9: Where are the Gods?!

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Percy’s PoV:

Sunlight streamed through the windows in cabin 3. I could feel the warmth of the sun, as it’s rays landed on me. I slowly opened my eyes, to my cabin. Gods, I had missed this place. A whole school year, and I hadn’t been to camp once. How had I survived? I groaned and turned over, to block the sunlight.

“WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!!!!” yelled the voice of my beautiful girlfriend.


“Percy, I swear I will wake you up myself if you don’t wake up now.”


“Percy, we have a prophecy to take care of!”

Yesterday, Rachel had given us a new prophecy. The joy. I hate prophecies. Mostly, they just get you killed. Sad? Yes, but it’s my life.

“And besides. I was at Olympus this morning, and…”

“Hold on,” I said pushing myself up, suddenly self-conscious of my shirtless state. “You were at Olympus, this morning? What time is it?”

“Oh, eleven thirty,” she answered.

“YOU MEAN THAT I DIDN’T GET BREAKFAST???!!!!!!” I yelled, shocked. I love breakfast. Do not tell me that I missed breakfast. The only two people who can do this, and not die, are my mom and Annabeth.

“Yes, seaweed brain, you missed breakfast, Now as I was saying…” I turned around, and fell back on the bed, smashing my head in to my pillow, and groaning. I felt a weight land right next to me. Annabeth.

“Percy, just because you missed breakfast, doesn’t mean the world is over. I have more pressing news, that I’m pretty sure is more important than breakfast.

“What could be more important than pancakes?” I said, my voice muffled by the pillow.

“I went to Olympus to fix one of Aphrodite’s statues, and I looked around, but there was no one there,” she said, sounding really scared.

“Wait, what?”

“Percy, Olympus is deserted.”

§ § § § § § § § § §

Me, and the rest of the seven, were chosen to go to Olympus to figure out what the heck was going on.

“600th floor please, and don’t you dare tell me that there is no 600th floor,” Annabeth demanded. The receptionist, who was obviously new, had brown eyes, and matching hair.

“Well, feisty aren’t you. I like girls like you,” he winked at her. I pushed forwards, and slammed my hands on his desk.

“Stop flirting with my girlfriend, give us the card, and stop listening to music, or else I’ll tell your boss that you’re not fully concentrating on your job,” I said, grinding my teeth together. The guy looked really scared of me. He quickly gave me card and I stormed off to the elevator. Leo gave me a thumb up, and mouthed ‘good one,’ Frank, Hazel and Jason looked amused, while Piper was whispering about this ‘Percabeth’ thing. Annabeth shook her head, and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes, and inserted the card into the slot in the elevator. Gods, jealousy had gotten me good. Also, I really needed to talk to Apollo about the music in the elevator. We stepped out, and Piper, Hazel, Jason, Frank, and Leo breathed out a ‘Wow.’ Olympus was extremely beautiful, even if it still wasn’t completely finished. Annabeth was still working on that. But there was one problem; there wasn’t a single person there. We all walked slowly to the throne room. My dad was in the middle, his arms crossed, glaring at the thrones of the gods.

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