The Dead Officer's Truth OR F...

By SheHatesMee

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What happens when the person you thought to be dead from the past 2 years stands alive in front of you...? We... More

Introduction of characters
Part 1- The Well Deserved Sleep
Part 2- New Day. New Shocks
Part 3- Reality turned Nightmare.
Part 4- A new bond found.
Part 5- The untold past
Part 6-The revelation
Part 7- Waking Sleeping Beauty Up
Part 8-It's Time...
Part 9- Home Sweet Home.
Part 10- Peaceful Sleep
Part 11-Back To Work.
Part 12- Unpleasant First Meet
Part 13- Confrontation
Part 14- The Meeting
Part 15- The Escape
Part 16- Plan In Action
Part 17- Monsters From The Past
Part 18 - Friends?
Part 19- To New Beginnings
Part 21- The New Case
Part 22- The Trap
Part 23- Let's Propose Her
Part 24- Planning Plotting
Part 25 - The Rathores
Part 26- The Chief's Bride
Part 27 - You Sure?
Part 28 - The Patch Up Plan
Part 29 - The Surprise
Part 30 - Bad Day ?
Part 31 - The Big Brother
Part 32 - The Wait
Part 33 - Changes
Part 34 - The Kapoors
Part 35 - The Hook Up Plan
Part 36 - The Bachelor /Bachelorette Party
Part 37 - Gauri Pooja
Part 38 - Distance
Part 39 - Let's Talk
Part 40 - Sangeet Time
Part 41 - Mehandi - l
Part 42 - Mehandi - ll
Part 43 - Haldi & Preps
Part 44 - The Wedding
Part 45 - The After Wedding
Part 46 - Decisions
Part 47 - The Aftermath
Part 48 - Normal ?
Part 49 - Plan B
Part 50 - New Beginnings New Home
Part 51 - An Awkward Start
Part 52 - A New Routine
Part 53 - Realization
Part 54 - Conversations

Part 20- Knock From The Past.

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By SheHatesMee

Part 20

" I AM SORRY ARJUN..!!!!! I ... I didn't trrr... Trust.. You.... Trust my... My brother...!!!! Roshni's death had traumatized me to such an extent that... That I would no longer understand you and control my.. Control myself..!!!!  And I took out all my frustration... On you...!!!!!  I'm ashamed of myself...!!!!! But.... I received this file few hours ago... And when I read it..  I could no longer handle myself.... I realized that out of anger, I had done soo much wrong to you....!!!! I know what I'm gonna say will be difficult... Actually very difficult for you... But... But....! Can.... Can you forgive me..!?? Can our relationship have .. Have a second cha... Chance...!!!????? "
Sameer said while choking in between his sentences with teary eyes and an apologetic tone.

Not able to hold themselves anymore, the long lost bestfriends finally found each other and threw themselves in a very much needed hug.. They didn't realize when tears also started coming out of their eyes.. 

After some time, they composed themselves and Arjun said :

" I missed you sooooo much Sam.... And yess....  It was not really your fault Sameer... I know that what Roshni was for you.. She was the sister that you never had..  You loved her as if she was your real sister... You were never wrong.. It's just the wrong situation that had complicated our lives... I was never angry at you...  I can't really blame you for all what happened as I was not able to prove Sikander's existence to you and the world... It was my fault... I thought that I would be able to capture Sikander.. But never had I even imagine in my wildest dream that Roshni would follow me and the entire matter went out of hand in seconds... And then ...  "
Arjun could not find courage to continue the sentence..

" And then that happened what we never even thought of.... We lost her.... But now if we do not support each other, we may lose someone very important again..!!!!  I need your help Jun....!!!!! I REALLY NEED IT...!!!!!! "

At this point Arjun understood that Sameer had something of utter importance that was bothering him..  And signalled Sameer to go ahead with that person's identity and the help to be provided.  Sameer started telling him the reason behind his worry , while Arjun listened in shock and a horrified expression.

Next Morning
ETF Headquarters

The juniors except Riya were in the conference room chatting while waiting for the ACPs to arrive. Shree suddenly noticed that Ayesha was completely lost in some deep thoughts. So he went to ask her if all was okay.. To which Ayesha replied :

" Yess.. All is okay... It's just that your Rii hasn't arrived till now.. Last night she returned late as well.. And she left from home early today...  Donno where she is..!! "
Seeing that Shree got a little worried, Ayesha added :
" Don't worry Shree..!!!! She's on her way... She just texted me...!!! "

Relived that Riya was okay, Shree started teasing Ayesha with Sameer accompanied by the remaining juniors who joined him ... Though none if Sameer or Ayesha said it, everyone else would see their unsaid silent love story going on.

But soon they got serious as the bosses arrived one after the other and took their respective places facing each other. They had decided to not let anyone know that  they had finally pace up... And behaved as if they were still at loggerheads.
Rathore and Rawte
And not
Sam and Jun

Though they looked completely engrossed in their files they were secretly communicating with their eyes. When suddenly the phone rang which Sameer answered.
And after hanging the call, he announced to the team that they have a new case. Realizing that Riya was absent.

" Where is Riya???? Just few time back she joined back and is already taking leaves..!!!??? " Arjun said with a pinch of sarcasm in his tone.

Ayesha replied for Riya that she was not feeling well but is already on the way and will be arriving soon.

Just then Riya arrived there on a bike with a boy whose face was covered due to the helmet. All were like
  *'* Who Is That Guy???? *'*

As Riya got off the bike, the boy removed his helmet to say bye to her... While the team wondered who that boy is..!! 

On and seeing his face, Ayesha thought
" OH MY GOD...!!!! PLEASE NOT HIM....!!! "

As that guy saw Ayesha, he went flying to her not caring about the others present there and captured Ayesha in an extremely tight hug. All were shocked, while Ayesha looked at Sameer who was clearly burning out of jealousy.
Sameer was about to explode when the guy broke the hug and started talking :

" Oh My Sweet God... Where were you for soooooooooo long?????  Do you even know how much I have missed you BABLI..!!!!! "

At this point, the team thought
*'* Did He Just Call Our Dabangg LadyCop Babli..!! *'*

As soon as they heard the name 'Babli' , 3 heads turned to each other.. Chotu looked at Shree and Liza with a ' Is He Really The One I Am Actually Thinking He Is..??? '
To which the duo nodded in yess..
It was him.... The reason why Ayesha had to stay away from Mumbai.. From her Mom-Dad and little Sis...!!!!
The guy whom Ayesha wanted to avoid for her entire remaining life...
Not only he constantly irritated her by calling her Babli but he also thought that Ayesha was dependent on him since they were kids..
To escape him, Ayesha had chose the most far college and police training camp and shifted with her Nana-Nani (maternal grandparents) to complete her studies and training.

Soon she returned back from her mental flashback by Sameer's loud voice.

"  If you guys have had your reunion done, then let me remind you that we have a case to solve...!!!! And Riya ..!! Why are you sooo late??? Don't you know the reporting time at the Headquarters..???? "
Sameer said with a pinch of jealousy, sarcasm and irrigation in his voice.

Looking at Sameer, Arjun realized that Sam was not annoyed by the fact that Riya was late but that Riya came with the boy who was talking, smiling, admiring Ayesha...

" Sorry Sir... I went to the pharmacy to get my medicines which were over.. I would have arrived on time but the taxi suddenly stopped... It broke down..  Luckily Abhay was passing by there and he saw me... And he offered me a lift to the headquarters...  Else I would have reached even more late...!!! " Riya said with puppy , mischievous eyes.

By now already bored by Abhay's continuous blabbering, Ayesha said desperately to escape him :
" Since everyone is here, we should go now... We are already very late...  "

" WHAT...!!!! WHY...!!!??? WHEN????? BUTTTT..... !!!!! " Abhay replied shocked by Ayesha's words, as if a kid was forced to leave his most favorite toy.
But after calming himself, he replied :
" Okay.... You go, you have work to do... I'll see you later Babliiii....!!! "
And returned to his bike , gave Ayesha a flying kiss and a wink before riding away leaving everyone even Riya shocked.

Hearing that Ayesha got goosebumps as she was getting the feeling that the rest of the day was going to be a bad... A very bad one..!!!!  And Sameer got even more irritated hearing Abhay.

The case was a simple one.. The team didn't take long to solve it and returned to the headquarters to complete the pending piles of paperwork.
But due to the chief's spoiled mood, the entire team got regularly yelled. Especially Ayesha...  The poor soul made  continuous mistakes while working due to the new tension in her life in the form of Abhay... And Sameer thought that Ayesha was more interested in Abhay than her work...
Like Seriously...!!!!!!
No way....
More than him..!!!!

To relax the situation, Riya offered to make some coffee and Shree and Chotu went to help her. While Liza knowing why the boys wanted to go with Riya, made an excuse of going to the washroom few seconds after the trio for the canteen.

" Have you gone insane..!!??? Do you even realize what you just did Riii...!!!!! By you literally screwed Aayu's life by guiding that Abhay back to her..!!!! "
Shree shot at Riya who had her back towards them and was busy making coffee.

" Yaaaa Man..!!!! That was seriously not fair sepcially coming from you..!!!! Poor Ayesha was soo disturbed the entire day due to Abhay..!!!  "
Chotu added while Riya continued making the coffee not replying to them.

" Exactly..!!! Because of whom you and your family had to stay away from Aayu that too for soo many years, you brought that person back..!!!! Since when you have started liking that Abhay...??? "

Liza asked all confused at Riya.

Hearing the last sentence, Riya stopped making the coffee making process and turned towards her friends to reply :

" Like that Abhay..!!!!!!!
I still very much hate him.... Even today I can't stand that idiot...!!!! Because of him, I and my parents had to stay away from Aayu Di for soo long.... He forced me to spend my teenage phase without siblings.. And I will never forgive him for this..!!!! Now it's payback time....!!!! "

Riya said with anger in her voice for Abhay.
This confused her friends as her behavior right now doesn't match with her earlier doing.

" What..!!???? What do you mean by that..!!?? " Shree asked on behalf of himself and his equally confused pals.

" My God...!!!! Were you guys sleeping when god was distributing intelligence..???? How the hell you became ETF officers??????? 
I mean c'mon... We all know how that Abhay is...!!!! How much he sticks to Dii...!!???? And we also know that Aayu Dii and Sam Bhai like each other a lot..!!!  That their romantic connection is strong... Just that they aren't able to say it... Now with Abhay here, Ayesha will have no free time to go on dinners or have coffees with Sam Bhai as Abhay will purposely invade her life... And as much Abhay will be after Aayu Di, Sam Bhai will feel ignored and be jealous as well as we all saw a glimpse today..!!!!  And thennnn.......!!!

Samjhe Ya Samjhayun....!!!????
( Understood or Shall I ...!!! ) "

Riya concluded by imitating Arjun's dialogue perfectly with a pinch of arrogance and strictness added. Understanding Riya's master plan, all 4 started laughing.. But Shree, Chotu and Liza suddenly stopped as the saw HIM...

Unaware that her colleagues had stopped, Riya continued laughing until Shree signalled her to turn back. Upon turning back, Riya's laughter died and froze in her place as she saw him...
The one and only
           Arjun Suryakant Rawte.!!!

A horrified Riya stood still not knowing in which direction to run.. She knew that Arjun will not spare her for doing this to Sameer and Ayesha...

In her mind

Damn you stupid girl...!!! Can't you keep your mouth closed. !!! Now suffer the consequences..!!!  Arjun sir is not gonna spare you... You revealed your plan and also said his own dialogue in front of him that too in full attitude... That's it.. You're dead now... Even after soo much time you didn't change...!!! Donno what's gonna happen to you now..!!?? "

She thought as Arjun approached them..

" You people will never change..!!! You're gossiping during office hours..!!!  You guys are here from the past 20 mins. !!!
When are you guys planning to finish today's paperwork??? We need to send Commissioner Sir the reports..!!! Go and hurry up...!!!! " Arjun said in his normal irritated style.

Hearing that all 4 vanished from there as fast as they could..

Relief that Arjun didn't hear anything, Riya and the rest went to the conference room where Sameer, Sakshi & Ayesha were already doing their part of paperwork and completed their own in silence while each mind were busy in their respective thoughts...

(Lemme give you all everyone's POV ...)

Riya POV

Thank you God... You saved me today.. Donno what crisis I would have been if Arjun sir would have heard my plan... I'll have to handle myself like before.. And be more alert also.. I'll have to be more careful... Just
by the time my plan for Aayu Di and Sam Bhai succeeds , I'll hopefully get the information for which I came here..   And then I'll return to complete my mission.. Once the mission is over, then I'll deal with it's aftermath and my family if I get the chance to .... Anyway no matter what happens, at least I'll be 200% that my sister will lead a happy and safe life.. What happened with us and our family... I'll make sure that it doesn't happen to any other family..

Shree POV

This Riiii I tell you... She's completely cracked.. Donno from where she gets such strange ideas from..!! Luckily Arjun Sir didn't hear anything, else donno what would have happened.. What if along with Rii, he would have punished me as well..
Or what if he would have taken my machines away from me...?!!!???  What would I do then...!!!!??? Pfff... Now I just hope that this plan works....

Sakshi POV

Oh my god.. What a day it has been.. Everyone has been soo scolded by Sameer.. Maybe after seeing Abhay with Ayesha, his mood was completely spoiled.. Else he normally doesn't behave like that... At first I thought that the guy is Riya's boyfriend.. But the way he rushed towards Ayesha and hugged her, I was completely shocked...!!! And what did these 4 take soo long in the canteen..??! I'll ask them later... Yesss... For now l should do my work...

Chotu POV

What an Osum idea Rii had.... My Sweet God...!!!! This is gonna be absolutely mind-blowing...!!!! If the wedding will take place, it'll mean celebrations..!!! As in dancing, singing and FOOD also......!!!!!! That too sooooooooooo many different types....!!!!!!
Wow ...!!!! I can already feel water in my mouth by only thinking about it...!!! Just once this plan succeeds.... Then well have a blast....!!!!!! Woohooo. !!!!!

Liza POV

This is gonna be great.. Even today Riya's plans are superb.. Only she can think of such plans...!!! She brought back college memories.... We 4 used to have soouch fun... And now work as well.. But just save us from our bosses.. On seeing Arjun sir today, I was about faint man... Thank god he didn't hear anything.

Sameer POV

Concentrate Sam just concentrate in ur work... DAMN IT... How.... How to concentrate..???? Ever since that Abhay came here, I just....... Urrr...!!!! Who the fucking hell does he think he is...!!!
How dare he hug Ayesha like that... Wait...!!!! Why am I reacting like this...???? I don't love Ayesha right..!!!??? Nooo Noooo ... I just like her.... Yesss... Only like... Not love..!! O please Sam..... Who are you really lying to??!! Well... What I feel for Ayesha is something I never felt before.... What if I actually love her..?? But how will I know????? Think Sam think...!!

Obviously..! I'll ask him later... But indirectly... Else he's gonna tease me forever...!! Yes... That it.!! But what if Ayesha doesn't feel the same for me. ??? What if she likes that Abhaaa...  No ... Nooo... Nooo.... Don't think like that Sam.. Do as MaaSa says.. Think good and good will happen..!!! Now I just have to wait till the evening to talk to Jun...!

Ayesha POV

O God..!!! What did happen today..!!
Because of whom I had to shift to Nana-Nani (Maternal grandparents) 's home, is back in my life.. Donno what havoc he's again gonna create in my life..!! Or has he already created one..!! And Princess found that Abhay only to ask for a lift..!!!?? On top she brought him directly to me..!! I'm not gonna spare Riya today..!! As it is she was already late... What the worst would have happen is she would have been a little more late..!! Plus he hugged me in front of Sameer Sir.. Donno what he must be thinking about all this..!? And I can't even talk to him right now.. I have been already been so much scolded since the morning... Please please please God I just hope he doesn't misunderstand me... Things have just started getting well between us... Just once his mood gets better, I'll talk to him.. Yaa that'll be better..

(Now being the nice angel I am, I thought of giving you all the longest POV that of our supercop. Arjun's POV also. So enjoy it. )

Arjun POV

These people will never change.. First there was just a trio and now there's two. Donno what they keep on planning.. And Riya.. Just exactly like before.. Innocent face, cunning mind and excellent acting.. Once she decides to do something, she will not step back no matter what. But its good that she didn't change.. Me and the team We all missed her soo much.. Especially Shree aur Chotu... They never said openly but their eyes always said how much Riya's absence affected them. Despite being with Liza , Ayesha and Sakshi, they were not completely with them.. Afterall Riya was bestest friend.. And Ayesha.. Staying far away from your younger sister and suddenly getting her death news.. One of the worst feelings ever... I can understand them.. Even I stayed away from my buddy.. My brother Sam for soo long..
And Sam.
And it's going to be great to see their reactions when these two will find what there younger sister has done to them. It's good that I heard Riya's plan when I went to call them.. It was worth seeing their faces when they saw me.. For the first time I fought badly to control my smile.. But in the other way, it's Riya did right. Making Sam jealous..!! After all it's already 2 years and he has not been able to decide about his feelings for Ayesha. Everyone else can see that they love each other.. Just these two become blind at the time of seeing their emotions for each other.. At with the Riya's re-entry, we'll have something happening new here.  Now we just have to wait and watch.. If this plan is gonna be a hit one or flop one... But looking at Sam's reaction today, I feel that this plan is gonna be a success that too very soon..

As all were busy in their thoughts, Shree's watch made a sound at abt 10:30 pm making them realise that it's time to go home. So Sam called it off for the day and all settled to go home...

Sameer, Riya, Ayesha, Shree and Arjun were in 1 SUV while Chotu, Liza and Sakshi were in another...

In the first SUV , the ride was totally silent as not certain abt Sam's mood no one offered to talk... While Sameer drove with his eyes glued on the road but mind on what and how is he going to talk to Arjun abt his feelings...

While in the 2nd one, Sakshi asked Chotu and Liza what happened when they were in the canteen.. So Chotu told her abt Riya's plan which shocked her but she was happy that finally she will get to see something new happening....

First stop was the girls' house where all got off as Riya told them that their mom  wanted to meet them and tell them something important..

As Riya rung the doorbell, Neelam  opened the door looking very disturbed...

Upon asking her if anything was wrong, she was not able to give any answer but just pointed her finger inside the house... Hoping that nothing bad happened, all rushed in... But stopped in their track as they heard the following words...

" Oooo look uncle... Babli is back from work... I was worried... If she wouldn't have returned in some more time, then I would have myself go to get her... Riya also...  Even I care about her as much as Babli does... "

To this there was 2 people (SamSha) completely traumatized

and 3 people (Ariya+Shree) fighting badly to control their smie

and 2 people (Mom dad) who seemed completely bored...

Grounded in her place, Ayesha stared Abhay like an alien... While Abhay started walking towards Ayesha.. It seemed that he was abt to hug Ayesha again when Sameer jumped in between them from nowhere putting his hand infront of Abhay for saying hello...

Without giving Abhay time to again hug HIS Ayesha, Sameer put his hand on Abhay's shoulder after the handshake and started walking towards the sofa to sit in the opposite direction.. Infact he was literally dragging Abhay with him... Giving Ayesha time to recover from the 2nd shock of the day and fleeing to her room... While Arjun, Riya, Shree and Neelam-Nilesh watched in surprise...

Nilesh worried and knowing abt how would Ayesha's reaction be after seeing Abhay went after her..


For one day, one hug is enough... And how many times are you gonna hug others' girls...!!! Now sit here only..!!!! Won't let you go near Ayesha any soon for now..!!!

Abhay, unaware about Sameer's feelings, saw it as an opportunity to flatter himself in front of Ayesha's boss to praise how he and Ayesha were close friends while kids... How he used to protect and care for Ayesha... Well he even declared himself as her BESTEST & TRUEST friend ever...

He made himself comfortable with Sameer and called him by his name as if he knew Sam from years...
He even told an incident in the past where Riya was in danger and how he had risked his life to save her just because Ayesha was very frightened...

Abhay started his story :
"  You know Sameer.... One time we were playing hide and seek behind Ayesha's old house and suddenly Riya fell in the nearby well.. We were both soo scared as that well was very very deep.... But it was good that I was there..!!!  Without thinking about myself, I jumped in the well to save her... I was hurt but I still didn't stop...after all seeing Ayesha crying, I felt very bad... With great difficulties, I got Riya out from there..!!! "

To which Riya replied seeing that Sameer is already irritated and jealous...

" Yesss Sameer Bhai... If Abhay would have been there, then I donno what would have happen to me...!!! I am alive because of him today.. You know I was very scared at that time.. Aayu Di and Abhay had hugged me very tight together to stop me from shivering...!! "

Upon saying the word HUG ariya & Shree saw how Sameer's jaw stiffen ... And it was a big GOAL...  Now all were certain that Sam will not be able to control his feelings for too long... To prevent anymore stories from Abhay and Riya, Arjun decided to speak.

" Anyways.. Aunty.. You had to tell us something..????!!!! What happened..??? "

Then remembering the real reason why they were here, all focused their attention on Neelam who was looked finally relieved that at last the topic has been changed...
Poor her and Nilesh have been listening to Abhay's self-praises since the evening after he had unexpectedly debarked at the Mukharjees' house... After all they knew how Abhay was and also that he was the last person whom their elder daughter would like to see after coming home from work...

Neelam: " Oooo yaaaa....(in her mind) It good that Nilesh is not here... (Then lowering her tone she continued) Actually next week it's Nilesh's 55th birthday ... So me and the girls wanted to give him.a surprise party.. That's why I needed your help... If you have some spare time, can you help my girls with the arrangements..??? Please..??? Actually to ensure that Nilesh doesn't doubt about the party I'll have to be with him ... "

Arjun replied happily :
" Ofcourse aunty.. Do you even need to ask that...??? We'll make all the arrangements... "

Sam then said : " Right Aunty..  Don't worry... We'll sure all the arrangements are done ... You just take care of Uncle.....  And.... "

And he before was abt to continue, Abhay cut him in between..

" Omg..... How did I forget that next week is uncle's birthday...!!!! No worries aunty... Even I help with the arrangements... In fact this surprise party will be the best birthday ever for uncle..!!!! You just relax and watch....!!! "

An overconfident Abhay said planning to do something big on that day in his mind..While the others were still in shock that Abhay had done what no one has Ever done in life.. Cutting Sameer while he's still talking..!!!

In Ayesha's room.

Ayesha sat down hugging her dad..
None of them moved..
Though they were not biological father-daughter, Nilesh could understand Ayesha very well that at times even words were not needed.. He knew that Ayesha was upset and didn't wanted to feel caged as she had felt earlier when she was a kid... The only reason that they had tolerated Abhay was that he had saved Riya's life and did always  brage to everyone abt it..
But now he knew that it was becoming too much.. Something had to be done to protect his elder princess..
Just then Neelam came in the room to say that the boys were abt to leave and they wanted to see him before going..

So all 3 came where the boys and Riya were and bid everyone gud night .. And fortunately Arjun offered to drop Abhay as his house was in their way.. The ride was a silent one..Sameer and Arjun in front this time Arjun driving and Shree and Abhay in the back...After dropping Shree and Abhay, Sameer desperately tried to start a convo with Arjun abt his feelings for Ayesha but failed badly.. So Arjun decided to the honors..

" Will you say it now or wait till you lose her..???? "

Shocked at what Arjun just said, Sam pretended to play the innocent..

" What???? What are you talking about??? What should I say??? "

" Don't you dare do that drama..!!! I know that for the past few years, our relationship has been on rocks but that doesn't mean that I don't know you..!!! You were jealous on seeing Abhay with Ayesha right..!!!!???
(Seeing Sam was abt to refuse,he said)
Don't even think of lying to me...!!! I know you more than yourself..!!!!! "

Unable to hold himself any longer,Sam finally let out...

" YESSSS...!!!! I AM JEALOUS...!!!!  Don't know why this is happening..!!!!! Whenever I saw Ayesha with that Abhay, I feel like killing that guy..!!!! What's happening to me man..??? I can't understand anything...!!! "

"  U can't understand or you don't want to understand...!!!!???? Everyone can see that you freaking LOVE Ayesha... Only you and your ladylove can't see that..!!!! Yesss..!!!! You heard that right...!!!! Everyone...!!!! "

Arjun finally said it without beating around the bush shocking Sam to the core...

" Seriously??? Everyone can see..??'
Sameer asked like a kid..

Arjun: " Yes Sam...."

Sameer said :

" But Ayesha never said anything like that... What if she does feel for me..??? Then what!!!!????  "

" Well.. Looking at her reaction today, one can say that she does have feelings for you.... "

" Exactly..  We two think like that..!!!! But Ayesha...!! What does she want.. We are not sure about that..!!! Till I'm not sure, I can't take any risk..!!!! Yesss... That's it...!!!! "

Arjun knowing that no matter what he's gonna say won't change Sameer's mind, decided to stay quite for the time being and think of a way later to make Sam believe that even Ayesha feels the same for him.

For now they were at Sam's place, where Arjun bid him gud ni8 and asked him to ponder abt wht that had talked.

At the Mukharjees
The Girls' Room

Riya and Ayesha were in the room after dinner and shower and so were their mom-dad.
Knowing that today has been a hard day for Ayesha and also feeling guilty for bringing Abhay back in her sister's life, Riya wanted to try to make Ayesha relax a bit..

" I'm sorry Diii.. Because of me Abhay... I swear Diii I didn't wish to trouble you I just want  you to be happy.. I promise Diii.. "

To which Ayesha replied..

" I know that Princess... It's just that Abhay came all of a sudden in front of me, and I panicked... On top of that Sameer Sir saw all of that.... Don't know what he must be thinking..!!! Once his mood will be okay, I'll talk to him about this...!!! Yesss.... That's right..!!!! "

Seeing it as an opportunity, Riya decided to hit a chord.

" Aayu Diii... You LOVE Sameer Bhai, don't you..!!! "

It sounded more of a statement than a question shocking Ayesha ..

Ayesha replied taken back by her question :

"  What..!!!! Who told you this??? Sakshi and Liza..?!?? There's... There's nothing like that..!!!! "

" No one needs to tell me anything..!!! I understand my sister enough to know what's going on in her heart... Say it.... You do right..!!??? "

" Yesss...  I think I do... But I don't know if he loves me as well..!! Never says anything... I don't know what to do..!!! "

"  You'll see Diii... I'm 100% sure that Sam Bhai also loves you... And very soon you too will be able to tell each other as well..!!! "

" Suree...!!?? Pinky promise..??? "
Ayesha said showing her small finger..

To which Riya replied putting her little finger forward..

" Pinky promise.. "

After this both the girls cuddled in the same bed as both needed this thinking abt what is going to happen.. When Riya said :

" Diii..  Plzzz sing that lullaby... Didn't hear it from a long time.."

Neelam-Nilesh room

Nilesh said all angry :

" Don't know how that trouble came back in our home...!!! You saw right...!!! Our baby was so disturbed... It's high time that we do something about that Abhay..!!!!! "

Neelam : " Exactly... Even I noticed.. We actually need to do something about Abhay..!!  By the way did you notice something today..??? ( Nilesh looked at her confused )  On seeing Abhay here today, our Baby was not the only one irritated..!!!! But Sameer was also equally irritated and disturbed. Didn't you see how Sameer jumped in when Abhay  moved towards Baby..!!! I think there's something going on between them..!!! "

Nilesh replied surprised at his darling wife :

" I'm in tension here.. And you're cooking up love stories..!!!! Let me remind you that with Abhay in the picture, nothing like what you're thinking is gonna happen.. First of all we need to get rid of that moron... Then we'll see if there's something like what you're saying between those two or not..... "

Neelam: " Yesss... That's right. !! That's what we've to do... You think.. Even I'll think something.. "

With this both lied on the bed thinking a plan when they heard Ayesha singing lori and got up to go to their daughters' room

Aa leke chalu tujhko
Ek aise desh mein
Aa leke chalu tujhko
Ek aise desh mein

Neelam-Nilesh saw Ayesha Singing while Riya's head was on her lap.

Milti hai jahan kushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Milti hai jahan kushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Aa leke chalu tujhko...

Ho chand chahe aadha
Ho phir bhi roshni
Ho chand chahe aadha
Ho phir bhi roshni
Umeed jo na chhute
Har baat hai bani
Raato ke sur se nikle
Subah ki ragini

Neelam continued the song while RiSha looked at their mom-dad who approached them.

Lori tujhe sunau
Lori tujhe sunau
Bachapan ki ek mein
Lori tujhe sunau
Bachapan ki ek mein
Milti hai jahan kushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Milti hai jahan kushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Pariyon ke bhesh mein...
Aa leke chalu tujhko...

Mein aasam ko khidkiyon se
Ghar mein laayi hu
Mein aasam ko khidkiyon se
Ghar mein laayi hu
Saare ke saare taare
Yahan chunke laayi hu
Sapno mein rang man ke
Yuhi bharte aayi hu

RiSha each put their heads on their mom-dad head respectively. While they tried 2 sleep while Neelam singing peacefully and Nilesh admiring his small family.

Har dard bhool jaau
Har dard bhool jaau
Yuhi khel khel mein
Har dard bhool jaau
Yuhi khel khel mein
Milti hai jahan kushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Milti hai jahan kushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Pariyon ke bhesh mein...
Aa leke chalu tujhko...

As RiSha slept, Neelam and Nilesh stayed by their sides and got themselves comfortable as there was still place on their Daughters' bed..

Dena tu man ki shakti
Maalik mere mujhe
Dena tu man ki shakti
Maalik mere mujhe
Meri katha vyatha
Hai sab pata tujhe
Mein jab bhi dagmagau
Tu thaam lo mujhe
Chhode hai swapn saare
Chhode hai swapn saare
Teri deh rekh mein
Chhode hai swapn saare

Teri deh rekh mein
Milti hai jahan kushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Milti hai jahan kushiyan
Pariyon ke bhesh mein
Pariyon ke bhesh mein ...
Aa leke chalu tujhko.

All 4 slept like this till morning as they all missed this moment from much time.

That's all folks..
And again you all achieved the previous vote target in less than 48 hours.... I  mean like  wow....
By the way thanks for all your love and admiration...
This story us currently at #120 position in Mystery/Thriller.
Thanks once again .
Don't forget to leave your votes and comments.
Target this time is 16 😇😈
Let's see in how much time it's achieved.

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