Call Me Dirty Minded

By RebelleMysteries

784K 31.6K 12.8K

Highest Rank #5 in Humour - Skye Einstein isn't your particular girl, even if she's the great grandchild of A... More

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1. Amazeberries
2. What to Do & What Not to Do (New Kid's List)
3. Mr. Goddess or Mr. God?
5. Ass Fetish
6. Paint Me Wet
7. Drool Over the Artist
8. Call My Family Eccentric
9. Ms. Coffee & Mr Delicious Italian Teacher
10. Perks of Showering Naked
11. Suffocate in Squeezes
12. Le Butt Clutcher
13. Wet White T'shirts
14. Dirty Brownies
15. Surprises
16. Erotic Morning Voices
17. She's Excited He's Not
18. Girls Know How to Control the Balls
19. Boys in Lingerie
20. The Dirty Girl Got Me Whipped
21. My Anaconda Don't!
22. The Definition of a Real Man
23. Naughty Boys Always Have to Pay
24. Lights? Nah, Cookies and Batman!
25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy
26. Sleeping Doritos
27. Beauty or the Beast
28. The Heart of Life
29. That is Zit!
30. The Fallen Angel
31. Kiss Me Slowly
32. Hello Badboy Bestfriend Awkward Hello Mr Goddess
33. You Chose the Right One
34. Cookie Thief
35. Borrowed Undies & A Road Trip
36. Dying a Virgin
37. F*ckbewb
38. C'est La Vie
39. Wicked Wolf and Little Red
40. Skye's Delicious Addiction
41. Soaked Mattresses & Mistresses
42. Entire Student Body Eating His Baked Goodies
43. Moans of Ecstasy
44. Hitting Hard Balls
45. Purchasing Diks & Dikheads
46. Upgraded Biters//Reduced Balls
47. Shrek is Loved in Cumberland
48. Wet Dreams
49. Goldilocks
50. Slipped Inside
51. Hits Runs & Regrets
52. Underneath the Erotic Fabrication Called Dustin
53. Dustin's Bulge
54. The Absent Truth
55. Dr Penny Trait
56. Buttered Her Muffin
57. Tattooed Heads
58. Twiddling Lips
59. Jiggling and Giggling
60. Oral Presentation
61. Period.
62. Fuzzy Holes
63. Jace Daddy
64. How to Cure a Hang Over

4. Hit My Humerous

25.5K 951 735
By RebelleMysteries

Chapter 4

Hit My Humerous


"You know hun... you need professional help, gosh that whole period of lovely astronomy and learning, and yet... all you did was laugh! I mean was there even anything funny in astronomy?" Brooklyn mumbled as we scrambled to get to our next class.

"Pssh are you serious? Didn't you hear what she was saying? It was soo wrong" I started giggling remembering what our previous teacher said.

"Yes, the planets, haha so funny." Giving one of her famous fake laughs.

"Nooo! Come on, what she was saying is so dirty! Didn't you hear how it sounded?"

"Enlighten me with her dirty words Ms. Einstein" Quoting her words with her fingers.

I squint my eyes trying to remember the exact words.

"She said something on the lines of, this hole is too big, the black hole is able to suck up anything! It is large, and has the ability to suck in tens of thousands of planets!" I slightly shouted emphasizing the point.

She looked at me with one of her 'I don't get you' stares.

"Are you serious? You don't get it" I face palmed my self-staring her down in disbelief.

"A black hole sucking up planets? Yep sounds so dirty hun" She swerved through the crowd effortlessly, since she was small and all. Lucky girl, and here I was just getting shoved by the second.

I growled, "Come on! It can suck up anything? The black hole sounds like a total hoe to me, if you get what I mean, bit saggy around the edges too." I nudged her with a little wink while her eyes widen to my words.

"Ohhhh, Sh*t I'm slow" She continued walking while suddenly her eyes bulged stopping her in her tracks.

I turned to see her view only to find Mr. Goddess, or God? Either one.

I silently chuckled trying to keep my head down so he didn't notice me. I haven't seen him since our window conversation. He kind of left suddenly when he was mid-sentence of his name, due to some text. A little too mysterious if you ask me, I mean really... not even a name? Just spare a few seconds for a name?

I glance back at Brooklyn with her dumbfounded face of his pure hotness, I don't blame her, he really was dreamy. Which makes me wonder... does he have a girlfriend? Heh, most likely. I sighed chewing my bottom lip.

Brook turned to me, "I can't believe you live next to that creature! He's just mm, so biteable. I could eat right thro-"

"Okay okay! Brook, I get you're point." I said chuckling while heading into our next class.

"You need something to calm those hormones girly." I wink sitting down on my usual side middle seat near the gorgeous window with the view of a dead tree.

"Oh please, we all know that you are the dirtiest minded person who ever lived, so don't get your panties in a notch"

She threw a gum in her mouth, chewing in rhythm as she curled her gold locks with her index finger. She was hot, classified as #1 on the look rail. She made me look like a goose beside her with her luscious golden hair, oversized D breasts and ocean metallic blue eyes. She may have been pale but it highlighted with her features making me envy. Mr. Goddess would jump on her within a second of first look. Oh Einstein, why can't you put more effort in your looks? Maybe you would've had your first kiss by now.

I take out my little mirror flipping it open, checking if I look at least a little human, even a little appealing? I check, seeing my light black eyeliner blend in with my mascara and eyelashes. Probably the only gifted thing I've received in birth was long eyelashes, no need to curl or use an overload of mascara.

I glance seeing my honey golden hair in a messy wavy high ponytail with an aqua ribbon on top, matching my aqua top. I didn't look so dead I guess, oh god what's that! A cut? A long cut starting from the corner of my chin down to the side of my neck. When did that happen? I rub my finger against the scar line on my tan skin. How the hell-

"Skye. Skye. Skye. New kid is here. Here, alert. 7' O clock Skye, Wakey!" Brooklyn repeatedly mumbled while she nudged me around 5 times, girl's got a bony elbow, ouch.

I looked up seeing Mr. Goddess come out in a smooth walk, mid-way laughing with some new friends. Eyeing his every move, he ran his fingers through his hair. My jaw dropped open; that was such an adage yet wow moment. Like when Bella comes in the room and her wind gushes away from the fan and Edward covers his mouth as if she smelt real bad but couldn't resist the blood which makes you go "Ohhh, bad acting". Well it was just like that, except it was a guy who was purely yum. I was imagining him taking off that white long-sleeved shirt, while he was running his fingers down his chest and smothering oil-

"Ahem, Ms Amazeberries... you there?" I snap out of my imaginary fantasy with Mr. Goddess's face smirking at me, in the seat in front turned.

"Y-y-yeah, yah know... just thinking about biology. What I have to study and all" I stuttered trying to cover up that I was ever checking him out.

He smiled with his dimple chin. He needs to cover that up if he doesn't want a girl drooling, in fact use a paper bag for his whole head. Then that will prevent me. No actually, paper bag his whole body. Now that will preve- no no, don't talk either, yes. Cover it all up then I am able to contain my hormones.

Mm *mentally licks lips* you are just so fine. He looked by me and turned to Brooklyn whom has been fanning herself to calm down. She abruptly straightened her posture and gives her full lip smile, batting her eyelashes.

"I'm Brooklyn, 17, nearly Size E boobs, work at hooters occasionally, spend very late nights and enjoy tight clothing. And you are?"

My jaw just hit my thigh, wow. She has an overload of confidence; I think that just knocked my ribbon off. This why I cannot compete... back to goose image. I looked down at my singlet with my navy blue sports bra, normal bras are uncomfortable as. I sigh seeing the regular C breasts. What is that? Nothing.

I glanced back up to see Mr. Goddess's expression but his face didn't change from his previous countenance. Not a smirk, not a smile of 'I'm about to devour you' or anything, he just simply nodded. I guess I felt slightly relieved? I mean, does that mean her enchantment spell didn't work on him? I crossed my fingers.

He was about to answer her question of who he was, mid-way in saying "I'm-" but then the teacher came in, lovely.

"I'm Mr Sack and I'll be your teacher for history." He gave a large smile showing his teeth.

Hold your laughter Einstein, hold it! Come on, don't think of Mr Sack, don't you dare. Listen to your conscious or to yourself talking, don't laugh. Don't laugh, do not, even though his head is largely bald and mega mind style, do not laugh, due to the fact that both ears are largely enormous, do not laugh, just because he is wearing crocs, do not laugh Einstein, do not laugh at Mr Sack.

But of course my bitter sweet side who took in everything wrong and saw things how they are truly meant to be, bursted out with me laughing out loud. I couldn't control it, nor stop; I went from my machine gun laugh, to the evil master to mute and clapping like a seal. I couldn't help myself, and fell down with a bump on the table right on the pebble area, ouch. But yet that still didn't stop me. I glimpse up seeing the whole class stare down at me, but it still didn't stop me.

This laugh was friggen contagious; Brooklyn started joining in with me and before I knew it, both of us were on the floor rolling around like piggies in mud. She suddenly snorted which made me laugh even more; I felt tears pour down my eyes.

I looked up clutching my stomach dead in tears, having the perfect view of the ceiling and heads, and then there was Mr Sack. Oh Mr Sack, that mono brow needs a shave.

I sat up trying to slow my heart rate and potential laughing of my amazeberries machine gun; I wiped away a tear and smiled brightly at Mr Sack. At the side of Mr Sack was Mr. Goddess, he smiled with his dimple chin, in an edge of trying not to laugh.

"Heh, I'm funny." I raised an eyebrow with a cocky smile, oh yeah... I made him smile.

"Miss Einstein and Miss Reese, what has caused you to jump about like wild piranhas? In fact, Miss Einstein you have started this, what has brought you into a fit of laughter?" Mr Sack cocked an eyebrow, which brought his whole mono brow in some slippery dip. Contain your laughter, this time Einstein.

I gave one of my 'my bad' smiles and stood up, dusting imaginary dirt off my worn out jeans.

"Ahem, sorry Mr Sa.... Sir, I saw a penny on the floor and fell down to pick it up but then hit my funny bone which caused me to laugh... yah know, the humorous? Get it?" I smiled widely, tooth paste commercial style. Dry Einstein, dry ass joke. Luckily for me, Mr Sack fell for the excuse and nodded walking back his nearly broken desk.

I heavily sighed sitting back down, blowing away a piece of hair in front of my eyes. Not embarrassing at all. I chewed my bottom lip and glanced to the side seeing Brooklyn trying to cover her red face of previous laughing with powder, aha... wow.

I look in front and see Mr. Goddess writing something down, hmm I wonder. I open my book and start doodling water bottles; I don't know why... just felt like drawing water bottles. Add a little lid, a label, and then another with water spilling out of it, shading the water.

"Psssh... Skye." I glance up seeing Mr. Goddess fiddling with a piece of paper trying to pass it backwards to me. I chuckled taking the sheet. I opened it with bubbly blue writing, quite neat for a guy.

Nice laugh Ms. Amazeberries, I must say, you are quite the entertainer in class. But you still owe me a tour in my room; after all... cookies are in there -Mr. Goddess

I laughed silently over the fact he used Mr Goddess as his name. I smiled writing a reply... this guy is making me feel over the moon already. Like that cow that jumps over it in that riddle. I pass it back over with the response in my partly fancy writing.

Hmm, maybe I do? Maybe I don't... but then again, who's counting? Oooh cookies? I'm in, as long as I see more than a pack, and maybe... a name -Ms. Amazeberries

I was curious like crazy, I wanted to know! As well as have cookies. A few seconds later I received the note and smiled straight away.

Very well Ms Amazeberries, and its Dustin -Mr Goddess

We continued passing notes all through class, didn't get caught once. Mr Sack was too distracted on his philosophy on why Darwin's theory is incorrect even though that was a science topic, differing away from geography by far. Oh Mr Sack how your face holds so much staid seriousness. May I bring a pair of tweezers for that brow tomorrow? It's quite distracting.

But back to Dustin, grr... my minney mouse panties just dropped from that name. We continued our conversations on the many wasted school pages discussing husky dogs, then paint, then when the world would end to our favourite food, and where would we like to travel to where we've been around the world. Unfortunately, for me? I've been here, and here. We came across a lot of topics in a 75 minute lesson, and damn... he is extremely engaging.

Mm that back, I stared at every time I'd wait for the note back. So muscular...


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