You Capture My Attention (GxG)

By AmyliasOcean

399K 12.3K 2K

Valerie Christopher is an extremely talented fashion student. Winning multiple contests and awards for her wo... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five:
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirty-Eight

5K 212 73
By AmyliasOcean

Lyndsey's POV:

The steady sound of the heart monitor played on repeat in the background. Tapping my thigh rapidly, I couldn't help but look at the worn out looking woman before me. I thought she was fine? I thought she had gotten better in New York? Was it something more serious? Should I call the Doctor back in New York?

"When did you get here?" I snapped out of my thoughts, glancing up to see a stressed looking Randy taking a seat on the other side of her bed. I pinched the bridge of my nose, my leg bouncing faster now.

"I'm not entirely sure," I answered, my eyes falling back to her. Her face was strained as if she was in a great deal of pain. "What happened?" Randy took a deep breath, but before he could answer a taller man, one who was dressed a police uniform, walked into the room.

"The doctors want to run a toxic screen. They think it might be drug-related..." He frowned, his voice sounding distant slightly.

"Dad," Randy started, I looked towards Randy with a shocked expression. Did he really... just call him dad? "We all know that Valerie doesn't do drugs, the woman barely drinks." Looking around the dimly lit room, my mind was wondering as the thought that I was now in the presence of a police officer shook me. "Right, Lyndsey?" I glanced up to see them both looking to me, expecting some form of an answer. I shook my head though.

"I've never seen her take anything," I answered honestly, my voice empty of anything though. Looking back at the woman who was sleeping brought stressed emotions. Her face was off color and her chest seemed as if it was peeling? Furrowing my brows, I leaned closer, I noticed the color of her fingernails were off even. 'She wouldn't take drugs... right? It can't honestly be something like that...?' I thought to myself, puzzled. The older man sighed heavily, his radio paging him.

"Well, I told them it was okay to do the test, seeing as how I was technically her guardian." He said, quieting his radio that sat upon his shoulder. "I have to get going, you two are probably the best people to be around when she wakes up." He smiled, looking directly to me now. "You and I need to talk one day. Need to make sure my girl here is in safe hands." He winked, trying to make light of the situation. I gave him a half smile, offering a nod in agreement.

"Of course." Was all I said.

"Keep me posted kid; I want to know if she wakes up, got it?" The officer ordered before living the room.

"He's rather protective. Sorry about that." Randy laughed awkwardly.

"It's cute." I smiled warmly towards him, earning one in return. I watched as the younger boy rubbed the back of his neck slowly. "So, what happened?"

"Right," He started, looking back towards the girl in the hospital bed. "I'm not entirely sure what happened, all I know is that she was talking to my dad and the next thing I know was she was passed out on the floor, she looked as if she was having what was a seizure." He sighed heavily, running his fingers over the light five o' clock shadow he had.

"Seizure?" I asked, my brows elevated with concern now. "What the fuck, Randy?"

"I know, but I wish I was kidding... Didn't they do tests when you guys were in New York?" He asked, leaning back in his seat.

"Obviously, you think I wouldn't make sure she had top care?" I asked, feeling slightly offended as I looked at Valerie... laid up in the hospital, again, put me in a stressful mindset.

"No, I know you would, I'm just confused okay?" He countered, making me feel guilty instantly. "Listen," He added, forcing me to look in his direction. The tanned skin boy before me wore a sad smile on his lips, his arms folded over his chest loosely. "I know you love her, Lyndsey. It's tremendously obvious. The way you look out for her, the way you two look at each other, those pictures..."

"Really?" I said, trying my best to control the anger that raged through my veins. He didn't know who had sent in those photos, so I couldn't be mad at him for it. Randy held up his hands in defense.

"I mean no disrespect by it. Remember, this is my best friend here."

"I remember your brother outing you to me about having a poster of me on your wall." I raised a brow, pushing the thought of my fucked-up father in the back of my mind; for now. He laughed mockingly though, earning a grin from me.

"I just want to make sure she's okay, this hasn't happened before. You don't just get seizures. Makes me think Robert is back or something." He said with a nonchalant manner about himself. I tried my hardest not to react, but I could probably break someone's hand with how hard my fists were balled up in my lap.

"What... uh, makes you think that?" I asked, trying to play it cool. Then it dawned on me; why was I so scared? Why was I so scared to think that he did have something to do with this? From everything that I've seen from him, it would make sense in a way.

"Well," He started, sitting up and cracking his knuckles. "Now, you're going to think I am like, such a moron but, I have this insane theory." He said with a quizzical expression, "When Robert and Valley's mother first started dating, she would get deathly ill. She ended up in the hospital, just like Valley here. Now, maybe it was a deeper medical issue, I'm not really sure. But, now that I think about it... I never asked what happened to her. All I know is that she was sick right after she met him. I wouldn't be surprised if it was some type of poison or something." He said with a shrug, causing my mind to instantly explode. Would he do something like that? My stomach churned as the thoughts of my fucked up past were closing in on me. "Can I ask you something?" He asked, forcing me to escape the deep thoughts of my personal hell. "Why haven't you told her?" My eyes widened in horror as I looked at her best friend. He stared through me, or what it felt through me. Did he know about my families past? Had she told him everything? But... he couldn't possibly know about him being my dad... right?

"What do you-" I cleared my throat, "What do you mean?"

"Why haven't you told her you loved her? Why haven't you made her your girlfriend?" I sighed, thanking whoever was out there. I shifted my eyes to the beauty that laid on the bed. "I know she looks sick right now... but, I'm just curious."

"I do love her," I admitted, shocking myself now. Randy looked surprised, probably at the fact that I had actually said it aloud. I looked down to my cell phone that rested on my lap, not wanting to look him in the face anymore. "I haven't asked... or even told her..." I sighed, "Because I feel it's just not the right time. Plus, I'm scared of her rejecting me. I've never really experienced this level of love before..."

"Well, don't you think she should be allowed to make that choice?" He asked, his brow raised in question. I hated how fucking smart this asshole was.


"I can't believe you thought I was taking drugs." Valerie groaned, sitting up once more. I offered a smile, squeezing her hand squeezing tightly as Randy and his father stood there awkwardly. Hours had gone by, causing the early morning to creep upon us. I hadn't slept a wink though. How could I?

"I didn't think you were on drugs, but if you saw me on the floor, wouldn't you be concerned?" the officer asked, his arms crossed. Valerie sighed, resting her head upon her pillow.

"Just, I'm not taking anything. I'm not like that... I don't know what's wrong with me." Her voice sounded defeated as she rubbed the side of her temple with her free hand. I squeezed her hand gently, causing her to look to me with a small smile. "I guess the tox screen will tell you that though."

"Well... please just call me when you're home then? I'm sorry our visit was cut short. I love you, kiddo," He said as he patted her leg before walking out of the room, his son in tow. I sighed deeply, shaking my head.

"Do you think I'm on drugs, too?" She questioned, her voice filling with irritation. I shook my head, resting my head in the palm of my hand, leaning on her bed.

"Of course not, we spend too much time together for you to do anything without me knowing. I know you'd never." I laughed at her confused face. I leaned down, kissing the top of her hand gently, avoiding the IV that she had. "But I am concerned..." I frowned, my voice dropping slightly. "Dr. Faye said you were okay, so what's wrong?"

"I'm not sure... it was actually kind of scary. One second, I was talking to Jared then the next I woke up here. My stomach is killing me," She said, motioning to it by placing her hand on it gently. "It's been hurting all afternoon actually, but I just assumed I was hungry." She frowned, looking at me. "Sorry for how rough I look."

"Don't be," I smiled, squeezing her hand gently, "You look beautiful." She smiled, her cheeks blushing slightly.

"Lyndsey?" She asked. I didn't say anything, but simply raised my brow. "I heard you and Randy talking earlier. I instantly froze at that.

"Oh? What did you hear?" I asked, my heart feeling as if it was about to explode on me.

"He thinks Robert was the reason my mother was sick for a while, back when they first met." She said, causing me to sigh in relief. "Do you think it's possible?"

"I mean... maybe." I smiled sadly, "Look what he did to her, it wouldn't surprise me if had tried to hurt her before that."

"I fucking hate him..." She frowned, pulling her hand away from me. "I still have nightmares of him..." She looked up to me, causing my heart to drop into my stomach as I watched a tear slip down her cheek, "I keep reliving this horrible nightmare... I just want to get better and get the fuck out of here. I don't think I stay anymore." She said with all seriousness. I didn't blame her for one second. How could I? It was the first thing I did after what happened to me. But knowing that it was my father that had hurt her so badly made me feel even guiltier. I sat there, my mind torn on whether to tell her the truth or hide it forever. How could I tell her? I know deep down that she had every right to know. Do I tell her, in risk of losing her? Or do I keep it from her for my own selfishness? We fell in silence, both lost to our own thoughts. "Lyndsey?" She asked, causing me to look up at her. She was fiddling with her the necklace that laid on her neck. She looked nervous as hell, which in turn made me nervous now.

"What's the matter?" I asked, grabbing her hand once more. She smiled, squeezing mine in return. The look in her chocolate honey eyes spoke volumes right now.

"I need to get something off my chest." She said, holding on to that necklace. I furrowed my brows, thinking something awful was about to come. "But I'm not sure if this is the place for it."

"You're giving me anxiety." The sound of her laughed caused me to smile.


"Well...?" I asked, wishing she'd just tell me now.

"This necklace," She said, looking down at it, "Belonged to my grandmother I guess. I don't really remember her, but my mother said she was the most amazing woman she knew. My mother had received it the day my grandmother passed away, I guess from some sort of illness." She said running her hand through her hair now. "My mother always told me how she regretted not seeing her more often when I was little. Anyway, what I wanted to say was that... I love you." I sat there, shell-shocked by her confession. She looked up slightly, looking at me under her lashes. I wasn't sure what to say as I sat there in utter surprise. "I guess I should say that I heard a little more between you and Randy." She laughed, her voice filled with shakiness.

"Valerie..." I breathed out, squeezing her hand tightly.

"You don't have to say it back... I just wanted you to know that I would never reject you. Nothing you could do would make me hate you in any way." She offered a smile, causing my chest to hurt slightly. "I just... I can't keep acting like I'm not madly in love with you anymore. You're the most beautiful person I've ever known... Inside and out. You make me smile when all I want to do is frown. You make me love getting up in the morning, you make me feel as if I can honestly have a normal life again..." I was about to say something, but she held a finger to my lips, "Don't... just I wanted to say that you're amazing. And I'm not just saying all of this because you're the hottest model on this planet." I rose an amused brow, "But... I just love everything about you. I love that you get so into video games that you throw a hissy fit when you lose. Don't give me that look, you know you're a child." She laughed hysterically at my expense. "I love that you treat Oswald like he is a king."

"Because he is," I said matter of fact.

"He is, isn't he?" She said with a gentle laugh, rubbing her thigh. She let out a breath before looking at me. "I'd never hurt you..." She spoke softly, pulling her hand away from me once more, but placing it on my cheek. I was surprised as she wiped a tear away from my eye; I wasn't aware I had been crying. "Just know, that I love you dearly. I didn't want to, I won't lie about that... but you seemed to dig your way through my walls."

"Stop talking," I said, placing my hand over hers, leaning in, and kissing her. This felt right on so many levels. It felt as if for once in my life things were finally going right, despite the situation we were in right now. Pulling away, I adored the look of pure bliss that seemed to ignite in her eyes. I smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I love you too."

Author Note:

Please VOTE and COMMENT! it helps a lot :)

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