Stuck In Time (Drarry/Scorbus)

By -fuckishipit

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It was a mistake. A terrible, terrible mistake. Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter were supposed to make a pot... More

Chapter 1: The Potion
Chapter 2: The Past
Chapter 3: Gryffindorks
Chapter 4: Odd Names
Chapter 5: Curiosity Kills The Cat
Chapter 6: Start
Chapter 7: The Week Before
Chapter 8: Just Like That
Chapter 9: No Exit

Chapter 10: Let's Live Forever

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By -fuckishipit

Scorpius and Albus both planned to sleep. They drank the potion twice, and still nothing happened. So they decided to just sleep, but the plan doesn't seem to be working for Scorpius.

Scorpius tried and tried and tried, but he just couldn't fall asleep. His eyes would always pry back open, and it'so damn annoying. He wants to sleep, but his body wouldn't comply.

Scorpius sat up his bed. He glanced to Albus' bed and saw that his best friend was sleeping.

Scorpius pouted, "Lucky you."

"You look cute when you pout."

Scorpius accidentally recalled his best friend's weird 'compliment' and that single sentence was enough to turn him into a blushing mess.

Scorpius hid his face in his hands. Albus is doing things to his heart, that a proper, normal, no-romantic-feelings-attached-bestfriend wouldn't do.

"Maybe... Maybe I do have feelings for my best friend." Scorpius whispered softly.

His gaze went back to Albus' sleeping face, and that sight alone made him rethink his own composed sentence and his entire feelings.

"What am I saying! He's my best friend! I can't have feelings for him!"

The more he thinks about his best friend and his complicated feelings, the more he couldn't sleep. So Scorpius descided that it's best to just stroll around Hogwarts. He took his wand, casted 'lumos' and went out of their room.

Scorpius was just wearing his usual pajamas paired with fluffy slippers. He didn't bother changing or look a bit 'decent' since everyone's probably asleep already, or so he thought.

He was alarmed when he heard giggles coming from the other hall. Is someone still awake? Who could be awake at this hour?

Scorpius followed the source on the giggling and was surprised to see that it was,

"Dad?" Scorpius gasped out loud.

It was none other than his own father and his best friend's father. What could they be doing at this hour? Together? While giggling?

Draco and Harry turned towards him, but Scorpius was quick to hide.

"Who's there?" He heard Draco ask.

Scorpius was so nervous. He had nowhere else to go. The only thing that was covering him is this huge pot of plant. He doesn't want his dad to see him, not like this at least.

He can feel his heartbeat beating quicker and quicker. He heard their footsteps getting closer and closer, and alas, he was faced to faced with them both.

Scorpius bit his lips. He was waiting for them to point him out, but they acted like as if they didn't see anything.

"Maybe it was just our imagination?" Harry asked.

"No, I was sure I heard something." Draco insisted.

"Then what do you think could it be? A ghost!" Harry said, attempting to scare Draco.

"You idiot," Draco said, smacking Harry's head.


"You'd think I'd be scared of a ghost? There are ghosts in Hogwarts y'know?"

"Fine, fine," Harry laughed, intertwining their hands together. Scorpius gagged, Draco blushed. "Sometimes I wonder, what if you get sorted into Gryffindor?"

"Oh, I rather not. I'm perfect in my house."

"Hmm, that you are."

Harry pulled Draco away, and they wandered off to who knows where. Scorpius saw everything, and a little too much might I add. Is that his dad, and Albus' dad being lovey dovey together. They held hands, and Harry was clearly flirting, and Draco doesn't seem to mind! Not at all.

But that's not the real question now is it? He was faced to faced with them. They were flirting in front of him... But how come they didn't see him?

Then suddenly, he felt a pang on his chest. He gasped at the sudden pain. It hurts, and it's not pleasant at all.

"What's happening to me?" Scorpius gasped. The pain only got worse and worse, and it didn't stop. Scorpius can already feel his eyes watering. He glanced at his hands, and saw that he was disappearing.


Mornning came, Albus had awakened. He saw that his best friend's bed is empty. Now, where could Scorpius be?

Albus removed his covers, and was just about to stand up, but he stopped midway when he felt pain in his chest. Albus grunted.

"What is this?" he asked himself. He immediately put the blame on Snape's potion. This must have been it's weird side effects. If not, then what?

It was a struggle to put on his uniform, let alone get out of bed. Albus pretty much just rolled out of his bed, it's not the proper way, but it's ten times easier.

If Albus is feeling this way, then Scorpius must have been in pain too. At that moment, Albus only has one goal in mind.

'Scorpius. Scorpius. Scorpius.'

He tumbled his way to the crowd. Didn't give a damn what they thought about him, and didn't mind the throbbing pain that was pretty much killing him.

"Get out of the way! Scorpius! Move!! I--," his eyes widen.

He just went through someone. As if he was a ghost, as if he wasn't even solid. The student he went through doesn't seem to feel anything. Like she felt nothing at all.

"This is weird." Albus mumbled to himself. He needs to get to Scorpius, now.

So gaining all of the strength he has left, Albus screamed.



Scorpius heard the scream. He opened his eyes. He was currently curled up into a ball while laying on the floor. He's too weak to move. He was almost transparent. He's alone in an empty hallway, no one seems to see him anyways. He knew was invisible, literally.

"Albus..." came Scorpius' weak and hoarsed voice.

His voice was so tiny, it was impossible to hear him. He was dying, and he won't even see his best friend as he exhaled his last breath.

Scorpius let tears fall down. He tried going back, but each step he took felt like torture. He shouldn't have left. He should have stayed with Albus. Scorpius cursed at himself. He was always acting stupid, always had been the fragile one, the gullible one. Scorpius hated that fact about himself. And now here he is, dying alone.


Scorpius turned. Relief washed over his face when he saw Albus, his best friend, at the end of the hallway.

Albus found Scorpius.

But Scorpius immediately frowned when he saw that Albus is in the same situation he was in.

"You too?" Scorpius weakly asked.

"It doesn't matter." Albus said. He took a step towards Scorpius, and he immediately flinched in pain. Albus didn't care, he took another step.

"Wait!" Scorpius said, when he saw how much Albus is enduring the pain, "Stop!"

Albus momentarily listen.

"You're hurting yourself, don't move." Scorpius said, then a weak smile managed to form in his face, "Let me go to you."

Albus smiled back in return. "I think it's best if we meet each other in the middle."

And so Scorpius stood up, and together, they walked towards the other. Not minding the pain they were feeling. They decided to focus on each other instead. They were like each other's healing. They completely forgot about the pain.

They almost reached each other, fingertips brushing, but they didn't have the chance to hug each other at least.

They both just disappeared.


It was year 2019.

Harry ended up being an auror, but after a few accidents that almost caused him his life, Draco and his family and friends managed to finally convince him to quit the job.

Now he works at Hogwarts as a DADA proffesor, along with his husband, Draco of course, who's now a Potions proffesor at Hogwarts.

Ron and Hermione still got married. They have a beautiful daughter they named Rose. The war still happened, a few lives still got taken, but over all, all was well.

Draco and Harry got married obviously, they now share a home together. They're now currently at their happy ending. All of them are. All of them are living their lives the happiest they could.

There were never a Scorpius Malfoy nor an Albus Potter. The boys were never born, for they were erased on this timeline. Harry and Draco weren't even supposed to fall inlove, but I believe everything happens for a reason. So thus, all was well. For no one even remembered them. No one knew their pain, their hardships, everything about them. They were erased, they were forgotten.

Perhaps the two boys would forever be stuck in time.


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