The Bionic Teens, Leo, and Me

By theatre__geek

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Vi Winters is truly loving her life. The Davenports have wholeheartedly accepted her. Her parents show her ne... More

Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missing the Mission
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
Spike's Got Talent/Smile
Bionic Showdown
Three Tasks to be Rid of the Three Inner Demons
Lab Rats: The Musical
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Haunting of Mission Creek
My Little Brother
Twas the Mission Before Christmas
No Going Back
Sink or Swim
The Jet Wing
Mission: Mission Creek High

Lab Rats: The Musical

201 2 1
By theatre__geek

A/N: So this is the last bit of this weird part of this story but I enjoyed writing it so. This won't turn into a weird crack fic even the POV will change I did this to highlight the differences. The chapter after this will be Memory Wipe. The songs I used and don't own in order are "Easy as Life" from AIDA, "Only Us" from Dear Evan Hansen, "Playing Nancy" from Groundhog Day the Musical, "Always Starting Over" from If/Then, and "If I Told You" from Wedding Singer.

You can just skip to scene 8 for background on upcoming story lines and confessions.

Trigger warning: Forced kisses

Act 2

Scene 1

Viola jumps awake in a sweat from an anthology of dreams; ones of her and Chase.

They all escape her memory the moment she opens her eyes despite doing her best to hold onto them.

She can't escape thoughts of him, not even in her dreams; especially not in her dreams. How can she stop it?

"This is the moment when the gods expect me to beg for help," she begins sings as she sits on the side of her bed.

"But I won't even try I want nothing in the world but myself to protect me. But I won't lie down, roll over and die."

Her feet touch the cold floor as she begins to pace back and forth. Her heart aches as she strengthens her resolve at what she must do. She dare not think of what her parents will do if she were to confess her love for Chase. The thought stops her cold. This is the first time she used that word. There is no denying it. While her time with Chase was short she cannot help but feel connected to him as if they met in a past life.

"All I have to do is to forget how much I love him. All I have to do is put my longing to one side. Tell myself that love's an ever-changing situation. Passion would have cooled and all the magic would have died. It's easy, it's easy," she tells herself. She lies to herself.

Her eyes flicker to her freshly laundered cheerleading uniform hung in her closet. It hangs on the door for anyone to see were they to enter her room. She walks over to it and runs her hand down it feeling the fabric beneath her touch. She admits the fabric is soothing but in choosing to continue to wear it, she must cut ties with Chase. The thought causes her to double over feeling like her heart has cracked.

"All I have to do is to pretend I never knew him on those very rare occasions when he steals into my heart. Better to have lost him when the ties were barely binding. Better the contempt of the familiar cannot start. It's easy, it's easy."

She turns on her bedside lamp where, in the light, she finds the ticket for the ice skating rink. She tentatively picks it up and remembers last night. She remembers his touch as he held her from behind, how caring it was. She remembers his intense gaze as he confessed what lie in his heart, how genuine it was. Lastly her mind replays the moment they kissed, how passionate it was. She will never forget those little moments with Chase and she hopes she never does. She holds the ticket close to her heart as if it were Chase, himself, she was able to embrace.

"Until I think about him as he was when I last touched him and how he would have been were I to be with him today. Those very rare occasions, don't let up, they keep on coming,"

She hurries to her trash. "All I ever wanted," she harshly closes her fist around the ticket leaving it crumpled before letting go allowing gravity to pull it into the trash can, "and I'm throwing it away."

"It's easy, it's easy as life,"

She goes back to her bedside table to shut the lamp off but instead gets distracted by the picture of her and her parents. Their faces bore tiny smiles. Their eyes, lifeless. To anyone who takes the second to glance at it could see the fake smiles. It was taken right before Trent announced he will be graduating, finally. Before the lives of her parents became fully mushed together; before you could not tell the two paths apart. She instills the picture into her memory so she may never forget why she is doing this. She never wants to go back to this moment. To the moment her parents did not love her.

"And then I see the faces of a worn defeated people. A father and a mother who won't let a coward run. Is this how the gods reward the faithful through the ages? Forcing us to prove that all the hardest things we've done are easy, so easy."

Under the picture is her yearbook. She can't stop herself from flipping to his picture. He is on the right center with the biggest smile she has ever witnessed for a school picture. His skin crinkles around his eyes and his white teeth are in full display. With new memories and crazed dreams, she is certain she can return to the life she previously led. 

"And though I'll think about him until the earth draws in around me and though I choose to leave him for another kind of love. This is no denial, no betrayal, but redemption. Redeemed in my own eyes and in the pantheon above."

She grabs scissors and begins to cut it out.

"It's easy,"

One side down.

"it's easy as life,"

Then another.

"It's easy as life,"

Then another. Only one more and he's out of her life.

"It's easy as life."

She holds the scissor above where she wishes to cut but can't bring herself to do so.

She chides herself for being so weak. She can't just return to the lifeless, beaten down girl she once was. Too much has changed and her views have changed. She takes in his face one more time before closing the book. Now she knows one aspect of who she could be.

She's someone who can't just cut people out of her life like the other cheerleaders. She'll set this right. She'll speak to him tomorrow.

As Vi.

Scene 2

The next morning, Vi arrived earlier than usually. She was unable to fall asleep again after her epiphany at who she will become. The thought of her parents' rejection wanted her to turn her back on her decision. Then she thought of Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo. She has never felt more herself than with them. They loved her true self and changing who she is to appease others won't make her happy. No matter how hard she tried to push it down, they helped bring it to the surface.

It isn't long before students begin to file in groggy and unaware at the hurricane of thoughts swirling through Vi's head. How will she approach Chase? What will happen today after the kiss? And that she has to tell Bree her master plan worked.

As if she had sensed the mention of her name, Bree pops up beside Vi, two of her three brothers following in her wake.

"Hey! So how was last night?" she asks.

Vi replies, "You're evil plan worked."

"Plan what plan?" Leo denies, as if she can't see through his terrible lying skills.

"Yeah," Adam begins, "which one the fake sickness plan or the serenade plan? I'm confused."

"Adam!" Bree smacks his arm.

Realization dawns on Vi as she had recognized the voice but could place it, "So that was you singing!"

"Look, we're sorry," Leo apologizes.

"Why would you do it anyway?"

Leo starts, "Well, you and Chase were fighting and we wanted to stop that."

"You guys are too cute together," Adam adds.

"Bree, I thought you'd hate having a friend date your brother," Vi says.

Bree wonders if Vi will remember everything that has happened in this parallel universe once they get back home. She hopes she does because everything Bree has said and done came from her heart; from wanting to see her best friend smile in this universe and her own. She wants Vi to remember because she has not yet once smiled for real since obtaining her bionic chip.

"Normally, I'd rather be shot in the neck at close range but you're good for each other. He brings a smile on your face and that's all that matters to me," she admits.

Feeling her heart swell and the corners of her mouth curl up, she says, "Don't worry, you do as well." Vi leans in and hugs her friend; her best friend.

Once the embrace ends, Vi jumps as someone grabs her from behind.

"Boo!" he shouts.

"Dammit, Chase, that's not funny." Her threat falls on deaf ears for she, herself is laughing.

"What's up, guys?" he asks.

"Nothing. We were just heading to class," Leo says, winking at his siblings to indicate let Chase and Vi be alone.

"Yes, of course," Adam says catching on, but instead of winking back at Leo and Bree, he winks at Chase.

"Alright, lets go!" Bree orders dragging her brothers away.

"Could they be anymore obvious?" Vi rhetorically asks.

Chase shrugs and spin Vi around, "At least I can do this."

He kisses her, on the lips, in front of the school. Vi, couldn't care less. She savors every second of the kiss, despite it being shorter than the one shared yesterday; it still made her weak at the knees.

The bell rings and the couple knows they must split for they don't share the first class. Despite this fact, Chase walks her to her first class.

Scene 3

He walks her to all her classes all week. He waits for her after cheerleading all week. He spends as much time with her as he possible can all week.

Vi shows no complaints at this. To her, it almost feels like each goodbye may be the last. She shakes these thoughts from her head but her lingering anxiety is still there. When was the last time something good in her life lasted? She never voiced these concerns out loud because they only popped up after Chase left. Even if they appeared when she was kissing Chase, she wouldn't say anything. She feels as if she is making up for lost time; trying to remember each little touch and caress for a later time. She isn't sure why, when they keep coming.

As if, on cue, the bad moments began to shine through.

The first instance happened that Friday after school. They were the last two students on school property, even Perry was gone because of discounted wings.

Chase and Vi were on the second floor laughing and joking around, not really paying attention to where they were going. Vi had reached the staircase first just as she began to nearly cry from laughter. She didn't realize how close her foot was to the steps. She twists her body to face Chase to speak her own joke, but the motion causes her foot to slip down the first step; she loses her balance and begins to fall.

Vi gasps in shock and tenses her body to prepare for impact. Her arms immediately fly to cover her head. She grits her teeth waiting for the pain. It never comes.

Instead, when she managed to pry open her eyes, she sees the world has been tinted blue and each bounce down a step brings no impact. Her eyes find Chase and how deeply he is concentrating.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, she lands safely on the floor. Chase stops concentrating and the blue hue goes away all at once.

"Chase, what the hell was that?" Vi asks as she pulls herself off the floor.

I-I-" she looks expectantly at him with one eyebrow raised.

Her heart is hammering in her chest from the terror of her fall and her mouth is agape at the wonder that filled this boy for who else could have saved her. She just isn't sure how.

"I think it's time to tell you the truth. You won't believe me, you'll think I'm mad."

"After what just happened, I doubt it."

Chase takes a steadying breath. He picks a square on the floor to focus on. He can't look her in the eye and see the terror there. Terror directed at him. "Adam, Bree, and I are bionic. We each have varying abilities. Adam has super strength and laser eyes. Bree has super speed and agility. I have super intelligence and senses; amongst other things."

"What other things?" Vi asks her voice harsh with fright.

"Well you just witnessed my force field. I have molecular kinesis which is basically like telekinesis. I have a magnetism app and-" he breathes in ready to tell her his most hated app, "a commando app where in the face of danger I turn into a fearless brute who solves everything with his fists. He's a real jerk." He finally looks up at her and immediately regrets it as he stares at her alarm riddled face. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just never wanted to hurt you."

She doesn't say anything just stares. The soft sweet sensitive Chase, the same Chase who folds his socks, has a dark side. A side he can't control.

"Vi? Vi, please you can't tell anyone." The look of fear on her face broke his heart. He stepped toward her but she instinctively stepped back, yet her eyes never left his. "Please," he whispers extending his hand. Her gaze flickers down to his upturned palm before meeting his once again.

She slowly moves her hand toward his without breaking eye contact. She feels his hand radiating warmth beneath hers. She steadily encircles her fingers with his. They feel the same as before. He's still him. He's still the boy who couldn't ice skate. He's still the boy who once said he'd take her sailing. The boy who told her that he counts down the moments until he sees her again.

She steps toward him as she realizes it; she still loves him despite this news. A soft smile reaches his lips as his free arm carefully wrap around her waist. He watches her waiting for a sign to stop. Instead she reaches up with her free hand to caress his cheek.

"I'm still me," he whispers.

"I know," she whispers back.

His happiness is too much to contain so he allows it to burst free as he quickly engulfs her in an embrace which she returns.

She releases a shaky breath as she pulls him as close as she possibly can. They two remain embraced for what seems like hours but in reality was only half of one.

"Meet me at the pier tonight at 8," he whispers in her ear.

They pull their faces away so they can stare at each other but still hold one another. Vi nods her head as the two pull away bit by but until just their hands are connected. With one final squeeze, their hands release one another.

Vi turns and begins to walk to the door. She opens it but looks back once. "I won't tell. And thank you." She passed through the door before letting it close behind her.

He wonders, does she mean thank you for saving her or for sharing an important part of himself.

He smiles and realizes, with that cryptic thank you, he loves her.

Scene 4

Chase arrives too early because he was too nervous about being late. He fidgets with his fingers to pass the seconds the tick by agonizingly slow as he waits for Vi to show up.

If she shows up.

He isn't worried about his secret no longer being safe but that he lost Vi forever. He had just admitted to himself that he loved her. He plans on telling her tonight.

If only she shows up.

Despite the fact, she is not late at the moment, his mind begins berating him that she isn't going to come. That she believes him to be a freak after the incident earlier that day; that she could do so much better than him. Him, someone who can barely control his dark side shouldn't be with anyone. Maybe he should leave before she gets hurt.

He finds the thought to heartbreaking and decides to be selfish. He decides to stay with her because it's what he wants above all else.

If only she shows up.

The wind blows her hair back as she approaches the boy. His hands in his pockets. His shoulders tensed up. His foot tapping out a beat. His breath visible as he sighs. She hugs her arms attempting to keep as much heat in as she can.

When she reaches him, she taps his shoulder to get his attention. When he turns, his eyes crinkle up as he smiles. His eyes remain transfixed on Vi, looking beautiful with her hair whipping behind from the sea breeze. He glances at his watch to read the time as 7:50. She arrived early as well.

"I thought you weren't coming," Chase says.

"For a moment I didn't. Wasn't. But I-I don't know I-" Vi stutters.

Her nervousness is not at the boy's bionics but at the look he is giving her. As if no one else in the world matters. No one has ever looked at her like that before. It makes a fire spark inside of her; one she likes.

"It's nice to see you too," he interrupts, thankfully.

"I had to - um- come tonight that is, "a smirk appears on her face, "What if's will drive you mad."

"You're early," Chase says, unable to think of something better to say; a big first. She just makes him speechless.

A breathy chuckle escapes her, "So are you."

A smile finds its way onto Chase's face and he begins to feel more at ease, "I said I'd take you sailing, hopefully you'll be okay with a rowing boat? For a little escape."

"If it's with you, then of course."

The two head over to the ticketing booth to purchase passes for the boat. Chase pays, even though Vi offers to split the price.

They leave their belongings in little cubbies and head to their designated boat. Chase steps in first and helps Vi inside after him. A boat attendant pushes them into the water and Chase begins to row. He keeps rowing until the pier can barely be seen anymore, until it is just the two of them, until Vi tells him to stop.

"It's beautiful out here," Vi comments as she glances at the stars, the fairy lights on the dock, and then her gaze lands on Chase.

"Yeah," he agrees, quietly. "Uh, look about today, I'm sorry if I rattled you. I didn't want to lose you. I didn't want to tell you so you wouldn't know how much of a freak I am-"

"Chase stop. I came here because I wanted to. Because I really like you. Because I don't want lose you either."

She reaches forward and gathers his hands into hers. Her hands are cold but soak up his warmth. The same warmth he gives everything: math, her. The warmth in his heart she could bear to let go off. Her eyes find his face again. She studies her nervous yet confused features, as if he could hardly believe the words she had spoken.

"I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you
I don't need you to search for the proof that I should
You don't have to convince me
You don't have to be scared you're not enough
'Cause what we've got going is good."

Her eyes never wander from his because she must let him know she means every word. She squeezes his hands hoping to transfer reassurance that she does not think he is a freak or strange or whatever else his imagination throws at him. She moves one hand and runs her fingers through his hair, moving it down and over, resting it on his cheek.

"I don't need more reminders of all that's been broken
I don't need you to fix what I'd rather forget
Clear the slate and start over
Try to quiet the noises in your head
We can't compete with all that."

She can't stand not being close to him as she shares this intimate moment alone. Away from prying and judging eyes as they drift along in the boat. The wind and stars are their only companion. She sits beside him, shifting carefully as to not rock the boat. Just the two of them, no better way to enjoy the icy cold waters under them.

"So what if it's us?
What if it's us
And only us
And what came before won't count anymore or matter?
Can we try that?
What if it's you
And what if it's me
And what if that's all that we need it to be
And the rest of the world falls away?
What do you say?"

He finds himself sharing things he would never share with anyone else. Insecurities and the secrets the beating of his heart keeps locked away.

"I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me."

She chuckles, "Well."

He gently grasps her face between his hands to indicate the urgency in his words; the truth within them. His thumb traces little soothing patterns into her skin as he burn the image of her leaning into his touch into his brain. That she still wants to be with him, that she is not grimacing at the fact he is touching her. As well as her movement as she scoots closer to him, the fact she had determined she was too far away as their legs were not touching.

"So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go
But if you really see me
If you like me for me and nothing else
Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer that you could possibly know."

His hands move from her face to her waist. He wraps them securely around her as if she'd disappear if he didn't. He wanted to cherish the fact that there were no more secrets between them. He no longer has to hide his bionic side from her. That now it can be her and him enjoying life side by side.

"So it can be us
It can be us
And only us
And what came before won't count anymore or matter
We can try that."

Her head rests on his shoulder. As she tries to imagine herself and Chase floating away on this boat until they reach a new civilization away from all they knew to begin anew. No more people saying she could do better than him because she is a cheerleader. No more disapproving parents, despite the fact they haven't met Chase yet. The only thing remaining how much love she feels for him in this particular moment.

"It's not so impossible," they sing in sync.

Chase tucks a stray strand of hair behind Vi's ear.

"Nobody else but the two of us here,"

They sing again, "'Cause you're saying it's possible."

Vi gently grasps the front of Chase's jacket, feeling the material in her fingers.

"We can just watch the whole world disappear."

'"Til you're the only one
I still know how to see," they sing in harmony.

Chase places a gently kiss to Vi's nose.

"It's just you and me."

Vi's face flushes from the action.

"It'll be us, It'll be us
And only us
And what came before won't count anymore."

She lifts her head from Chase's shoulder to gaze into his beautiful hazel eyes once more. So that she may truly appreciate them this time. The golden flecks adorning them as they gaze back at her, as if she is the only thing that matters in the world. It draws her even closer to him as their foreheads touch. They slide their eyes shut enjoying the way their hearts beat rapidly as one.

"We can try that
You and me
That's all that we need it to be
And the rest of the world falls away
And the rest of the world falls away
The world falls away
The world falls away
And it's only us."

Before anything else can happen, the boat capsizes plunging the couple into the icy water below.

Chase quickly resurfaces and glances around for Vi. His eyes search for her and he calls out for her. His blood begins to turn as cold as the water as he inhaled deeply before diving in to find her.

Vi can swim as she used to love it when she was younger. She had began to make her way to the surface when she feels something grab her ankle. An invisible force begins to pull her downward despite her efforts to swim towards the top. She cannot see anything grabbing her and she uses her free foot to attempt to kick whatever has the hold on her.

Her lungs begin to burn for oxygen as she didn't get the chance to take a deep breath before getting thrown off the boat. Her vision turns splotchy but she sees a figure come for her.

She recognizes Chase as he reaches her outstretched hands and firmly grasps them. He attempts to pull her up to no avail. He swims to her level, wrapping his arms securely around her waist. He activates his molecular kinesis to rush the water around them towards the invisible entity until it is releases her.

Once she is, Chase drags Vi to the surface. His heart nearly stops as her head begins to loll and her eyes begin to close. Seeing that the surface is still several feet away, he knows she won't make it to the surface, he kisses her, thus giving her what little oxygen remains in his lungs. Her eyes spring open and together they propel themselves up until the break the surface.

Both inhale large gulps of air as they head back to the boat. The two are shivering but alive. Chase has Vi get completely on top of the capsized boat to avoid whatever had grabbed her doing so again. He hopes it isn't what he thinks it is.

"Look," Chase gestures to a recuse boat, "they're coming to get us. It's gonna be okay."

The two remain in silence as the boat reaches them. Chase helps Vi up first before lifting himself out of the water. Blankets are thrown around their shoulders and the warmth engulfs them. The boat heads back to the pier as Chase wraps his blanket around him and Vi, who seems to be in a permanent state of shock.

She just isn't sure what happened. Whatever had grabbed her had nearly killed her and she was shaken to say the least.

Once at shore, Chase details what happened as Vi seems unable to put it into words. He does leave out the invisible force pulling her downward as they probably won't believe them. Agreeing that since no one was hurt, no charges should be filed on either side.

Chase guides Vi to the cubbies holding their stuff and both are glad they did this.

"Look," Chase sighs, "I know that tonight didn't go exactly to plan but it's late, you're wet and shivering. Let me take you to my place to dry off and warm up. It's closer."

Vi nods, "I'd like that very much." The two head off in the direction of his house.

The invisible force curses his luck. He was so close. But he will get her and he will do it tonight.

Scene 5

Chase unlocks the front door to his house and ushers Vi inside.

Her eyes widen as she takes in the enormous first floor. "Wow," she says, "You must need a GPS to find the bathroom."

He chuckles, "Believe it or not, you're not the first person to say that."

"Sorry, I just can't believe you live here. It's so big but strangely homey."

"Well, I did spend most of my time in the basement," he says.

"Is that where your room is?"

"Sort of. I wanna show you."

Vi flirts, "Should I be worried that you're showing me your room alone and so late at night."

"No, I share it with my siblings. And it's important to me to show you," Chase explains.

"Okay, lead the way."

Chase takes Vi's still chilly hand and heads for the secret elevator. He wants to share every aspect of his life with her now that she knows the truth. Showing her the lab is like sharing a piece of his soul with her. Too much of his life he spent huddled in the basement. It helped create who he is and he wants to share that.

As he reaches the wall, where the elevator is hidden, Vi stops him. She has noticed how tight his grip on her is. How frightened he was when she was being pulled further and further under water. So she stops him, faces him, and looks him deep in the eye.

"Chase, are you okay?" Vi asks.

He contemplates lying as it would be much easier. But he doesn't want to anymore, about anything. He doesn't want what relationship they have to be built on lies.

"I'm sorry," he says, "It's just-when you didn't resurface. I was so scared because I don't wanna lose you."

She leans in and kisses him, hoping to convey everything she wants to say in that singular moment. How much she cares for him, how he helped her in so many ways, not just saving her life, she conveys all of this as best she can. She runs her fingers through his hair, spiking it further. She moves closer to him so that their fronts are touching. But most of all, she places her hand over his heart feeling it beat. It beats out kindness, bravery, and a fondness of her; though she can't imagine why. She only hopes she can show him a reason as to why she deserves the way he looks at her, speaks to her, and acts with her. Of worth

"And what about now?" she asks.

Chase has the words "I love you" stuck on the top of his tongue. He felt every emotion she communicated to him and wishes to reassure her on any doubt she has about what lies in his heart. How it beats faster when she looks at him with a sly smile, how it swells when she offers her world views, how deeply it loves her. But the words remain on the tip of his tongue. Unable to voice this, he places a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Come on, to the basement!" Vi says as she continues down the hall.

"Uh, Vi, it's here." Chase stops her.

He hits the hidden keypad and the wall moves to reveal the elevator. A small gasp of wonder escapes Vi. Chas chuckles a he ushers her inside and the two head for the lab.

"I don't know what I expected but definitely not this," Vi says taking in her surroundings.

The two walk inside and as Bree looks up from her magazine having heard the footsteps. She quickly tosses it aside and approaches the couple, eager to know how the date went.

"Vi, hi! Why're you wet?" Bree asks.

Vi explains, "Our boat capsized."

"So I brought her here to warm up and dry off. Decided to show her the lab," Chase says.

"Did you talk to Big D about this?" Leo asks, worried that if he finds out Chase brought someone he didn't know to the lab it would drive a wedge between the two; especially after Douglas and Marcus.

"No, but it's fine. It's not like before," Chase claims.

"What happened before?" Vi asks.

"Don't worry about it. It's not a problem anymore," Adam is quick to speak, he too wants everything to go right.

"Right," Vi says though still slightly suspicious of Adam's attitude.

"What is going on here? Who is she?" They hear his voice before they spot him.

Davenport rushes in, his eyes roaming for an explanation.

Vi, realizing who this is, extends a hand to greet their father, "Mr. Davenport, hi I'm-"

"Chase?" Davenport says, interrupting the girl as he spots the two holding hands, "Care to explain what she's doing here?"

"She's here because I invited her down," Chase says.

"Did you not learn from last time why that's a bad idea?" Davenport asks, getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"Vi is different."

"Chase, come here," he gestures for him to come closer. Chase releases Vi's hand and approaches his father, Davenport slings an arm around him, "Look I get it, you're young and you think you're in love."

Getting frustrated at where this conversation is heading, Chase shrugs his arm off, "Mr. Davenport-"

"Shush!"Davenport interrupts unable to keep his anger at bay and thus his voice down, "I never thought you'd do something like this. Don't you see? Guys like you and me, nerds and/or geeks, we don't get the girl when we're young. We usually don't get pretty girls until we're older, successful, and grow out of our awkward stage. Girls like her don't go for guys like us. This means she's using you."

A single tear escapes Vi's eyes, it is the only one she allows to fall. She has never felt so insulted on her entire life. She won't be pushed around by him. She thinks of all the things people have assumed she is. She looks him directly in the eye and asks him because if they are going to talk about her then they are not going to ignore her.

"Well here I am again
The pretty but naïve one
The perky-breasted, giggly one night stand."

All the things people think of her, is that all she is to them? To anyone? She has never felt she was the protagonist in her own life but always a footnote in another's existence. An extra in the background to be used whenever necessary and for whatever reason. Recently she has tried to combat this assumption but it seems all this has been in vain for within one second of meeting her, Davenport has seen right through her mask.

"Is it my destiny to be
A brief diversion
Just a detour on the journey of some man?"

She has always feared becoming her mother. She doesn't want to fall into place with the life they led as an example. They expect her to be them for reasons unknown to Vi. Nancy and Rod, high school sweethearts, cheerleading captain and quarterback, married with one kid. Its her fate. It's so much pressure but she's never complained once, not even when it felt as though an anvil was placed on her chest. She stayed complacent when silent tears rocked her to sleep.

"I'm not really one for askin'
I'll play whatever role I'm cast in
Will smile with perfect teeth
And grimace underneath
What I've learned in my teens
There's no point in protestin'
If you look good in tight jeans
That's what they'll want you dressed in
Once you're known for low-cut tops
It's pretty hard to stop
It isn't easy to break free
Of playing Nancy."

She found one ounce of happiness with Chase and Davenport wants to snatch it away. She is trying to be her own person, not just another Nancy. She wants to defend herself that she didn't have a choice other than this life. The reason is because of people like him who judge a person by looks when there is so much inside any one person. This is not new to her as she has dealt with it her whole life and it will not end anytime soon. She looks him dead in the eye and won't cower just because another being is making, again, a decision about her.

"I don't really remember
I guess I chose to be here
I wasn't quite aware that
I was put here to be stared at
But this world I chose to live in
Is mostly run by men
So you take what you are given
Just to feel the love again
So throughout the endless weeks
And all through the weekends
You will find me here
Playing Nancy."

Chase goes to comfort her but she rejects it. Vi doesn't want him to because she wants to be her own person. Yet she doesn't want to be unappreciative of the things life granted her. While few and far between there are instances where she likes herself and loves the life she lives.

"And look, I know this person fits me
I'm pretty good at being pretty
And I'm grateful, I mean to say
There are worse roles you can play
And I'd rather be up dancing
Than sad against a wall
It's better to be leered at
Than not desired at all."

She realizes what this means. She can't move on and be better than the person Davenport thinks she is. Not if she's complacent at all her shortcomings. Finally the dam she placed to prevent her tears from falling fails. They stream down her cheeks because how can she leave this trap set up by her parents, the ones suffocating her? Chase deserves to be with someone worthy of his mind and his heart. Someone she can't be for she is weak and undeserving of dreaming of a life where life is better.

"Who am I to dream of better?
To dream that one day I will be
Something more than just collateral
In someone else's battle
I will be
Something more than Nancy."

While wiping her tears away, she looks Davenport dead in the eye. He was frustrated and angry when he spotted her. Now? There's regret written on his face. He's regretful of the words he spoke, the assumptions made, and that he hurt someone whom he know sees truly cares for Chase.

"Just for the record. I really did care for your son."

She exits.

Scene 6

Vi wraps her arms around herself to keep from shivering. She did not fully dry before her hasty departure and the cool winds are hard to ignore. She's a mere ten minutes from her house, she can tough it out.

She walks alone, there are no cars or people on the streets. This does not surprise her as it is nearly 2 am. She turns the corner and walking toward her is another person; a teenaged boy with his head in his phone. Vi doesn't think too much on it, she's walking home at this hour as well.

As the pair grow closer and closer together, Vi notices they're on a collision course. Seeing as the boy has not yet looked up from his phone, Vi shifts to avoid hitting him. She miscalculates and makes contact with his shoulder. The force is enough to make her stumble, as if the boy was made of bricks.

"I'm so sorry!" he exclaims, "Are you okay?"

Vi manages a little smile, "I'm fine. It's alright."

She turns to keep heading down the sidewalk but his words stop her.

"Are you sure? What Davenport said must've stung. And no one hopped to your defense, that must sting," he says.

Knowing this cannot be good, Vi faces him and surveys her options; fight, flight, or freeze. Remembering how solid the boy was and that her house is only three minutes away at a sprint, she swings around and begins to run away.

She does not get far as he suddenly appears in front of her, emerging from a blur.

"Y-You're bionic," she stutters, "L-Like Adam, B-Bree, and-"

"I may be bionic," he says, "but I'm nothing like them."

He lunges for her with inhuman speed and latches his arms around her. Deciding to switch from flight to fight, she attempts to either step on his foot or kick him between the legs. She succeeds in the latter but it seems to have done no damage. She struggles as hard as she can but she assumes this will be fruitless as he probably has super human strength.

"Shh, it'll all be over soon," he says.

He removes a cylindrical object from his jean's pocket. At the sight of the sinister device, Vi switches from fight to freeze as she stares at it in fear. She doesn't move, doesn't even call out for help. He chuckles, clicks a single button, and attaches it to her forehead.

The effect is instantaneous. It feels as if the device injected her with lead making her feel lethargic and sleepy. She's able to keep her eyes open for a mere few seconds before succumbing.

The last thing she hears is the boy laugh as he says, "Don't worry. I've got you."

Scene 7

She wakes in a chair with a pounding pain in her head and a throbbing pain at her wrists and ankles. She gingerly lifts her head from her shoulder and takes in the bright room through squinted eyes.

There's lab consoles everywhere with discarded equipment scattered across the floor. There's cardboard boxes with items she can't distinguish inside as if someone was in the middle of unpacking. Lastly there is a single capsule identical to the ones in Davenport's lab.

Now more coherent, she realizes the pain in her wrists and ankles are from ropes tied tightly around them. She begins to fight against the bonds but she finds she can't slip them.

"You won't escape," a vaguely familiar voice says, "I tied those myself."

At this, Vi freezes. She can't turn her head enough to see the person but his voice sends a chill down her spine.

"No, don't stop struggling on my account. It's fun to watch you futility try to escape," the voice says.

"Who are you?" she asks keeping still. She doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her struggle.

"The name's Marcus."

He swaggers into her field of vision and she comes face to face with the man who attacked her on the sidewalk. He is tall and lanky. His dark brown hair is parted to the right. He has matching eyes and pale skin. His lips are poised with a smirk and his left eyebrow seems permanently arched.

"What do you want with me?" she asks.

He scoffs, "What makes you think this is about you?"

"Well, I was kidnapped for some reason," she spits back.

"Fiery. I like that. This does have a little something to do with you but it's mostly about the Davenports," he explains.

Vi strains against her bonds in a failed attempt to lunge at Marcus, "Don't you touch them!"

"That's so cute," he cooes. "Trying to protect your friends Adam and Bree. Maybe your boyfriend Chase? Either way, with you here, they'll all come running."

He brandishes a cell phone in her face and she recognizes it as her own. She goes to make a reach for it but the rope around her wrists keep her locked in place.

"Let's give Chase a call, hm? Seems like he'd answer," he says unlocking her phone.

"No!" Vi resumes her struggling, any pretense of calm gone.

"Keep struggling, it's so cute," he says, the phone ringing and pressed to his ear.

Chase sits with his siblings on the couch talking about how to make it up to Vi.

That's when he receives a phone call from her. He's over the moon when he reads the caller ID. He feared he may have lost her forever because of Davenport's big mouth.

"Hello?" he says once he has accepted the call.

"Hiya, Chase."

The voice sends ice through his veins. His stomach drops and a lump forms in his throat. He clenches his fists to avoid the rising panic.

If he gives in to his panic, he gives in to Spike.

"What've you done to her?" Chase tries to keep his voice calm and steady. He doesn't want Marcus to know how panicked he is becoming; it'll give him the upper hand.

"Oh Viola?" Marcus says, "She's fine. In fact, why don't you speak to her?"

He walks over to her and puts the phone on speaker. He crouches down in front of her face and holds the phone out to her.

"It's for you."

Viola doesn't open her mouth to speak. She won't help him lure them in a trap. She's taking a vow of silence.

Marcus is unhappy at her silence so he back slaps her across the face. He hits her so hard the chair wobbles. She can't stop the yelp of pain as he made contact with her face.

"Leave her alone!" Chase yells causing his siblings to pay attention to the phone call. Leo gestures for him to put it on speaker. He does.

Marcus ignores Chase's shout and saunters behind Vi. He gives her hair a firm tug, so hard she is forced to look at the ceiling. Once again, she can't stop the groan from his painful pull.

"Tell him how I overpowered you," he orders, "Beg for him to come save you. Tell him how scared you are. Go on."

He gives her hair another tug and she is forced to speak.

"Chase?" she gasps out.

"Vi, listen to me I'm coming to get you. I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" Chase tries to calm her.

Vi immediately begins to try and stop him, "Chase, don't. It's a trap. Leave me-"

Marcus moves his hand from her hair to mouth, effectively interrupting her speech.

"Don't give away all our secrets now," he says.

He chuckles as Vi attempts to keep talking to Chase but his hand won't budge. Not even if she licks or bites him. He puts the phone closer to her so Chase can hear and only then does she stop. She doesn't want Chase to lose control.

"You and your siblings have thirty minutes. I'll text you the address. See you soon. Bye!" Marcus says.

Marcus removes his hand from her mouth.

"Say goodbye!" he commands.

Vi once again resumes her vow of silence. She's afraid for her friends. She's nervous to what Marcus might do to her. She can't think of what to say.

In response to her silence, Marcus slaps her again. A shout of pain escapes her again before he hangs up, satisfied.

Marcus quickly sends the address. Then he throws the phone on the ground and crushes it beneath his heel.

"Just as a precaution," he says.

Chase begins to berate himself the minute the call ends.

"This is all my fault," Chase says as he begins to pace, "I knew I never should've allowed this to happen. I knew Marcus and Douglas were still out there but I let my feelings show. Now, she could pay the price."

"Chase, calm down," Bree says, "This kind of thinking isn't going to help Vi."

"We need a cool head," Leo instructs.

Adam adds, "And we don't need Spike."

His phone dings alerting him to an incoming message. It's the address.

"Suit up," he orders.

Chase is the first one out of the living room and in the elevator down to the lab.

Once alone, Bree addresses her siblings.

"This could be it, guys. Our ticket home," she says.

"I know this is what we needed to happen but I can't help but feel guilty. What if she gets hurt?" Leo asks.

"I won't let it happen," says Adam.

"Come on, Adam. Let's suit up," Bree states as they all turn to head down to the lab; even Leo.

When Adam and Bree notice they attempt to stop him.

"Look, I know I'm not bionic but this is technically our fault and I can't sit here knowing she could be hurt because of me. So I'm going," Leo says.

The two nod and they all meet Chase in the lab.

"You won't get away with this," Vi says to Marcus as he leans against the wall in front of her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Can't we have some cliché-free banter between hostage and kidnapper?" he asks.

"Why Adam, Bree, and Chase? What have they done to deserve this?" Vi asks.

Marcus pushes off the wall to stand in front of her. "They destroyed my master and I's lair." He gestures to the card board boxes laying haphazardly around the room. "They're goody-two-shoes and I don't like them. I could give a hundred reasons why but the biggest one is because that's what my master wants. After they destroyed our lair, he lost faith in me. I want to impress him. Make him see how superior I am. That's why I'm handling this alone."

He crouches in front of her once again and Vi holds his gaze despite her insides quaking with fear. She won't let him get the better of her. Not again.

He gently traces the side of her face with his index finger. She tries to move her face away but he follows her.

"Who knew that by doing this, I'd meet you?" Marcus questions in a soft voice Vi has yet to hear, "Chase is one lucky man."

His hand moves slowly down to her lips. She attempts to bite him but he moves away too fast for her to make contact.

"Don't you touch me," Vi orders with as much venom in her voice as she could muster.

"That's not very nice," Marcys says.

"Like I care."

"If you're not nice, I'll have to punish you," he says straightening up.

He turns away from Vi and picks something up him his hand. When he faces her once again, she can see what it is plain as day. He knots the cloth and swings it in front of her face.

"And here I'd thought we just talk a little." He turns and places the gag back on the work bench.

"You kidnapped me to lure my friends here and you want to make conversation?" she asks in disbelief.

"I could've taken Leo instead, easily, but I didn't. Do you know why?"

Vi does not answer his rhetorical question. She doesn't want to know.

He crouches once again, "Because the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were something special. Something strong. Something bold. Something beautiful." His hand moves to caress her cheek but she jerks away.

"I'm a someone not a something," she tells him.

"Does Chase not upset you at times? Says hurtful things to you. Let his father berate you?" Marcus asks.

"You've been spying on us," she accuses him.

He brushes her hair back, "I would never be unkind to you. I would never."

"You kidnapped me!" Vi yells letting her anger out, "That's being pretty unkind if you ask me."

"Making people fall in love with you and refusing to love them back is unkind."

"I did not make you do anything. No one can make you do anything. I've never met you before now," she says.

"That's where you're wrong. You just don't remember."

Vi ignores his statement believing him to be playing games with her. He might even consider his time spying on her "time together". Psychopaths usually do.

She decides to play a mind game back, "This isn't the way to make people love you. Your master, does he promise to love you if you give him Adam, Bree, and Chase?"

Marcus angrily grabs the gag and immediately Vi knew she never should have said anything.

"I've grown tired of our conversation," he says.

He roughly shoves the gag into her mouth and double knots it tightly. There's no hope for getting it off but she still tries.

"Now sit there, quietly while I set up the traps for your friends," he commands.

She attempts to tell him to perform a mathematically impossibility but her words are muffled.

"There's a good girl." He pats her head, earning a glare back.

While Marcus works, Vi never stops fighting. Her hands grow numb from being tightly tied. Her wrists are cut as she tries to loosen her bonds. She feels the blood drip down her hands. She only stops when Marcus announces the Davenports arrival.

"They're here. And with two minutes to spare. I'm impressed. I finished the trip wire in the nick of time, don't you agree?" Marcus asks, wanting to get a rise out of her.

She wants to beg him not to do this but she won't get on her knees for someone again. She won't let him break her. She remains silent.

Marcus uses his bionics to turn invisible as footsteps are heard down the hall.

Chase emerges and faces Vi. His face is one of relief and joy that he found her. Her face is one of terror and worry that he found her.

She attempts to warn his of the trip wire but the gag distorts her words, making them unrecognizable.

Chase blindly rushes forward to meet with her and free her. He doesn't miss the trip wire.

As he falls, he is trapped inside an electrical forcefield that continually shocks him as he lay in agony.

Noticing his pained expression, Vi begins to fight her bonds with such fervor, she topples to the ground.

Their eyes meet and Chase mouths I'm sorry.

Marcus's laugh is heard before he is seen. He deactivates his invisibility app and helps Vi back into an upright position.

"Wow, that was easier than I thought it was going to be. Not smart thinking, Chase," Marcus comments.

He heads to a work table and begins assembling a device. Chase notices what it is and tries to stand. This only sends more volts to the forcefield, causing him to fall in pain once more.

Marcus stops assembling, since he has plenty of time to follow through with his plan, and stalks over to Chase; his back to Vi.

"Nice try, Chase. The more you struggle, the more volts it shocks you with. Where are Adam and Bree? Couldn't be bothered to come or did they get caught in a trap as well?" he asks.

As Marcus continues to taunt, Chase uses his molecular kinesis to free Vi. Every second he uses it sends more white hot electrical charge through his body but he hides the pain from his face as to not tip of Marcus.

Vi quickly undoes the bonds at her feet once Chase has freed her hands. When she removes the gag, she notices his eyes subtly moving to the right then back at her. She glances behind her where she notices a back door and understands what he trying to tell her.

As silently as she can, she heads to the door but not because she's going to exit through it. She notices a crowbar near the door and grabs it. She's not going to leave the man she loves with Marcus. Not even to ensure her own safety.

She quietly makes her way back to Marcus and once she is within arm's reach, she swings the crowbar.

Instead of incapacitating Marcus, he doesn't even move from the blow. Instead, the crowbar is dented from making contact with his head.

This shock causes Vi to drop the weapon. As Marcus, angrily, approaches her, she backs away from him.

"Vi, run. Just run," Chase shouts.

Before she could even think of what to do, Marcus grabs her and flings her across the room.

She lands on her left shoulder and is sure the impact has dislocated it. A sharp pain fills her shoulder as she rolls to a stop; landing on her front. She doesn't give herself long to inspect the injury and tries to push herself up.

"You shouldn't have done that," Marcus says.

He super speeds to her and grabs ahold of her hair once again. Her hands fly to her head in an effort to relieve herself of the pain.

"Get your hands off her!" Chase screams from his position in the floor.

"I can't keep my hands off her," Marcys growls sending shivers down Vi's spine. She did not like the way he said that.

Marcus tosses an evil looking smirk at Chase before he turns his attention back to Vi. He wants Chase to suffer after all he had put his master and him through. He, also, wants to know what her lips feel like.

He grips the back of her neck and forces her to kiss him. She immediately begins to fight back but is no match for his super strength; especially with a dislocated shoulder. She hates everything about it, his cold, hard lips. The helpless feeling filling her. The fact that he seems to be enjoying it the more she struggles. When he finally pulls away, she spits in his face. He raises a hand to her and Vi braces herself for the pain but it doesn't come.

Instead, Chase manages to chuck a piece of heavy machinery toward Marcus, effectively knocking him away from her. She meets Chase's eyes but they are far from his own.

"Chase?" she says in a small voice; practically whispering.

His voice is rough and incredibly deep when he speaks, "The name's Spike, sweet heart."

He, next, addresses Marcus in the same frightening deep voice.

"When I'm through with you, all you'll wish I did was throw that at you."

The two begin to fight using both physical abilities and bionic abilities. Vi is afraid to intervene because every time she sees an opening to help Chase, Marcus fires back with a bionic ability.

Soon, Marcus is being overpowered by Chase, or Spike. While glad her attacker is being stopped, she's afraid for him. Despite all that he's done, she doesn't want for him to die. She especially doesn't want Chase to live with the fact that he took someone's life.

Just as he reels his fist back for another punch, she gently touches his arm.

"Chase, that's enough. You'll kill him," she says.

"Good," he replies.

He shoves her off and she lands on her left hurt shoulder. She cries out in agony as she is enveloped in pain. Black spots appear in her vision as she clutches her shoulder. Her breathing grows ragged.

Realizing the pain Vi is experiencing, something awakens in Chase. He's able to take back control from Spike because he caused the pain. Still, it was his hands that pushed her. Guilt takes over his body.

"Vi, I'm sorry. I-" Chase starts, in his own voice again.

Marcus takes this opportunity to super speed and grab Vi off the ground. He holds her close to him as a human shield. His right arm is locked around her throat and, despite her best efforts, she can't claw it away. His left arm is gripping her left forearm. He is pressing down firmly, effectively cutting off her air supply.

"Stand back," Marcus says, desperate.

Chase raises his hands in surrender, "Let her go. Just let her go. Take me instead just please let her go."

Marcus scoffs, "You know I can't. We need her. She's going to be a part of this whether she wishes to or not."

"You know how dangerous it is to inject bionics so late in life. You could kill her," Chase warns.

Vi realizes she can't pry him off her with brute strength. She needs a weapon. They are close enough to the work table that is littered with different items that are within reach. Marcus's attention is fully on Chase, this is her one chance. Using her uninjured right hand, she grabs the first thing she touches, a pistol of some kind, and fires it on his elbow.

Instead of bullets, a beam of green energy is released and disconnects Marcus's right arm from his limb.

Vi pulls away from him and turns the gun on his once again. She fills her lungs with sweet air as she notices Marcus is not bleeding but there are wires are sticking out of his arm. She quickly deduces that Marcus is an android and shoots another energy beam at his chest. A gaping hole replaces the flesh once there. Wires fritz as Marcus is finally deactivated. He falls to the floor.

Vi freezes, the gun still pointed at where Marcus once stood. Despite Marcus not being alive, she still feels the guilt as if she killed someone. This is the most violent thing she has ever done and she barely gave it a thought. This scares her. The look on Marcus's face haunts her. His smirk still etched on his face. Amusement in his eyes as if he thought it funny she pointed a weapon at him; perhaps he thought she couldn't pull the trigger. A single eyebrow still lifted in disbelief that Vi had bested him.

"Vi?" Chase says, his voice soft.

She doesn't respond.

"Vi, it's okay. He's gone," he says, he inches closer to her as not to startle her.

She still doesn't move.

"You can put the weapon down now." He is close enough to lay a hand on her shoulder.

Her hand releases the gun and it clatters on the floor. Her hands are still poised upward at an invisible assailant. Chase cautiously touches her hand. She finally looks at him.

"Take my hand. You're alright. You're okay." He holds out his hand to her and she gladly takes it.

Finally, Vi bursts into tears and drops to her knees. Chase kneels beside her and gathers her weeping into his arms.

After a few minutes, she runs out of tears. She removes her face from Chase's shoulder to notice the blood coming from his nose.

"Oh god, you're bleeding," she manages to say through her sobs.

"I'm fine," he brushes some blood away. "How's your shoulder?"

"I think it's dislocated."

"I can fix that. I'm not gonna lie, this is going to hurt."

"Okay," she says turning so that her left shoulder is in front of him. His holds the injured limb between his hands.

"On the count of three. One... Two... Three." Chase quickly jerks the shoulder up and back into place.

Vi cries out from the sharp pain but soon it dulls into a throb. Chase holds her to him again, apologizing profusely.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he repeats.

"It's okay. I can move it now," Vi states.

"I was so worried," his voice cracks, "Oh god, you could've died. It would've been my fault."

"No, it would not have been." She turns to meet his eye. "Chase, you saved me. And, your heart is pounding."

His hands move to her cheeks and his fingers grasp her hair softly. "If anything happened to you, I don't know what I would've done. You're trembling." His brings her to him again.

The couple sits there for long moments of endless silence, glad to be alive. Glad that the other is okay. Glad to be held with no further words needed. Glad to be loved.

"Vi, I-" Chase starts.

"I know. Me too," Vi finishes.

The words don't need to be said because they already know.

This is when Adam, Bree, and Leo enter. they stayed behind to take care of a trap set up by Marcus. Utilizing all of they're strong suits they bested it in only eight minutes. They had stayed behind, Bree ready to super speed should they hear something go wrong, hoping their idiotic plan had worked out.

Bree is the first to speak, "Vi, Chase, what happened?"

"Are you alright?" Leo asks.

"Yeah," Chase says, "Marcus wanted to implant Vi with bionics but we stopped him. I should say Vi stopped him. Shot him with a laser gun from the work bench." He stands and helps her up.

Vi notices the expressions on their faces. While the relief that they are all alive is evident, there's a lingering look they give each other. It is almost a look of disappointment and fear.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were disappointed that he failed," she says.

"No, we're just horrified he wanted to do that," Adam says.

"Adam," Leo says, " I think we should tell her the truth."

He scoffs, "The one time I think of a good excuse."

"Vi," Bree takes a deep breath, "we're not from this dimension and neither are you."

"What're you talking about?" she asks in disbelief.

She continues, "Recently, have you noticed anything weird? A memory you can't tell if you dreamed up or not? Any deja vú?"

"What? No! No, I'm Viola Winters. I'm sixteen and I was born in Mission Creek to Nancy and Rod Winters. I've lived here all my life and went to Mission Creek High where I met you guys," Vi lists.

She doesn't want to believe it. Not when she has what her heart desires most. What her heart wished for in the dead of night is in front of her and she doesn't want to give it up. She has family in Adam, Bree, and Leo. People who think she matters and her word is important to the world because it's important to them. She has found love in Chase. Someone who sees all her strong suits and flaws but still thought she was worthy of it. His actions here has caused her to forgive his inaction at the lab earlier.

Yet, there's a tingle that's growing in the back of her head and she wants to suppress it. She wants to believe they are talking nonsense.


"That's all true where we come from too," Leo says, "But you met us earlier on which caused a lot of consequences."

"Like you and Chasde not being together," Bree continues.

Adam finishes, "Like you being bionic."

"No, I don't believe you."

This time, Chase is the one who speaks. Everyone turns their attention to his bloodshot swollen eyes leaking tears. He, too, does not wish their words to be true.

But unlike with Vi, he belongs to this universe, there is no lingering doubt, strange dreams he can almost remember, or deja vú prickling his spine. It is easy for him to deny.

"This is insane," he says.

"Vi, I'm sorry. But you gotta think hard. You were running from our dimension which led us here," Leo says.

She winces as she grabs her head. Chase calls her name but she cannot hear him. Instead, she experiences the hundred of stories they shared in another life.

All her forgotten dreams rush back into her memory.

Tears fall from her eyes as she recounts her real life. So same but so different. Little tiny choices that have shaped a whole life. Deciding to fake sick for a day off from school, and subsequently off from her now ex-boyfriend Max and the cheer squad, forced her to miss their first day. Otherwise she would have met them sooner. There are no big decisions, just a bunch of little ones that are more impactful than anyone could imagine.

"Oh my god. I remember," she says.

"I'm sorry, we just really wanna go home," Bree says.

"You're the only one who can take us," Adam says.

"I don't wanna go back."

Adam, Bree, and Leo all speak in unison, "What?"

"I like it here," she explains, "I'm normal again and I have Chase again." She takes his hand with her still sore left and squeezes it because he is real and flesh and loves her; in the moment that is enough for her.

"We'll figure out a better way. A way to get you home and have you stay with me," Chase says with a caress of her hair.

"Vi," Bree begins, "this isn't your Chase. This isn't the one you have all those memories with. This isn't the one your heart loves and I think you know that."

Leo is next to chime in, "You have to take responsibility for who you are and what you've done."

Vi wants to push aside what her friends are saying. That what they say are not true, not something she should adhere to. But this little guilt feeling at the back of her head won't let her. Vi remembers the promises she has made to herself. Promises born from experiences in her own dimension. That she would not be selfish, no longer be a coward in her ways, or to run from her problems. She's forgotten that when she decided to feel sorry for herself.

"Don't you guys understand?" Chase shouts, "We don't know if injecting her with bionics won't kill her! I can't lose her."

"Chase, it worked in our dimension why wouldn't it here?" Adam asks.

Her eyes flit to the device still lying on the table. She remembers the horror she experienced when she discovered she had been implanted with bionics. She barely had control over body but she never lost control of her mind. Even when it entrapped her inside of it as her body continued to reject the bionic chip, she outwitted her way out of the problems, she did what she had to because it was her duty to her friends.

"Every parallel universe has small differences, what if here it kills her?" Chase says.

How did she get here? To this fantastical telling of her life, where did all these adventures come from? Not just in this dimension but the one she truly belongs to. Here everything is safe and calm, as much as it can when surrounded by bionic teens. She reflects on her journey and realizes she actually does want to go back, more than simply accepting it is her responsibility. Here, she became the person she had already been in her true dimension but there held freedom and a story worth pursuing for it was her own. She can stall no longer, she must do what needs to be done.

"Chase, stop. I want to do it."

He looks at her incredulously, as if she had just signed her own death warrant, "Why?"

"I remember it now. All the answered what if's are in my head. The story ends sadly but, oh, what a beautiful journey. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Besides, I brought them here, it's my responsibility to bring them back."


"This is my decision," she says, "I'm sorry."

While she knows deep down that this is not her Chase, she still leans forward and embraces him. Her mind compares every curve and muscle of this Chase to her real one back home and finds it identical. However, her heart no longer speeds up or swells from being so close to him, from his smell, from the overall steadiness and warmth he gives everything. Her heart knows she belongs back home, the home that shaped her into who she was, the home that contained the Chase that made her it skip a beat.

"And I'm sorry for this to," she whispers into his ear, "I want you to do it."

He pulls away, "What? No-"

"I need you to be okay with this. To trust me enough to know this will all end okay. That it's for the best. That you love me," she says.


She places her thumb over his lips gently. She cups his face and feels the smoothness of his lips. While she knows she cannot and will not stay in this universe, she can't help but feel it has breathed new life into her. That she would never trade her experiences from that universe for these, she's grateful for them; for they make her stronger with or without bionics.

"In my life I never thought I'd get a second chance
I thought I was done - then I met you
And though I never dreamed I could learn how to love again
I placed my bet
And you came through
I somehow still lost
I somehow always do
This time feels new," she sings.

She removes her hand and turns to address the others as well as Chase. Her body is overcome with so much emotion she has trouble sorting it. There's anger at reality, her friends, and herself for putting her life on this path. There's gratefulness that she is so loved by the people surrounding her. An emotion absent is regret because she uses the mistakes of her parallel lives to better herself. For, no matter which existence she looks at, she always chooses Chase; he is the only person her heart has ever yearned for.

"Thank you for finding me
And thank you for the care
And screw you for making me think that this life might be fair
You promised to love me,
a promise you kept
And I won't be sorry that you said to leap and I leapt
I won't regret
What I did then
Though it hurts more than I
could imagine back when
All the same, even so
I would love you all over again."

She retreats into herself as questions pile up inside her. Why can't she just stay here, why does the world always ask so much of her? Why can't she send them back but continue on to another story? Each question she poses has an immediate answer, it isn't the right thing to do. Because no matter what path she chooses, she'll always end up here; the same person with the same boy.

"Am I always
Starting over?
In a brand new story
Am I always
Back at one
After all I've done?
'Cause I've burned all of my bridges
And learned every last lesson too
So how can I start new?
And I won't regret the lives I didn't lead
I knew you, I loved you,
and let that be all that I need
Say that it's fate
Say it's foretold
I'm through with fighting it
I'm much too old
What the gods have to give
I'll take, and I'll live, and be bold."

She searches to find her peace with her decision. She searches deep within herself to keep from being selfish and do the easy thing and keep running. She can keep whining about the fact that she has changed, as if it is a negative thing, or she can use this as a moment of personal growth. Change isn't necessarily a bad thing.

"If we're always
Starting over
Every brand-new morning
Then we're always
Starting out
With the end in doubt
We can leave life for tomorrow
Or grieve all that we thought we'd do
Or make each moment new."

In the chaos that is life and time, she knows she will make the same choice every time. She won't wallow on the bad and shut people out, believing no one can help and no one cares. She's surrounded by people who only want to help.

"All that has happened is happening now
All that might happen is here, somehow
All of the choices that made me, me
All of the accidents yet to be
All that's ahead
And all that's behind
It's all in the moment
I make up my mind
And open my heart
And start
And start"

Her eyes find the device once again and this time she heads for it. As her hand lands on it, Chase grabs her wrist to stop her. She pleads with him using her eyes to let her make this choice. That their love story may be over but the Viola that will appear in this dimension once she leaves will be a new story for him to begin anew with. And once she returns, she'll begin again with her Chase from her universe instead of the awful way she left their relationship.

'"Cause we're always
Starting over
Every life we're living
And we're always
Just awake
Every step we take
And my love, our life is over
But love, I'll make you one last vow
To start over
And over
And over somehow"

Understanding all she is saying, he relents his grip. He understands why she is doing what she is, that he cannot stop her for her willpower is to strong. She hands him the device and turns away, pushing her hair across her shoulder to expose the back of her neck. She knows he could and will do it.

"My new life starts right now!"

He whispers, "Ready?"

Unable to form any more words, she nods. She braces herself for the familiar pain. It's so harsh, it knocks her to her knees. It comes sharp and fast but she accepts the chip unlike last time when she rejected it.

"You okay?" Bree asks, helping her up.

"Yeah," she croaks.

She takes a deep breath and begins to shift and contort her hand. She thinks of her home, a place without song and dance, a place she fought alongside her friends, a place she ruined her relationship with Chase.

A red circle the size of a golf ball begins to form. Vi concentrates harder until it begins to grow. When it measures the length of her knees to her head does a thought pop into her head, making it stop growing and allow her to keep control.

What if's will drive you mad.

She allows Adam, Bree, and Leo through first knowing they probably can't stand another moment in this dimension. Leo never truly liked musicals.

Before she steps through it herself, she turns to Chase.

"Do you want to know our story where I come from?" she asks.

The tiniest of smiles appear on his face, "What ifs will drive you mad."

She rushes to him and kisses him. She activates her mental manipulation to transplant her memories to him. The way they met by her defending Leo, their first kiss after the particle collider mission, their first "I Love You", her breaking things off for their own good, and everything in between is shown to him in a matter of seconds.

Once she pulls away, he says, "I understand why you chose it instead."

"Goodbye." She turns away and faces the portal, "And hello."

I step through the portal.

Scene 8

I wake up in the same room I left in, wearing the same outfit. I'm lying on on the floor between Adam and Leo.

Before I can begin to lift myself off the floor, a blur attacks me and I flinch. After a second, I realize that Bree is giving me a hug.

I'm able to sit up despite her lock around my frame. Adam and Leo join in soon after causing confusion on my part. Were they just really grateful at my decision?

"So, don't take this the wrong way," I say, "love the hug, but why is it happening? Are you thankful for my choice of coming home with you?"

"No!" says Leo, "We remember everything from that universe. And I gotta ask why didn't you tell us?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Why didn't you tell us about all the pain you were holding inside? The awfulness you experienced even before you got the chip?" Adam asks with his big brown puppy dog eyes.

He seems genuinely hurt that I hadn't confided in him, as if I didn't trust them enough when nothing can be further from the truth.

"I don't know," I confess, "I guess I'm conditioned to hold everything in. The cheerleaders didn't care about the negative things I felt, my parents certainly didn't either. I knew I had friends like you before and I didn't wanna bother you with my problems."

This is at least partly right. There's something else lingering in my subconscious. A reasoning beyond a habit and not wanting to be a nuisance that I can't unlock no matter how hard I try; or how badly I want to for I wish for no more secrets in this moment. Apparently it is also a secret to me.

"You could never be a problem," Bree says.

Leo adds, "You're our best friend."

"And you guys are mine," I say. "But if you'll excuse me, there's something I have to do."

The others nod their heads in understanding as I stand and, feeling it will come in handy, grab the note on my nightstand; sticking it in my pocket. I hurry down to the lab my thoughts racing, trying to figure out how to express what's inside of me to Chase. I find myself yearning for a song that encapsulates the fact that I hate that he can't look me in the eye, how everything went down, and that I still love him deeply.

But life isn't a musical.

Life isn't a series of events with a nicely wrapped up ending, packages with a pretty bow on top. Life is a rollercoaster that can bring you thrills at times but scare you as well. It never goes to plan and when all hope is lost, you must dig deep into yourself and create more. So I'll go to Chase and I'll find the words myself using my head, my heart, and everything in between.

When I reach the lab, I notice Chase sits alone with his back to me, working on some kind of device I've never seen before while some nondescript music plays. My mouth runs dry, my heart speeds up, and I'm still at a loss for words. I believe I have a few moments to compose myself before I address him, but he beats me to it-

"What do you want?"

"I-um-I don't know," I say, my eyes flitting to my shoes.

"Well, while you figure it out, can you shut that radio off?" he asks.

I bite my lip, horrified at how this is going so far. Perhaps I should tell him all I've experienced in the alternate dimension and let them speak for themselves. Let them explain all I want.

Instead, I turn to the radio and as my hand reaches for the power button, a red energy pulse leaves my hand, sending sparks everywhere, one even hitting my hand, and the station changing.

I hiss and wince from the spark landing in my index finger. I suck on it and pull back, noticing its red color, swelling, and a blister already forming.

Chase, seemingly having noticed my pain, walks over to me. "Let me see it," he says.

I oblige, shocked at the tenderness of his touch. I surely thought he despised me by his reactions when I ended our relationship. I expected it, after all I had to break the poor boys heart. Yet, this? The loving touch and caring nature he still displays toward me is enough to leave me speechless but hopeful. Hopeful that I may salvage our relationship somehow.

"Standing here underneath your window
Searching for some kind of sign
Every move, every tiny gesture
Only proves you're not mine," a voice croons.
"I could write you a thousand love songs
Search the world for the perfect tune and rhyme
But what good would it do when it seems I'm out of time."

I finally acknowledge the music playing. I realize one of my bionic abilities had been activated, finding a song related to what was going through my mind. I knew I needed to use my head, heart, and everything in between but I never would've thought that meant the bionic chip in my neck. I finally decide not to choose what to do but have Chase pick. After I chose to break off our relationship, something I needed to do for me, he should select if he wants to understand what I've learned in the parallel universe every or not; if he wishes to hear me out and I know just how to phrase it.

"If I told you
All the words I've yet to say
Would they matter
Or would you simply turn and walk away
If I hold you
Will you tell me I should go
Do I chance it
Or would it just be better not to know."

"Looks like it's just a first degree burn, nothing too serious," he explains, "There should be some kind of ointment around here somewhere." He begins to search through some drawers but I stop him.

"Don't worry about that right now. First, I have to ask you something."

He seems to notice the seriousness in my tone, how important my question is.

"Do you ever wonder what our lives would've been like had we never met?" I ask.

He takes some time deliberating on his answer before saying, "No and I don't think it is worth it to dwell on the past. It distracts from now and the future, things that are happening right now and can be influenced by our choices."

"Who's that girl with the perfect future
Her reflection says it all
Trying hard to pretend she's eager
Searching for some way to stall
So unsure of the road she's chosen
Faced with feelings her heart should not allow
One thing's certain, it seems
That she just can't turn back now
If she can, tell her how."

I deflate at his response. At last I comprehend what Bree was trying to tell me, that this Chase standing in front of me and the Chase I left behind are different for they have different paths that shaped them. I will not tell him all that's happened to me and my journey in a parallel universe.

I will, however, show him the letter. Let him see into my frame of mind. How I'm feeling towards myself is mentioned and how I feel toward him, something that I indicate in my writing. I hand it to him and he immediately opens it.

"If I told you
All the words I've yet to say
Would they matter
Or would you simply turn and walk away
If I hold you (if I hold you)
Will you tell me I should go
Do I chance it
Or would it just be better not to know
Would it just be better...
Not to know."

It seems it is better not to know.

"Are you leaving?" he asks, seeming horrified at the thought.

"I did," I say, cryptically.

"What do you mean?" Confused is evident on Chase's face.

"You don't care about what if's so-" I trail off.

"I'm glad you come back, then."

"Me, too."

Maybe I will tell him about the trials and tribulations of my adventure through a parallel dimension. When he and, admittedly, me are ready to delve into it.

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