy, we've got to get this kid back before dark or Polly will have your balls!" called out John.

          Lottie rolled her eyes at them.

          "She will have 'em," nodded Arthur.

          "Right," she said with a smirk, "move the pair of you before you say anything else." But they ignored her.

          "Tommy, we've got to get back to the caravans, the chickens are hungry!" Arthur shouted, causing the four of them to giggle and for John to snort from trying to stop himself from laughing. Finally, Tommy started walking towards them.

          "About bloody time," said Arthur.

          "I tried to stop them," said Lottie with a grin.

          "No, you didn't," said Tommy with a hidden smile.

          She shook her head. "Nah, not that hard." The five of them went down the stairs, meeting Curly and Charlie at the bottom.

          "It's the fucking truth, John-boy," said Arthur. "Rich women these days, all they want is working class cock."

          "Oh, fuck off," scoffed Lottie as the boys chuckled.

          "Maybe she was the something bad I had the feeling about," hurried Curly.

          "Ah, she looks alright to me, Curly," exclaimed John.

          "All their men are dead, see? The officers all shot," continued Arthur.

           John nodded. "Yeah, by us."

           They entered the area where the horses had been displayed and at the auctioneer's table, a man sat, a lowered hat hiding his face. When Lottie noticed him, her walk slowed and her smile faded. The others didn't seem to care about the man as they continued walking.

          "Tommy," she murmured, but she wasn't heard over their laughing.

          "She has good contacts in the racing world," said Tommy over the top, taking his keys out of his pocket. He threw it backwards. "Here, Michael, you drive."

          Michael easily caught them.

          The man at the table stood quickly. "Thomas Shelby," he said, not waiting for confirmation as he raised his gun.

          "Tommy!" Arthur shouted, pushing the man's arm up as he fired, the bullet cutting through the air.

          Lottie grabbed her gun from the inside of her coat pocket and put an arm out in front of Michael. When she spared him a glance, she saw no fear in his eyes. Another man appeared entering the arena.

          "Tommy, down! Down!" ordered John firing at the man.

          The man fell and Arthur punched the man who'd sat at the table. "Thomas Shelby? What about fucking Arthur? Fucking good to meet you!" The man's face became bloodied mess and Lottie could no longer distinguish his features.

          "Arthur, stop!" She shouted.

          John rushed over to his brother. "Arthur," he said, grabbing him.

          "Get him off him," snapped Tommy.

          It took all of them, minus Lottie and Michael who now stood side by side as they watched, her arm was no longer raised in front of him. She sighed as the men struggled in controlling Arthur, and she put away her gun back into her pocket. She looked sideways at Michael who stood, his expression calm, one hand in his coat pocket, as he watched. The corner of her lip perked upwards. Whether Polly wanted to admit it or not, he was as much as Shelby as she was, there was no denying.

          "Arthur! That's enough. Stop!" The men exclaimed.

          Finally, he calmed and Tommy checked the man's pulse. "He's still breathing. Don't get blood on the kid," he added. He rushed up to stand with Lottie and Michael. "Michael, you didn't see a thing. This didn't happen. Alright. Give me the keys." When Michael didn't, he repeated himself.

          "I'm alright to drive," he replied strongly.

          Tommy's blue eyes flickered to Lottie.

          "He's alright," she assured.

          He nodded. "Go on. Go on," he said, pushing him towards the exit. Lottie took Michael's hand and the two led the way out of the building; Arthur being supported by Curly and Charlie.


          The motor stopped outside Polly's country house. "I'll go inside with you," said Lottie. Michael helped her out, offering her his hand, which she took, and the two entered the building. Polly was waiting in the sitting room by the fire, but stood as soon as she saw them. "So?" She questioned. "How'd it go?"

          Michael smiled warmly at her. "It was cold in the van, but, super. Really."

          "What wasn't there to enjoy?" said Lottie with a grin. "There were pretty horses... and pretty, rich women..." she teased.

          Polly stepped towards her son. "Let me smell your breath." One satisfied, she then asked, "Did they behave themselves?"

          Lottie stood a little straighter. Was he going to tell her the truth of what happened. His face gave nothing away. "They were amazing, Mum," he said honestly. "They were really amazing."

          "I'll leave you to it," said Lottie, standing from where she was leaning on the door frame. "I've got to show Maxim I'm alive and well."

          As she left, Michael's gaze lingered on her, even when she was gone. Something which Polly did not fail to notice. Like a steel fist in her heart, fear spread within Polly's chest. This was not what she wanted... Out of all of them, Lottie was the most dangerous to her son, but out of all of them, Lottie was the one she trusted most, even more than Tommy.

Happy new year! hope everyone had a great Christmas and new year
soo.... it's been quite a while since i last updated oops aha
life's been very busy but oh well hope i can be forgiven
anyway - new chapter - i hope you enjoyed it. it is pretty long so i hope that makes up for my lack of updates aha
i'd love to know your thoughts on everything going on - honestly i'd love to know what people think
do you think things are progressing too quickly or the timing's good/too slow/too fast?? what are your thoughts on polly and her attitude?
please do vote, comment and follow and i hope you have a lovely day and i'm aiming to update again within the next week (hopefully)

published:: 07/01/2020


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