Book I: I'll Be Your Melody

By akosilita31

17.5K 517 510

A whirlwind romance need to be strong to make up for the time it skipped. More

Spilled Coffee
Call Me
Maybe Someday
One Hello
Its A Date
What's and Why's
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: When Music Plays
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Just Because
Just Because Part 2

Chapter 18

292 11 6
By akosilita31

Flashback six years ago


I grin as I park my car, it's my first time driving my own car. My Dad finally relent to my constant request to him to let me drive my car and go out alone.

I am the youngest in the family, I have one older brother who adores me to the moon. My parents treats me like I am a princess, well especially my Dad. He loves calling me Princess. My life is perfect, except I never had a boyfriend.

As I roam around the mall, my phone rings. Without looking I know who's calling.

"Yes Dad, I made it out alive!" I said to my Dad as soon as I answer the phone. I was busy pacifying my overly protective father when I didn't notice the guy coming towards me, before any of us can react we collided on to each other.

I almost drop my phone, luckily his reflexes is fast he was able to catch my phone before it fell down.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" he said to me as he hand me my phone.

"Dad, I'm fine I'll call you later." I said the same thing to the guy and apologize. We said goodbye and went our own way.

He's cute, maybe I should have asked his name. I giggled to myself as I walk away.

A few hours after and a few shopping bags, I decided to rest and have coffee. I was about to open the door when someone beat me to it. Its him.

We had coffee, exchange numbers. We talk on the phone everday, went on dates, and after a few months of going out. We officially became a couple.

The first few weeks were amazing, he's attentive. He always pick me up at the office. I am working in our family business. My Dad is one of the prominent business man in the country. A lot of people know him, so I wasn't surprised when my boyfriend knows him as well.

A couple of months of us being together, my boyfriend wants me to introduce him to my family. I was hesitant because I know how protective my Dad is, coz to him I'm always his little baby girl. I told him I need time.

The calls and the date somehow lessen. Whenever I call him, he's always in a meeting. I was already thinking the worst, but he would always turn up, sweet and caring.

I mustered the courage to tell my Dad about him. He asked my boyfriend's name. I was surprised when my Dad recognized him too, apparently Dad knows his family.

After a few days, my Dad told me that he wants my boyfriend to have dinner with us. I was ecstatic. I wanted them to meet so bad, I wanted my Dad to like him. My boyfriend was happy as well when I told him they my Dad wants to meet him.

We went out for dinner, my Mom and Dad with my brother and me and my boyfriend. Everything was going smooth, until I saw my Dad ask his driver to hand him something.

"So, how are you going to use my daughter to make me save your company? Marry her?" my Dad asked him casually.

"I don't know what you mean Sir." my boyfriend answered Dad nervously.

I feel so low at the moment, why is my Dad acting like that. Is it so hard to understand that someone aside from my family loves me?

"Then who is this?" my Dad said throwing some pictures at the table. None of us move, I saw my brother pick up one of the picture. I bravely let my self look at it. There are pictures of him with a girl with his arms on her shoulder and walking hand in hand with her. I didn't look at the rest of it.

I saw from the corner of my eye that my brother stood up, probably wanted to punch him, but Dad told him to sit down. My Mom was silent the entire time.

"Dad I know her, that's one of his close friends, I met her. Please stop this." I said to my Dad with pleading eyes.

"Stay away from my daughter and I will help your company." Dad said to him.

I was expecting him to say that he will not do that and that he loves me. Instead he said, he's leaving and thank my parents for the dinner. He stood up and started to walk away.

"Why are you like this Dad?" I screamed at him.

"Amethyst!" my Mom said, finally speaking up.

"No Mom! Dad is too much! Im old enough to decide for my self. I hate you Dad!" I said to him while crying.

I run out of the restaurant to follow my boyfriend. I heard Mom and my brother calling me. I don't care anymore. Dad went over the line, I hate him.

I saw my boyfriend, accross the street getting into his car. I tried to cross the road but there are too many cars and I am not use to crossing the streets. I hesitated, but when I saw him starting to drive away, I bravely cross the street. That's when I saw that blinding light coming towards me. I stare at it, expecting it to hit me soon. I felt someone push me.

I heard car screeching, there was a loud bang, I turn around as soon as I get up and then I saw my Mom. She's lying on the street, blood all over her. I screamed and cry as I run to her.

I saw my Dad and my brother running towards Mom as well. I tried to touch her but Dad pushed me away, and for the first time in my life, I saw hatred in my Dad's eyes. I look at my brother, I saw the same hatred. I feel everyone's hatred on me, including my self.

Mom died on the way to the hospital. Dad cried so hard, I wanted to hug him. I wanted them to tell me its a dream. This is not happening. I wanted my happy family back.

"Dad, I'm sorry!" I said to him crying. He walk towards me, and he slapped me. I touched my cheek, while looking at him.

"This is all your fault. You're mother died because of you!" he said to me. He would have hit me again if not for my brother. My brother told me to go home.

That day that Mom died, I lost a mother, a father and a brother. I killed my Mom, I ruined our family.

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