Book I: I'll Be Your Melody

By akosilita31

17.5K 517 510

A whirlwind romance need to be strong to make up for the time it skipped. More

Spilled Coffee
Call Me
Maybe Someday
One Hello
Its A Date
What's and Why's
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: When Music Plays
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Just Because
Just Because Part 2

Chapter 21

346 16 18
By akosilita31


I look at the pile of clothes in my bed, I don't have much option as I didn't think I would have to look presentable, but not too formal like I would look like I am going to work. I look at the mustard hoodie and jeans I was planning to wear. I bit my nails as I was trying to decide what I should wear.

I glanced at my watch, the concert would start at 5:00pm, it's currently 12:20, our tickets were seated onces so the seat is numbered, we don't have to rush, but we need to hand out the freebies we prepared and we need to meet up with some of the Philippine Melodies, who some of them I haven't actually met personally. I estimate in my head, we need about three hours minimum to do that, our travel time would take 20-30 minutes.

Arghhh!!! I need to rush!!!

I heard someone knocking at my door and asked if I'm ready to go. I panic a bit. I haven't selected what I would wear. This is your fault Im Hyunsik!! Why does he have to tell me his parents would be there. Of course I would assume he would introduce them to me, besides he said he would introduce me to someone special.

I don't know what you need to do when meeting someone's parents.

How would he introduce me to them? What are we anyway?

I'm at a lost of what I would do later when I meet his parents. Should I kiss his mother's cheeks? Maybe I should shake their hands.

Aisssshhhh!! I never met my ex-boyfriend's parents, I don't know what to do.

I hastily pick out an outfit, put on some blush on and lipstick. I took out one of my coat and went out of the room.

"Ahmm, Ate Amy, what happened to wear something comfy? I though we'll wear jeans and hoodie?" Jem asked while glancing at my outfit.

"Don't ask!" I said to them. Well, I look too girly in my opinion, not my usual outfit. I am wearing a white plain top partnered with a gray skirt and my pink coat. I don't have any accessories. Not so formal and not so casual, but not my usual get up.

We head out to go to the venue, we arrive five minutes after 1:00pm at SK Handball Gymnasium, Olympic Park, the place is already pack with Melody, BTOB's fanclub. We search for the rest of the PH Melody, and we set up the freebies we need to hand out.

The place is sorrounded with rice wreaths from fans all over the world.

I was handing our freebies, when my phone buzz. I don't need to check who sent me a message, it's definitely Hyunsik, I don't have much friends who would send me a message, so I know its him, and I am right.

➡️ Are you at the venue already?
⬅️ Yes, we're handing out freebies.
➡️ Where are you? I'll say hello to the girls before I head inside.
⬅️ We're near the left entrance.

He didn't replied to me, but then I saw him coming towards us after a few minutes. He's wearing jeans and pink shirt with brown coat. He's also wearing a navy blue Supreme cap, and of course his eye smile.

He slipped his arms around my waist as soon as he reached us and gave me a peck on the cheeks. I immediately blushed as I can feel the people around looking at us. Some of them probably know him, as most of them we're die hard fans. I saw a lot of puzzled faces looking at us, most likely wondering why BTOB's composer is holding me and just kissed me in front of a lot of people. He doesn't seem to care about them as he didn't let me go when he said hello to the girls.

"I'll see you later, I need to meet my parents and head inside with then." he said and kiss my forehead before he goes.

"Is that...??" the girl in front of our queue for our freebies asked, while pointing her fingers at Hyunsik's back. "Do you want the freebies or not?" Ellen asked the girl, the girl forget about Hyunsik as soon as she gets the photocard.

"Oh my God!! That's Im Hyunsik, BTOB's composer, he's so handsome!! I didn't know he's that handsome when he smiles, he always look serious." I heard a group of girls talking about Hyunsik and asking each other who am I.

I shake my head in disbelief, for someone who hates the limelight, Hyunsik knows how to leave an impression.

We head inside when the gates open, I searched for him as soon as we sat down. I saw him a few seats on our left side. He wink as soon as he saw me, the girl seating beside him looks flabbergasted he just messed her hair and the girl pout at him. Must be his sister. The old lady beside them smiled at the two of them. Oh my God, that must be his Mom.

I sink down on my seat and put my left hand on my face to block him from my view. Luckily the music starts signalling the concert is about to begin.

BTOB started their set list with Second Confession. We all squeel at how Changsub looks so cute in his onesies. The members are all wearing onesies and doing a concert version of the pajama Music Video of the song. We sing along with them.

They sang most of their sweet and upbeat song, they did Beep Beep, Movie, Blowin Up and You're so Fly. After that, they switched to a more mellow sound. I started tearing up when they sing one of my favorite song, It's Okay, the response from the fans didn't help as the chants added to the epicness of the song.

They played a video after that, to probably let the members rest a bit and get ready for the next one. The rap line comes up of the stage, they sang their latest track from the last album, Ice breaker. It was fun and really a good performance.

The vocal line soon comes up, they sang Someday, it's so magical and so beautiful. I look at Hyunsik, I know this is his song, as this is the one written on the note I found in his coat. He look so sad as if he's remembering something as he listen to the song.

After the vocal line is done, all the members come out and they started singing Missing You, and then they sing Finale signaling the end of the concert.

After the concert, we waited for Hyunsik near the exit. He held my hand as soon as he came. He ushered as to the backstage, the girls are so excited and trying not to scream so loud. I smiled at them as they keep arguing who should be standing beside who when they take a picture with BTOB. Hyunsik stop just before we enter a room with a sign that said BTOB waiting room.

He called out Daegyeom, and told him to stay with the girls as we head inside first. The girls doesn't mind as they are still arguing, I saw them doing rock paper scissors. I just shake my head amusingly.

Hyunsik knocked, and I froze as soon as we entered. There is a middle aged couple inside, the man has an eye smile that looks like Hyunsik's and the woman with a porcelain like skin looks at us. Hyunsik nudge me to go in, I gulped as I followed his lead.

"Mom, Dad, this is Amy. Amy these are my parents, Im Ji Hoon and Lee Sunmi". Hyunsik said as he introduced us.

Wait what? Im Ji Hoon? As in Im Ji Hoon, CEO of Cube. Is this what he mean when he said he need me to know who he is? That his the son of Cube's CEO, and that his family own the agency.

His father reach out is hand to shake mine, while his mother smiled at me warmly and embraced me. "Thank you for making my son smile." she whispered to me. I smiled shyly at her. He also introduced me to his sister who excitedly hugged me.

"Lastly, I want you to meet my older brother." I gasped and stare at him wide eyed. Lee Changsub is his brother???

Changsub smiled at me and shake my hands. He is smiling, but why do I feel like he seems wary of me. Out of all his family member, why do I feel like Changsub, doesn't like me?

He introduced me as well with the rest of the BTOB, Eunkwang smiled at me and offered his hands, Minhyuk hugged me, Peniel just waved, Ilhoon smiled and wave as well. While Sungjae screamed "Noona!" and hugged me.

His parents left immediately, and a few minutes after the girls came in. They must've want to hide the truth about their family so they didn't let the girls come in earlier.

"Guys!!! I missed you!!" Sungjae screamed running towards them and they did a group hug and jump like silly kids.

The girls hand out our gifts to the members, they shake hands, hugged some of them and took pictures.

While all this happens. I can feel Changsub looking at me intently, and then he would sigh and look at Hyunsik.

Why do I feel like he doesn't like me? He wasn't like this the first time we met. Did I do something wrong?

Author's Note
Sorry too long 😂😂 I just miss BTOB and I haven't give them enough "screen time" and besides the Amy and the girls came to watch their concert.

Thanks guys, almost 600 views 😭 I'm overwhelmed and shy 😊 I hope you are enjoying this.

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