Call Me

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Hi guys.. so I made some corrections on the first chapter I just realized its NOT a POV 😂. Please forgive this newbie, as this is the first time I'm doing this.

So let me correct it now..


Hyunsik's POV

I know I need to rush to the presscon, I keep looking at my watch while trying to find a store where I can buy her a change of clothing.

"Shit!" I uttered in annoyance, I will be late if I dont leave anytime soon, but I cannot just leave her looking like this. It's my fault my coffee spilled on her. Well come to think of it, she was the reason I got distracted in the first place.

I stopped for a while, I finally found what I am looking for, there is a clothing store in the next block right beside is the other store I've been thinking.

I dragged her to the clothing store. I wonder what she's thinking, she haven't said anything at all. Maybe she doesn't speak Korean. Aishhh! I can speak in English but I am not that confident.

This day is getting better.

I opened the door and let her in. She seems lost but went inside when I gestured her to come in.

"Ehhmm!" I cleared my throat as I started talking to her, after all I have to talk to her in English.

"Choose something, I'll be back" I said to her, she didn't say anything, maybe she doesn't speak English too?

I was about to talk to her in Chinese since she looks like one, and because I am confident in speaking Chinese as I learned the language when I studied in Taiwan, when I saw her looking at our hands.

I didn't realize I was holding her hand the whole time! I let go of her hand and gesture for her to choose, well hand gestures never fail anywhere in the world.

I told the sales lady to assist her and I went out to get her something else.



I don't know what I'm supposed to do! He dragged me all the way to this store. He must've thought I can't understand Korean as he talk to me in English, which surprised me. Not many Korean speaks fluent English, well, not many foreigners can be fluent in Korean as well just like her.

"Choose something, I'll be back" he said to me.

I was about to answer him in Korean when he went out of the store, after telling the sales lady to assist me.

The sales lady look at me shyly.

Oh great! She must've thought I cant understand Korean!

I look around the store, I don't know what to choose, not that it matter, because I prefer comfort than fashion.

I was holding a pink boyfriend polo shirt, I look at it and wonder if he would think its okay.

And, why would I care if he likes it or not?

I put the shirt back on the rack, like its burning my hands. I continue to browse the store and finally settle on a simple red blouse with a small yellow ribbon accessory.

I was about to go to the fitting room when the door open and the guy came in.

"Here take it!, he told me as he hand me a paperbag.

Book I: I'll Be Your MelodyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora