I Will Always Love You

By Arctic_525

249K 4.2K 2.5K

This story happened after SAO. Kirito is not just an ordinary boy, but he is the crown prince of Japan that n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Special story: Valentine's Day
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Special Story: White Day
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 80: Alternate Ending

Chapter 36

3.2K 49 31
By Arctic_525

Kazuto's POV

I sit in my office while staring at a document. "Just because you keep on staring that, doesn't mean it's going to finish," Eugeo speaks.

"I'm thinking," I reply before I sign the paper I'm holding.

"About what? Yui?" He asks. "Haven't finished yet?"

"It has. It's in my workroom in the east wing."

"Really? You already finished it?"


"Then, why you seem unhappy?"

"I'm thinking of how I surprise her..."

"Easy. Take her to the workroom." He answers as he sits on the chair in front of my table. "It's tomorrow, you know."

"I know," I mutter.

The next day
30th of September 2025

I open my eyes to see Asuna's still sleeping. I raise my hand and poke her cheek. "Good morning, Birthday girl," I greet as she opens her eyes slowly.

She giggles, "Good morning, Kazuto-kun."

"Happy birthday," I say before I kiss her forehead.

"Arigatou." She says as I pull back. "Come on, let's get up." We get up from our bed and get ready to school.


I open the door and see Eugeo standing there. "Morning, Kaz. You ready?"

"Asuna is still in the bathroom," I say before I see Asuna walk out from the bathroom already ready except her blazer. "In a sec."

I walk back to the sofa leaving the door open. "Morning Asuna. Happy 18th birthday by the way." Eugeo greets while walking into the room.

"Thank you, Eugeo," Asuna replies.

"Here, let me help you," I say.

"I didn't know you can do it, Kazuto," Eugeo remarks as I finish braiding Asuna's hair.

"She taught me the other day," I answer before Asuna gets up from her seat.

"Thank you, Kazuto-kun." She speaks while putting on her blazer.

"Well, we should be going now," Eugeo says before I take my blazer and my bag.

At school

We walk to the school building with Asuna's holding my hand. "Wow, they decorated the school for you." Eugeo remarks while we walk up the stairs.

"They don't need to do this, you know..." Asuna says.

"You are the Queen now, Asuna." Eugeo remarks with a chuckle. "Of course, they would celebrate it like this."

"There is probably a festival in the town," I say before I slide the door open.

"Wow, they even decorated the class," Eugeo remarks in surprise.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone in the class cheers as they fire the confetti at Asuna.

I can see Liz and Silica standing there too with a bright smile on her face. I let out a chuckle while cleaning off the confetti on my hair. "Well, go on then," I whisper to Asuna before I take her bag from her hand. She smiles at me before she walks to the crowd.

I walk to my desk before I put my bag and Asuna's on top of it. "Tell them when it's my birthday they don't need to do this," I whisper to Eugeo.

"Can't promise you that, man," Eugeo remarks while leaning on the side of his table.

"Oy! Husband! Come here you!" Liz calls as I'm about to take a seat.

Knowing I won't get away from her, I approach the crowd and stand next to Asuna. She holds my hand as the class start to sing and the teacher takes out a cake with its candlelight.

As the song finishes, Asuna blows the candle happily. "Yay!!" They all cheer as they clap their hands.

After school
At the castle

I put my helmet on the rack before I walk out from the garage with Asuna and Eugeo. "Well, Kazuto, Asuna, I'll be going ahead, then," Eugeo speaks before he gives me a wink and walks away.

"Na, Asuna, can you walk with me? There's something I want to show you." I say offering her my arm.

"Of course, Kazuto-kun." She replies as she wraps her arm around mine.

I take her to the east wing where I usually stay if I wanted to invent something new. "Where are you taking me?" She asks with a curious face.

"To my workroom, it's a place where Dad made for me to invent something or to wreck it," I say before we reach the front door. There are two guards standing by. "You could say this is my hideout."

I open the door and let Asuna in. "This room is not as big as I thought it'd be, Kazuto-kun." She says as she walks around it.

(Without the windows)

"It may be small, but it's cosy." I remark while going to the corner of the room with a curtain on it. "But, it's not that small, you know," I grin before I pull away the curtain, revealing another room.

Asuna's POV

"Mama!" I hear a little girl's voice that I'm very familiar with. I turn to the source and see the girl I've been missing for the past months.

"Yui!" I call as I kneel down and hug her.

"Mama! It's so nice to see you here!"

"It's nice to see you here too, Yui," I reply before I let go of the hug and cup her cheeks with my hands. "You're really here..."

"Happy birthday, Asuna," Kazuto-kun says while giving me a gentle smile.

"Ooh~ Kazuto-kun..." I gaze at him. I stand up and gives him a hug. "You did it." I let go of the hug, but my hands are still resting on his forearms.

"Wasn't easy though... I'm glad I can finish it on time." Kazuto-kun remarks as Yui hugs his waist. "I already told Mom about her. She said she wanted to meet her once I finish it. So, let's go there now." He speaks as he closes the curtain.

"Come on, Yui." I say before she holds my hand.

Kazuto-kun is walking behind us with his hands resting on the back of his head. While we're walking, I can hear him letting out a long yawn.

"You haven't been resting enough for the past nights. Is it because of this?" I ask as I look over my shoulder to meet the tired onyx eyes.

"You could say that..." He murmurs before letting out yet another yawn. "Well then, I still have another thing I need to attend. So, you two go ahead and meet Mom." He adds.

I nod in understanding before I turn on the corner to Mother's room. However, before I can walk far, Kazuto-kun calls me. "Asuna, wait."

"What is it, Kazuto-kun?" I turn around while watching him approaching me and Yui.

He's rummaging his blazer's pocket like trying to take something. "Close your eyes." He orders. I do as he says.

"What is that, Papa?" I can hear Yui asks. Along with it, I can hear a sound metal jingle.

"This, Yui, is something for your mother." I hear him reply. He steps closer to me and I can feel his arms around me. "Okay, you can open them now." With that, I open my eyes.

"It's pretty!" Yui exclaims. I look down and gasp seeing the beautiful necklace.

"It's gorgeous." I murmur.

"I bought it when I went out the other day. It caught my eyes, so I decided to give it to you as a gift. Uuh, do you like it?" He rubs the back of his head nervously.

"I love it. But, this is all too much." I reply. 

Kazuto-kun chuckles hearing the answer. He then kneel in front of Yui. "Can you go wait for your mom on that bench over there? We won't be long." He says as he points to a bench behind me.

"Sure, Papa," Yui nods her head before she runs to the bench.

"What did you say again? This is all too much?" He asks while standing up. He takes both of my hands. "Asuna, you gave me everything. And all those things cannot be exchanged by anything I've given to you. You give me life, you give me a place where I can say home. You even brought Yui to us."

"Technically, it was you who brought us to Yui," I deadpan.

"Right... Yeah... You win." He chuckles. "Ahem, the point is Asuna, nothing is too much for you. And I do all of this using my own allowance, not the country's." He adds. He then gives me his goofy smile. "Now, you go and meet Mom. Eugeo will be looking for me if I don't start my work."

"I'll see you later," I say. He nods his head while giving me an assuring smile. I turn around and walk towards Yui who is sitting on the bench. But, along the way, I decide to do something. So, I turn around and approach Kazuto-kun who is standing in his position.

"What's wro-"

Before he finishes his sentence, I kiss him on the lips passionately. At first, he looks shocked, but then he wraps his hands around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. 

"I love you," I whisper once we break the kiss.

"I love you more." He says before he kisses me again. "But, next time, don't surprise me like that." He remarks while pulling back his arms. "Now go. I'll see you later."

I give him a nod. With that, I go to Yui, who is patiently waiting. "Let's go, Yui." I say before she grabs my hand.

"I can't wait to meet Grandma!" She exclaims as she starts to swing our hands. I smile at her before I look back to see Kazuto-kun walking away with his hands behind his head.

Kazuto's POV

I walk to the dining room alone since Eugeo's probably there. When I open the doors, the chairs are still being tidied. "Kazu! Still on school's uniform?" I turn to the side and see Eugeo holding a clipboard.

"Yeah, haven't go to my room yet," I reply before he hands me the board. "Reports, please."

"Well, the decorations are still on progress while the tables and chairs are already ready. I already checked the food a few minutes ago and they seem to be getting ready to finish it. Oh, and for the cake..." I stop my step and look forward to where the cake is being put.

"It's too big..." I murmur.

"I already told the baker yesterday, but it seems he forgot. I couldn't dare to remind him though..." Eugeo says. I let out a sigh.

"Well, we could bring it to our friends tomorrow..."

"Speaking of friends, Klein and the others are already on their way here with Fudo-san picking them up." Eugeo informs.

"Right..." I say before I hand him back the board.

"You okay, Kaz? You look pale." He asks while I go to one of the chairs and take a seat on it.

"Just tired, that's all..." I reply before I let out a yawn. "Haven't had enough sleep for the past days..." I rest my head on the table, getting ready to be scolded.

"I really want to scold you right now, but I'm more worried about your health." He speaks as he sits next to me. "Why? How long?"

"Why~, well I was dealing with Yui. And how long, well... after coronation day, I guess."

"After coronation?! That's like two weeks ago!" He yells whispers. "That's not very good for your health, you know that! You're still sixteen years old."


"In seven days. That's still not counted." He counters. I let out a sigh while lifting my head off of the table. "You should rest, Kazuto... You can't get sick now that you're the king."

"I won't get sick, okay? I know my limit, Eugeo."

"Yeah right." He rolls his eyes.

"Shut up. I'm going to my room to change. Can you handle this?" I stand up from the chair.

"You go to your room and rest. I'll finish all this up and wake you up when we're finished."

"I'm going to my room to change and I'll come back here," I reply while walking away from him.

"Can you for once to stop being stubborn, Kaz?"

"Nope, I can't!" I respond.

I walk back to my room and take a short shower. After that, I change my attire into the castle's uniform. Once I'm ready, I go back to the party hall.

"You really come back..." Eugeo huffs when he sees me walking into the room. I sit on the chair and rest my chin on my hand. "Well, anyway I need you to sign this." He states as he puts a file on the table.

I let out a yawn before I start to read it. "Where is this from?" I ask.

"It's from Fudo-san. Why?" Eugeo replies while handing me a pen.

"Hm? No, it's nothing." I answer. I read the file briefly and then I sign it. "Well, since you told me to rest, I'm going to take some nap now. Wake me when you're almost done." I tell him while sliding the file back to him. I then rest my head on the table.

"Hai hai."


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