Reincarnation - Sequel (Percy...

By itsthewhitepegasus

15.8K 343 141

So this is the sequel to the first story that I wrote. Percy Jackson has defeated Gaea, but more surprises ar... More

1: I give my dad a Heart Attack
2: Sleepover
3: I get an awesome car
4: We're Demigods?!
5: The School Dance
6: Welcome To Camp Half-Blood
7: The Prank
8: The Prophecy
9: Where are the Gods?!
10: The First Quest
11: I Got My Leo Back
12: I'm breaking up with you...
14: Let's Go Kick Our Fears' Butts
Titles, what does that mean? - VIA/N

13: So What's Up With Camp?

1K 23 10
By itsthewhitepegasus

Leo’s PoV:

Oh. My. Gods. I mean, really why do they hate me so much? I’m talking about this huge beast in front of me. I had just gotten Calypso back, and back, BOOM! There’s a huge sea monster.

“Its name is Καταστροφέας, meaning Destroyer,” Calypso warned. “He’s supposed to guard the island!”

“Got that!” I yelled back as the large monster slammed its tail onto the deck. It looked like a snake, with dull blue scales, and on its back it had bright green fins. Its beady black eyes targeted me. I tried to through fireballs at it, but they just rolled off its scales, not even harming him. It seemed to only make him angrier.

“Help!!” I yelped as I jumped next to Calypso. She started singing some sort of lullaby in Greek. Suddenly I felt really sleepy… yes… maybe I should take a nap on the floor…

“Leo! Wake up!” Calypso snapped. I shook my head. She had used magic to put the snake to sleep. Its head was lolling from side to side, half-awake.

“What are you going to do?!?” she whisper-shouted. I remembered one of the stories that Thalia had told us at Campfire before we left on the quest. It had been about Percy had defeated the Nemean Lion by targeting its mouth. Suddenly there was a ‘Bang!’ by my left side. I shot up, surprised. Apparently the snake had been asleep long. He glared at me, and those eyes said: ‘I want to kill you.’ I shivered. I shot another fireball at its eyes, and he roared in indignation. I got my chance. Summoning all the power that I had left, I created the biggest fireball I could manage, and shot it straight at its open mouth. Suddenly the world started to sway. I had used too much power. The ground was coming towards me at a very fast pace. Someone turned me over and I stared at the girl above me. Her mouth was moving, but I couldn’t hear anything. Then, slowly, cold blackness came over me.

§ § § § § § § § § §

Percy’s PoV:

No, she did not just say that.

Percy, I’m breaking up with you.

No, this isn’t happening.

Percy, I’m breaking up with you.

No, no, Annabeth, please no….

Percy I’m breaking up with you.

Those words had been echoing inside my mind. The same words that had just came out of Annabeth’s mouth just minutes ago. I had stared at her in disbelief, as she had openly sobbed. Her hands covered her face, and heart-broken sobs racked her body. Suddenly, my whole world came crashing down. I pinched my self. Nothing. Then I slapped myself. Nothing. This was not some stupid dream. No, no, no, this can’t be happening. No, just no. I’m not going to live, knowing that Annabeth broke up with me. I don’t want to have any other girlfriend then her. I loved her, gods I loved her so much.

“No.” I said forcefully.

“W-what?” she gulped.

“No, I’m not going to break up with you.”

“Percy, please…”

“No, Annabeth, I’m not going to go on without you,” I sat up on her bed, putting my arm around her shoulders, and pulling her into my lap. “Gods, Annabeth, I love you SO. F******. MUCH.”

She stared at me in disbelief. I never cuss. I’m serious; this is probably my first time saying the f-word.

“Annabeth, I’m not going to let you get away from me that easily. Why in Hades’s name did I fall into Tartarus? Why did I give up immortality? Why am I still sitting here instead of finding a new girlfriend? You honestly think I’m going to just going to walk out on you right now? For the gods’ sake if I did that then I wouldn’t love you. I know exactly what you’re doing. But, you’re not Hazel Grace Lancaster. And, I’m not Augustus Waters. Annabeth Chase, you realize that trying to keep your distance from me will not, ever, lessen my affection for you.” I said, quoting her favorite book.

“I guess?” she sniffled.

“All efforts to save me from you will fail. Annabeth, you can’t just… un-love someone or something. I’m going to be with you forever, I want to be.” I sighed deeply. I was reaching the part that I was most anxious to talk about. “ Now, I don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore.”

She sobbed again, and looked me in the eye. I could see the emotional pain she was going through. Here goes. I gently pushed her off my lap, and kneeled in front of her bed.

“I’ve been meaning to ask this for some time, but I just didn’t know how.” I took out a velvet blue box from my pocket. I opened it, holding the celestial bronze ring in front of her. It had a glittering emerald cut in a diamond shape on it. When she saw what I was doing, she sobbed even harder, but I could see her smiling.

“So, Annabeth Chase, will you marry me?”

§ § § § § § § § § §

Leo’s PoV:

When I woke up, I was in the infirmary at camp. I groaned, and rolled over. Calypso was sitting in a chair by my bedside.

“Ugh. What happened?” I asked as I sipped on some nectar.

“Well, you took too much of your energy, and blacked out. I listened to the bronze dragon on the ship, and he did everything. He even landed the ship! So here we are,” she finished.

“Ah, well. The mighty Valdez makes his return,” I grinned. Suddenly the rest of the seven stormed in.

“Leo Valdez, don’t you dare do that ever again. Do you know how scared we were! We thought we had lost you or something!!” Piper scolded. Percy was grinning like crazy, and so was Annabeth.

“Ok, ok, I’m fine now,” I said, sitting up. “So what’s up with camp?”

That was when something on Annabeth’s finger caught the light. I looked closer and saw a ring. A ring. Oh my gods. Everyone saw were I was staring at. Percy and Annabeth blushed, and Piper giggled. Jason answered my un-asked question.

“Percy and Annabeth are engaged.”



So, are you forgiving me now? PERCABETH IS ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! I love Percabeth *sigh* So, on with the story. I felt like I owe you guys a longer one since I'm leaving to the countryside for a few days. There's no wifi, so I can't update. So there's a long one for you guys!!


Peace out 

§ Melanie § 

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