Disrespectful [Completed]

By Baddie_Angel

220K 7.1K 808

This story is about a girl name Lyric who lost her mother "Melody" at the age of five in a car accident. As L... More

We Meet Part 1
We Meet Agian Part 2
One more day left
Today's the Day
Todays the Day Part 2
Missing You
Kiss and Tell
Not Telling
I Shall Listen You Shall Beg
Taking it Slow
Family Time
Old Meets New
Lyric-1 Helen-0
I reached my Goal
What I Have Been Waiting For
Its Official
She is What
His Birthday
Valentin's Day
Meeting the Family
Meeting The Family Part2
Her Birthday
It Can't Be
Short Chapters
Why Me
The Truth
He's Back
You Ready Part 1
The Day After
Founding Out
Guys I need help
New People Part1
New People Part2
New People Part3
The Race
I Want You Part1
I Want You Part2
Going on Tour
Roc A Wear
How Do You Know Her
Are You the Father
The Kiss
Author's Note Note A Chapter
The Meeting
The Box
What He Did
She's Mine
Starting Over
Making it up
Making it up Part2
The Last Time
Got to Get Her Back
What's Coming Up
Im Gonna Miss You
The Answer
The Answer Part 2
Derwin and Helen
Making Time
The Propsal
His Father
Letting Go part2
Author's Note
New Book A/N
Finding the Truth
It's Gonna Be Alright
New Love
Engangment Party
Sequel is Coming
Sequel is up

Neverson Get Together

2.3K 94 7
By Baddie_Angel

Tremaine's POV

Tremaine: Baby we got to go hurry up. You know how my grandma is when were late.

Lyric: No I don't I only meet her once.

Tremaine: Well hurry up anyway.

Lyric: I don't know what to wear.

I jog up the steps and walk into the room. Their was clothes all over the floor. Lyric was pacing back in forth from the bed to the closet. She look frustrate but sexy at the same time. I lean on the door frame and just watch her lose her mind. She was trying on different clothes then she look in the all body mirror. She made a face then she start to cry. I walk over to her and hug her from behind. I kiss her cheek and rub her belly.

Tremaine: Baby what's wrong.

Lyric: What do you think is wrong I'm four months pregnant I'm fat as hell. We can't tell nobody cause I'm scare the baby gonna die again and I want a burger. She said crying harder.

Tremaine: Baby your not fat your sexy as hell. Baby is not gonna die this time. I'll get you a burger.

Lyric: With extra pickles and an Oreo milkshake. She whine

Tremaine: Whatever you want baby.

Lyric: Ok but I still have nothing to wear.

Tremaine: Why don't you wear that knew sundress you brought.

Lyric: Can you get for me.

Tremaine: You gotta stop that whining.

Lyric: Fine. She pouted.

I start laughing she is something else. I walk over to the bed and got her dress. She put it on then she look in the mirror. She smile then she look at me.

Lyric: I love it. We can go now. She said smiling and jumping.

Tremaine: You are crazy.

We got our stuff and left the house. We pull up in my mom's driveway. I saw all my little cousin running around. I look at Lyric and she look nervous. I place my hand on her thigh.

Tremaine: Baby why you nervous you already meet my mom and grandma.

Lyric: I know but this is you whole family.

Tremaine: Y'all be fine all I care about is my mom and grandma liking you that's it.

Lyric: Ok I'm ready.

I kiss her cheek then her belly. I got the car jog over to her side and open her door. I help her out the car. We walk into the house.

Tremaine: Mama where you at. I yell.

April: Boy stop yelling my name.

Tremaine: Sorry ma.

April: Hi Lyric how you doing.

Lyric: I'm good mama just hungry.

April: Well let me take you guys outside to the food.

We walk out the house and went outside. I saw my grandma sitting at a table. I snuck up behind her and kiss her cheek.

Rose: Hey baby how you doing.

Tremaine: Good. You remember Lyric.

Rose: No I don't think I do.

Tremaine: Oh ok She went to Forrest birthday party.

Rose: Nope it doesn't ring a bell.

I look at Lyric and she put her head down. I pick her head up and kiss her cheek. I grab her hand and kiss it.

Tremaine: Grandma this Lyric my girlfriend.

Rose: O your Lyric the one who date that guy who abused you what's his name.

Tremaine: Baby you don't have to answer that.

Lyric: No I want to. His name is José.

Rose: Oh ok. You guys can go now.

I look at Lyric and she gave her a fake smile and walk away. I look at my grandma and gave her a "what the hell look".

Rose: Boy don't look at me like that.

Tremaine: Why would you that.

Rose: Because I'm grown and I want to know if she could pull it off.

Tremaine: How did you know about José.

Rose: Helen told me her and José are here.

Tremaine: No No No No No.

I ran away to look for Lyric. I couldn't find her anywhere. Then I thought where would a pregnant lady be. Only two places bathroom and food stand.

I went to the bathroom and she wasn't there. I went back outside and saw Lyric but I saw Helen and José heading toward her. O God O God. I ran over to Lyric. I finally got to her.

Tremaine: Hey baby why don't we go see my mom.

Lyric: Why we just did.

Tremaine: Ok let's go make love.

Lyric: At your family reunion.

Tremaine: Yea I haven't had your good pussy in a long time.

Lyric: Yea you did two days ago. What's wrong with you why acting so weird.

Tremaine: Cause I love you.

Lyric: I love you too.

Helen was getting closer. What am I going to do. I pick Lyric up bridal style and carry her to the house. I took her up to into my room.

Lyric: Tremaine what are you doing what's going on.

Tremaine: Nothing babe I just need you to stay here and do not leave. Ok. Ok.

I ran out the room and shut the door. I ran outside and pass my mom.

April: Tremaine stop running in this house.

Tremaine: Sorry ma.

I walk over to where the food was I stop in front of Helen.

Helen: Trey what are you doing here.

Tremaine: Cut the crap Helen who invite you.

Helen: Your grand mother she still thinks of me as family.

Tremaine: Well I don't want you. Leave now.

Helen: Not a till this.

She grab my neck and pull me into her. She kiss me roughly. I tried to get away put she wouldn't let me go. She let me go. Lyric came up to us and punch Helen.

Tremaine: Baby I swear I didn't kiss her she kiss me.

Lyric: I know I saw from the window.

José: Lyric why would you do that she did nothing to you.

Lyric: Your hoe kiss my man.

José: Don't call her a hoe you bitch.

Tremaine: Don't call her a bitch.

Jose: What you gonna do hit me.

Tremaine: Yuppp.

I punch him right in his face. He fell down right next to Helen. Lyric look at me and we high five. Chantelle walk over to us and slap Lyric.

Lyric: What the hell is your problem.

Chantelle: Your my problem thinking you can come in our family and make everyone like you. The only reason Trey's with you cause you have a big butt it's probably fake.

Lyric: Look bitch I don't know why your mad he's your cousin. I didn't make anyone like me. Your grandmother doesn't even like me. Just face the fact that Trey found someone else and is not dating one of your little whore friends. You know nothing about me or what I've been through in life. If you ever slap me again I promise you will regret it for the rest of your life. Tremaine let's go.

I grab Lyric hand and we walk out the back yard. We went in the kitchen. I kiss my mom on the cheek. She hug Lyric.

April: I'm so sorry Lyric I'll talk to Chantelle.

Lyric: No it's ok.

April: It's not ok Lyric she shouldn't have done that. You deserve to be treated like that. I promise tomorrow next time it's just going to Trey,Forrest, you and me no interruptions.

Lyric: Thank You April. We should go now. I'm pretty tired.

April: Ok Bye sweetie. Trey take care of my baby.

Tremaine: I thought I was your baby.

April: You are I'm talking about my grand baby.

Lyric: How do you know.

April: I know a pregnant anywhere. How long are you.

Lyric: four months.

She slap my arm.

Tremaine: owwww what was that for.

April: That's for not telling I had a grand child on the way.

Tremaine: I'm sorry Lyric didn't want to tell anybody yet.

Lyric slap my chest. God she hits like a man. She look at me and gave me the "I'm gonna kick your ass look"

Tremaine: Can you guys please stop hitting me.

April: Why didn't you tell me.

Lyric: It's a long story that I'm not ready to talk about.

April: Ok I won't tell anybody till you are ready. I'll see you guys later.

We hug her one more time. We left and got in the car. I look at Lyric and she was fast asleep.

Grandma Rose is a trip y'all. Helen and Jose are a trip to.

Lyric is pregnant again.

Will she lose the baby?

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