Chapter 22

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Last night

Hyunsik POV

"Hi Mom, it's me Hyunsik." I said when my Mom answered the phone.

"Hyunsik-ah, when are you coming home? I barely see you and your hyung."

I smiled at her response, she always say this to me and Changsub hyung, because to her as she told us, we're still her babies.

"Mom are you coming to hyung's concert?" I asked, my parents sometimes don't attend BTOB's concert, my Mom always get emotional when she see hyung performed, that is why sometimes she don't watch so as not to attract any attention. After all, she looks like Changsub hyung.

"You're brother sent us the tickets, I don't know with your father, Hyejin said she'll go. She wants to see Eunkwang of course." Hyejin is our youngest and the only girl in the family, she has a huge crush on Eunkwang hyung.

"Can you come Mom, for me?"

"What's going on son?" she asked worriedly, I never asked them to watch hyung's concert personally, well technically its not my concert.

"Ahmm.. I.. want you to meet someone...

"Does she make you happy?" Mom asked cutting me of what I was about to say.

"How did you know its a she?"

"Hyunsik-ah, I am your mother, I know you and I can tell, she's really important to you, you wouldn't call me this late if she's not"

"She is Mom."

"Okay, I will tell your Dad, we're going." she said after a while.

"You're not gonna asked me anything? Like where she's from, what she do for a living or is she pretty?" I asked her incredously, I was nervous when I called her, half expecting she'll bombard me with questions about Amy.

"You already answered the only question I need. I'm glad you're happy son, you deserved to be."


I look at my Mom embracing Amy, I am glad she accepted her without questions. She looks at her warmly and smiled at her.

"Make sure you bring her on Tuesday at our house in Ilsan Hyunsik." my Mom said to me then she looked at Amy, "It's my birthday darling, I hope you can come, it's just a simple dinner with the family. I won't take no for an answer." She said to Amy when she didn't answer immediately. I smiled when she nodded her confirmation to my Mom.

I introduced her to Changsub hyung as well, not as my friend but as my brother. She was shocked at the revelation. Changsub hyung shook her hand, I look at Changsub hyung appreciatively, I know he's still not so keen on accepting Amy, but he still try.

My parents left soon after that, as Mom wants to head home and rest early. My sister wanted to stay and hangout with Eunkwang Hyung but Changsub hyung told her to go home. She stomped her feet in frustration, Eunkwang hyung mess her hair and told her to listen to her brother.

Amy's friends came in as soon as my parents left, I can tell from the way they look that they were trying to control themeselves not to scream. They bring out a lot of things from the paper bag and gave them to the BTOB members.

"Hyunsik Oppa, sorry we don't have a gift for you, but you can have Ate Amy for a day." Ellen said to me when she caught me looking at them bringing out things from the bag they are holding.

"Yah! Am I a thing you can give out?" she glared at her friend, she elbowed me when she caught me laughing.

"Looks like Hyunsik, got the best gift then." Minhyuk hyung said teasingly making everyone laugh and Amy to pout. I pinched her cheeks at her cuteness. I saw Changsub hyung smiling at us and I smiled back at him.

They all took turns taking pictures with their bias. Tin and Rielle, argued who should take the picture with Sungjae.

"How about Amy Noona? Who's her bias?" Ilhoon asked. We all look at her, she blushed at the attention she's getting from us. Hmmm, yeah I wonder who is her bias??

"Ohhh, she loves Changsub Oppa, she thinks he has the best voice among all of you." Ellen answered for her when she didn't speak.

"Ohhh... I bet she doesn't like Changsub hyung's voice now. Hyunsik hyung's voice is much better you know. Sometimes we wish we could switch them." Ilhoon said looking at Changsub hyung teasingly.

"Yes!!! Eunkwang hyung, can we have Hyunsik hyung instead of Changsub hyung as member?" Sungjae chimed in.

I couldn't help but laugh at them, they always love to tease Changsub hyung. Changsub hyung smack the two of them in the head.

"Do you want me to kick both of you?" Changsub said screaming at them.

"Kids, stop already. The girls might think we're all crazy, behave we have visitors." Minhyuk hyung said to them, which miraculously made them all groan and stop.

"Oh no Oppa, we know already you're all crazy so don't stop because of us." Jona said to them, which made everyone in the room laugh.

She's right though, BTOB's waiting room is always this crazy, even when they hang out at my house. They are always this loud, I sometimes join in and sometimes I just watched them.

I notice Amy getting silent beside me, I squeezed her hand and smiled at her. She seems bothered. Maybe she's still processing the encounter she had with my parents.

I know I was doing it way too fast, she must be overwhelmed. I just want her to be assured, I am serious about what I feel for her.

Minhyuk hyung said goodbye to the girls as the members have to change and rest as well. I asked one of the drivers to take them back to their apartment. We said our goodbyes to the members too and head out together hand in hand.

I drove us to Han River park, the night is still early and I don't want to part with her yet. We walk along the park holding hands, not talking but smiling at each other once in a while. After a few minutes, we sat on a bench, my arms on her shoulder her head on mine. We just look at the river, taking in the beauty of Seoul at night.

"I'm sorry if I shocked you earlier, I just wanted you to meet my family, I want you to know I mean everything I said."

"You believe me when I said I love you right?" I asked when she didn't answer me, she lift her head and look at me and nodded. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

I am not expecting her to say it back to me, but I was hoping she would, instead I felt her hugged me tight. I lift her chin and gently kissed her and then I hugged her even more tighter.

I will wait for her to be able to say it back to me outloud, because I know, despite her not saying it, she feels the same way I do. I see it in her eyes, in the way she hold my hand, in the tightness of her embrace and the way she kissed me back.

I won't let go of her... I will hold on and wait until she's ready. I will be here for her, no matter what problems comes before us....

Book I: I'll Be Your MelodyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu