Spilled Coffee

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She couldn't help but spread her arms and inhale the air. The air in Korea is different than what she's used to in Malaysia. It's almost autumn and there is a bit of chill in the air. She smiled a bit. She stayed like that for a few minutes before she closed the door of the balcony and head inside her hotel room.

She eyed the queen sized bed in the middle of the room, she couldn't decide if she want to rest now or explore her sorroundings. She's still have the whole weekend to explore before she report to their Korea office.

She decided to just order room service for her dinner and spend the night in her hotel room and take the night off for now.

She took out her phone and look at her schedule. She'll be in South Korea for a month to assist the Korea office in testing the new finance system and have her meeting for a position they offerred her to take. Her first week will be all about work and she only need to report back before she fly back to Malaysia. The rest of her time would be for leisure.

She was about to put down her phone when it suddenly rings.

Jona calling.. she smiled when she saw who's calling.

"Ate!! I'm so excited, we already book the flight we'll see you in a few days. Everyone's excited, Ellen keep saying she's gonna bring Minhyuk Oppa back to the Philippines hahaha. Rielle and Ate Tin is arguing who's gonna scream for Sungjae. Ahhhhhhh!"

She has to put the phone away from her ear when Jona screamed. She can feel their excitement from miles away.

"Ate, are you still there? Oh my God, I'm so excited!"

"Yah! How can I talk when you won't stop screaming in my ears?!" she said while laughing. She heard her friend giggled from the other line.

They ended the call after promising she'll pick them up at the airport.

They are her friends from fangirling. She met them on twitter while checking news of her favorite kpop group, BTOB. She's not into kpop, but BTOB touched her heart to the core. The girls update her on everything about them since she just recently became a fan.

They were all coming to South Korea to watch BTOB's concert, its part of the reason she agreed to come to Korea and squeezed in her vacation time as well.

The girls will be coming next weekend. She have the whole weekend by herself, and she plans to explore as much as she can, so she can bring the girls when they arrived.

She went to bed with a hint of smile on her face, she can't wait to explore South Korea.



He hates presscon. He doesn't understand why he have to attend it when he's not even part of the group. He's just a composer that's all, but he can't say no when the BTOB guys guilt him into coming.

BTOB would be having a presscon for their upcoming concert and they want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the success of their song which he composed. Missing You charted number 1 for 40 weeks already and gave them 10 wins. Not that his not happy about it, its his song, he just doesn't like the attention.

He cursed when he got to the parking lot of his apartment, he forgot his car is still at the service center. He looked at his watch, it would be too late if he asked someone to pick him up. He went back to the elevator and come out of the lobby. He'll take the metro.

He took out his earphones and put it in his ears and started walking. He's not a snob, but he just doesn't like talking.

No one bothered him on the train, which he likes. It's not that his famous, but since people learn that he's BTOB's composer some even asked for his autograph which he finds ridiculous.

He went out from the subway and looked at his watch, he still have 30 minutes to spare and the venue is just walking distance from where he's at. He searched his sorrounding and find what he's looking for. Coffee.

He ordered his usual iced americano, one sip of it makes him feel a little better. He was about to head to the venue when something caught his eye, or rather someone.

She doesn't seem to be lost but she keeps looking everywhere, she smiled once in a while. She's definitely a tourist with the way she act. What caught his attention, is her eyes, she smiling but there's something in there that intrigues him.

He almost spilled his coffee when he heard his phone ringing, he's got too distracted with her.

"Hyunsik-ah, where are you? We're about to start".

"I'm almost there Eunkwang Hyung". He dropped the call and start to walk again, when he almost hit someone.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" he said looking at his coffee that spilled to the person he bumped with. When he looked up, he got startled. It's her.



She decided to take a walk along the Gangnam area first, despite this trip not her first time in Korea, she's still amazed with her sorroundings. She took out her phone and tried to take a picture of everything.

She smiled when she saw a family walking hand in hand across the street. The baby in between his parents, skipping happily. They look so happy. She suddenly thought of her mom. She'll probably walk hand in hand with her, if she was still here.

She was so distracted that she didn't notice the guy holding a coffee walking towards her. It's too late, his coffee already spilled at the top of her blouse.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" he said then he looked up to her.

She followed where his looking at, she's wearing a white top and coffee that got spilled already exposing a bit of her chest.

She doesn't know what to do, she put her hand in front of her chest. She started looking for something to wipe it on her bag, when the guy took off his coat and put it on her. He grabbed her hand and started walking God knows where.

She doesn't know where they are going, and she doesn't even know why the hell she's blushing.

Book I: I'll Be Your MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now