Chapter 36

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Ninoy Aquino International Airport


I took a deep breath as soon as I come out of the arrival area. I look around, its been six years, but its still the same, traffic everywhere.

I clutch my necklace, took another deep breath. You can do this Amy.

I spend the last two weeks in Malaysia since I got back from Korea to settle things. Since I already hand over my job to my replacement prior to my departure from Korea a month ago, it wasn't hard to process my resignation. I did have to pay two months of my salary as I originally need to serve a two months notice. It hurts my bank account a bit but I didn't mind.

I need to be away. I need time to think. I've been thinking about what happened in Korea, all the good and the bad. I maybe hurting now, but I was happy. He made me happy, Hyunsik made me believe in myself.

So I decided to come back, to be brave.

I surveyed my sorroundings, trying to find where I can get a taxi to take me to my destination. After some help with random people, I was able to find the taxi bay. The driver immediately quoted an insane price when I told him where I am headed. He must have thought I am rich, well my Dad is.

I never thought I'd be thankful for the traffic in Manila, Makati is not far from the airport but with the way traffic is going, she'll be out on the road for a while. I didn't mind though, it helps me gather my thoughts. Prepare myself for what is about to come, because here I am now, facing the inevitable.

The travel took a little over two hours, I guess traffic is really bad now in the Philippines. It was a bit hard to enter our village as the security is really tight. I have to come out of the taxi and give out my identifications, the security guard asked to call the house but I asked them not to, I am afraid I maybe not allowed to enter. I had to show them proof that I live there. I used to live there.

The taxi driver was already annoyed because I took alot of time inside the security office, so I told him I will add on my fare to shut him up. I don't want to deal with him as I am already having a crisis in my mind.

I lead the driver to where I am headed, I paid him and didn't asked for the change. I didn't care, he helped me bring out my luggage then he left.

I am now standing in front of the house I grew up with. I grabbed my necklace, remembering Hyunsik's words.

"When the day comes, that you finally forgive yourself, and you want to meet them again. I will be there with you, I will hold your hand and I will give you the strenght to face them. I promise you that."

I am here now Hyunsik, I said in my mind. I wish he's here with me, holding my hand, letting me know everything will be okay. I thought of the necklace I am holding now. I guess this will do, for the last time, please shine on me my star.

I press the doorbell, the security guard called out from the intercom, asking who I am. I don't know what to say, the guard probably doesn't know me.

"Ahmm, I'm here to see Yaya Lita. Can.. can you tell her to come out? Please?" I added in a please to make him do my request.

I kick the stone with my shoes, trying to kill time waiting for my Yaya to come out. I heard the gate opening.

"Why do you asked me to come out? Why would I have a visitor?" I heard her scold the guard. I smiled, she's still the same.

I heard her gasps as soon as she saw me, tears streaming down her face as she run to me. I smiled at her.

"Amy.... anak!! You're back! Is it really you?" she asked me tears in her eyes, she traced my face with her hands as if she's checking if its really me.

"It's me Yaya." I said to her, smiling, trying not to cry.

All this time, I am holding my necklace, like its a lifeline, keeping me alive.

She took my luggage from me and scolded the guard for not letting me in. The guard just scratch his head, I don't blame him, he doesn't know me.

My steps are getting heavier, as we slowly entered the house, memories came flooding through my mind.

The living room where we always hangout, playing board games with Mom and Dad, me running around the wide living room with my brother. Mom and Dad holding hands while watching us. I look at the grand staircase, I remembered how Dad doesn't want to hand me to my prom date when I come down from that.

I couldn't help the tears that fall down from my face, I felt Yaya Lita squeezed my hands. I am grateful for the comfort so I smiled at her. She told one of the maids to bring my luggage to my room, I told them to leave it there, in case Dad tell me to leave later, I thought to myself.

I told Yaya Lita I would go to Mom's garden, she nodded and said she need to make a phone call.

I went out to the other side of the house to go to Mom's garden, all the flowers are in bloom, it's like Mom is still here, taking care of them. I touched one of the orchids, remembering Mom's voice telling me not to touch them. I smiled at the memory.

I sat at the swing and look around, I can see myself following Mom around trying to learn all the names of the flowers. I laughed silently because I can't seem to remember any except for hibiscus, she would shoo me away to go talk to Dad about numbers.

I stayed there for a couple of hours, after a while, I heard a car entering the garage.

I swallowed, I took a deep breath. It's time Amy, and for the last time, I clutch my star necklace, I got out of the swing and head back inside the house.

I saw Dad standing behind the main door, he looked thinner, and older. I just stood there, looking at him, frozen, I couldn't move an inch.

Once again, I wish he's here with me, holding my hand.

I saw Dad started to walk towards me, slowly, like he can't seem to walk. When he was almost near me, I closed my eyes, waiting for the slap that I think I deserve.

It was a while but still no slap coming, I open my eyes, I look at Dad, my tears started to flow down unctrollably at what I saw.

My Dad is shaking, tears in his eyes while looking at me.

I took a deep breath, and speak my first word to Dad after six years. "Dad" I called out to him, my voice cracking from crying.

And that's all it took for my Dad to cross the gap between us. He enveloped me in a hug.

"My princess.... my princess." He keeps calling me with his pet name for me, I keep crying in his chest.

"I'm sorry princess, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" my Dad cried out as he keep telling me he is sorry. I hugged him tight afraid to let him go, that this might be a dream.

"Sweetheart, our princess is back! She's back!" he said, like he's talking to Mom.

I heard Yaya Lita crying loudly at the corner.

After a while, Dad bring me out from his embrace, he kissed my forehead, he wipes my tears.

"I'm sorry princess, please forgive me." he said and hug me again.

"I'm sorry Dad... I'm sorry!" I cried to him.

"No princess, it's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself." Dad said to me. We are both crying unctrollably now.

I remembered what Hyunsik told me. It's not my fault. He was right. I silently thank him in my head for believing in me.

Mom I'm home.

Book I: I'll Be Your MelodyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant