Chapter 32

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Hyunsik POV

I couldn't sleep last night.

I froze when I saw the news about Seoyeon coming back that I didn' realize Amy left. I ran after her, but she was gone already. I wanted to go to her apartment and talk to her, but I decided not to.

My mind is a mess, its so cluttered I'm afraid I don't know what to say to her as well. How can I tell her, I heard her phone call? That it made me insecure about how she feels, unsure about us.

Then there's Seoyeon news.

Am I really over Seoyeon?

I got out of bed when I heard the sound of my alarm clock. I honestly want to go and see Amy, but I have work to do, I have a recording with G-idle, Cube's rookie group, I made a song for them.

I took a shower and head straight to Cube. I was in my studio gathering the things I will need for the recording when I heard the door opening after I heard a faint knock on the door.

"I'm coming...." I stop when I saw that its not one of the assistant.

"Hello Hyunsik-ah!" she said softly.

"Seoyeon!" I exclaimed, surprised at her appearance, though I shouldn't be, since I saw in the news that she's back.

She crossed the gap between us and she launched her self to me. She put her arms around my neck and hugged me.

"I miss you so much Hyunsik!" she cried when she was able to hug me.

"Seoyeon!" I can only call out her name.

She then pressed her lips on mine and kissed me. I stiffened for a moment and then I let her kiss me. I wanted to know.... I wanted to be sure.. I wanted to confirm my self.

That I don't have feelings for her anymore.

When she kissed me, I knew right there and then, I was really over her. I didn't feel anything with that kiss. I don't feel the same happiness I feel whenever I kiss Amy.

I put my hands on her shoulder, and slowy, gently I push her away from me. I was about to tell her that I am alreay in love with someone else, when the real assistant came to pick me up for the recording.

"Ahmm.. Seoyeon-ah, I need to tell you something, we'll talk later. Okay?" I said to her as I was leaving. She nodded and smiled at me.



I couldn't sleep last night.

I had a battle inside my mind, I couldn't help but think about Hyunsik and his ex, Seoyeon. I wanted to convince myself that he was cold and distant last night because he's just tired. A hollowed laugh escaped from me, Yeah right, he's tired.

I pinched my nose, trying to suppress the tears that might fall. "Can I handle it, if he tells me he still love her?" I asked myself that question over and over again.

I looked at my phone, there were no messages from him, I was about to put it down when a message pop up. I was slightly disappointed when it wasn't from him.

Tin sent me a message to help picked up the album they ordered and forgot to claim at 20 space. Great! The chances of me facing Hyunsik this morning is getting high. I wanted to tell her No, but I know she spent her hard end money on it, I shouldn't let it go to waste.

I took a shower, got dressed and head straight to 20 Space Cafe.

I was done claiming the album, I didn't ran into Hyunsik, I know I should go, but I find myself infront of Cube's entrance. I was about to leave when I heard someone call me.

Book I: I'll Be Your Melodyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن