Dark Corner // Harry Styles

By cutie_cake_harry

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She's just a girl who has an amazing voice. But just didn't have the looks. So when someone steals her voice... More

Dark Corner
Chapter 1 nagging songs
Chapter 2 Dinner Tail
Chapter 3 only friend
Chapter 4 Judge By Looks
Chapter 5 Lifts Suck
Chapter 6 A Real Date?
Chapter 8 Aparently My Bully
Chapter 9 Scar Stories
Chapter 10 Bad Kept Secrets
Chapter 11 Imagine Naked
Chapter 12 Going Out In Public
Chapter 13 Insecurities
Chapter 14 A Huge Mess
Chapter 15 She Is Gone
Chapter 16 Beautiful
Chapter 17 Forgiving Is Easy
Chapter 18 Hold Me Tight
Chapter 19 Revealed Feelings
Chapter 20 My Scars
Chapter 21 Being Loved For Real Now
Chapter 22 The Ugly Truth
Chapter 23 Stage Drama
Chapter 24 Things Do Come Back
Chapter 25 Wrong Room
Chapter 26 Lost Love
Chapter 27 Frozen At Night
Chapter 28 Gone Mad
Chapter 29 Hospital Fiasco
Chapter 30 Like You
Epilogue Leave Me

Chapter 7 To Many Problems To Solve

44 3 1
By cutie_cake_harry

"What?" I looked at him funnily. He almost seemed serious about it.

"Could you like sing for me. Maybe a song, maybe a part of a song, or just a line. Just sing for me Scarlett." He practically begged. So he was serious. I looked down.

"I can't sing Niall." I told him. I never sing for anyone. When I had to record songs, I sang alone and they would listen, telling me which songs I had to do over. I practiced alone.

"Everyone can sing. Not everyone can sing well, but everyone can sing." I looked down, I knew he was right. I even told people this, when people say they can't sing. This fact seems to slip out of people's mind.

"Yeah, but I'm very insecure about my voice and how I sound." This was all true. People might be loving my voice, but they can't take away the insecurity.

Maybe that had a connection with how I looked. I've been more insecure about that then anything. And maybe the reaction I get from people when they see my face clearly adds up to why I'm so insecure.

"I won't judge you. I would never judge you." he told me. And I believed him, but if he heard me, he might find out about me singing backstage and Sam being nothing but a face.

"I know you won't Niall. It's just complicated." I told him sighing deeply.

"Then try to explain to me." he said frowning. It seemed like he wanted this really badly, like his life depended on the fact if I was going to sing to him or not.

"That's the complicated part. I can't. I am not aloud too. I shouldn't have said this." I looked down,

"Alright." Niall said. "Just promise me. You will tell me. You will sing to me. And I owe you, if your promise me. Maybe at the end of the tour. At last."

I thought about it. After the last show, they would leave and be out of my life. They couldn't harm me, they couldn't reveal anything.

"Alright. I promise you that. If you promise not to reveal anything. Not spill my secret nor record my voice or anything."

"I promise I won't do anything." he told me extending his pink. I wrapped my own around it and we smiled at each other.

I woke up, Niall shaking me around. I was sleeping on the ground. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "Hey." I said sleepily.

"Hey." Niall said cheerily. Clearly awake, he probably let me sleep until he finished breakfast. I smelt the smell of toast.

"You made your own breakfast? they have breakfast downstairs you know." I told him. Still a bit sleepy. I would never eat downstairs. It was too unnatural. I liked to cook for myself, I didn't want too much to change.

"Well you usually do that. So I assumed you wanted me to make breakfast, or just not eat downstairs." he blushed, the smile leaving his face as he looked down.

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows. "That's just so nice of you, I could've made breakfast myself you know, for the two of us. You already took me in."

Niall shrugged it off as we entered the small kitchen. Niall had a plate of toast and a jar of jam. I took a seat and started munching on some toast with jam.

After we finished I headed towards the hallway, hoping Harry left my key there. "mr. Styles." I said. As I saw him in the hallway. Just waking around with just a towel on.

"Yes filth? had a great time on the ground?" he smirked. I tried my hardest not I snap at him. Really, what did Sam see in him.

"Actually I slept great." I said, beaming a smile at him. "Now can I have my key back?" I extended my hand hoping he would give me my key.

"Fine." he said. He turned around. "Just follow me." he walked away going towards his own room. He looked around and when he bent down his towel dropped.

"Oh gosh." I quickly held my hands for my eyes. "You dropped your towel, and I don't want or need to see what's underneath it." Harry's laugh filled the room.

"I would have expected you to be a virgin. Like millions of girls would want to be you right now." He said cockily.

"Well I rather not be me right now, to escape this, to escape what's under your towel. is it save to look already?" I asked. My view still black.

"You don't want to see my manhood?" he asked surprised. "well here's your key." I felt something cold touch my hand. I held the key and tried to walk out of his room, my view still blocked by my hands.

I bumped my head against the door. I started to touch the door trying to find the handle. I opened the door and closed it behind me, removing my hands from my eyes.

I quickly changed and walked towards Sam's room knowing she would still be there. When she did open she was happy to see me, as she pulled me inside straight away.

"Scarlett." she said happily. "Harry is perfect. We're so going to be Hollywood's next hot celebrity couple." she squealed.

"That's what this is about?" I asked. unbelievable she was just playing Harry. But I actually didn't feel sorry for him.

She shook her head. "No, it's just a bonus. Harry's like really sweet, and he has cheesy remarks and he's amazing." she smiled dreamily.

"So we have a date tomorrow. After the show, and I've got the perfect solution. like the last time. Only you get a head set, so you can her things clearly too this wa-"

"What makes you think I'll help you again? of course I will. No just continue." I shook my head. I would always help Sam. Even if she didn't ask for my help and just expected it.

"Anyway this way you don't have to go to our date venue. It's perfect alright?" I just nodded my head.

"You know." I started. Thinking about Calum. "Yesterday I heard that after today's One Direction concert, they get a new openings act." a face of disgust came on Sam's face.

"that's revolting. I don't need anyone near me except the One Direction boys and you." She scrunched up her nose.

"They just need to have a separate tour buss, and they shouldn't be allowed to come backstage at my concert." our concert. "And I don't want them near me, I don't want to see a trace of them."


"No buts. They're horrible." she cut me off. Not letting me speak, she would never let me speak.


"I said no alright!" Sam snapped at me. "Now go, I'm angry at you." I left her room frowning. I went to the lobby after I stopped by my own room fetching a book.

I was reading this book I got from my sister. The Other Boylen Girl. It wasn't a bad book, and it wasn't bad to read. So I sat down and flipped another page.

My feet were tucked underneath me as I snuggled into my sweater. It wasn't cold, it was just nice to wear a sweater. Specially when you're reading.

"Scarlett?" I looked up, a bit sleepy. I usually was a bit sleepy after reading or watching a movie. I saw Calum.

"Calum." I said. Putting my book down. He strolled towards me. Followed by another boy. he had curly hair and looked happy.

"Hey Scar, this is Ashton. He's my band mate, the drummer." I got up, almost falling over making the two boys laugh. I extended my hand.

"Scarlett." I introduced. He shook my hand, not daring to meet my gaze. He quickly took his hand back, whipping his hand on his shirt. Calum hit him in the side.

"We were about to go..." Ashton took Calum by his arm and dragged him outside. Glaring at Calum all the way. I shook it off as I picked up my book and started reading.

But my mind kept wondering. About Sam, about Harry. About how they were a couple and going on dates. How I had to talk instead of Sam. Niall, how I promised him to sing for him. About Calum and his band. And I even thought about Luke. Luke, the first friend I've ever had. I think I'll always see him as my best friend.

I wonder if I'm ever going to see him. I wonder if Harry and Sam actually stay a couple. I wonder if Niall is going to remember the promise, if he recognizes my voice, if he's going to reveal my secret. I wonder if Calum and Ashton are actually going on tour with us, and how they perform. If they're going to be a big part in my life.

It bothered me, so I got up, not wanting to be alone anymore and decided to go to Sam. I've never actually talked about her with my problems, it was usually the other way around.

"Sam?" I asked. She turned around irritated. She faked a smile.

"Yes," she faked a cheery voice. She sounded sickly sweet. "What's wrong?"

"I was just siting. Reading an-"

"Great, so you've got time to help me then?" her whole posture changed. she wasn't fake smiling and her voice sounded desperate.

"Ye-yeah but-"

"Thankfully you were around. That horrible Fiona won't even help me. She's like complaining how I only talk about myself. But that's why I'm famous right? Because people like me, so it's not wrong to talk about myself." she said cockily. I just laughed it off.

"Now I need your help, I need an outfit for tomorrow, and I need you to put my make-up on my pretty face." she smiled widely.

"So I need you to be here around... five, he's picking me up at six. Oh and you need to be sitting in your preform box thingy." she told me, pointing to the behind the stage box.

"But I-" She was already skipping off. "I need your help too." I finished my sentence anyway.

I walked towards Fiona. "Hey." she looked up smiling her baby into her arms. "I've just been talking to Sam. She's still mad you don't want to help her." Fiona smile widened.

"She better be mad, she's horrible Scar. Why don't you see that." I frowned.

"She's not horrible. She is just... she just thinks she's better, that makes her a bit cruel." I shrugged it off.

"And you're just following her around, Scarlett. She doesn't care for you." I my frown got deeper.

"Yes she does. I'm her best friend, she-"

"She's ashamed of you, she treats you like dirt, she hurts you, she's nothing but mean to you. She uses you, and she only calls you when she needs you."

"Let's drop it." Fiona had put me in a mood. I hated it. I hated that the crew disliked Sam. No one seemed to like her, and she didn't seem to care.

"What's wrong Scarlett. Is something bothering you?" I looked up at Fiona, her eyes seemed to look right through me, like she knew what was going on.

And then I suddenly knew what was bothering me. What had bothered me in ages. The reason for all my problems. The reason why my life had became this complicated.

The reason I was hiding secret for my friends. the reason Sam treats me this way, the reason for everything.

"I'm hideous as he.ll and I want to do something about it."

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