Chapter 39

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Hyunsik POV

When the girls said they didn't know where she is and that they haven't talk her as well, I panic, because it made me feel that I'm losing all hope of finding her.

Amy, why are you so good at running away?

I brushed my hands to my face, I don't know anymore, maybe I really need to explore the whole Malaysia to find her. I would if I have to.

I look at my friends trying to talk to the girls, taking charge of the call. Then I heard someone say.
"We can give you her address in Malaysia."

I grabbed the phone and quickly thank them, it's more than what I need.

I just need this chance to see her, to explain and ask her to come back. If in case, she's happy with him, I will let her go, she deserves to be happy, even if its not with me.

It took me a few days before I was able to fly to Malaysia, I had to settle things so I can go, I don't want to burden anyone because I have some personal things to attend to.

I arrived at Kuala Lumpur Airport after a seven hour flight. I think I spent the whole duration of the flight thinking about what to say to her.

I'll be your man, I won't ever let you go again
I can't just leave you like that again
Please call my name
I can't live without you, please come into my arms again
I can't leave you alone anymore, baby I just pray

I wondered if she listened to the song, I hope she did, so she would know how much I pray to see her again, to have her back.

I hailed a cab and told the driver Amy's address, I am fidgeting the whole time I am travelling to her house.

What if I find her with him, happy?

I'm not sure I am ready to see that.

I picked up my backpack and head inside her building, I logged in to the guard on duty and was allowed to go in. I pressed her floor on the elevator.

I took a deep breath as I got out of the lift, I walk to her door and press her doorbell. No answer, I pressed again, still no answer.

I am slowly starting to lose hope that she might be inside. I pressed again, the door on the left side opened.

"Excuse me.. no one lives there anymore." the guy said as I was about to press the doorbell again.

Amy where are you?

I thank the guy and walk dejectedly.

"Wait.. are you looking for Amy?" he asked.

"Do you know where I can find her?" I replied to him, hope coming back to me now.

"Ahmmm, I don't know where she is, but you can ask her bestfriend Maris. She's at the last door to the right." I thanked him for the information and walk fast to the direction he told me.

I press the doorbell, a girl comes out looking confuse as to who I am.

"What can I do for you?" she asked confused.

"Ahmmm I'm looking for Amy, her neighbor said you might know." I replied.

She just looked at me, eyebrow raised. Right, why would she give Amy's location to some stranger.

"I assure you I'm not a bad person, I just really need to know where she is. I need to talk to her." I said explaining why I am looking for her.

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