Legend Of The Ice Dragons

By EnderWolfQueen

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When Natsu, Happy, Erza, and Lucy go on a mission that had too do with the area freezing over at times. They... More

The Mission And The Dream
Black Ice Castle
Dragon Scale Necklace And The Owner
The Ice Dragon Sings For A Storm
Clear Skies And A Dragon's Soul
Presents And An End To The Blizzard
Information And Cold Demeanor
Anger and Retaliation
Singing In The Moonlight
Dragons And The Train Ride Home
New Family And Unconscious Courting
More Unconscious Courting And Galuna Island
Kidnapping And Two Steps Back
Frozen Demons: The Past Returns
The Cold Emperor And Ice Dragon
A/N And News
Icy Powers Clash
Dragon Book: Forbidden Spells
Mates Protect At All Costs
Dragon Pride
Gray's Past
The Last Battle On Galuna
Land of Ice : Skyrim
Dragons And The Dragonborn
Disturbing Information
History and Horses
School Of Magic and Vampires
No Solitude in Solitude
Legends And Told Stories
Four Holds And The Mountain
A Portal To Heaven Means Farewell
Omake : The Yuki Onna
Heating Metal Using Ice

Shadowgreen Cavern Holds an Ice Dragon

169 9 2
By EnderWolfQueen

(A/N : The picture is of Gray's inner dragon but it's mature. And it only matures fully when he has his first heat. And this is the chapter I'm sure a ton of people have been waiting for. So without further ado, I present the warning. This chapter will contain mature depictions. There will be sex in this. And with this warning, I have now no responsibility for if you are caught reading this. That is your own fault. So those who are underage LEAVE! Or stay and face the consequences of being caught reading this. With that out of the way let's get started on the sin.)

The ride to the nearest cave felt like it took forever. The horses followed the lead of Shadowmere that had on top of them a whimpering Gray. Blaze carrying Natsu rode right next to the black horse and Natsu shouted over the rushing wind.

"What's going on? What happened to Gray?!"

Endoura yelled back to him without looking at him and holding Gray's body.

"He's going into heat! We have to get the two of you to Shadowgreen Cavern as fast as possible!"

The transformation was starting. His body was getting warmer and scales were slowly starting to crawl to the surface of his skin. It would be a matter of minutes before the pain subsided and instinct took over his brain.

Up ahead the trees parted and showed the mouth of a cave. Endoura smiled and quickly jumped off of Shadowmere. Once her feet touched the snow covered dirt she gently started to slide Gray off of Shadowmere's back. The black horse stayed still as it's master took off the body that was slowly getting heavier.

Once Gray's feet touched the ground he stumbled into the cave and hugged the wall. A tail was slowly growing out of the base of his spine and horns out of his skull. He disappeared into the shadows of the cave.

Natsu was just about to follow but was stopped by the strong hand clamped to his shoulder. When he turned around he saw Endoura.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going in there. What else?"

"Not like that you're not."

Natsu was confused. What did she mean he wasn't going in there. His mate was in pain from his heat and he was going to ease it. Why would his friend want to stop him? Just as Natsu was about to protest Endoura cut him off.

"If you go in there the way you are now, you'll just be killed! During his, heat Gray is going into the fourth stage of dragon force. He won't know that you are trying to mate him. And if you aren't in the same stage of dragon force as him and smelling like you want to mount him. He will kill you!"

That made Natsu stop in his tracks. What? Gray would kill him? As the idea was running through his head he saw Endoura start to glow. Suddenly the ribbons of light that happened when Gray shared knowledge with him started to flow from her body into his. But it wasn't the same way Gray did with him. Just from her body straight through his.

Once it was done he felt a huge wave of power flow through his body. It was fast but it was so painful. It felt like his skin was melting off. And his body ached and his bones creaked. The sound of flesh ripping and bones breaking took hold of all his senses.

It took so much effort to open his eyes but when he looked down at his body he saw scales erupting out from under his skin. They were dark red with pink outlines. His nails sharpened and seemed to grow thicker.

A pressure at the base of his spine indicated a long scaled tail. And a slowly growing weight on his head were the horns. But slowly the bones in his feet started to break, shift, and slide.

Looking down he saw them start to look more like a dragon's foot. His heels lifted themselves off the ground and he stood on his toes. The nails there got the same treatment as his fingernails.

Through this pain, Endoura was ripping off the clothes he was wearing. He didn't know why but once he felt a shooting pain suddenly start furiously stabbing in two large places on his back did he understand. A pair of wings ripped out of his body.

They were just bloodied bones with some flesh hanging off of them that started to grow and stretch to form the webbing. Once it was all done Natsu held onto Endoura as he panted. That took way to much out of him. Did Gray just go through this?

Slowly Endoura helped/dragged Natsu to the cave. Once at the mouth of it the faintest smell of fresh snow mixed with sugar, cream, vanilla, and pine trees rushed to his nose. It was so sweet and inviting. When he looked to Endoura she gave him a small smile and pushed him into the cave.

Natsu hugged the wall and took slow steps trying to get used to his new feet. But he just found it easier to walk on all fours. The new position his feet were in made it pretty easy to walk that way.

As he walked into the main cave he was surprised. It was huge! And light spilled in from the opening at the very top. The light first touched a large stone pillar right in the center. And right next to him a small stream bubbled and poured out into a little lake at the bottom.

Trees were everywhere he looked. He so awestruck by the beauty that he almost missed a flash of ice blue out of the corner of his eyes. When Natsu moved his head to look he saw an even more beautiful sight. There stood Gray on all fours with horns, wings, scales, and an elegant tail.

His scales looked like they were carved straight from ice and molded to fit his skin perfectly. His tail was long and sparkled when it was touched by the light. In fact, all of him sparkled. But when Natsu looked at his wings he was surprised.

The last time he saw them they were ice blue scale covered bones with near transparent webbing. Now they seemed to be made from straight ice. There were no bones to be found. Natsu wondered how or if Gray could use them to fly.

Then his attention was diverted back to the long swaying tail. It had a kind of fishhook-like point or maybe half an arrowhead described it better. He couldn't really put his finger on it. But he couldn't see the spines that Gray often used to attack.

But once something seemed to catch Gray's eye they showed themselves. They were long and sharp. Coming up from a flick of the elegant tail. It reared back behind him and then they were sent flying. The sound of a soft screech was heard but Natsu couldn't care less about it. All of his attention was drawn to the being right in front of him.

Satisfied with the danger gone Gray simply stalked off to the nest he made out of leaves and the furs from the animals he killed. It was warm and safe. But just as he was about to bed down till he was hungry, a scent made him halt in his steps.

It wasn't strong but at the same time, it was. It smelled like a burning forest and meat covered in spice. Looking behind him he saw a male with sun-kissed skin, pink hair, and maroon colored scales.

Judging by the way the male was on all fours and had horns, scales, wings, and a tail he figured it was a dragon who happened to smell his heat. Gray just huffed and went about his business. If the male got too close he'd just slash him and see if he went away. But if he proved persistent the encounter could go one of two ways. He would kill the red male or let him mate him.

But that was the most unlikely of the options. Gray just prowled the cave he chose to spend his heat in. He didn't know why he chose one that housed spriggans. But in all likelihood, his heat probably just came faster than expected and this was the first safest place he could find on short notice. At the very least it was in the mountains and he could smell the snow outside.

Natsu followed Gray around smelling the delicious scent he was giving off. But what surprised him was that Gray didn't start to come towards him. He instead just puffed out some crystallized air and stalked away. Like Natsu didn't even matter in the slightest and was just a minor nuisance.

Not knowing any better Natsu just followed him around. But the longer he followed Gray the more the scent seemed to cloud his mind and the thoughts of sex started to take over.

After felling more of the wood spirit women and noting that some elk were resting in here for later Gray turned to head back to his nest. But once he turned around he bumped straight into the male. Surprised he didn't move and took a moment to examine the potential mate.

'Hmm. Strong build. Small so he's fast. His scent is quite calming. But for all I know he already has a mate and just found that an ice dov would be a nice addition.'

Gray stepped back and went around the male not giving him any more attention. Once he passed he raised the spines on his tail as a slight threat to keep him back. If this male had a mate he'd have a hell of a time mating him. And if he didn't it'd still be a hell of a time but it would be much more enjoyable for both parties.

Gray was proud, he would not just bend over and present like a desperate whore. He had his own pride. Yes his heat was burning in his gut and some slick was leaving him but he will not bow and raise his tail.

As he walked off the male followed closer but did keep a respectful distance. The spines quivered getting ready to be launched at him. But just as he was about to take flight the sound of buzzing was heard.

Gray shifted his attention to a nearby tree stump and off the bark came a spriggan earth mother. She made the world flash green and nearby animals started to come after the two dragons. Gray was getting ready to launch his spines but as he stepped back a loud metal creak and snap. Then all he felt was the pain in his right foot.

A pained roar came out of his mouth and he quickly turned his head to see that one of his legs was caught in a bear trap. The teeth from the rusty trap broke through his scales and blood started to leak out. Great, he can't even defend himself as the pain rushed up his spine.

Gray tried to pull his foot free but more pain just came from the trap. The earth mother seemed to smirk at his misfortune. Just as she started to charge at Gray with the bears and wolves she had under her control the red male jumped in front of Gray and burst into flames.

This made everything stop. The earth mother tried to stop mid charge but the red tail went out like a whip and she caught on fire the next second, leaving her as a smoking pile of ash. The animals coward from the heat and brightness of the fire. But once the fire dragon growled they ran with their tails between their legs.

With the threat gone the red male let the fire dissipate and turned to Gray. Gray almost couldn't believe it. Usually, when an ice dragon gets caught and unable to defend itself the suitor loses interest. But this male seemed to want to protect him. His suitor walked up to him and inspected the bear trap.

This was strange and bad on many levels. The reason it was strange was the way Gray's scales seemed to look more like broken or punctured glass where the teeth of the bear trap embedded them into his foot. But the bad part was obvious.

Carefully Natsu grabbed the sides of the trap and pushed them apart. The trap was easy to force open and let Gray's foot go. Once freed Gray slowly pulled his foot out of the trap and hopped away a bit. Once he was at a safe distance Natsu let the trap close.

When he looked back at Gray he saw the surprise on his face. But it also looked like arousal? Gray hopped over to Natsu and started to rub against him. Once he finished a little rubbing he pulled back and spoke in dragon. But it left Natsu astounded. He could understand perfectly.

"Kogaan fah fin aak. Hi ni seems wah follow fin rules. Orin fod zu'u rul lost sizaan enook do dii horvut ol aan potential mate naal kos unable wah spaan zu'u, hi stayed ahrk saved zu'u. Hi would meyz aan rinik mir mate. Dreh lost gein ont uv los hi looking fah gein?(Thank you for the help. You don't seem to follow the rules. Even when I should have lost all of my appeal as a potential mate by being unable to protect myself, you stayed and saved me. You would make a very loyal mate. Do you have one already or are you looking for one?)"

Natsu was in utter shock. The meanings of the dragon language sounded like he had heard it all his life and could understand without difficulty. He opened his mouth to speak. Wanting Gray to know that he was here for him.

"Zu'u los het fah hi obviously.(I am here for you obviously.)"

That was shocking since when could Natsu understand let alone speak the dragon language Gray knew so well? But from what he said it seemed to be the wrong answer. Gray growled and lifted his spine covered tail up to Natsu's throat.

"Hi drey ni answer dii laan. Perhaps zu'u lost ni orin clear. Dreh hi ont lost aan mate? Uv los hi looking fah hin first? Answer onik ahrk dreh ni lo wah zu'u.(You did not answer my question. Perhaps I was not quite clear. Do you already have a mate? Or are you looking for your first? Answer wisely and do not lie to me.)"

Gray punctuated his words with the sharp tip of his tail moving into position ready to pierce Natsu's throat when he answered wrong. Natsu backed up slightly but the threatening tail stayed poised to pierce his throat. But Natsu swallowed thickly as he thought of what to say that would be the truth and answer the ice dragon before him.

"Zu'u lost ni nu physically mated naal dii chosen mate. . .(I have not yet physically mated with my chosen mate. . .)"

The tail moved closer the tip just now digging into the skin about to puncture and end his life so he quickly answered the second question.

"Nuz dii chosen mate happens kos aan iiz dovah daar just got their foot stuck ko aan kodaav horvut.(But my chosen mate happens to be an ice dragon that just got their foot stuck in a bear trap.)"

That stopped the tail. Slowly Gray stepped back and lifted his head and tilted it to the side. With the closer look at the glittering horns, Natsu thought they looked like wings slightly. Slowly Gray turned around to look at his recently damaged foot. The scales looked like punctured glass with the last few flecks being freed when he moved his leg. The blood was slowly trickling out of it as the wound was freezing.

The meaning was implied but that alone made the alabaster skin on Gray's cheeks to start burning a rose color. When Gray took another step back Natsu took two forward and started to nuzzle Gray. Starting the process of scent marking him. With this information, Gray started to groom Natsu. Running his tongue across his shoulder.

Natsu purred and started to push at Gray's waist with his head trying to make the ice dragon lay down so he can clean the wounds on his foot. But Gray just pushed back and started to lead the way to the nest he made. Before he laid down he breathed onto it and covered it in soothing frost.

Gray then laid down on his side and presented the injured foot to Natsu. Natsu looked it over and sniffed at the points of puncture. It didn't seem like it was going to get infected but it could use a thorough cleaning. As he ran his tongue across the smooth and cold scales some more loose pieces came off to show that the scales were like a second skin that housed the more vulnerable ice blue skin underneath.

With the foot now cleaned with heated saliva, Natsu stepped back as Gray rolled back onto all fours and started to languidly stretch his ice scale-covered body. The wings stretched upward all fanned out and as the now soft moonlight passed through them they shined the colors of the rainbow.

Intrigued Natsu came up to look at the beautifully filtered light. But as he inspected the wings the increase of that sweet smell Gray produced. Natsu moved to be behind Gray as the long tail slowly moved up to reveal a glistening pucker with a sweet-smelling clear syrup leaking out.

With no thought, Natsu just shoved his face between Gray's legs to sniff the syrup. Being this close it smelled like vanilla bean ice cream mixed with mint. Yes, this was Gray's purest scent yet and it cemented itself into Natsu's brain.

As he was sniffing his tongue lolled out and slowly started to lick and taste Gray's slick. It was sweet and cool on his tongue. Slowly the long tail curled around Natsu's stomach and lifted his body so that he mounted Gray.

From this angle, Natsu saw that scales ran down Gray's back along his spine. The color of the skin underneath seemed to be a darker blue than the rest of his body. Still having his human brain working Natsu started to lift his hand wanting to prep Gray but the dragon was not having that, in the dragon's mind it was wondering why its mate was letting it go.

With a gruff puff of air Gray used his tail to pull Natsu higher up his back so that Natsu would be laying his full front on top of him. Natsu was surprised when he felt just the flat of his body along Gray's hindquarters. But the sub under him coiled his tail around his body more. The sharp tip was scarily close to where his pride would have been and started to rub.

The cool appendage was nice and made Natsu start to purr. As the tail rubbed it stopped when it found what it was looking for. A small slit that the sharp tip slid into and started to open it up. The coolness shocked Natsu and made a large thick member slid out.

With it out Gray lifted Natsu to position him to ready to penetrate his body. That's when the thought of just ravishing this beautiful creature that was now presenting itself to him. His brain just short-circuited as he pushed his member into the cold core of the dragon under him.

The beauty under him seemed to be enjoying that he wasn't being denied anymore. Natsu just pushed and pulled himself out of the slick hole he was thrusting into.

The dragon of ice was purring at the hot flesh rod ramming into his cold burning body. With the dominant now no longer needing any prompting in what to do Gray unwrapped his tail and lifted it to the sky. With it lifted it flicked and the sharp spines showed themselves.

That was quite terrifying to Natsu. Just looking at it this close he could see that the tail was a slight bit longer than Gray's body. But as the tail was slowly lowering a warning growl came from below.

"Go faster!"

The threat of death made Natsu burn it fear but also excitement. The creature wanted to be pleasured and will take what they want. And with centuries of neglect and abuse to the type, they needed to weed out the ones that just wanted them for nothing but cannon fodder.

Natsu thrust faster and harder into Gray. Gray just purred at the male working to please him. It was cold and hot at the same time as the male thrust into his body. But even as his brain was getting fogged by pleasure and arousal charged pheromones filling his nose something was off.

'Why does he not smell as strong as he should? Why did he need so much prompting to get started? And why in all of oblivion is my breeding channel not open?'

But all his thoughts were halted to just focus on the pleasure he was granted when Natsu hit his prostate. With Natsu finding that pleasure button in his body Gray pushed back into Natsu's thrusts. Stretching his body to bow lower and his talons to start sliding and digging into the dirt under him, leaving gashes.

Natsu just smirked at the dragon under him coming undone and singing a song that only he would hear come from that mouth. The closer they got to climax the more Gray seemed to move around. The tail was twitching in the air and the spines slowly retracting back to lie flat.

But what was beautiful was the twitching wings and the rainbow light shining in them. Natsu didn't even remember he had the same features as his tail curled up around the hurt leg and tried to pull Gray toward him faster.

Then after what felt like an instant the icy beauty reared back his head and roared to the cave they shared. The roar made Natsu rear back as well and flare his large wings and emptied out all he could into the ice dragon as he rushed forward and bite into his neck.

They both dropped after that. Natsu on top of Gray his teeth still stuck in the scale covered flesh. Slowly as they both cooled off their dragon features slowly went back into their skin and sanity returned. Gray looked back at Natsu and smiled.

"Thank you. Can't wait for your rut in the summer. Then after that when we're synced."

Natsu smiled his all teeth smiled and cuddled the cold but slowly warming up body beside him. With no more energy they both fell asleep.

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