My Journey: Becoming A Sheckl...

By XJasmineSamX16

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The final chapter of my life as Jordyn Evander. Follow me through my last year (and journal) as I continue my... More

January 1, 2013
February 12, 2013
March 23, 2013
May 26, 2013
June 20, 2013
July 12, 2013
August 30, 2013
September 27, 2013
October 19, 2013
November 24, 2013
December 13, 2013
March 8, 2014
April 28, 2014
May 23, 2014
May 25, 2014

April 24, 2013

375 8 0
By XJasmineSamX16

So Ryan is as close to 100% as he can get for how many times he hurts his feet and ankles, haha. But no, he’s good. He’s so good that he surprised me with a trip to Greece for my birthday. That’s where we are right now.

On the 2nd I was sleeping in on my Tuesday off when the bed shook violently. I wake up to see Ryan lying on his side fully dressed with a smile on his face as he watched me. “Why would you do that?” I groaned as I buried my face in his chest.

He laughed lightly and rubbed my back, “because I have a surprise for you that I couldn’t wait to tell you about. Plus it’s 11:30.”

“Your point?” I mumbled. 

He laughed again and rolled me on my back. I grudgingly looked up at him and his smile was still bright. “Come on, you’re going to love it.”

I put my hands on his shoulders as he wrapped his arm around my waist and half laid on me, “I’m listening.”

“So you were talking about how you have Spring Break this weekend and all and it happens to coincide with your Birthday so I was thinking about what we could do all month.” I nodded so he continued. “And not that the party with friends every year isn’t fun but I thought we could do something just the two of us.”

“Okayyyy,” I extended the ‘y’, waiting for him to just say what it was.

He smiled, “pack your bags baby, we’re going to Greece!”

I gasped, “Really?!”

“Yes.” He said mater of factly.

I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him. When he pulled back I smiled, “yay! I am so freaking excited!”

“I knew you would be.” He sat up and pulled me with him to explain what we’d be doing there. “We’re gonna see everything we can! We’re gonna visit old cities and temples, we’re gonna surf and hike and we’re gonna have 21 days to do it all.”

“Seriously?” I asked amazed we were gonna be there practically all month.

“Yupp,” he pulled a piece of paper from the edge of the bed and showed it to me. “Here, this is our itinerary. We’re not going to have a guide, we’re gonna do it all by ourselves.”

I raised my eyebrows at him, “wow.”

“So get packing!” He smiled then kissed my cheek before jumping off the bed and going to get our suitcases.

I laughed and looked down at the itinerary. We would be leaving on Friday the 5th and our adventure would start on the 6th in Crete. We’d spend 4/6-8 exploring the island then head up to Chorefto and spend the 9th surfing. After that spend 4/10-12 in Thessaloniki, 4/13-16 hiking in Zagori, 4/17 on the Egremni Beach, 4/18 in Delphi,  4/19-22 exploring the ancient cities of the Peloponnese area, spend 4/23 on Hydra Island, and end the trip with a few days spent in Athens. We would finally return home on the 28th. Damn, he had a lot planned but I was so excited!

It didn’t take me long to jump out of bed and get packing. After he pulled out our suitcases we got to work gathering the things we would need for the 21 day trip. On Friday in the wee hours of the morning, we got dropped off at the airport and were off to Athens. 

When we arrived, there was a car waiting to carry us through the country. It had 2 surfboards strapped to the roof and a slew of hiking gear in the trunk. We threw in our suitcases and drove to the ferry that would be carrying us to the island. After the ferry started moving I moved to the front and leaned against the railing, watching the water split before us. It was late and we had a 5 hour ride to the island.

After a moment, Ryan’s arm wrapped around me and he kissed my shoulder. I felt his chin rest there as he looked ahead of us as well. “The 5 hour ferry ride is a drag but as least the view is awesome.”

I laughed, “Yeah it is.” I turned in his arms to face him and sat back against the railing, “this is going to be incredible thank you.”

He smiled and kissed me, his lips lingering for a moment. “You’re welcome.”

“If we’re doing this now, what are we going to do for our Honeymoon?” I joked.

He thought for a moment then said, “Well, there’s always Italy.”

I laughed again and he smiled along, “That’s true.”

He nodded and kissed me again. A few hours into the ride across the sea I fell asleep in the backseat of the car. When I woke up, Ryan was gently shaking me awake. When I opened my eyes he smiled a tired but still bright smile. “We’re at the hotel in Chania.” 

I stretched and got out to stretch more. We carried our things inside and immediately went to bed for a few hours. The day began exploring Chania then ended in Knossos. The next day we skirted the southern half of the island before ending our time on Crete in Heraklion where we went through the massive fortress on the coast. The city in general is incredible as one of the largest in Greece with beautiful architecture. The way the harbor lights up at night is just so beautiful I couldn’t keep my eyes off of it as the ferry pulled out and took us back to Athens.

Once back on the mainland, we went straight to Chorefto, checked in and went to sleep. Ryan was excited to get up early and get surfing. And bright and early he was in his wet suit with his backpack slung over his shoulder patiently (sort of) waiting for me to get ready. I laughed as his eyes were trained out the window on the beach. 

Shaking my head I walked to the door and opened it then turned to him and spoke in the type of voice you would use to speak to your dog. “Ryan!” he turned to me, “go outside? You wanna go outside?” I pat hand on my knee, “Come on!”

He gave me a droll look as he approached, “haha.” But once we got outside he was smiling just like a puppy. We took the boards off the car and walked down the trail to the beach. Once we hit the water, it was like we were back home ripping through those familiar waves.

Of course we were both excited for the entire trip but Ryan always loved surfing new places and adding Greece to the list of places he’s been able to shred was a thrill for him. At one point I just sat back on my board and watched him grab the next few waves alone. Even from a distance I could see the joy on his face and I think all of Greece heard it when he would let out a shout of excitement.

After he caught his third solo wave he straddled his board and paddled my way. I smiled as he neared, “you having fun?”

He laughed, “so much!” he exclaimed as he threw his fists in the air. He stopped next to me, facing back towards shore and put his hand on my knee so he’d keep his place. As we bobbed in the water he looked around then back at me, “what about you?”

“So much,” I smiled. “You know I love just watching you have fun.”

I  loved how much he’s been smiling lately so sorry if I keep saying it, but he smiled again and held up his other hand and motioned towards himself, “come here.” He kept his hand on my knee as I leaned forward on my board. His other hand was on the side of my neck, pulling my lips to his. The embrace lasted what seemed like forever. We pulled apart when a gentle ripple in the water rocked our boards. He rested his forehead against mine as he caught his breathe. Then he said softly, “I can’t wait to marry you.”

“I can’t wait either love,” I smiled and playfully unzipped the top of his suit.

He laughed, “Ready to get something to eat?”

I nodded, “Yes.”

We paddled back to shore, spent some time in the hotel before checking out and grabbing a bite to eat. We got back in the car then and drove up the coast to Thessaloniki. Our time spent in that incredible city consisted of viewing many extraordinary buildings and a museum. There is not a single horrible view in this entire country. They are all incredible and seeing these things that have lasted thousands of years is mind blowing. To know that as you look out at the sea and separate yourself from the present, it’s the same view some Ancient Greek ruler or soldier saw back in their time. And to be immersed in the history, you can almost hear the sounds of the city as it was then. I was in love with Greece already and I was only a week into it. I was excited to start hiking and really get lost in the past. 

We packed our packs and set out early on the 13th. After seeing the Bridge of Noutsos, we continued on to the Vikos Gorge where we would be camping for the night.

As we sat looking down at the gorge and the river below with the sun setting, our minds wandered. Ryan asked, “What do you think happened here thousands of years ago?” It had been a common question either of us would ask as we took in our surroundings.

Without thinking I said, “An epic battle to the death. There were probably hundreds of dead bodies lying here.” He didn’t respond so I tore my gaze away from the river below and looked to him. He had an incredulous look on his face. “What?” I asked.

“Wow, thank you for that beautiful imagery Jords.”

I laughed, “What? That’s probably what happened. All they did in ancient times was fighting each other for glory and riches and territory so they could be more powerful than anyone else.”

Ryan laughed and put his arm around my shoulders, “Yes but I wasn’t planning on going to bed with the image that a dead soldier was once lying where I’m now sleeping, in my head.”

I scoffed, “Then how were you planning on going to bed because that’s all I’ve been thinking about.”

He put his chin on my shoulder as he pulled my back to his chest and said softly, “I think you know.”

I turned my head to him with an eyebrow raised, “Out here?”

“Well in the tent but why not? We’re out here alone and it might even scare away the predators.” He leaned back on his hands while I crossed my legs underneath me and turned to face him.

I raised both eyebrows at him this time, “Are you trying to imply that I’m loud because that is you my friend.” I pushed his shoulder lightly.

Ryan laughed and shook his head, “I don’t think so Ms. Morbid.”

“Oh but I do. And you’re the one who asked to marry me Mr. Moansalot.” 

He smiled, “that’s cause no one else would.”

“Ouch,” I said as I put my hands over my heart and fell back as if I had been stabbed in the chest.

He laughed and leaned over me, “Is this a demonstration of one of those dead soldiers? Cause if they were women who looked like you I think that image would be alright.”

“Haha,” I said lightly as his lips closed on mine and his arms encircled me. Pulling away slightly, he lifted me into his arms and carried me into the tent. 

On our last day of hiking (my birthday) we sat on the side of another mountain and the view was once again incredible. I closed my eyes as a breeze reached us. With Ryan at my side, it felt like home. “Man,” Ryan said from beside me. I opened my eyes and saw him watching me. There was content and love in his eyes. “I should have proposed here. With this view, in Greece, on your birthday. It would have been perfect.”

I smiled and took his hand, “It’s perfect all the same. Thank you Ryan. I can’t tell you I love you enough.”

He kissed my forehead and held me close, “I love you too Jordyn. Happy 19th.”

The next morning before we hit the Egremni Beach, I got a few calls from family wishing me happy birthday and asking how the trip was going as if the photos we’ve posted so far weren’t enough to tell them, haha. From the beach we went right to Delphi to check in and relax for a wonderful dinner. 

The next day we spent walking amongst the ruins of the Temple of Apollo. As we were approaching the spot the Oracle whom had the breath of Apollo once stood, Ryan squeezed my hand. “What are you going to ask the Oracle?”

We stopped and I looked down at the laurel wreath I held in my free hand. Then I shrugged and turned to him, “I’m not sure.”

“I’ll go first then,” he smiled and released my hand as he walked closer.  I watched from a distance as he knelled down to set his wreath at the base of the Oracle’s place. As he knelt there, he spoke quietly and I couldn’t make out what he was saying. After a minute he returned to me with a smile on his face. “Your turn.”

“Did you get an answer?” I asked.

“Maybe,” he shrugged.

I shook my head and walked to the place he had just been. I knelt down and set my wreath beside his and looked up at the old smooth stones before me. I took a deep breath and asked softly, “Pythia, has my life come to be exactly as it should with who it should?” After a moment a low breeze brushed across the ground, rustling the laurel leaves of the wreaths. When I looked back down at them, they were linked together. I smiled and returned to Ryan’s side.

“Did you get the answer you hoped for?” he asked, his eyes on me.

I looked back to the wreaths before looking at him, “I think I did.”

He smiled and put his arm around my shoulders as I put mine around his waist. He kissed my forehead then we turned and walked away to explore more of the ruins. 

Now today, 6 days later we are in Athens. We spent the past few days visiting so many ancient cities like Olympia and Sparta. Which of course, we couldn’t go to Sparta without shouting loudly (like an obnoxious tourist) ‘THIS IS SPARTA!’. Which, naturally we did and got some disproving looks from the locals. “Screw you, I’m on vacation!” I said to one local who just could not stop staring.

We actually spent today at Cape Sounion which is where the Temple of Poseidon sits looking out over the sea; the perfect place to worship the God of the Sea. We timed it perfectly so we arrived just before sunset. And though not much remains of the Temple but pillars on either side of what was once a magnificent structure, it was still beautiful. We sat with our feet hanging over the edge of the cliff face as the sun sunk below the horizon. The sky was filled with color. Close to the water it was dark but as you looked up it changed quickly to red, orange and yellow. Then further into the sky, the colors changed to pink, then purple, then blue, till it became so dark it was black and filled with stars. If I had lived back when the temple stood tall and the cape was filled with sailors pulling into harbor but I only had the clothes on my back and this sunset every night; I’d be alright.

It was so beautiful that I was so lost in it I hadn’t realized I had said something until Ryan said, “What?”

I turned to him, “I want to get married here. Right here so I can share this beauty and a moment like this with both of our families.”

He smiled and looked back at the massive pillars that were washed with the color of the sunset then looked back at me, “In the temple?”

I smiled, “Why not?”

He nodded, “It’s perfect.” He held me close as we turned back to the setting sun. “Do you think Poseidon would approve?”

I laughed, “Well, with the proper offering I should think so.”

“We’ll have to do that,” there was a smile in his voice.

Once the sky turned to stars and infinity, we got back in the car and drove to our hotel in Athens. That’s where we sit now, remembering everything we’ve done so far and what we plan to do our last few days in Greece. I can’t believe it’s almost over though. It’s been such an incredible journey; I don’t want it to end. But we can always come back and like Ryan said, there’s always Italy as well.

Love always!

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