Written In The Stars : Guardi...

By GingerEyes

15.8K 436 48

Ava is the Collectors daughter and a woman known as the" Guardian". She is well known to go back in time ille... More

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Chapter Two : Busted
When I First Met Loki
Chapter Three : The Truth Comes Out *Added On*
First Kiss On Our Wedding Day
Chapter Four : The Midgardain Game
The Letter * ADDED ON*
Chapter Five : The Deal
Where Were You?
Chapter Six : Into Eternity
Chapter Seven : Siblings That Are Worlds Apart
It's Fine
Chapter Eight : Hello Again.
Your A True Princess
Chapter Nine : Family Blood
How The Prince Was Created
Chapter Ten : Deliverence
One Last Favor For Her
Chapter Eleven : For My Family
I Looked At You In The Eyes
Chapter Twelve: Kill Him
Make Me Scream
Chapter Thirteen : Everything Comes With A Price
We Are The Guardians
Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye

Chapter One : Who?

1.8K 25 3
By GingerEyes

I was awoken by the yell of my father's roar for me to wake up. It was loud and demanding like a Lion, some creature that I had read about in books. They are rather large cats with manes if they are male that is. The female cats would often look after their pride, but why would you care? They are just cats, and I had gotten off topic again.

It's a bad habit. You will get used to it.

My eyes had opened to reveal my room. Well my digital room I should say, It's not exactly my room. It's a hologram to make me feel as if I was in my room when in reality that I wasn't . My father had rented a hotel that looked like crap so he put our holograms to use.

The walls are pained a bright shade of pink and the floor was glass so I could always check the door when I had heard something. I am like my father, we have good hearing. But as mine is better then his currently, it's my job to watch over the doors to our home.

Once I had pressed the switch to the hologram ,I had stared at the horrible room that I had slept in the past night. The walls were blue with several signs of it fading away. The floors were wooden from trees and made a creaking sound each few moments . I had propped my arms to check for my clothes that I had set out for the night before : A blue dress with black boots . Simple yet attractive.

I gotten dressed in hope that I wouldn't get reconsider on wearing my mother's dress. I had the strangest feeling that someone would recognize me because I looked so much like her. The worst thing that could go wrong is that you get asked to get married on your mothers home planet. I would get caught in conflict. No two alien's are legally allowed to get married.

Unless if it's arranged by your parents.

I was once in that condition. But it ended in terrible consequences . Both of us had loved each other dearly and promised to never leave each other's side. But of course disaster had came that I couldn't stop no matter how many times I attempted to stop it. Death had came to my husband.

And now I bear his child.

As I stare into the mirror, I begin to think about the time that it had happened. It was a simple result of one too many drinks on our 200th anniversary.

He wasn't exactly a good guy that some may say. He was a trouble maker who had taken over the throne while Odin was in his sleep, tried to kill his brother more then once, and tried to take over New York. So his hands aren't clean in my standards.But he was my love and he wouldn't ever betray me .

I had snuck in at night and made sure that I wouldn't get caught in any twisted way.

I was the one who had brought Midgardian wine for the two of us to share. He had kissed me and of course we had done more. Of course, bad luck had to trail behind us as Sif, one of Thor's friends had to walk in on us. Well she didn't exactly , she just saw us through a clear glass room. She called the guards and clearly our romantic evening was ruined.

The baby bump on my stomach grows larger each day now. I wonder if there is a chance of it even lowering down. I seem to feel rather hungry each moment of the day now, it's like feeding two people .

I have been lowering my work as the Guardain over the past seven months. It's hard to believe but thats how long I was pregnant already. Only two more months before I have my child. What a great blessing that I will have for the throne of Asgard when he or she grows up.

The door opens to reveal my fathers aid coming towards me in a tippy toed manner like she always did. She had pinkish red skin and brown hair with pink tips. She always worn the white dress. I dont know if father commanded her to wear it , but she did . It was odd.

"Miss Tivan, your father wishes you to come with me to visit him" She had said in her annoying high pitch tone.




I had helped Carina with my things . But at first it was a struggle to even get her to hand me a single bag, as it was my fathers orders. I had talked into it and she given me the lightest bags as she taken in the heavier ones.

Father was waiting for me downstairs of the hotel. He had smiled at me kindly . He narrowed his eyebrows after seeing me carrying some bags.

"Carina the bags aren't heavy" He warned in a low tone.

"She was kind enough to me for assisting me ,Collector"

Father's eyes had looked up to me . Pale blue eyes and pale skin with white hair and markings of a elder on his face. He also worn the fur coat that he always wears which must get hot on some summer days. I had walked down the final stair and then nodded at him.

"I did, I wanted to help " I said.

He had placed his hand on my shoulder and then placed the grin on his face again. He then quickly hugged me into feeling the internal heat of his coat. When he thought that I wasn't paying attention, he had grasped my bags then passed them to Carina.

I can't believe that he was doing this to the poor girl. She didn't deserve to carry this kind of weight. I had pulled away from the grasp that he given me and then shaken my head at him.

"Father , she has done enough. Why don't you give her a hand?" I asked.

He taken a deep sigh "Ava, kindness is a gift. Your mother had it as well, but if you use it too often, people will take advantage of you. The baby will"

Here he goes on a new lecture on how to be a good obedient mother. I have heard about these ever since I was a child. Wont he ever stop about it?

"Kindness is a treasure. Something that maybe you..." Carina had said softly. My father's hand had pushed me away just seconds before he had slapped her face with a large smack. He had then looked back to me and then risen his eyebrows at me as he was going to give me one. He taken a second thought then lowered it.

"Be kind to your slaves, this is what happens . Carina put the things in the teleporter. We are leaving soon"

Carina had removed her hand from her cheek making the area more purple . She had stood up and walked away with the heavy bags in her hands. Slowly , and weakly I noticed that her cheek had swollen up from the distance.

"You slapped her pretty bad father" I said.

"Sometimes they need to be straighten out Ava. You will learn it this way or the hard way" He said leaning into my body placing a kiss on my temple as he placed his hand on my back for the check out desk.




We had about three hours to kill at Xandar before we had to leave for the next day. Father had left me around noon to pick up some sort of device from someone that he deemed valuable and worthy to buy. Carina had of course followed him even though she was still rubbing the smack he given her across the face.

I was left alone with over a million karts from my father for spending. He may be such a douche bag but man can he ever give me money well. I could survive on this cash for a year but he given me this money to look at baby clothing and other things.

I havent even seen the sex of my child yet and besides I think that Asgard already has a room set up for the child. I might as well only focus on maybe some clothes for myself until I get to see what kind of clothes to get the child. It would just be weird if it ended up being a boy and I got all dresses.

My bracelet however seemed to go off over something. I know that I am not on the look out like I used to be, but still I need to watch out for any signs of danger. You never know what lurks on the planet of Xandor. It was flashing bright green.

Crap what does that mean?

I haven't used it for seven months!

I had pushed the black button next to the red . A scanned was revealed as it had taken it's time to load. I had made this about seven hundred years ago when I started to crew around with peoples minds, it needs to be updated. It's like super slow right now.







Those were the words that I wanted to say out of my head right now. But I knew that I should keep quiet. But it was so tempting to yell.

"Here let me help you" Said a voice.

I had turned around then stared at the strange man. He was clearly a good looking guy, with his blonde cut up hair and blue eyes. He seemed fit and had a bit of a hairy thing going on on the top of his lip. He had faintly smiled.

"Yea, sure. Just make sure that you don't break it" I told him moving my arm to his direction. He had swipped the scanning process and then began to type some things down for me.

"This thing's ancient" He said .

"Yea about five hundred years old" I told him shrugging.

The man looked at me as it that was crazy talk "Five..Hundred. How old are you exactly?"

"About two thousand, the age of Midgard " I shrugg "You?"

"Thirty Five" He had said keeping a eye on me then a eye on the screen.

"You look older then that. " I said placing a hand on my stomach. I had felt relieved when I felt my child kick inside . "So who are you exactly?"

"That's none of your concern, but what really concerns me is that why is there a arrow on..."

I had removed my hand off my stomach and then lunged towards the man. The screen scanned came off as soon as my body collapsed onto his. He was the one with the dead device.

"What do you have?" I asked.

"Nothing, Look I think that we may be going too fast here okay?" He said putting his hands up . I hate cocky men like this they always go and do some sort of trouble even when you dont ask for it.

"You think this is a game? Huh? .what is the device? I know that it's a danger to this planet" I warn him. Peter had squirmed around before being comfortable .

"Your  a awquard girl" He muttered trying to get out of my grasp.

"And you are a man who should know better and hand me that object." I told him. He wasnt even going to even think about giving me the object. How stubborn of him, but rather awkward of me to be standing ontop of a man I just barely met.

"How about no. It's mine" He said revealing the object in my face. That was pretty stupid of him doing that. I mean he is trapped and I can snatch it away. Oh well, his loss. My fingers on my right hand had touched the orb as  he held onto the object tighter.

Through the shape of the object. I had seen the lights of space inside of it. Sparks of purple and black had swirled around me as I seemed to look down on a universe. The stars made the planets  sky so tiny and puny. As it was covered in bright lights, more then the moving portals on Xandar. It was truely beautiful.

But I gotten the feeling that something wasn't right about it.

The scanner told me that there was going to be danger on this . Somehow I had known that it was right. The bracelet was always right even though it's over five hundred years old. And really slow.

There was a large explosion of fire and rock as the universe seemed to collaspe on itself. The heat had burned up my eyelids and caused me to wake up from the horrid illusion. I had noticed that I was staring at the man the entire time creepily.

Well that answered my question for sure . I know  now that that little ball can destroy the universe.

I have a gift you see. I can tell what will happen in the future. And most often I can go back into that time period with my gadgets and save them. But other times I just make things worse. I have a few enemies I am sad to say.

I had looked around to see that the horror  of several walkers had stopped just to see what was going on. I had found myself in a awkward situation at that moment.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I had stood up getting bright red. Quite a few of the people knew my mother and now they seen me lying on top of a stranger. I guess that would make me a slut in their standards. The man had looked around and seen the people who were staring at me.

"Sorry, misunderstanding" I said. The people didn't freak out at all, in fact they had went back to what ever they were doing. That left the two of us once again.

"So why do you want this? I know your lying to me about the entire take over the destruction  thing. But I am selling it to someone right now" He had said.

"That thing can destroy the Galaxy ..Mr.." I said waiting for a name.

"Sorry Peter , Peter Quill and you are" He began taking out his hand to shake mine.

"That's none of your concern right now" I said. But before I could even give him a good reason, I noticed that he had gotten a head start away from me. I am not too good of a runner  but  I could hear the call of his last words to me.




I had felt the feeling that I had just destroyed the Galaxy.

Not a good feeling to have. It makes you feel torn up inside.

And plus it made me feel useless as I had simply just let him go without even trying to run him off. I have a good excuse though: I am pregnant. I simplify can not run.

I began to search for him again while using a disguise that I had easily used before . I was a rather fair skinned with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I in reality has pale skin with white hair with front bangs and dark eyes. But this girl suits a disguise well as it doesn't even show my baby bump.

I thought that no one would be able to recognize me here. I mean now I am a complete stranger with  two and a half hours to kill to find this guy and get the Orb.

I have no idea who this guy was. I have heardn't heard of Peter Quill or Star lord so I don't exactly know what he is capable of. But he is clever , I give him that.

The motion that I was pulled into was so sudden to me. The motion of the hands covering my mouth had came to a shock for me. I didn't know what to do in a situation like this. I never gotten caught by surprise before.

My captor had pulled me back to the city's walls and then revealed her face. Her face was rather unique : skin bright green with brown ombre red hair . Her dark eyes sparkled in intrest at me. Yet her lips were frowning upon me. She removed her hands from my lips.

"What the hell..."

"The man with the orb where did he go?" She asked.

So there are two people after the orb now? Great... well its going to get interesting now with two of us.

"What man?" I asked.

"The man with the orb Ava. "

Shit. She know's who I am... Try to play along with it.

" I wasn't with a man who had a orb. You must be confused with someone else"

"No it's you I seen you ." Her hand had pulled out a knife and placed it on my throat " I seen you with him. Your pregnant with Loki's laufeyson's child and the heir to Asgard. Your the collector's daughter. You went to the washroom in Maxic to change into the disguise. I am not stupid."

I put my hands up slowly and shaken my head " Okay then clearly your not. He didn't tell me alright, he said someone was interested in it. But that object is dangerous "

"I don't want it , Ronan does. He also told me to take you to see him" She had lowered the knife from my  throat then grasped my arm as she had pulled me away from the wall and lead me around the city to look for this "Peter Quill"

I hope that she doesn't mean Ronan the Accuser . The man who is known to have destroyed countless planets by the touch of his power. He is merciless and vain. Why would he want me?

Let's just pray that it isn't that one.

Peter Quill will have her to start off. But with his cleverness, he is going to outsmart her. Then she is going to get distracted by him and going to search all over . Then I will have my scanner and while he is distracted by her I can attack him, retrieving the orb. The added bonus would be that my father doesn't find out.


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