Last Name Calder. First name...

By idkzourry

72.7K 1K 177

This is me. Natalie Calder. This Is About my Summer with my sister, Eleanor Calder, Danielle Peazer, and One... More

Last Name Calder. First name Natalie.
Airports, New Friends, And Nando's
Interviews, Kissing, And Early Flights.
Tabloids, Beach, No Sleep.
Not A Chapter.
A Girls Day Out.
Break Ups, Management, And Interview Number 2.
Early Morning Jogs, Secret Dates, And Jewelry.
Ireland, Family Dinner, And...Who is Tracey?
Manchester, School, And Surprises....
Rants, Dance Parties, And Notes
Hate, Ex's and ...Tarry???
More Tears and Birthdays
Confusion, Hopes, and...
Forgiveness and Plans
It Can't Be True
10 Months Later
The I Do's
18 Years Later

Early Nights, Old Friends, Starbucks

4.1K 89 9
By idkzourry

Well, i got a few comments. So i decided to continue. But I got 2 votes *audience cries*

Well, i really want to get votes to see if you guys are liking my story. And um, well Yea. 

So, here is the next part. :)

Oh, and I wanna call you guys my Dreamers. 

^.^ Hehe. :) <3



 We were all at the house and it was 8:00 at night here. The boys were absolutely bored and kept nagging about it. I had no idea what to do so I just sat there on my phone texting Tammy. She said her parents were gonna be gone ALL summer on traveling around the states.

“NATALIE I’M BORED! Who are you texting?!” Louis yelled grabbing my phone when I had finished sending my text.

“Well, isn’t that dandy? Please tell me more.” I said with fake excitement. “And if you must know, I am texting my friend Tammy. She lives in Wisconsin. And she is ranting to me about how she has nothing to do this summer because her parents are traveling around the states for the whole summer. Now, if you would please just be quiet and stop whining!” I said the last part a little rude, but seriously he was 20 years old, he needs to stop acting like a 2 year old.

“El, your sister just yelled at me!” Louis said dropping my phone on the floor (almost breaking it) and jumped into her lap.

“She was always the mature one in the family.” El laughed rubbing his back. I rolled my eyes and texted Tammy back. She had to go because she had decided to go shopping.

“So, this Tammy girl, is she hot?” Harry asked immerging from the kitchen alongside Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Dani. I looked at him oddly and shrugged my shoulders.

“Here’s a picture of her. It’s from May, when we were on our class trip to California.” I threw him my phone which he caught.

“Oh, she’s good looking. When can we meet her?” he asked smiling still looking at my phone.

“Never...? I don’t know, she will be sitting at her house bored for the whole summer.” I said looking down, feeling bad.

“Then invite her to come stay with us.” Harry said still smiling. We all gave him a quizzical look.

“Aw, does Harry have a wittle cwush on Tammy?” Louis asked pinching his cheeks. He rolled his eyes and gave me my phone back.

“I’ll ask her. She’ll probably say yea, let me call her.”

I dialed her number and put her on speaker. “Hello? This is the fabulous Tammy!” she said cheery. That’s how me and her answered each other.

“Hey, um, I have a question for you.” I said. I could tell she was in the car because I heard the radio on.

“Speak.” She commanded.

“How would you like to stay at my sister’s boyfriend’s house with him and his friends and me for the summer?” I asked.

“In London? Wait, aren’t they One Direction or whatever?” she asked. She really didn’t have a care in the world for them.

“Yea, so what do you say?” I asked praying for dear life she would say yes.

“Sure, I’ll catch the next flight there. I’ll text you when I get home. OMG GUESS WHAT?!” she squealed. If only she knew she was on speaker….


“So, right now I’m at Aeropstale in the mall and this dude just totally checked me out! Ah!” she screamed into my ear. I laughed.

“Oh God… ok well I’m gonna go now. Bye fabulous Tammy!”

“Bye Perfect Natalie.” And I hung up.

“Perfect Natalie? Fabulous Tammy?” Zayn asked amused.

“Be quiet! That’s what we call each other!” I playfully punched him.

“Wait, so she doesn’t like us?” Harry asked sadly.

“Well, she thinks you guys are stuck up pretty boys. She doesn’t do pretty boys. But, she will turn eventually.” I said smiling patting his shoulder.

“Ok, can we watch a movie?” Louis asked randomly.

“Which one?” Liam asked.

“INSIDIOUS!” he screamed. Everyone agreed. I got up and they all looked at me confused.

“I’m going to bed. I have jet lag, and I just want to rest.” I said. They nodded and we said goodnight.

“Goodnight, Nat.” Niall said winking. I blushed and went upstairs. I heard Harry scream, “AW NIALL IS LEARING HOW TO FLIRT!” I laughed and shut my door.

I went to my draws and put on my pajamas. I put my blue muscle shirt, blue and white plaid pajama shorts, which were quite short, and put my hair in a bun. I grabbed my Hello Kitty stuffed animal that Tammy gave me. (I love Hello Kitty) I gave her a panda knowing she loved them. I put my fuzzy cat slipped by my bed so when I woke up I could put them on.

I grabbed my laptop turned my light off and went on Facebook. I had a message from my friend David. He and I have been best friends since we were 5. We lost contact when I started college.

David: Hey Nat. What’s up?

Natalie: Nothing just came back from college a few hours ago. I’m staying at El’s boyfriend and his friend’s house. Her apartment is being renovated. :/

David: why the sad face? Haha, wanna go for coffee tomorrow at 1:00?

Natalie: Sure, the one near the cinema?

David: The one and only. I’ll see you there. Bye, love. <3

Natalie: Bye, bebz.

David has just signed off.

I shut off my laptop and went instantly to sleep.


I woke up by loud thuds from downstairs. I looked at my clock and it said: 10:00. I got up and put on mu slippers and went downstairs.

The scene I saw was very… odd. Niall had a spoon in his hand, Liam was in a corner with Harry blocking him from Niall, and Louis was holding Niall back. And Zayn, well Zayn half asleep eating his cereal, Dani and El were just sitting laughing.

“What’s going on in here?” I asked yawning. Everyone’s eyes went straight to me.

“Well, for one, I love your slippers, and for two, don’t you look comfy.” Harry winked. I rolled my eyes and it turned back to chaotic mode.

“EVERYONE FREZZE!” I yelled. And they did. “Niall sit there, Liam sit there. Harry, Louis, go find a seat. Zayn wake the freak up! El and Dani stop giggling and be serious.” Everyone did as told and looked at me scared.  “Now, what is going on in here?”

“Liam ate Niall’s cereal box, so Niall threaten Liam with a spoon, and Liam is afraid of spoons.” Louis said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And since when did you get all discipline on us?”

“Part of studying teaching is discipline.” I said.

“Well, me and Dani are leaving. We have work.” El said dragging Dani along with her. They kissed their boyfriends and left.

I got up and went to get some cereal in my sister’s box. Everything in this house that involved food had a name on it.

“Nice bum.” I heard a boy say. Not just any boy, but an Irish one to be exact.

“Whatever.” I mumbled sitting down.

“So, what are we doing today?” Louis asked me.

“Well, I have a coffee date with my friend David at 1:00 today.” I said proudly.

“Oh, well then I guess we will have to preoccupy ourselves then?” Niall asked with sadness in his eyes. No, that was jealousy? Was Niall Horan jealous? I didn’t know what was up with him, but he kept flirting with me and I HATED people who flirted with me. I pushed my thoughts to the side.

“No, I need someone to drive me there and pick me up. I don’t have my license.” I said.

“Ok, I will.” Louis said. I nodded and continued eating.

But if I kissed you,

Will your mouth read this truth?

Darling, how I miss you,

Strawberries taste how lips do

 And it's not complete yet,

 Mustn’t get our feet wet

'Cause that leads to regret,

 Diving in too soon

And I'll owe it all to you,

My little bird,

My little bird.

My phone rang Ed Sheeran’s song Little Bird. I answered it.

“Hey, it’s David. I was wondering if we could go get coffee at noon instead. I have to cover my friend’s shift at work. Sorry.” he said.

“Oh, no that’s fine. I’ll see you there.” I said and hung up.

“Louis, get dressed we are leaving in 45 minutes.” I said running upstairs.

I hopped into the shower and took a 10 minute shower. That was a record. I raced through my wardrobe finding something to wear.  I decided on my pink Ramones crop top, black skinny jeans, and my pink and black Vans. For makeup I put on mascara, a little gold eye shadow, eyeliner, and lip gloss. I straightened my hair and put up in a pony tail. For ‘jewelry’ I put on a bunch of my pink, white, and black rubber bracelets.  I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Tammy.

Fabulous Tammy: The next available flight is at 2:00 this afternoon. I should be there at like 7:00am there your time. Ok, byes see ya tomorrow.

Perfect Natalie: Sure thing! I’ll pick you up. Bye!

I went downstairs and the boys were there fighting over a movie to watch. “I have a Ramones shirt!” Harry smiled.

“This isn’t mine, its Tammy’s she has like 50,000 of their shirts. Her plane is landing at 7:00 in the morning tomorrow. Harry will you drive me there?” I asked batting my eyelashes. He chuckled and nodded.

“You look hot, babe.” Niall winked. I rolled my eyes and blushed.

“Let’s go. I don’t wanna be late.” I said grabbing Louis’ hand and dragging him out the door.

“So, why has Niall been flirting a lot lately?” I asked Louis when we got into the car.

“Well, he likes you… a lot. So Harry told him to flirt more. He said ‘it always helps with the babes’” Louis said mocking Harry.

“I HATE flirts so much! Please tell Niall to stop. And, he should know that I don’t want a relationship.” I told Louis in a serious voice. He nodded and we drove in a comfortable silence.

We got to Starbucks and I saw David’s Minnie Cooper. I said bye to Louis and went to order my coffee and sat down next to David.

“Hey, sorry I’m late. My sister’s friends are very… odd.” I said taking a sip of my coffee.

“Haha, so what’s it like to be back here in London?” he asked me.

“Odd, the slang, the cars, is all so different than America. But, how are you?” I asked him.

“Fine, actually I need some advice. That’s why I asked you out.” He said blushing. “You see, I met this girl, Ashley and I really like her. We have been on a few dates here and there, but we aren’t official, how do you think I should ask her to be my girlfriend?” he asked.

“Well, take her to the park and have a picnic. Then, give her a rose and ask her.” I said thinking for a moment.

“That sounds great! Thank you!” he said giving me a hug. And the rest of the time we just made small talk and caught up.

*Niall’s P.O.V*

I really don’t think this flirting thing is working. When she came downstairs all I wanted to do was smother her in kisses and tell her how beautiful she looked. I don’t think the other guys noticed, but she has a (very small one) belly ring. It was a small white pearl. And it made me want her even more. When she left I had to um, have a moment.

“Aw, is Niall getting excited there?” Harry asked smirking.

“Stop! She had a belly ring and that is a turn on!” I whined grabbing the pillow and putting it over… it.

“Aw.” Zayn said laughing along with Liam and Harry. Then Louis came through the door.


“Wait what?” I asked confused.

“She said she hates flirts and she doesn’t want a relationship with anyone.” He said sitting on Harry’s lap playing with his curls.

“Ok, so then why is she going out with her friend?” I asked still confused.

“Because she likes him, but hasn’t seen him since before she left for college.” Eleanor said coming through the door dropping her purse on the floor. “The shoot got canceled. And Louis, why are you on Harry’s lap?” she asked hands on her hips.

“Because I love him more than I love you! I’m sorry.” he said dramatically.

“Anyways, so I have competition?” I asked sad.

“Nah, I bet he has a girlfriend, he is really dashing.” El said. I nodded and zoned out.

So, I had to stop flirting and she liked one of her childhood best friends? Ok, so when she comes back I shall be the non flirt that I am.

“Oh, and did you guys notice her belly ring?” Louis asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yea, Niall did and got excited. I bet he still is.” Zayn smirked. I blushed and they all started laughing.

Operation be yourself is in commando.


There ya go.

Outfit is in comments.

Vote, comment, and share.

Oh, and did you like the Larry Stylinson moment? I ahip them all the freaking way.

But, yea. 

What do you think will happpen next??


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