Disrespectful [Completed]

By Baddie_Angel

220K 7.1K 808

This story is about a girl name Lyric who lost her mother "Melody" at the age of five in a car accident. As L... More

We Meet Part 1
We Meet Agian Part 2
One more day left
Today's the Day
Todays the Day Part 2
Missing You
Kiss and Tell
Not Telling
I Shall Listen You Shall Beg
Taking it Slow
Family Time
Old Meets New
Lyric-1 Helen-0
I reached my Goal
What I Have Been Waiting For
Its Official
She is What
His Birthday
Valentin's Day
Meeting the Family
Meeting The Family Part2
Her Birthday
It Can't Be
Short Chapters
Why Me
The Truth
He's Back
You Ready Part 1
The Day After
Founding Out
Guys I need help
New People Part1
New People Part3
The Race
Neverson Get Together
I Want You Part1
I Want You Part2
Going on Tour
Roc A Wear
How Do You Know Her
Are You the Father
The Kiss
Author's Note Note A Chapter
The Meeting
The Box
What He Did
She's Mine
Starting Over
Making it up
Making it up Part2
The Last Time
Got to Get Her Back
What's Coming Up
Im Gonna Miss You
The Answer
The Answer Part 2
Derwin and Helen
Making Time
The Propsal
His Father
Letting Go part2
Author's Note
New Book A/N
Finding the Truth
It's Gonna Be Alright
New Love
Engangment Party
Sequel is Coming
Sequel is up

New People Part2

2.2K 92 15
By Baddie_Angel

Lyric's POV

I got to the restaurant call Dante & Luigi's and walk inside. I went to the lady that was standing at the podium. She led me to the table that Derwin was sitting at. He look so sexy in his tux. He look up and smile.

Derwin: Wow Lyric you look breathe taking.

Lyric: Thank You. You look very handsome yourself.

Derwin: Thank you. He pull out my seat and I sat down. He sat back down in his seat. A waitress came to our table and ask our drinks.

Lyric: Can I get a glass of wine.

Derwin: Can I get cranberry juice.

She left with to go get our drinks.

Lyric: You don't drink.

Derwin: Not really.

Lyric: How come if you don't mind me asking.

Derwin: I just don't. My father was an alcoholic and he died from it when I was ten.

Lyric: I'm sorry. Were you guys close.

Derwin: Yea he taught me how to play football.

Lyric: Really how long you been playing.

Derwin: Since I was five.

Lyric: Well I guess it paid off now you playing with the big boys.

We both laugh.

Derwin: I guess so. You play any sports.

Lyric: I play basketball,soccer, swimming,and track growing up.

Derwin: Wow. I bet you can't run faster then me.

Lyric: What I bet I can.

Derwin: I bet twenty dollars you can't.

Lyric: Alright you on. Just tell me when and where.

Derwin: Saturday at the field.

Lyric: Get ready have your money taken.

Derwin: Same back to you.

We both laugh and smile. The waitress came back with our drinks. I took a sip of my wine and let it run through my body. God it felt so good.

Derwin: You know what you ordering.

Lyric: I wish if I could speak Italian.

Derwin: Let me help.

Lyric: You know how to speak Italian.

Derwin: Yea a little. He said Kanye shrugging.

Lyric: Really Kanye shrug.

Derwin: Yes really. What you feel like eating.

Lyric: What's good.

Derwin: You he mumble.

Lyric: What did you say. I said smiling cause I heard him.

Derwin: I said pasta.

Lyric: Nice cover up.

We laugh and he move next to me and put his arm around me. We look over the menu. Derwin got the Fettuccini Alfredo with Egg pasta with a creamy Alfredo cheese sauce and I got Baked Lasagna Homemade with wide noodles layered with a mixture of meats & cheeses, topped with Italian Gravy. We order our food.

Derwin: So what you like to do on your off time.

Lyric: I like to dance,run, cook, and look at cars.

Derwin: You can cook.

Lyric: I don't cook I throw down.

Derwin: What you cook ma.

Lyric: What you wanna eat.

He just start laughing. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

Lyric: You nasty.

Derwin: You took it there.

Lyric: No you took it there.

We just start busting out laughing. We have a lot in common. Our food came and it was delicious. I want to get another plate and take it home. I'm such a fat ass.

Derwin: You like the food.

Lyric: Yes it's the bomb.

Derwin: Really who says that anymore.

Lyric: I do and what you gonna do about it.

Derwin: Nothing.

Lyric: If you don't mind me asking can I taste your Alfredo.

Derwin: Yea sure. I took my fork and put some food on it. I put my and under so it wouldn't drop. I eat it my face was relive it taste so good.

Derwin: You like it.

Lyric: Yea I should of got it.

Derwin: I can get another one for you if you want.

Lyric: What you trying say.

Derwin: Nothing I'm just saying all that meat goes to that ass you got.

Lyric: Shut up big head.

Derwin: It's not big its just that I got a big brain.

Lyric: Yea whatever. My phone start to ring. It was Trey. I didn't answer I put my phone down on the table. I look back up at Derwin and smile.

Derwin: Everything good with you and your boyfriend.

Lyric: How did you know it was him.

Derwin: I saw the look on your face.

Lyric: Yea.

Derwin: Are y'all good cause when you answer the phone you sound it upset.

Lyric: We have been together for two years now. It's just that he had a past girlfriends that keep popping up everywhere and sometimes I wish they would just die. His career is blowing up right now and he has women being thrown at him left and right. He cheat on me because we had an argument. He is not the man I fell in love with. So today when I went the coffee shop. It took me too long so he decide to call up his boys invite them to My house and mess up the place and have hoes sitting around all on him. He got drunk and call me a bitch. I just don't know what's wrong with him lately. It doesn't help any more that he is Trey Songz.

Derwin: Your dating Trey Songz.

Lyric: Unfortunately yes.

Derwin: Do you love him.

Lyric: Yes he's just been acting like a(gco) my phone starts to ring. I pick up my phone it was Trey. I ignore it and put back down. I took another drink of my wine I ended up finishing my glass.

Derwin: Don't get tipsy on me now.

Lyric: Sorry I'm just he's just ugggggg. We have such a bipolar relationship.

Derwin: Are you ok? We can go sit at the park if you want it's around the corner.

Lyric: I would like that.

The waitress comes back with the check and Derwin and I both reach for it. We look up and smile. I blush hard and felt myself get hot.

Derwin: Let me pay.

Lyric: No you sat here and listen to my bipolar relationship let me pay.

Derwin: Let me pay and I'll let you pay next time.

Lyric: How do you know there will be a next time.

Derwin: I can read minds.

Lyric: You such weirdo.

Derwin paid the check and we left. We start walking to the park. It was chili a little tonight. We sat down on the bench. I look up at the stars they were glowing. Derwin put his arm around I put my head on his shoulder. I shut my eyes for while and ended up falling asleep. I really like Derwin but I can't cause I'm dating Trey. Ugggggg this is going to be hard.

What do y'all want to happen in the next chapter.

Should Lyric continue to like Derwin?

Should she break it off with him?

How is Trey gonna feel when he finds out about Derwin?

Should Trey change?

Sorry for the errors.


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