Total Drama Return to the Isl...

By BlueAlastor

9.6K 27 269

Fanfiction was made by TDGirlsFanForever. We both DON'T! own Total Drama series. All rights belongs to Cartoo... More

Total Drama Return to the Island Prologue
Total Drama Return to the Island Episode 1
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 2
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 3
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 4
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 5
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 6
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 7
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 8
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 9
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 10
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 11
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 12
Total Drama Return to the Island: Aftermath 2 Pt.1
Total Drama Return to the Island: Aftermath 2 Pt.2
Total Drama Return to the Island: Episode 13
Total Drama Return to the Island: Hosting Canada

Total Drama Return to the Island: Alternate Ending

221 1 0
By BlueAlastor

Total Drama Return To The Island
Episode 13: You're Not One in a Million (Alternate Ending)
Written by TDThomasFan725

Sammy: (Annoyed) Just give up Amy. I'll reach the million before you even if your arm wasn't broken.

Amy: No way! I've come too far to let the million get away from me. I'll make sure that your pet shop dream with daddy never comes true.

Sammy: We'll see about that.

(Both of them continue to climb the mountain. Sky and Topher cheer from the ground.)

Sky: You can do it Sammy!

Topher: You're almost there!

(Surprisingly, both twins reach the millions position first. They both reach the surface and run towards the case. However, both of them grab the case at the same time and begin to struggle over it.)

Topher: (Shocked) A tie?

Sky: (Concerned) Now who wins?

Chris: Who ever rips the case out of the others hands.

Amy: (Angry) Let go of it. It's mine!

Sammy: (Annoyed) No, it's mine!

(Both of them continue to pull the case away from each other. Despite her busted arm, Amy still had enough strength to pull the case away from Sammy. She then pushes her off the mountain and Sammy lands in a puddle of mud at the bottom. Sky and Topher run over to her.)

Sky: (Worried as she kneels down in the puddle) Sammy, are you OK?

Sammy: Yeah! (She then notices that she isn't holding the case and is stunned) Oh my, (upset) I've lost!

Chris: Yep, Amy wins Total Drama Return to the Island.

Amy: (Excited) YES! In your face Lamey!

Sammy: I can't believe I lost. Now how am I going to fulfill my dreams?

Sky: I'm sure there will be a way. Something good could still happen. (She comforts Sammy before her phone rings) Who could that be? (She answers it) Hello?

(The screen splits with Sky on the left side and her sister on the right)

Sky's Sister: Hi Sky! Is it alright if you put Sammy on? Her father has something he wants to say.

Sky: Your with her father?

Sky's Sister: Yeah! I was riding my bike and I ran into him outside her house. I was more than happy to help him.

Sky: OK! (She hands Sammy her phone just as Sky's Sister gives her phone to Sammy's Father)

Sammy: Daddy?

Sammy's Father: Yeah it's me. Did you win?

Sammy: No, I didn't!

Sammy's Father: I'm sorry to hear that! I'm very proud of you anyway. And it's alright that you didn't win.

Sammy: What do you mean?

Sammy's Father: I wanted to tell you that I quit my old job. I made so much spare money that I'm able to open up that pet shop we dreamt about. It wasn't my intention to save up for that at first, but 5 years after your mother and I broke up, I thought that that would be a good thing to save up for. I didn't say anything to you because I didn't want you to be disappointed if it didn't work out. But luckily it has and now you and I can be together again.

Sammy: (Touched) Oh Daddy, thank you! I love you!

Sammy's Father: I love you too! (He hangs up)

Sammy: (Giving Sky her phone back) My Daddy's got enough money for the pet shop. Now I don't mind that I lost. And if I did win, I would have given the million to you and all my friends.

Sky: Thanks Sammy! This calls for a celebration.

Sammy: What kind of celebration?

(Sky looks down at the mud puddle and scoops up a huge handful)

Sky: Hey Sammy! (She throws the mud at her face) Ha, gotcha!

Sammy: (Giggles deviously) Oh so now you want a mud pie fight huh.

Topher: Just don't throw any at me.

Sammy/Sky: We won't!

(Sammy and Sky start throwing mud at each other)

Sammy: You know what Sky? You were right; the ice cream fight was the best part of our sleepover.

Sky: Thanks! (They continue to throw mud at each other and laugh)

Amy: (Annoyed) What children! (She leaves)

(Topher continues to watch them hit each other with mud)

Topher: (Chuckles) Girls, they love to play dirty.

Chris: (Annoyed) Bad joke! (Looks into the camera) Well that's it for this season. Hope to see you next time when hopefully we'll have an all new cast since like I said; I never want anyone competing more than once ever again. Until then, I'm Chris Mclean, and this has been...

Sammy: Hey Chris! Sky and I want to give you a going away present.

Sky: Not to mention all the garbage you've put on me and my friends.

(Both of them smile deviously as they grab massive handfuls of mud. Chris gulps as he runs away screaming with Sky and Sammy chasing after him. Topher laughs at his misfortune.)

Topher: (Looks into the camera) Like Chris said; that's it for this season. Hope to see him again soon even though we could care less. For Chris McLean, I'm Topher, and this has been Total Drama Return to the Island.

(End Credits)

(Fades onto The Boat of Losers as Chef pilots the boat. Chris is standing next to him annoyed and covered in mud.)

Chris: Oh yeah, everyone from the past is never coming back. Everyone gets one season and that's it.

(Cuts to Topher who just leans over the side looking up at the sky. He then turns around and sees Sky and Sammy, still covered in mud, snuggled up together as they take a nap. He just smiles and looks back up at the sky. Cuts to Amy trying to swim after them while using the case as a floatie.)

Amy: (Annoyed) Who cares about hitching a ride home with them? (She then sees Max and Lightning floating by on a rubber raft) Like I said; I'm better off alone.

(She continues to swim after them as the scene fades to black)

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